Beethoven and the New Development-Theme in Sonata-Form Movements Author(s): Bathia Churgin Source: The Journal of Musicology , Summer, 1998, Vol. 16, No. 3, New Perspectives on Beethoven Sources and Style (Summer, 1998), pp. 323-343 Published by: University of California Press Stable URL: JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at University of California Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal of Musicology This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to oBeethoven and the New Development-Theme in Sonata-Form Movements BATHIA CHURGIN A well-known feature of the development section in Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, first movement, is the prominent new theme. This was not a novel effect, however, for in Classic music the introduction of a new theme in the development, or, more accurately, new developmental material is an old device. What is new about the Eroica's new theme is its dramatic and dissonant preparation, the extremely remote key in which it first appears-e minor, enharmonically the minor Neapolitan of the tonic Eb major-and the five-fold repetition of the theme.' Three presentations occur in the development, each beginning in a different key-e minor, a minor, and e b minor, and two near the start of the long coda, in the keys of f minor-the normal second degree-and again in eb minor (the theme begins in mm. 284, 292, 322, 581, and 589). This quintessential example of a new development-theme will be our paradigm against which we can measure other such examples. If we examine the tradition in which Beethoven composed, we find that new themes, phrases, motives, and figurations (which I will designate as N) occur in the development section of sonata-form movements from the earliest phase of the Classic period onward. For example, such ideas appear before 1740 in many movements of early symphonies by G. B. Sammartini and Antonio Brioschi. In first movements of two Sammartini symphonies, J-C 7 and 65, the composer introduces distinctive Volume XVI - Number 3 * Summer 1998 The Journal of Musicology @ 1998 by the Regents of the University of California I Because of the many references to keys in this survey, major keys are indicated by capital letters and minor keys by lower-case letters. Lower-case Roman numerals stand for minor chords or key relationships. 323 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY EXAMPLE 1. G. B. Sammartini, Symphony in C Major, J-C 7/I: tial theme (K) and start of the development with IN. 41 m Vn. I Ava S 11 m. "Pv. bass-motive 45 0-, E EO.P B. P+'" t' r -" " '" ' !d I" ' ' ; 324 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN themes, the more significant ones in one of the e Sammartini symphonies, J-C 7 in C major, probably c (Example 1).2 Here, two new themes are placed in the key of the mediant--e minor-a fairly remote key for Sammartini. IN is 18 mm. long and 2N 8 mm. Like many later N themes, these themes contain both new and derived elements, the second theme also related to the first. In 1N, a derived motive (here, a bass motive) accompanies the theme as well, a technique later found in some Beethoven N themes (see Example 5). The bass motive returns at the start of the recapitulation combined with the cadential (K) theme, from which it most closely derives. In addition, 2N comes back in the recapitulation in the tonic minor. The recurrence of a new theme or idea in the recapitulation thus has a long history. The use of new material in the development may reflect the influence of the B section of the da capo aria, as Leonard Ratner suggests.s Recall of such material in the recapitulation may well stem from a similar procedure found in late Baroque concerto movements in ritornello form, which often incorporate ideas presented later in the movement in a final recapitulation section.4 That the development can contain new material should not surprise us since Classic sonata form is basically a tonal, not a thematic plan. New material in this section has many functions, such as contrast, surprise, enrichment, intensification, and structural articulation. Obviously, each example of new material must be studied individually in order to comprehend fully its role in the movement's structure. Theorists like Koch, Galeazzi, Reicha, and Czerny all mention the possibility of introducing a new theme or idea, first of all at the opening of Part II of a sonata-form movement. Galeazzi (1796) specifies such new themes as one of the standard options at this point in the 2 For the score and analysis of J-C 7, see my edition, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Ten Symphonies, "The Symphony, 1720-1840," ed. Barry S. Brook, Series A, vol. 2 (New York and London, 1984), Score 1. The Symphony J-C 65 (dated before 1738) is published in my edition, The Symphonies of G. B. Sammartini. Volume I: The Early Symphonies (Cambridge, MA, 1968), No. 16 in the volume). For new developmental material in all three movements of Brioschi's symphony in G, Fonds Blancheton 32 (dated before October 1733), see my edition and analysis in "The Symphony, 1720-1840," Series A, vol. 3 (1985), Score 1. 3 Leonard G. Ratner, Classic Music: Expression, Form, and Style (New York, 1980), 229, 233. 4 Examples can be found in Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto, Op. 3 No. 8/III (pub. 171 1), where a variant of the modulatory Solo 2 moving from a to e (mm. 35-50) returns in the tonic near the end of the movement (mm. 132-41); and inJ. S. Bach's Italian Concerto/III (1735), where new material in F-B6 (mm. 77-84) returns in the reprise section in BV-C-F (mm. 155-66). 325 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY structure,5 while Koch (1793) states that the device is common on the concerto.6 Much later, Czerny (1848?) broadens the possibili observes that in the first section of Part II "the ideas of the firs must be displayed, developed, worked up, and necessarily augme with new ones."7 Reicha's remarks (c. 1825) are both more far rea and more specific. He indicates that at the start of Part II, a new can be 8-16 mm. long and be developed together with earlier New ideas can be further introduced in Part II and especially in coda.8 After about 174o, new themes in symphonic allegros, especially firs movements, usually occur at the beginning of Part II, as describe much later by the theorists. Such themes are often cantabile and pian providing lyrical and broader rhythmic contrasts otherwise lacking in the movement. These themes may also be imitative, or feature th winds; they may remain in the second key or be modulatory; and they may have some derived material or figures. In all such cases, the chang in theme, rhythm, dynamics, texture, orchestration, and expression strongly articulate the start of Part II and what we call the developmen section.9 Sometimes new themes also end the section, functioning as the retransition. Many early Classic modulation sections offer largely entirely new material, a feature of many Mozart developments even in the early 178os.1o Perhaps the most famous N theme besides the Eroic theme is the minuet-like lyrical interlude closing the development o Haydn's Symphony No. 45 (the "Farewell"), first movement (1772), r cently the subject of detailed analysis and debate." 5 See my article, "Francesco Galeazzi's Description (1796) of Sonata Form," Journa of the American Musicological Society XXI (1968), 195. Galeazzi recommends that the theme "for greatest surprise ... be in some related key [not the secondary key], but sep rated and unexpected." 6 See Heinrich Christoph Koch, Versuch einer Anleitung zur Composition, vol. (Leipzig, 1793), par. 150, 395-96n. 7 Carl Czerny, Practical School of Composition, Op. 6oo, trans.John Bishop, vol. 1 (London, 1848?), Ch. VI, "Of the Sonata," 35. 8 Antoine Reicha, Traiti de haut composition musicale, vol. 2 (Paris, c. 1825), 298 ("De la seconde partie de la grand coup binaire"). Beethoven's codas also introduce N ideas, a Reicha recommends, the most famous examples perhaps being the N ideas in the coda of the Ninth Symphony, movements I and III. 9 Such N themes appear in one or two sonata-form movements in all the middle an late symphonies by Sammartini in my Garland volume, the symphonies dating from th 1740s to 1772. ,o A late example is the development in Mozart's Piano Sonata in C, K. 330/I, now dated 1781-83. " See Judith L. Schwartz, "Periodicity and Passion in the First Movement of Haydn's 'Farewell' Symphony," and James Webster, "The D Major Interlude in the First Movemen of Haydn's 'Farewell' Symphony," in Studies in Musical Sources and Style. Essays in Honor o Jan LaRue, ed. Eugene K. Wolf and Edward H. Roesner (Madison, WI, 1990), 293-33 and 339-80. 326 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN When we consider Beethoven's exploitation of this device, we discover that he both follows and departs usage. I have focused this survey on the piano, violin, the string quartets, the String Quintet Op. 29, the co symphonies, a total of 80o works. Of these, 40-one-h significant new material in the development sections movements. This high percentage comes as a surprise sis of analysts has been on Beethoven's use of derived than new material in the development section. The su employment of new material is a major Beethoven te quires further study. Though N material appears in music composed Beethoven's life, the most striking and frequent exam characteristic of the early period and the early middle 1806. They disappear from the piano sonatas after Op. 1798) except for the two special finales of Opp. 5 1804-06). Rather than the symphonies and sonatas, it quartets that the procedure is most tenacious, occurr of the Op. 18 and Op. 59 quartets and four of the (1824-26), including the second finale of Op. 130, B completed movement.12 (See the list of works contain Table I.) Beethoven also occasionally introduces two or more ideas in the development, like the two lyrical N them Sonata Op. 23/I, the two contrapuntal ideas in the VII, or the long, episode-like N section of the Quarte riched by four distinctive themes (see Example 2). Be ness of this device is illustrated by his well-known remar for the beginning of Part II of the Piano Sonata Op. The [ma] durchzuffihren"-"without developing the th The works analyzed embody several types of new id categories consist of the traditional lyrical theme, w common type, and contrapuntal ideas. Examples of occur in 24 movements. Many are modulating, and st the minor mode, as in the Eroica. Besides the Eroica th memorable, often long lyrical themes in such wor Sonatas Op. 2/1/IV, Op. 1io//I, Op. 14/1/I; the firs the Violin Sonatas Op. 23 and Op. 30/2; the Third Pian the Violin Concerto (see Example 5); and the Quarte 12 All references to Op. 13o/VI are to the second finale of the q 1s See Ludwig van Beethoven, Autograph Miscellany From circa 17 Museum Additional Manuscript 29801, ff. 39-162 (The "Kafka Sket Kerman, vol. 2, Transcription (London, 1970), 28. 327 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY TABLE 1 Overview of New Material in Sonata-Form Developme in Beethoven's Piano, Violin, and Cello Sonatas, String String Quintet Op. 29, Concertos, and Symphoni EARLY PERIOD: c. 1793-1800 Piano Sonatas, c. 1 793-98: Op. 2/1/IV and 3/I; Op. 7/I; Op. 10o/ Op. 14/1/I; Op. 49/1/I Violin Sonatas, 1797-1800: Op. 12/3/I, Op. 23/I Cello Sonatas, 1796: Op. 5/l/I, 2/I String Quartets, 1798-1800: Op. 18/1/II; 2/I, IV; 3/IV; 6/I Concertos, 1795? (rev. 1800), 1800?: Piano Concertos No. I O Op. 37/I MIDDLE PERIOD: 1801-o09 Piano Sonatas, 1804-06: Op. 54/II, Op. 57/III Violin Sonatas, 1801-02: Op. 30/2/I, Op. 47/III String Quartets, 1806: Op. 59/1, III; 2/11; 3/I, II, IV String Quintet, 1801: Op. 29/II, IV Concertos, ca. 1803-09: Piano Concertos No. 4 Op. 58/I; No. 5 Op. 73/I; Violin Concerto Op. 61/I; Triple Concerto Op. 56/I Symphonies 1801-08: No. 2 Op. 36/I; No. 3 Op. 55/I; No. 4, Op. 6o/I; No. 6 Op. 68/II LATE PERIOD: 1815-26 Cello Sonatas, 1815: Op. 102/ 1/I1, 2/I String Quartets, 1824-26: Op. 127/I; Op. 130/I, III, VI (2nd finale); Op. 131/VII; Op. 135/I A special type of lyrical N resembles a rondo episode and occurs at or near the start of the development of three finales that synthesize sonata and rondo procedures without actually being sonata-rondos. The movements involved are in the Piano Sonatas Op. 2/1 and Op. 57, and the Quartet Op. 13o. These themes, as usual in the rondo style, feature largely symmetrical units of four and eight measures. Two themes, in Op. 2/1 and Op. 13o, are extremely long. The N unit in Op. 2/1 is 50'/2 measures (mm. 59-109) and organized in rounded binary form with varied repeats. It appears in A6 major, the relative major of the tonic f minor, a key Beethoven studiously avoids in an exposition that moves to the dominant minor instead. In Op. 13o, a lyrical and contrapuntal section of 47 measures also appears in A6, here the key of 6VII 328 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN (mm. 109-55; see Ex. 2). The key of Ab and the melo late to the Grosse Fuge, the original finale of the quartet otherwise lacking in the movement. Unlike the other tire episode returns in the coda in the subdominant way of recapitulation (mm. 353-99). The contrapuntal category of N ideas comprises ne fugal or quasi-fugal and imitative passages, and new against derived ideas. New fugue subjects are explore Op. 29/IV (Ex. 3) and in the first movements of the Q Op. 59/1, and Op. 135; and new countersubjects and ca material in the Quintet Op. 29/IV, and the Quartets 59/2/II, Op. 127/I, and Op. 131/VII. Other categories ideas, like the stormy countermotive in the Quartet Ex. 4); new figural material, especially in the Piano Co Op. 15 and Five Op. 73, first movements; chromatic p Piano Sonatas Op. 2/3/I and Op. 54/II, and the C 5/1/1; and humorous but formal melody in the Quint Moreover, Beethoven varies the placement of his N can be located at any point in the development. The theme starting Part II, however, is less favored and movements-the Piano Sonatas Op. 2/1/IV and Op Quintet Op. 29/II, the Violin Sonata Op. 30/2/I, the Op. 56/I, and the Quartet Op. 13o/VI-in addition t of significant motives and phrases in the Quartet Op. Symphony Op. 68/II (goldfinch motive),'4 and the 102/1/II and Op. 102/2/I. Three of these follow brie the development proper, as does the fugal section in themes or new material come fairly close to the open opment, after a citation or development of the p themes, as in the Piano Sonatas Op. 2/3/I and Op. Piano Concerto Op. 37/I, the Fourth Symphony O Quartets Op. 130/I and Op. 131/VII. A group of N th ward the middle or second part of the development, theme, as in the Cello Sonata Op. 5/2/I, the Quart the Violin Concerto Op. 61/I, or the second count Quartet Op. 131 /VII. On the other hand, some mate matically near or at the end of the development usua the retransition. Such striking examples are the N u Sonata Op. 5/1/I, the Violin Sonatas Op. 12/3/I and O '4 For the identification of the bird as a goldfinch rather than a Owen Jander, "The Prophetic Conversation in Beethoven's 'Scen Musical Quarterly LXXVII (1993), 518-21. 329 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY EXAMPLE 2. Beethoven, String Quartet, Op. 13o/VI, develop episode-like N section. 109 Vn. I -n. I A" 0 6v I l - j res. -,cresc Vn. II 117D Scr lest . I cresc.Via, eO P--d I I IIA I I crest . cresc. U.x I", c7- I IOF,res r - cresc. creres. P 117 -I O 4 cresc c. crsc. c r e sF d i m c r e sA I crest. cresc. rec resc. cresm. c IF" cresr. ' cresc. 12 i 3N + 2N I IFR-- L-im cresc. P Ires,. I I . *-?... oresc. dim. cresc.cresc. dim. cresc. 330 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN EXAMPLE 2. (continued) 133 cresc _ dim cresc. dim. cresc. cresccres. res. dim pp cresc. cresc. im res. 140 S cresc. cresc. 1rest. -,.k s~c~-~ ,I V p cre$c. 331 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY Quintet Op. 29/1V; only in the case of Op. 29 does the N theme distant key, require a brief retransition to the recapitulation. In most cases N themes possess a distinctive outline and char though they may incorporate some derived elements. Thus the theme takes the dotted rhythm from the first secondary theme (wh emphasized in the buildup to the N theme), and many analysts tried to prove its triadic connection to the primary theme.'5 Th subject in the Quartet Op. 59/1/I features a rising sixth, also fou the two primary themes, while in the Quartet Op. 130/VI, 1N ut neighbor-note figure appearing in the primary and transitional t Nevertheless, N ideas may bring material for which little or no tion can be discovered-like the thirty-second note pattern of the termotive in the Quartet Op. 18/1/II, or the dotted, march-like r of the fugue subject and the syncopation of its countersubject Quintet Op. 29/IV. Both ideas assume a new ' meter versus the ' of the movement that continues in other voices (Example 3). In case, the dotted rhythm links the fugue with the humorous th theme ending the development in a slower tempo, the Andan moto e scherzoso, in yet another meter- 3 .6 Some N ideas are borderline cases and analysts may prefer t sider them transformations or derivations rather than N ideas. Th be the case, for example, regarding the lyrical 2N in the Fourth Concerto Op. 58/I (mm. 231-35). The phrase can be thought of as a formation of the introductory descending scale idea that domin the first part of the development (mm. 196-215), though 2N is ceded not by that idea directly but by a brilliant, cadential 1N un establishes the tritone key of c# minor in which the lyrical 2N arriv '5 See the example in Lawrence Earp, "Tovey's 'Cloud' in the First Movement Eroica. An Analysis Based on the Sketches for the Development and Coda," B Forum II (1993), 74, and references in n. 10 to such an interpretation by Augus "Die fremdk6rper im ersten Satz der Eroica," Die Musik XXI (1928/29), 481-8 rich Schenker, "Beethovens Dritte Sinfonie zum erstenmal in ihrem wahren Inhalt dargestellt," in Das Meisterwerk in der Musik III (Munich, 1930), 50, fig. 24 and Bild i; and David Epstein, Beyond Orpheus: Studies in Musical Structure (Cambridge, MA, 1979), 116. 16 The interpolation of a new section in a slower tempo is an influence of the da capo overture. See my article, "The Italian Symphonic Background to Haydn's Early Symphonies and Opera Overtures," in Haydn Studies, Proceedings of the International Haydn Conference, Washington, D.C., .1975, ed. Jens Peter Larsen, Howard Serwer, and James Webster (New York and London, 1981), 331-32; and the revised reprint in Orbis Musicae XII (1998), 75-76, and n. 12. '7 Another borderline case is the cantus-firmus-like descending tetrachord and its extension in the Quartet Op. 127/I, first found in mm. 89-93, with a balancing phrase, mm. 93, beat 3-97, beat i. The descending line is closely related to the similar bass line and melodic outline, moving in parallel tenths, in the first phrase of the primary theme (mm. 7-10), where the fourth note, however, moves up by step. The descending tetrachord itself appears in the melodic outline of the second phrase (mm. 1 '1-14). Yet, this N idea has an identity of its own, and it returns in the coda as well, at its start (mm. 241-44), its climax (mm. 267-71), and its end (viola mm. 275-82). 332 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN EXAMPLE 3. Beethoven, String Quintet, Op. 29/IV, d fugue subject (IN) and countersubject (2N). 112 Vn. I ... - SF R ., .A p v... ;. t P v ? "n n-Vn. 11 -if Via. I1 Y (;' k IF Via. 11 Vc. 9( 116 P A Mr -fez X F- FJ JOfill 1Ii I O p A ,, i ,J wp ^ .. " ".4 i . , , , i IMK ad fttF,9-2FA . 333 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY Another, remarkable transformation marks the development of Fourth Symphony Op. 6o/I (mm. 221-40), where the new l phrase is actually a variation of the assertive, cantus-firmus-like of the second transitional period (starting in m. 81).'8 Neverthe this remains a characteristic N idea that introduces a notable contrast in the section. As in the Eroica, Beethoven presents 24 N themes in remote keys thus pairing the concept of new material with distance in tonality (se Table 2). In c. 1795-1801, seven such examples show the way to th Eroica (which is dated essentially in 1803), with N material appearing or starting in the keys of III (Op. 2/3/I), the tritone (Op. 7/I) V (Op. 5/1/I, Op. 12/3/I, Op. 18/2/I), major VI (Op. 29/IV, 3N), and minor vii (Op. 29/II). The Eroica N theme also focuses our attention on the Neapolitan key relation, a favorite with Beethoven. The mino Neapolitan recurs only once for the key of N, in the finale of the Qua tet Op. 59/3 (C-c#= d), dated 18o6, and the normal Neapolitan is the key of 2N in the finale of the Quartet Op. 131, dated 1826 (c#-D Both examples are post-Eroica. However, 2N in the Violin Sonata Op. 23/I, dated 18oo, though first heard in the tonic key of a minor after false retransition, ends up in the Neapolitan key of B6 major (mm 152-57) before the tonic is restored to usher in the recapitulation. In fact, this N theme shares another rare feature with the Eroica theme-it receives special emphasis by means of extensive repetition. Like the Eroica theme it is heard three times in the development, with two full presentations in the tonic and subdominant, together with a partial repetition in the Neapolitan key just mentioned. Further, the theme's initial phrase returns in the coda, where it is again heard three times, twice in the subdominant and tonic, and a third time in the tonic, with an extension leading to the primary theme that ends the movement. The recurrence of N in the recapitulation and/or t found in 15 movements by Beethoven, including this v the Eroica (see Table 3).'9 Such recurrence, of course, 18 See Ludwig Misch, "Ein unbemerkter thematischer Zusamme vens IV. Symphonie," Die MusikforschungV (1962), 375-77. 19 Donald Francis Tovey, article "Sonata Forms," in Musical Artic clopaedia Britannica (London, 1943), 215-16, mentions examples of development, which he calls an "episode," and he also refers to the turn of the "episode" in the coda. In the article by Joseph Kerman, "N Codas," in Beethoven Studies III, ed. Alan Tyson (Cambridge, 1982), ter on the coda in Charles Rosen, Sonata Forms, rev. ed. (New York mention is made of the return of new material in Beethoven's codas b erence to the Eroica theme by Kerman (152). Nor is the return of in Robert G. Hopkins, "When a Coda is More than a Coda: Reflect in Explorations in Music, the Arts, and Ideas. Essays in Honor of Leonar Narmour and Ruth A. Solie (Stuyvesant, NY, 1988), 393-410. 334 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN TABLE 2 Distant Keys for the Start of N (in Relation to the Tonic Key 1 ii Op. 55, Op. 59/3/IV 611 Op. 131 (2N) II Op. 54 (PNh-new accompaniment to the primary theme) SIII Op. 2/3, Op. 15, Op. 102/1 III Op. 6o, Op. 127, Op. 130/I iv Op. 61 tritone Op. 7, Op. 54 (4N), Op. 58, Op. 59/2, O bVI Op. 12/3, Op. 18/2/I, Op. 54 (3N) VI Op. 29/IV, Op. 68/II SVII Op. 130/VI , vii Op. 59/1/Ivii Op. 29/II TABLE 3 Recall of N Material in the Recapitulation and/or Cod (in the Tonic Key Unless Otherwise Specified) Op. 2/3: coda, N variant (bVI-I) Op. 10/3: coda Op. 18/1: recap and coda Op. 23: coda, 2N (iv-i) Op. 29/II: coda, IN, 2N (iv-I); mvt. IV, coda, 3N Op. 30/2: coda (I) Op. 54: recap, IN (i), 3N (I-mod.-I), replacing S and K Op. 55: coda (ii-i) Op. 68: recap Op. 102/1/II: coda (bVI-IV-bII) Op. 127: coda Op. 130/III: coda (IV-I-V7/IV); mvt. VI, coda (TV-I) Op. 131: recap, 2N (iv-bII); coda, IN, 2N new material into the larger structure and expressive world o ment. Two of these examples recall N in the recapitulatio in the coda; two Quartets, Op. i8/x/II and Op. 131/VI ideas in both sections. How this material is recalled differs in each example. In the Quartet Op. 18/x (see Example 4), two variants of the development countermotive to the primary theme combine with the primary theme in the recapitulation (I have labeled them N' and N2), 335 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY EXAMPLE 4. Beethoven, String Quartet, Op. 18, no. 1/II: (a) dev ment, with N countermotive; (b) recapitulation with and N2; (c) coda, with all three N forms. (a) 48,NVn.1 i 4 f I f Vn. II Sf Via. Vc. 50 uF,]-. -- -JJ - - --',,I S . SfO I "f f , 4 "a-l .I I 'L... 1.... ... .. . i i i .-- -.i "I2I;-" ? I .. . . . .. ... ..N IFh N '",,,,Sf---v".," ,."i M'W , and both return in the coda together with the original version, wh self leads to the shattering climax of the movement-a most d elaboration of the idea. In the Quintet Op. 29, coda returns occur in both the slow final movements, the entire Andante section of the finale coming in the tonic, a recapitulatory effect, as in Op. 130/VI. Six of the w recalling themes in the coda were composed before the Eroica and thus be viewed as significant precedents for this procedure in the s phony (these are Op. 2/3/I, Op. o1/3/II, Op. 18/1/II, Op. 23/I, 29/II, IV, Op. 30/2/I). While Beethoven's models for these recurrences need considerable research, some inimediate models can be found in compositions b 336 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN EXAMPLE 4. (continued) (b) 66 ) (p) VILn t Clo I I I IF I I. ..I. iJ1 ' c P f (P) f l v1to 1 1 1 t1a tj11 pf p f =.." b AID. l--ll 1 1l!! 4iPNA d 337 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY EXAMPLE 4. (continued) (C) 7N' 98 _ - f fp f AF r - ,4:<:Ffpf fpf elk P p cresc. fp ciesc. fo ores?. 101 0-0 1- NO- 0 1 1- 1 c f f --I , fF , , f? . 338 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN EXAMPLE 4. (continued) 102 LZ f f f f 104 f A[ b ,f I 1 -11 1 1 fP f ~ ? rw w 4w w 1w, ,-,,]w IF, .h 3l z.- - , " + "t + " .q" ! . 1 . Id '1 Mozart, as cited by Kerman and Rosen.2o Indeed, Mozart of N material furnishes a significant background for B man notes the returns of motivic N ideas in the first-movement codas of Mozart's String Quartets K. 458 (the "Hunt"; 1784), and K. 590 (179o). We may add that both ideas conclude the movement, and in K. 590 N first appears in the distant key of bVII. We should remember, however, that Haydn's earlier interlude in the "Farewell" symphony is also set in a distant key-D major, a third-relationship with the tonic, f# minor. Rosen points to the lyrical N theme found at the start of Part II in the Piano Sonata in C major, K 330/I (1781-83), which also rounds off the movement; and to the chromatic N theme that dominates the development and coda of the Two-Piano Sonata in D, K 448 (1781). Neither author, however, mentions the themes in the finale of Mozart's A-major 20 See Kerman, "Notes on Beethoven's Codas," 142, and Rosen, Sonata Forms, 321-22. 339 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY Quartet, K. 464 (1785), a work that Beethoven admired and ev copied into score.2' He-re, brief new counterpoints to the prim theme return in the recapitulation and coda, again ending the mov ment. In addition, Mozart presents a new theme in the middle the development as a total surprise, a mysterious chorale-like melody long notes and chordal setting, which is given contrapuntal and deve opmental expansion. In conclusion, let us consider the lyrical N theme in Beethoven's V olin Concerto in D major, first movement. The theme comes in the s ond part of the development after an intensive reworking of the last fiv notes of the primary theme's initial phrase, a reworking that takes p in the orchestra with figuration in the violin. Thus, the N theme pr vides relief from the motivic development and deepens the lyricism the movement, while shifting the spotlight to the soloist. It is certai one of the great moments in the concerto (see Example 5 for the sta of the theme). In examining this theme, we should notice the following: 1. Though I call it a theme, like many N ideas it is really an N ar lasting 26 measures (mm. 331-56), in which a new theme is in troduced, extended, varied, and fragmented. 2. The N theme is accompanied throughout in the orchestra by t pervasive tapping motive of the movement. Embedded in the preceding development of those five notes, the motive event ally repeats without pause as tension increases toward the retra sition. 3. As many of Beethoven's N themes, the theme enters in minor, here g minor, the same key as the lyrical N theme in the rondo finale. The subdominant key in general acts like the secondary key of the entire work, G major also being the key of the slow movement, and it is associated with most of the intensely lyrical portions of the concerto. 4. The theme, like many N themes, is modulatory, moving from g minor to E6 major, again the Neapolitan key, and from there to d minor, used as a foil for the brilliant return to the recapitulation in D major. 5. Though the theme seems new, like most N themes it contains some links with earlier material. The rhythmic pattern of its first two measures (mm. 331-32) duplicates the pattern found in the 21 Only Beethoven's copy of the second movement has survived. Dated c. 18oo, it is housed in Stockholm, Stiftelsen Musikkulturens frfimjande, Collection of Captain Rudolf Nydahl. 340 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN EXAMPLE 5. Beethoven, Violin Concerto, Op. 61/I, de of the N area. 329 Cor. (D) t P [N VI. pr. I r I) p _. A_$ PP 333 . -0-. No -0 - - - Me A zc 3 3-3 341 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to THE JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY EXAMPLE 5. (continued) 337 Fg. Cor. 1___ (D) cresc. 6 341 III 342 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to CHURGIN first transition theme (mm. 18-19); the prom stem perhaps from the third secondary the and the poignant sigh motives echo such motiv theme itself. This theme validates the device of new development material in every aspect. Bar-Ilan University 343 This content downloaded from on Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:03:40 +00:00 All use subject to