MATERIALITY Medieval Conflicts and their Remains Dr. phil. Heinrich Speich MAS Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies Room G02, Fr. 04.11.2022 2 Content 04.11.2022 1. Discussion on : Stollberg-Rilinger, Macht und Dinge. Olsen, In Defense of Things. Johannesson/Machicek, War and Peace. 2. individual project and reading plan Reading: Schramm, Herrschaftszeichen. Moździoch, Consensus, etc. Further session: Fr. 09.12.2022 Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 3 1. Positions Bjørnar Olsen, In defense of things, Altamira Press, Langham 2013. Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 4 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 3) …material culture and landscapes are sites of «inscription», metaphorical «stand-ins» that always represtent something else and more importantly: the «social», the «cultural», the «political,» and so forthall implicitly conceived of as extramaterial entities… Are there categories of materiality for itself at all ? Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 5 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 7) …somatic theory, somatic turn… Are there categories of materiality outside human bodies that influence the world ? Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 6 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 12) … poststructuralism and actor-network theory… …Do they help us to come to grips with how things relate to us, and can they help in explaining the sad fate of things in our talkative discourses? … Is the Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) a relevant theory? Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 7 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 25) …processualists or «new» archaeologists who were concerned with explaining things’ functional, technological, and adaptive importance… …postprocessualists struggling to interpret their social and cultural meaning… Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 8 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 69) …Our everyday dealing with things (Umgang) relates to a mode of being that is ontologically fundamental and prior to any conscious (detached) cognition of the world»… (Heidegger) … In this state, we do not «see» the thing but are practically and skillfully involved with it. (…) Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 9 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 108) …At every moment the materials of the world confront us with a great patchwork of coexisting temproal horizons that create networks and connections between different times, different pasts.» Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 10 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 135) …All material expressions, art objects included, are rather about doing, and we schold be concerned with ‘exploring the domain in which objects merge with people’. (Gell 1998) Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 11 1. Positions Olsen, In Defense of Things (S. 138) …ANT. (Latour 1986) Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 12 1. Positions Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 13 1. Positions Christina Antenhofer, Die Familienkiste. Mensch-Objekt-Beziehungen im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance, 2 vol., Ostfildern 2022. Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 14 1. Positions Renata Ago, The Gusto for things. A History of Objects in SeventeenthCentury Rome, University of Chicago Press 2013 (1st ed. 2006). Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 15 Chapter planning Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 1. Basic structure of the work/book 2. Research-questions concerning materiality: - Own chapter or integration ? - Internal structure of the chapter ? 3. Title and content development 4. Verification process 16 6. Individual learning plan a. Aim b. Project work c. Individual reading d. Output definition e. Output control and evaluation Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022 17 6. Next steps a. Readings: Christina Antenhofer, Die Familienkiste. Mensch-Objekt-Beziehungen im Mittelalter und in der Renaissance, 2 vol., Ostfildern 2022. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Macht und Dinge, in: Handbuch Materielle Kultur. Bedeutungen, Konzepte, Disziplinen, ed. by S.Samida/M. Eggert/H.P. Hahn, Darmstadt 2014, p. 85-88. Bjørnar Olsen, In Defense of Things, Lanham 2010, p. 1-19. Erik G. Johannesson, Michelle L. Machicek, War and Peace. A Reassessment of the Archeological Traces of Warfare, Inter-Personal Violence and Peace in the Material Record, in: Archeological Review from Cambridge 25.1, April 2010, p. 13-28. Gerhard Jaritz, Zwischen Augenblick und Ewigkeit. Einführung in die Alltagsgeschichte des Mittelalters, Wien 1989. Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, nov 4, 2022