I. “Prehistoric” Art Art: the first mode of expression? Prehistory History 3 millions years to c. 3’300 BCE c. 3’300 BCE to nowadays AntiquityNeolithicPaleolithic Middle Ages Modern Age Contemporary? 3 millions to 10’000 BCE 10’000 to 3’300 BCE 3’300 BCE to 476 CE 476 to 1453 or 1492 1453–1789 1789–2023 etc…. Function(s) of images? “I am struck by the fact that new light is shed on our birth at the very moment when the perspective of death is appearing” Georges Bataille, Lascaux ou la naissance de l’art, 1955 Gravettian Solutrean Magdalenian 11,1 cm Louise Bourgeois, Harmless Woman, 1969 (private collec6on)