Chapter 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments Mojmír Dočekal Masaryk University in Brno In this paper I experimentally approach the following question: do strict negative concord languages like Czech employ two strategies (syntactic and semantic) to encode negative dependency between a verb and its argument(s) or not? And the answer is: beside the default syntactic strategy (n-words), there is a class of negative dependent expressions which are licensed by semantic rules. Keywords: n-words, negative polarity items, experiments, neg-raising, Czech 1 Introduction In this article I focus on a problem of dividing negative dependent expressions into two classes: (i) n-woRds like Czech nikdo ‘nobody’ or Romanian nimeni ‘nobody’ (glossed as n-peRson) in (1a); (ii) negative polaRity items (NPIs) like Czech sebemenší šance ‘slightest chance ’ or Romanian vreun ‘any’ in (1b). Despite the long research traditions on both types of expressions (for NPIs see Heim 1984; Ladusaw 1992; Kadmon & Landman 1993; Krifka 1995; Giannakidou 1997; Lahiri 1998; Gajewski 2011; Chierchia 2013; Crnič 2014 among many others; for n-words see Laka 1990; Zeijlstra 2004; 2008 among others) there is still no consensus on the relationship between the two classes of items.1 1Both n-words and NPIs are generally grammatical in sentences with a negated verb. There are of course language-specific differences, e.g. English NPI any usually cannot appear in subject position, Romanian vreun ‘any’ in (1b) behaves similarly but many languages allow NPIs to freely occur in subject position – Błaszczak (2001) lists Hindi, Korean, Japanese among many other languages where NPIs are licensed in any position of a sentence with a negated verb. Slavic languages discussed in detail further belong to the set of languages allowing NPIs in subject position, too. Mojmír Dočekal. 2020. N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments. In Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš & Rok Žaucer (eds.), Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017, 15–49. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3764845 Mojmír Dočekal (1) a. Nimeni n-peRson nu not a has venit. come ‘Nobody came.’ b. * Vreun npi student student nu not a has venit. come Intended: ‘No student did not come.’ (Romanian; Fălăuș & Nicolae 2016: 586, 591) Nevertheless, it seems to be settled that the division between n-words and NPIs correlates with the division between syntactic licensing and semantic licensing along the following lines: 1) n-woRds are syntactically negative dependent expressions;2 2) negative polaRity items are semantically negative dependent expressions. Some languages lexicalise the difference between NPIs and n-words, as shown in the example (1) but sometimes the distinction manifests itself only via stress (and usually consequently) focus marking. An example of the second strategy is in (2) from Giannakidou & Zeijlstra (2017) where the non-focused expression kanenan ‘anybody’ is (according to standard criteria) an NPI while the focused expression Kanenan ‘n-peRson’ behaves as a n-word. (2) a. Dhen not idhe saw kanenan npi.person o the Janis. John ‘John didn’t see anybody.’ b. Dhen not idhe saw Kanenan n-peRson o the Janis. John ‘John didn’t see anybody at all.’ (Greek; Giannakidou & Zeijlstra 2017: 17) 2This classification is of course very schematic and it can be a bit problematic to apply it to a set of typologically diverse languages. Consider e.g. Romance languages where it seems to be possible to use n-words in questions and in context without overt verbal negation (cases of indirect negative verbs like doubt a.o.). Romance languages (and generally all non-strict negative concord languages) allow moreover preverbal n-words in affirmative sentences (as a rule in non-strict negative concord languages, preverbal n-words require positive verb, unless the speaker wants to convey a double negation reading: see Laka (1990) for many examples and further details). But even if the cross-linguistic scenery of n-words is more nuanced than the distinction n-words=syntax, NPIs=semantics suggests, the classification is generally correct and can be applied even to Romance (and generally non-strict negative concord languages), once our syntactic toolbox is supplemented with phonologically null operators which license n-words (see Zeijlstra 2004 a.o. for such a theory) – the licensing of such operators is of course highly constrained (see again Zeijlstra 2004 and Zeijlstra 2008 for details). 16 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments Next to the classification of n-words as being basically licensed in syntax (either via agreement or some other standard syntactic process) and NPIs as semantically dependent expressions (occurring only in environments with specific monotonicity properties) there is also an agreed-upon criterion of teasing apart the two classes, one of its recent formalizations can be found in Giannakidou & Zeijlstra (2017) – see (3), their example (16).3 The criterion is partially meaning based and partially relies on context felicity of n-words. Its working will be exemplified in the following sections. (3) X qualifies as an n-word iff: a. X can be used with structures with sentential negation or other X with meaning equivalent to one ¬; and b. X provides a negative fragment answer. In this article I discuss mainly experimental evidence from Czech which allows us to answer a research question: do languages like Czech (where the evidence to differentiate between n-words and NPIs is very limited) distinguish between n-words and NPIs (particularly the class of NPIs called strong NPIs)? Why is Czech (and generally strict negative concord languages) a good data source for finding differences between strong NPIs and n-words? Because even if the introduced distinction between syntactically licensed n-words and semantically licensed NPIs is supported by many researchers today (Zwarts 1998; Zeijlstra 2004 and Gajewski 2011 among others), there are very influential theories which subsume n-words under NPIs (Ladusaw 1992) or observe close relationship of the two classes (Laka 1990): in such theories the distinction between syntactic licensing (n-words) and semantic licensing (NPIs) of course disappears. The question of nature (if any … depending on the theory) of the distinction between n-words and NPIs is theoretically still open and empirically is especially vexing in strict negative concord languages because there the environment where a speaker can get positive evidence about the distinction between n-words and NPIs boils down to neg-raising contexts. This is the reason of centrality of neg-raising for NPI debate – see further §2 and §3.1. To foreshadow the experiments discussed in much bigger detail later, let us consider the following set of Czech sentences (items from one of the experi- 3Beside n-words and their cross-linguistic variation with respect to the strictness of negative concord, there is also a variation in NPIs: while generally NPIs are bad as negative fragment answers, one particular subtype of them, minimizers provide felicitous fragment answers, see Giannakidou (1998) and Błaszczak (2001) for further details. Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for pressing these points about n-words and NPIs licensing variation. 17 Mojmír Dočekal ments): if asked about grammaticality of such sentences, Czech native speakers would consider (4a) ungrammatical, (4b) perfectly acceptable, (4c) good and (4d) and (4e) bad to some extent. Such graded judgments of sentences containing (what I will argue further to be) strong NPIs, in concreto graded acceptability of strong NPIs depending on the presence of negation and/or the type of embedding verb and some other factors was the original motivation for running the series of experiments resulting in the current article. It is important to notice that there is variation among speakers, variation caused by lexical items used in the tested sentences, etc. This naturally calls for an experimental verification because relying on a researcher’s intuitions in such cases can lead to totally conflicting claims: e.g. Bošković & Gajewski (2011) state non-existence of neg-raising in Slavic languages, while Dočekal & Dotlačil (2016a) defend limited existence of neg-raising in Czech. The experimental data and their careful analysis – in the light of current formal semantic theories – allow me to avoid such contradicting claims and eventually isolate the relevant factors behind NPI licensing and an interaction of the licensing with other syntax-semantics phenomena as neg-raising, etc.4 (4) a. * Zmizela Lost ani not.even jedna one knížka. book ‘A single book is missing.’ b. Nezmizela neg.lost ani not.even jedna one knížka. book ‘Not a single book is missing.’ c. Náš our nový new knihovník librarian nechce, neg.wants aby comp zmizela lost ani not.even jedna one knížka. book ‘Our new librarian doesn’t want even one book to be missing.’ d. Náš our nový new knihovník librarian si se nepředstavuje, neg.imagine že comp zmizela lost ani not.even jedna one knížka. book ‘Our new librarian doesn’t imagine that even one book is missing.’ e. Náš our nový new knihovník librarian neslyšel, neg.heard že comp zmizela lost ani not.even jedna one 4Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for raising importance of this general background question to me. 18 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments knížka. book ‘Our new librarian didn’t hear that even one book was missing.’ The article is organized as follows: in the first, more theoretically based part (§2) I will illustrate the empirical criteria distinguishing n-words and NPIs, then I will tease apart so called weak NPIs from strong NPIs and lastly I will introduce the basic observations about Czech and negative dependent expression. §3.1, §3.2, and §3.3 will be more of the experimental linguistic character, they are heavily based on the joint work with Jakub Dotlačil (partially reported in Dočekal & Dotlačil 2016a,b; 2017). In concreto, I will report the experimental evidence for distinguishing n-words from NPIs stemming from three classes of phenomena: (i) neg-Raising contexts; (ii) fragment answers; (iii) likelihood manipulated contexts. The nature of this article is more overview-like, the details about statistics, design of the experiments, etc. can be found in Dočekal & Dotlačil (2016a,b; 2017); Dočekal & Šafratová (2018). 2 NPIs vs. n-words: Theory 2.1 N-words Let us start with introducing some important pieces of linguistic knowledge concerning n-words, the expressions which are generally taken as syntactically dependent on negation and which are different both from negative quantifiers on the one hand and from NPIs on the other hand. N-words crucially differ from Germanic negative quantifiers as the following contrast in (5) shows: English verbal negation and a negative quantifier in (5a) yield only a double negation reading while the word for word translation of (5a) into Czech with the n-word nikoho ‘anybody’ and verbal negation in (5b) is interpretable only with one negation scoping wide over the whole sentence as is clear from the predicate logic formalization. Generally, n-words are syntactically dependent expressions which occur only in languages where some form of negative concord is attested. (5) a. John didn’t see nobody. (English) ¬∃𝑥[peRson(𝑥) ∧ ¬see(John, 𝑥)] b. John John nikoho nobody neviděl. neg.saw ‘John didn’t see anybody.’ (Czech) ¬∃𝑥[peRson(𝑥) ∧ see(John, 𝑥)] 19 Mojmír Dočekal The distinction between n-words and NPIs already mentioned in the criterion in 3 is illustrated in (6): (6b) illustrates the unavailability of NPIs as fragment answers versus the perfect acceptability of n-words in the same context in (6d) – the Czech translation of the (6a) – (6b) mini-dialogue. (6) NPIs ≠ n-words: a. Whom did you talk to? b. * Anybody. / Nobody. c. S with kým whom jsi aux mluvil? spoke? ‘With whom did you speak?’ d. S with nikým. nobody ‘With nobody.’ There are at least two influential theories of n-words: the first one treats n-words as non-negative indefinites (predicate of type ⟨𝑒, 𝑡⟩) which are required to be in the scope of clause-mate negation (so called roofing requirement from Ladusaw (1992), see Giannakidou (1997) for an historical overview). The second type of theory compares n-words to agreement markers which nicely explains their locality requirements, basically their need to be licensed syntactically by clause-mate negation. The second type of approach is developed in Zeijlstra (2004) and Zeijlstra (2008). In this article I will follow the syntactic agreement approach even if nothing hinges too much on the particular framework as far as it constrains the distribution of n-words to clauses with overt verbal negation. This locality constraint is one of the usually mentioned contrasts between n-words and NPIs since unlike NPIs which just need to be in a scope of negative element, n-words need a local negation as the following contrast from Giannakidou & Zeijlstra (2017) shows. (7) Dhen not prodhosa betrayed.1sg mistika secrets [pu that eksethesan exposed.3pl [kanenan anybody /*Kanenan]]. n-body ‘I didn’t reveal secrets that exposed anybody.’ (Greek; Giannakidou & Zeijlstra 2017: 18) It should be noted that the locality requirement of n-words varies across languages but for n-words in Slavic languages the locality requirement is very strict as observed already by Progovac (1993). So unlike in Spanish, Italian or Greek 20 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments where the licensing of n-words sometimes (especially in case of subjunctive embedding) can span from a negation on the root verb to n-words in embedded clauses, such licensing is ungrammatical in Slavic languages, see the following examples from Czech. (8) a. * Petr Petr neřekl, neg.said že that nikdo n-body přišel. came Intended: ‘Petr didn’t say that anybody came.’ b. Petr Petr řekl, said že that nikdo n-body nepřišel. neg.came ‘Peter said that nobody came.’ c. * Petr Petr nechce, neg.wants aby comp.sbjv tu here nikdo n-body byl. were Intended: ‘Petr doesn’t want anybody to be here.’ d. Petr Petr chce, wants aby comp.sbjv tu here nikdo n-body nebyl. neg.were ‘Peter wants nobody to be here.’ 2.2 NPIs A prototypical example of an NPI is the English expression any – see the seminal work of Kadmon & Landman (1993) (and there for older references). If an NPI occurs in a sentence without negation it results in an ungrammatical sentence – (9). If it occurs in a negated sentence like in (10), the only interpretation is a scope of any under negation: (10a) vs. the unavailable interpretation in (10b). In English a quantifier few students (which shares with negation the relevant property of downward entailingness – discussed shortly) licenses NPIs in the object: (11). (9) * Peter visited anyone. (10) Petr didn’t visit anyone. a. Available: ¬∃𝑥[peRson(𝑥) ∧ visit(PeteR, 𝑥)] b. Unavailable: ∃𝑥[peRson(𝑥) ∧ ¬visit(PeteR, 𝑥)] (11) Few students visited anyone. Next, negation is not the only expression licensing NPIs which (at least in the case of so called weak NPIs) sets NPIs apart from n-words which are licensed only by negation. Compare the following Czech paradigm in (12) where the 21 Mojmír Dočekal NPI/minimizer sebemenší šance ‘slightest chance’ contrasts with the adjectival n-word žádnou (glossed as n-adj). The NPI licensing expression in (12a) is the quantifier málo studentů ‘few students’. The negation and other NPI licensing expressions share the property of reversing the direction of entailment in their argument. Notice how negation reverses entailment in Table 1: logical conjunction entails logical disjunction in a positive case but negated logical disjunction entails negated logical conjunction – notice the tautological status of both formulas in Table 1. Because of the entailment reversion property of NPI licensors their essential quality is called downward entailing (DE) and is generally accepted by scholars as the most probable common denominator of NPI environments (since Ladusaw 1992 at least).5 (12) a. Málo few studentů students mělo had sebemenší slightest šanci chance složit to.pass tu the zkoušku. exam ‘Few students had the slightest chance to pass the exam.’ b. # Málo few studentů students mělo had žádnou n-adj šanci chance složit to.pass tu the zkoušku. exam Intended: ‘Few students had any chance to pass the exam.’ Table 1: Entailment properties of conjunction and disjunction 𝑝 𝑞 (𝑝 ∧ 𝑞) → (𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) ¬(𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) → ¬(𝑝 ∧ 𝑞) 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 In natural language the reasoning of monotonicity is frequently applied in relation to sets, subsets and supersets. Notice the predicate logic implications in 5I will discuss in more detail the distinction between weak and strong NPIs. In the literature there are various attempts to reclassify the landscape of NPIs, one of them Rullmann 1996, following the work of Krifka 1995 and further elaborated in Lahiri 1998 points out that there is a special class of NPIs – in Rullmann’s terms even-NPIs (ook maar-series in Dutch) which seem to be an indefinite incorporated with the semantics of the scalar focus particle even. Even-NPIs are inherently scalar and interact with focus. Czech ani-NPIs have precisely the characteristics of even-NPIs as I will discuss later. In this respect they belong to the same class (even-NPIs) as stressed English any and the ook maar-series in Dutch. Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for pointing out the importance of this cross-linguistic comparison. 22 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments (13) which corresponds to the patterns from the propositional calculus. If there is some x in the intersection of P and Q denotation then necessarily there is an x in P and Q union (13a). And if there is no x in P and Q union, then there cannot be any x in their intersection (13b). So in a affirmative sentence (in predicate logic non-negated formula) the entailment goes from an subset (intersection) to a superset (union) while in a negated sentence, the entailment is reversed and proceeds from a superset (union) to its subset (intersection). A natural language example is in (14): the denotation of NP red wine is a subset of the NP wine denotation and in an affirmative sentence (14a) the entailment is from a subset to a superset, not vice versa: (14b). In a negated sentence the entailment reverses: (14c). (13) a. ∃𝑥[𝑃(𝑥) ∧ 𝑄(𝑥)] → ∃𝑥[𝑃(𝑥) ∨ 𝑄(𝑥)] b. ¬∃𝑥[𝑃(𝑥) ∨ 𝑄(𝑥)] → ¬∃𝑥[𝑃(𝑥) ∧ 𝑄(𝑥)] (14) red wine → wine a. John likes red wine. → John likes wine. b. John likes wine. ↛ John likes red wine. c. John does not like wine. → John does not like red wine. The general condition stating that NPIs occur in downward entailing (DE) environments can be stated like (15), from (von Fintel 1999: 100).6 (15) Fauconnier–Ladusaw’s Licensing Condition: An NPI is only grammatical if it is in the scope of an 𝛼 such that 𝛼 is DE. The downward monotonic and upward monotonic reasoning in case of quantifiers works like this: upward monotonic quantifiers allow reasoning from subsets to supersets while downward monotonic quantifiers from supersets to subsets: (16). Natural language examples of upward, downward and non-monotonic quantification are presented in (17). (16) a. DET 𝐴 is upward entailing iff for any 𝐵, 𝐶 (𝐵 ⊆ 𝐶) DET 𝐴 𝐵 ⇒ DET 𝐴 𝐶 6The licensing condition has to be understood as necessary, not sufficient: there are cases of intervention in NPIs licensing (see Linebarger 1987 for an early treatment and Homer 2008 for a more recent approach), then cases of NPIs being unacceptable even in simple negative sentences (see Uribe-Echevarria 1994 and Błaszczak 2001). But as none of the experiments reported further addresses such type of data, for the purposes of this paper I stick to (15), as a working definition of NPI licensing. 23 Mojmír Dočekal b. DET 𝐴 is downward entailing iff for any 𝐵, 𝐶 (𝐵 ⊆ 𝐶) DET 𝐴 𝐶 ⇒ DET 𝐴 𝐵 c. if not upward or downward monotonic → non-monotonic (17) Upward/Downward entailing and non-monotonic determiners: a. some: Some toys are blue ⇒ Some toys are colored b. few: Few toys are colored ⇒ Few toys are blue c. exactly 𝑛: Exactly three toys are blue ⇎ Exactly three toys are colored It is important to notice that monotonicity properties belong to a position in a sentence and they are computed compositionally: so a position in a sentence can be upward entailing even if it occurs in the scope of a downward entailing quantifier. In (18) the object position is in the scope of two DE quantifiers and consequently is upward monotonic, as the validity of the entailment pattern shows.7 (18) a. [↓ At most three detectives arrested ↓[fewer than four ↑[criminals]]] b. →[↓ At most three detectives arrested ↓[fewer than four ↑[humans]]] 2.3 Weak and strong NPIs There is a class of NPIs, so called weaK NPIs with prototypical English examples like any or ever. Weak NPIs occur in all downward entailing environments as illustrated in (19). (19) a. Bill didn’t ever say anything. b. No student ever said anything. c. Few students ever said anything. d. At most 5 students ever said anything. e. * Between 5 and 10 students ever said anything. f. * {Some/all/most} students ever said anything. The second class of NPIs instantiated by English expressions like in weeks, additive either, and punctual until are so called stRong NPIs and as the name suggests, 7Early discussion of this compositionality which can lead to flip-flop effects in NPIs licensing can be found in Baker (1970), a recent study incorporating some experimental findings is Geurts & van Der Slik (2005). 24 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments they occur only in a subset of environments where weak NPIs are grammatical as illustrated in (20).8 (20) a. Bill didn’t leave until his birthday. b. No student left until his birthday. c. * Few students left until their birthdays. d. * At most 5 students left until their birthdays. e. * Between 5 and 10 students left until their birthdays. f. * {Some/most/all} students left until their birthdays. The logical property which licensors of strong NPIs share (negation and no in (20)) is a strengthened form of entailment reversal and usually is named antiadditivity.9 In using anti-additivity as the necessary condition for strong NPI acceptability I follow seminal work of Zwarts (1998). There is a popular alternative explanation of strong NPIs and their behavior in Gajewski (2011) which describes their stricter distribution via downward entailing properties but checked both in at-issue meaning and in the presupposition/implicature part of the meaning. I will stick to the classic theory of anti-additivity here: the definition is in (21). (22) illustrates the anti-aditivity (the quantifier no is anti-additive since negation is always anti-additive as is clear from deMorgan’s law: ¬(𝑝∨𝑞) ↔ (¬𝑝∧¬𝑞)). But DE quantifiers like few students in (23) are not anti-additive – imagine a scenario 8The interaction of strong NPIs and locality is a vast topic but notice the following pattern from Romoli (2013: 317): (i) a. John doesn’t think that Mary will arrive until tomorrow. b. * John isn’t certain that Mary will arrive until tomorrow. As the pattern shows, licensing of strong NPIs is always possible in case of negated neg-raising predicates like think but results in ungrammaticality in cases of negated non-neg-raisers as the predicate like be certain. 9The full hierarchy of negative strength is the following one: anti-morphicity > anti-additivity > downward entailing (anti-morphicity defined after Krifka 1995: an operator 𝑂 is anti-morphic iff: 𝑂(¬𝑋) = ¬𝑂(𝑋); negation is anti-morphic unlike English negative quantifier no as can be seen from the following equivalence and non-equivalence John wasn’t happy = It’s not the case that John was happy vs. No student wasn’t happy ≠ It’s not the case that no student was happy). Being the strongest negative expression (like verbal negation) entails being classified as anti-additive and downward entailing automatically. Strong NPIs are usually taken to be licensed by operators of at least anti-additive strength – see the grammaticality of (20b). In Slavic languages (strict negative concord) it is not that easy to tease apart anti-additivity and anti-morphicity of negative NPs headed by no but it seems that strong NPIs in Slavic require at least anti-additive licensors as well. 25 Mojmír Dočekal with 10 students, three of them drinking and three of them smoking, then ∨ part of (23) is false while ∧ part of (23) is true.10 (21) Anti-additive function: 𝐹 (𝑥 ∨ 𝑦) ↔ 𝐹 (𝑥) ∧ 𝐹 (𝑦) (22) No student smokes or drinks ↔ No student smokes and no student drinks. (23) Few students smoke or drink ↮ Few students smoke and few students drink 2.4 NPIs vs. n-words Returning now to the broader question of distinguishing between NPIs (negative dependent expressions licensed in semantics via notions like monotonicity and/or anti-additivity) and n-words (negative dependent expressions licensed in syntax via agreement), it is acknowledged that such a distinction corresponds nicely with a well established modularity architecture of a grammar where usually we distinguish between different forms of well-formedness such as syntactic or semantic, corresponding to well-formedness which is located in different modules of grammar. But the picture is not so clear when we consider recent theories of NPI licensing where the logical properties correlate with syntactic acceptability of NPIs. In concreto: if ungrammaticality of NPIs in upward entailing environments is due to lack of the right monotonicity properties in them, then we are in fact linking the domains of semantics with syntax. And in some theories (Heim 1984; Crnič 2014) of NPIs licensing where the licensing of NPIs is postulated via presupposition the linking goes even further: between the licensing in pragmatics with syntactic acceptability. Recent theories of NPIs (Chierchia 2013) and strong NPIs (Gajewski 2011) seem to point in the same direction. Before we move to the experimental part of the article, let us have an outlook of Czech data scrutinized in much more detail in the series of experiments I will report. In Czech there are two candidates both at first sight reasonable for the NPI 10Corresponding to the full scale of negative strength – see the previous footnote – some researchers like Krifka (1995) and Van der Wouden (2002) distinguish weak (licensed in downward entailing contexts), strong (licensed in anti-additive contexts) and super-strong NPIs (licensed in anti-morphic contexts). Due to the strict negative concord properties of Slavic languages (discussed in the previous footnote too) I will stick to the basic dichotomy: weak/strong NPIs where strong NPIs would subsume the strong and the super-strong NPIs from the more nuanced classifications. Thanks to an anonymous reviewer for pointing out the importance of this issue. 26 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments or n-word status: ani (jeden) ‘not even (one)’ and žádný ‘n-adj’. As the following example demonstrates, both require clause-mate negation in basic cases, so both can be thought of as either n-words or strong NPIs (the embedded clauses of communicative verbs can be shown to be non-anti-additive: details to follow). (24) a. Petr Petr neviděl neg.saw {ani even jednoho one / žádného} n-adj studenta. student ‘Petr didn’t see any student.’ b. {*Ani even jeden one / *žádný} n-adj student student přišel. came ‘Not even one/any student came.’ c. Petr Petr neslyšel, neg.heard že that {*ani even jeden one / *žádný} n-adj student student přišel. came ‘Petr didn’t hear that even one/any student came.’ So it is well conceivable that four logical possibilities of classifying ani jeden ‘not even one’ and žádný ‘n-adj’ are reasonable. Czech tradition like Havránek et al. (1960) can be interpreted as Table 2 suggests, so basically treating both types of expressions as syntactically dependent on negation. Table 2: Czech traditional grammar on ani vs. žádný item/profile NPIs n-words ani jeden   žádný   And as it is clear from the previous discussion, the division between n-words and strong NPIs is subtle – the only other clause-mate environment (next to negation) which passes the test of anti-additivity are prepositions like English without (compare the equivalence of: John left the pub without paying and saying good bye ↔ John left the pub without paying or John left the pub without saying good bye). So it is reasonable to ask a research question like (25). Neg-concord languages like Czech (and generally all Slavic languages) do employ negative dependency on negation via n-words, so is there a reason for a language to maintain a set of expressions which does nearly the same job but is licensed in semantics? In the rest of the article I will argue for the positive answer to the question: the experimental evidence clearly shows that ani (jeden) ‘not even (one)’ expressions pattern like strong NPIs, not like n-words, while žádný ‘n-adj’ are n-words. 27 Mojmír Dočekal (25) Research question: do strict neg-concord languages even allow grammaticalization of strong NPIs? 3 Experimental evidence In the three following sections I will discuss the experimental evidence which allows us to tease apart n-words from NPIs. First in §3.1 I will report evidence coming from the behavior of NPIs in neg-raising constructions: neg-Raising (NR) is a primarily interpretational phenomenon where a negation of verbs like think, believe or want is most saliently understood as scoping over their embedded verb (I don’t want to leave ≈ I want not to leave, compared with a lack of such interpretation in case of non-NR predicates: I don’t say I will leave I am saying that I will not leave). In §3.2 the evidence for distinguishing between n-words and NPIs will come from their different acceptability as fragmentary answers to questions. And in §3.3, the two classes will be shown to behave differently with respect to their entailment and likelihood properties. 3.1 Neg-raising Because NPIs are licensed in the semantic part of the grammar engine, they are (ceteris paribus) expected to be able to be licensed at long distance. N-words as syntactically dependent on negation have to obey strict locality conditions unlike NPIs. And even more importantly, if the licensing of NPIs happens in semantics, their licensing should be sensitive to properties of their embedding verbs, in case of NR-predicates, NPIs should appear in the embedded clauses of NR-predicates but are predicted to be unacceptable in the embedded clauses of non-NR predicates (verbs of communication or causation). If we construe such long distance licensing, the expected pattern should look like the one in Table 3: n-words cannot be licensed across a clausal boundary, while NPIs can be licensed from their embedding clause. Nevertheless in case of NR-predicates, we expect a sharp difference between predicates like want or believe and non-NR predicates like hear, say, or force. The experimental results which bear on this issue are summarized in more detail in Dočekal & Dotlačil (2016a). Let us call this experiment Experiment 1. Experiment 1 consisted of 5 conditions demonstrated in (26), one of the items of the experiment. The experiment tested acceptability of sentences containing NPIs and focused on neg-raising. 28 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments Table 3: n-words vs. NPIs in Neg-raising and non-NR contexts environment/status NPIs n-words NR embedded   non-NR embedded   (26) a. Ztratila Lost se se ani not.even jedna one ovce. sheep ‘A single sheep is missing.’ b. Neztratila neg.lost se se ani not.even jedna one ovce. sheep ‘Not a single sheep is missing.’ c. Nový new bača shepherd v in Tatrách Tatras nechce, neg.wants aby comp se se ztratila lost ani not.even jedna one ovce. sheep. ‘The new shepherd in Tatras doesn’t want even one sheep to be missing.’ d. Nový new bača shepherd v in Tatrách Tatras si se nemyslí, neg.think že comp se se ztratila lost ani not.even jedna one ovce. sheep ‘The new shepherd in Tatras doesn’t think that even one sheep is missing.’ e. Nový new bača shepherd v in Tatrách Tatras neříká, neg.say že comp se se ztratila lost ani not.even jedna one ovce. sheep ‘The new shepherd in Tatras doesn’t say that even one sheep is missing.’ The sentences represent 5 environments listed below: (A) an affirmative sentence (B) a negative sentence 29 Mojmír Dočekal (C) a clause embedded under negated NR predicates of intention and judgement/obligation (e.g. want, advise) (D) a clause embedded under negated NR predicates of opinion (believe) (E) non-NR predicates Experiment 1 tested only NPIs: ani jeden was one two NPIs in it, the second one až do ‘until’ + time expression is not important for this article, n-words were not tested. The descriptive statistics of Experiment 1 is visualized in Figure 1: the x-axis represents the 5 conditions and the y-axis represents the 5-point Likert scale (1 = the least acceptable, 5 = the most acceptable). The boxplots summarize the acceptability in the usual manner. As is evident from the graph, Condition A was the least acceptable, Condition B most accepted, all other conditions somewhere in the interval between the two extremes. The most important difference for this article is the one between the conditions C and D and E where E represents non-NR predicates and was perceived as less acceptable by native speakers. This seems to be result of unlicensed NPI in the embedded clauses of non-NR predicates. I discuss the design of Experiment 1 in more detail here because the following two experiments (viz §3.2 and §3.3) have an analogical design and statistical modeling. When describing the following two experiments, I will be less eloquent. Figure 1: Results of Experiment 1 30 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments The results of the experiment can be theoretically explained in the scalar approach to NR (Horn 1973; Romoli 2012; 2013). In the scalar theory of neg-raising NR predicates (beside the assertion – (27a)) contribute the excluded middle (EM) implicature to the semantic composition (27b). And finally the alternatives generated by the implicature are exhaustified by EXH – (28). (27) a. NR = 𝜆𝑝𝜆𝑥.□ 𝑥 [𝑝] b. ALT( NR ) = {𝜆𝑝𝜆𝑥.□ 𝑥 [𝑝], 𝜆𝑝𝜆𝑥.[□ 𝑥 [𝑝] ∨ □ 𝑥 [¬𝑝]]} (28) EXH(ALT(𝑝))(𝑝)(𝑤) = 𝑝(𝑤) ∧ ∀𝑞 ∈ EXCL(𝑝, ALT(𝑝))[¬𝑞(𝑤)] I will illustrate the mechanics of the scalar theory of NR on an example item from Experiment 1: (29). Formula in (30a) shows the alternatives generated by the excluded middle implicature from (27b): it is the negated at-issue meaning (¬want𝑠 [𝑝]) and the excluded middle part (¬(want𝑠 [𝑝] ∨want𝑠 [¬𝑝])). The excluded middle in this case formalizes the involvement of the subject s: he either wants the proposition p, or he wants the negation of p but he cannot be uninterested with respect to p. The excluded middle for other classes of NR-predicates has an analogous meaning: opinionatedness for know/believe, clear intentions for plan, etc. Compare the lack of such an excluded middle meaning in predicates of communication: a speaker can say p or neg p but he can be silent about p as well. (30b) then shows the exhaustification of the alternatives: the at-issue meaning remains the same but the excluded alternative is negated – the usual strenghtening of the sentence meaning via negating its alternatives. The at-issue meaning and double negated excluded middle alternative then (via deductive reasoning) yield the semantic low scope of negation in the embedded proposition. So, as a consequence of exhaustification of the NR predicate and its excluded middle implicature, the negation is of the NR predicate is interpreted as having low scope (semantically). (29) ‘A new shepherd in Tatra mountains doesn’t want even one sheep to be missing.’ ¬want𝑠 [𝑝] (30) a. ALT(¬want𝑠 [𝑝]) = {¬want𝑠 [𝑝], ¬(want𝑠 [𝑝] ∨ want𝑠 [¬𝑝])} b. EXH(¬want𝑠 [𝑝]) = ¬want𝑠 [𝑝] ∧ ¬¬(want𝑠 [𝑝] ∨ want𝑠 [¬𝑝]) |= want𝑠 [¬𝑝] Let us recall that strong NPIs are licensed by anti-additive functions: functions which obey deMorgan’s laws which naturally is true for negation: a natural 31 Mojmír Dočekal language example is presented in (31a) and (31b) where the entailment is bidirectional and in propositional logic in (31c) and (31d) where the same meaning equivalence holds. (31) a. It didn’t rain and it didn’t snow. b. It didn’t rain or snow. c. ¬𝑝 ∧ ¬𝑞 d. ¬[𝑝 ∨ 𝑞] In the case of NR predicates like want in (32) the embedded clause qualifies as an anti-additive environment due to the NR-transfer of negation: (32a) is equivalent to (32b) – both require p and q being false in all possible worlds – see Table 4 with an example of two possible worlds. In such a model both logical formulas in (32c) and (32d) are true. (32) a. Susan does not want to sleep and she does not want to dance. b. Susan does not want to sleep or dance. c. □¬𝑝 ∧ □¬𝑞 ↔ d. □¬(𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) Table 4: A fragment of possible worlds for (32) world/proposition 𝑝 𝑞 𝑤1 0 0 𝑤2 0 0 But consider an example of non-NR predicates like say in (33a) and (33b). (33b) does not follow from (33a) since non-NR predicates if negated allow only the high scope of negation interpretation: (34a) – and such an interpretation is the following: it requires there to be at least some possible worlds where the propositions p and q are false. But (34a) is stronger: it requires both propositions p and q to be false in all possible worlds. (34a) would be true in a valuation of propositions across possible worlds in Table 5 but (34b) would be false in such a model. In other words: non-NR predicates do not create anti-additive environment in their embedded clauses. And since strong NPIs need anti-additivity, they are unlicensed in the embedded clauses of non-NR predicates. 32 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments (33) a. Susan didn’t say that she will sleep and she didn’t say that she will dance. b. Susan didn’t say that she will sleep or dance. (34) a. ¬□𝑝 ∧ ¬□𝑞 (true in the table) b. ¬□[𝑝 ∨ 𝑞] (false in the table) Table 5: A fragment of possible worlds for (33a)/(33b) world/proposition 𝑝 𝑞 𝑤1 0 1 𝑤2 1 0 Returning now to the initial predictions: Experiment 1 confirmed the NPI status of ani (jeden) – if ani (jeden) were an n-word, the contrast between NR predicates (ani (jeden) licensed) and non-NR predicates (ani jeden not acceptable) would be unexplained since syntactic licensing should not be sensitive to semantic distinctions between anti-additive and non-anti-additive environments. So we can conclude this section with a first clear experimental confirmation of classifying ani (jeden) as a strong NPI. Moreover it was established that anti-additivity is a necessary condition for licensing the strong NPI ani (jeden). Experiment 1 itself did not establish contrast between strong NPIs (ani (jeden)) and n-words but its results would be unexpected if ani (jeden) were not a strong NPI. Experiment 1 did not test intuitions for žádný, the reason for that is the following one: žádný is perceived by native Czech native speakers to be grammatical only if it appears in a sentence with local negation (26b) type of sentences. So unlike in case of ani (jeden) where the judgments are much more graded, there is no need to experimentally establish the acceptability of žádný. Table 6: N-words vs. NPIs in Neg-raising environments environment/status NPIs n-words NR embedded   non-NR embedded   33 Mojmír Dočekal 3.2 Fragment answers Another distinction mentioned already in criterion 3 is the distinction between n-words and NPIs with respect to their ability to be fragmentary answers to questions. Roughly, n-words are good fragmentary answers, while NPIs are generally not acceptable as fragmentary answers. Similarly to the situation in NR contexts reported in the last section, the acceptability of ani (jeden) as a fragmentary answer seems to be more varied than in case of n-words which are always good as fragment answers. I pre-experimentally noticed that especially in cases where the question supplies more context, the NPIs seem more acceptable, following the pattern in (35). The fragment answers were tested in two expriments; first in Experiment 2 the fragment answers were tested against minimal context ques- tions. (35) a. Kdo who byl was dneska today večer evening na on náměstí? square? ‘Who was today in the evening on the square?’ b. ? Ani npi jeden one člověk. human ‘Not even one man.’ c. Kdo who tu here dneska today byl? was ‘Who was here today?’ d. ⁇? Ani npi jeden one člověk. human ‘Not even one man.’ In Experiment 2 (details can be found in Dočekal & Dotlačil 2017), there was a negative interaction of ani and ellipsis in non-negative questions like (36). In other words, as expected n-words were judged by speakers as better fragmentary answers than NPIs. The statistical outcome is visualized in Figure 2 – the relevant condition is ellipsis and blue bar for n-words, red for NPIs. (36) Kdo who odešel left z from hospody? pub? ‘Who left the pub?’ a. Žádný n-adj student. student ‘No student.’ 34 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments b. ⁇ Ani npi jeden one student. student ‘Not even one student.’ Figure 2: Results of Experiment 2 The theoretical explanation of this known difference is usually provided via a possible reconstruction of n-words and unavailability of reconstruction for NPIs. Because NPIs are usually not able to reconstruct under a possible licensor in their scope (De Swart 1998) like in the following example where NPI any student in the cleft cannot reconstruct to its base object position under the quantifier no professor which would license it.11 (37) *It is any student that no professor likes. We further elaborated the fragment answer distinction in Experiment 3 (details can be found in Dočekal & Dotlačil 2017) where we provided more contextual 11Again the ban on NPI reconstruction can be side-stepped with a carefully constructed example as the following sentence from Uribe-Echevarria (1994: p.17) shows: A doctor who knew anything about acupuncture was not available. It seems though that in such cases it is the whole subject NP (containing the NPI) reconstruction which saves grammaticality of NPI and this type of construction seems to be highly restricted. Nevertheless thanks to an anonymous reviewer for pointing this out. 35 Mojmír Dočekal informations like in the example item (38). In this experiment the correlation disappeared: see Figure 3 – conditions FRagNPI vs. FRagNwoRd with no difference in acceptability. (38) Koho whom vyhodil fired profesor prof Palný Palný včera yesterday ze from zkoušky? exam? ‘Who was fired by prof Palný during yesterday’s exam?’ a. Žádného n-adj studenta. student ‘No student.’ b. Ani npi jednoho one studenta. student ‘Not even one student.’ Figure 3: Results of Experiment 3 The ability of n-words to appear as fragmentary answers is usually taken as the standard distinction of n-words against NPIs. But in a recent paper Fălăuș & Nicolae (2016) observe a strikingly related phenomen: the authors claim (based 36 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments on data from many strict neg-concord languages) that in strict neg-concord languages n-word answers to negative questions can have (surprisingly) a Double Negation (DN) reading. This observation goes against the n-words vs. NPIs criterion as it falsifies the meaning part of it: n-words and (reconstructed) negation yield only one semantic negation. I checked Fălăuș & Nicolae’s (2016) claims with 10 native speakers of Czech and they seem to be valid – see example (39): there seems to be even a preference (8/10) for the DN reading – (39a) but the negative concord reading (39b) is considered to be possible (for 2 out of 10 speakers). (39) Kdo who nepřečetl žádný n-adj článek? article ‘Who didn’t read any article?’ a. Nikdo. Nobody. (None of us read a single one.) NC (2/10): ¬∃𝑥, 𝑦[peRson(𝑥) ∧ aRticle(𝑦) ∧ Read(𝑥, 𝑦)] ≡ ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ¬∃𝑦[aRticle(𝑦) ∧ Read(𝑥, 𝑦)]] b. Nikdo. Nobody. (Each of us read an article) DN (8/10): ¬∃𝑥[peRson(𝑥) ∧ aRticle(𝑦) ∧ ¬Read(𝑥, 𝑦)] ≡ ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ∃𝑦[aRticle(𝑦) ∧ Read(𝑥, 𝑦)]] Fălăuș & Nicolae (2016) solve the availability of DN reading of n-words via postulating another (focus-related) position for covert negation (CN): in the left periphery of a clause as in the tree in Figure 4. The position is according to Fălăuș & Nicolae (2016) licensed via n-word movement to the left peripheral position above TP. A negation in the left periphery is a second negation in a sentence, next to the reconstructed negation from the question (surface negation, SN). So the first negation in (39b) is the interpretation of covert negation, the second one of the verbal negation. If we follow Fălăuș & Nicolae (2016), we can explain the puzzling disappearance of contrast between n-words and NPIs (Experiment 3) as a consequence of the covert negation – if such a negation appears in a clause, the NPIs are licensed because they do not need to reconstruct under the scope of verbal negation and then the contrast between n-words and NPIs disappears. There are many questions raised by postulating such covert negation, especially with respect to possible over-generation – at the end n-words in strict negative concord languages cannot appear in sentences without negation but postulating covert negation leaves this robust observation unexplained. Fălăuș & Nicolae (2016) try to resolve such problems by restricting the covert negation only to controllable set of cases, all somehow related to focus movement of n-words to 37 Mojmír Dočekal CN FOC n-word TP NegP SN VP V n-word Figure 4: Covert negation, syntax the left periphery. I tried to verify their claims and conducted a small survey again with the same 10 speakers of Czech and it seems that Fălăuș & Nicolae’s general idea is confirmed with an interesting twist. Let us start with a basic case – (40) is interpreted only with NC reading as is visible from the ranking in (40a) and (40b) – a double negation reading is simply non-existent. (40) Nikdo n-peRson ničemu n-thing nevěří. neg.believes ‘Nobody believes anything.’ a. NC: ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ¬∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ believe(𝑥, 𝑦)]] b. * DN: ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ believe(𝑥, 𝑦)]] But in case of information structure manipulation like in (41), which is even an affirmative sentence, the double negation reading surprisingly emerges. A similar pattern is observed in (42). The sentences moreover seem to have the double negation reading only. This confirms Fălăuș & Nicolae’s hypothesis about focus position of the CN: example (40), where there is no object movement to the left periphery (unlike in (41) and (42)), has only the expected NC reading. In this article it is not possible to explore more details of this interesting appearance of double negation reading in a negative concord language like Czech but more importantly: it seems to be reasonable to postulate another position for negation in the left periphery of a clause, such a position (because it is somehow licensed via focus) can then blur the picture of the fragmentary answer criterion and the fluctuation of acceptability of NPIs as fragmentary answers observed in Experiment 3 is no longer a mystery, context manipulation can lead to a focus related CN licensing of even strong NPIs as fragment answers. 38 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments (41) V in nic n-thing nikdo n-peRson nevěří. believes ‘Nobody believes in anything.’ a. * NC (0/10): ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ¬∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ believe(𝑥, 𝑦)]] b. DN (10/10): ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ believe(𝑥, 𝑦)]] (42) Nic n-thing při at té the zkoušce exam nikdo n-peRson nenapsal. neg.wrote ‘Nobody wrote anything during the exam.’ a. * NC (0/10): ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ¬∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ wRite(𝑥, 𝑦)]] b. DN (10/10): ∀𝑥[peRson(𝑥) → ∃𝑦[entity(𝑦) ∧ wRite(𝑥, 𝑦)]] Summary of this section: there seems to be some evidence for classifying ani as an NPI and žádný as an n-word which stems from the fragment answer experiments. When the results diverge from the expected dichotomy, there seems to be a reasonable explanation via postulation of a second covert negation in the sentence. 3.3 Likelihood scenarios The last environment discussed in this article concerns the semantic properties of sentences where n-words vs. NPIs occur. The straightforward predictions are the following: 1) n-words (licensed in syntax) should not be sensitive to logical properties of their environment (they require just sentential/verbal negation) 2) NPIs are licensed in semantics and by definition are dependent on semantic properties like DE, anti-additivity, etc. I will pursue the line of distinguishing NPIs from n-words via the NPI sensitivity to monotonicity and likelihood. And I will base my reasoning on a very influential theory of NPI licensing, the so called simple even hypothesis of NPI licensing (Heim 1984; Krifka 1995; Crnič 2014 – I will call the theory Heim/Crnič theory further). The theory describes NPIs using the following three ingredients: • NPIs associate with covert even – the formalization can be via a formal [𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛] feature carried by the NPIs, etc. • NPIs (like focused element) generate sets of possible alternatives; 39 Mojmír Dočekal • covert even associates with the alternatives and generates presupposition of its prejacent being the least probable member of the set of alternatives (entailing all the alternatives) – in case of association with even (some authors suggest different covert licensors of NPIs too); The immediate predictions of the Heim/Crnič theory is that NPIs should be sensitive to probability and entailing properties. The first and the second one are logically related: a proposition p cannot be more likely than a proposition q, if p entails q: intuitive illustration – p being Rambo killed 100 enemies, q being Rambo killed 99 enemies, p entails q and p is less likely than q; q does not entail p and is more likely than q – see Crnič (2011) for details of relating entailing and likelihood. The theoretical intricacies away, the prediction that NPIs should be sensitive to logical properties like entailing or probability while n-word not is uncontroversial, see Table 7 for a visualization of these predictions. Table 7: N-words vs. NPIs in probability manipulated environments property/item entailment/probability n-words  NPIs  And exactly this prediction was tested in Experiment 2 and Experiment 3. In both we found a strong correlation of ani and probability. As a side note: a corpus survey (the biggest national Czech corpus, Křen et al. (2015)) confirms the likelihood sensitivity of ani – a prototypical example in (43) shows that ani usually associates with weak scalar items (ani jeden is the second most frequent collocation, the first one another minimizer ani slovo ‘not a single word’). which via scalar reasoning entails all other scalar alternatives (¬∃𝑋 [customeR(𝑋) ∧ #𝑋 = 1 ∧ enteR(𝑋)] → ¬∃𝑋 [customeR(𝑋) ∧ #𝑋 > 1 ∧ enteR(𝑋)]). And due to this entailment the sentence with ani and a weak element associated with ani is the least probable (entailing all other alternatives). (43) tento this nyní now úspěšný succesfull podnikatel businessman […] v in prvním first měsíci month neměl neg.had [ani npi jednoho one zákazníka] customer ‘This currently succesfull businessman did not have even one customer in the first month.’ 40 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments In Experiment 2 the acceptability of ani with strong scalar items was tested – example item in (44) where the scale of catholic hierarchy is most probably ⟨𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑡, 𝑏𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝, 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙⟩ – cardinal being high scalar item in any case. The scale entails contextual (not proper formal logical) entailment due to the facts of world we know the following implicational hierarchy: ∃𝑥[become caRdinal(𝑥) → become bishop(𝑥) → become pRiest(𝑥)] and its reversal as invalid: ∃𝑥 [become pRiest(𝑥) ↛ become bishop(𝑥) ↛ become caRdinal(𝑥)]. To acquire the grade of cardinal entails acquiring (ceteris paribus) acquiring all lower ranks of catholic hierarchy but not the other way round. The scalar item cardinal is the strongest (in the ad hoc scale), it entails all other items in the scale and is consequently least likely (which fits the natural intuitions). If ani prefers weak scalar items, it should be degraded with strong items, while n-words (as they are not picky about semantic environments) should be more acceptable. (44) […] nestal neg.became se se {ani npi / žádným} n-adj kardinálem cardinal ‘He didn’t become even a cardinal.’ And we found out that people overall preferred žádný (n-word) with strong scalar items. The reason is that n-words do not have semantic requirements unlike NPIs: ani prefers weak scalar items. The statistical results of Experiment 2 are in Figure 2, the pertinent condition liKelihood: ani (red) had mean acceptability very much below the n-word’s mean acceptability (blue) (around 2.8 for n-words). Experiment 3 was partially an elaboration of Experiment 2 – while Experiment 2 used an acceptability task, in Experiment 3 the truth value judgment task was used in case of testing likelihood properties of ani. An example item is in (45). Again it was tested how much worse is the acceptability of strong scalar items with ani. In this scenario the scale is ⟨PhD, MA, BA⟩: here the scale is contextually based on the likelihood of passing the exam (if the scale were based simply on academic hierarchy, as in the acceptability testing in (44), it would be ⟨PhD, MA, BA⟩ but in (45) the scale is reversed as passing the exam is prototypically negatively correlated with the academic rank). The scale is (due to the context) again based on contextual entailment: ∀𝑥[BA(𝑥) → pass(𝑥)] → [∀𝑥[MA(𝑥) → pass(𝑥)] → ∀𝑥[PhD(𝑥) → pass(𝑥)]]. Therefore ani associates again with the strongest scalar item (in the positive version of a tested sentence entailing all its scalar alternatives). And as the statistical summary in Figure 3 shows (the relevant condition LiKeli_NPI s. LiKeli_NwoRd – blue color), speakers again preferred n-words to ani NPIs. This again follows from ani’s semantic requirements (it associates with weak items which in negative contexts become 41 Mojmír Dočekal least likely among alternative scalar items) vs. n-words which do not have any semantic sensitivity and are therefore more acceptable than ani. (45) Scenario: prof. Novák yesterday examined an easy course which BA, MA and PhD students attend. PhD students pass the exam always, MA in most cases but BA only rarely. Včerejší yesterday zkoušku exam u at prof. prof. Nováka Novák nesložili neg.passed {ani npi / žádní} n-adj bakaláři. BA-students ‘No bachelors passed the yesterday’s exam by prof. Novák.’ Empirically both experiments strongly support the classification of ani as an NPI which associates with weak scalar items and žádný as an n-word licensed in the syntax (and consequently without any particular semantic sensitivity). Table 8: Ani vs. žádný in probability manipulated environments property/item probability/entailment žádný  ani  The theoretical explanation of ani being an NPI which obligatorily selects weak scalar items can be the following. The first thing to note is that the facts observed in the experiments are only a piece of a bigger pattern where ani competes in some environments with another scalar particle i ‘even’. In a recent experiment (Dočekal & Šafratová 2018) it was confirmed that i obligatorily selects strong scalar items, while ani weak items. Illustrated on a data pattern close to the catholic hierarchy from Experiment 2 Czech native speakers are prone to the following judgments (where * should be understood as total unacceptability in experiments, ⁇ as in-between-acceptability and ✓ as nearly total acceptability – statistic noise away – but of course only in case the judgments are related to the set up scale, catholic hierarchy in (46). (46) a. Upward entailing contexts: i. Petr Petr se se nakonec at-end stal became {i even kardinálem cardinal / ⁇i even knězem}. priest ‘Petr in the end became { even a cardinal / even a priest }.’ 42 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments ii. Petr Petr se se nakonec at-the-end stal became {*ani not.even kardinálem cardinal / *ani not.even knězem}. priest. ‘Petr in the end didn’t become even a cardinal.’ b. Downward entailing, non anti-additive contexts: i. Jestli If se se Petr Petr stal became {i even kardinálem cardinal / ⁇i even knězem}, priest tak… then ‘If Peter became even a cardinal, then …’ ii. Jestli If se se Petr Petr stal became *ani not.even kardinálem, cardinal, tak then … ‘If Peter didn’t become even a cardinal, then …’ c. Downward entailing, anti-additive contexts: i. Petr Petr se se nakonec at-the-end nestal neg.become {*i even kardinálem cardinal / *i even knězem}. priest ‘Petr didn’t become even a cardinal at the end.’ ii. Petr Petr se se nakonec at-the-end nestal neg.become {⁇ani not.even kardinálem cardinal / ani not.even knězem}. priest ‘Petr didn’t become even a cardinal at the end.’ The pattern we observe is the following: i in upward entailing contexts and downward entailing contexts prefers strong elements on a scale but it is unacceptable with weak or strong scalar items in anti-additive contexts; ani prefers weak scalar items in anti-additive contexts but it is unacceptable in upward entailing contexts with both weak and strong scalar items (and in simple DE contexts). Such a pattern is explainable (following the logic of argumentation in Crnič 2011) as i and ani spelling out the following features: (47) a. i … [even] b. ani … [even,aa] The feature [even] requires the association with covert even defined below in (48) following Crnič (2014) among many others. The feature [aa] requires the item to occur in an anti-additive environment. The items form a scale in (49) and 43 Mojmír Dočekal compete for insertion via the usual Maximize presupposition principle which requires the speaker to make her contribution presupposing as much as possible (for the original formulation see Heim 1991). (48) even 𝑤 (𝐶)(𝑝) is defined only if ∀𝑞 ∈ 𝐶[𝑞 ≠ 𝑝 → 𝑞 >liKely 𝑝] (49) ⟨𝑖, 𝑎𝑛𝑖⟩ The observed distribution of i/ani and their strong/weak association is explainable as follows: 1. Upward entailing environments: i is licit but only with strong scalar items as then the even presupposition is satisfied, ani cannot be inserted as UE environments clash with ani [aa] feature. 2. Downward entailing environments: i is licit with even scoping below the DE operator: [ → [[even C] antecedent … i …] consequent ], ani cannot be used due to the [aa] feature requirement. 3. Anti-additive environments: i cannot be inserted because Maximize Presupposition dictates the insertion of the most specific item (ani in this case), ani associates with weak scalar items: the scope [even C] [¬ …ani …]. 4. The association of i/ani with ’wrong’ scalar items is perceived as bad (⁇) but not totally ungrammatical – weak scalar item for i in upward entailing contexts and strong scalar items for ani in anti-additive environments. The last point seems to point to the existence of possible reversed scoping: [even C][→ [antecedent …i …] consequent ] for i and [¬ [even C] …ani …] for ani which would explain their allowed (even if not preferred) ’crossed’ association. But as it was confirmed by Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 ani associates with weak items, while i with strong scalar items (see Dočekal & Šafratová 2018 for details) by default. This default scope exchange of i/ani which happens exactly in anti-additive contexts (i prefers strong elements, ani weak elements but only in the scope of negation – negation being the anti-additive licensor in 99%) reveals their unified semantics where the flip-flop is a consequence of entailment/likelihood reversal caused by the negation. The only difference between i and ani is the formal feature [aa] which formalizes the morphological incorporation of negation into ani. It would be possible to encode the scope differences via different features ([solo] of Crnič 2011 for the weak elements) but such a move would miss the nice competition pattern which emerged from the data: namely i is in principle 44 2 N-words and NPIs: Between syntax, semantics, and experiments expected in anti-additive environments but cannot be inserted as a consequence of ani being more specific ([even,aa]). Summary of this section: ani (jeden) ‘not even (one)’ behaves like a strong NPI – this behavior was confirmed by Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 where association with strong scalar items was sanctioned (against relatively acceptable n-words modifying strong scalar items). Furthermore, ani competes with i – the former prefers strong scalar items which was experimentally confirmed too. The association with weak scalar items and competition with i would be unexpected if ani were n-word. 3.4 Summary Let us end this article by answering the question asked at the beginning: do nwords and strong NPIs co-exist in natural language? And if yes (in some languages like English they do co-exist for sure), does this distinction hold even in strict neg-concord languages where the boundary between strong NPIs and nwords is even more subtle? The experiments, their results and their theoretical interpretation described in this article bring very strong support of the existence of both classes of negatively dependent expressions even in a strict neg-concord language like Czech. This result allows us to maintain the standard assumptions concerning n-words (they are licensed syntactically) and NPIs (they are licensed in semantics/pragmatics). More importantly, the data patterns of Czech NPIs seem to strongly favor the NPI theories which base their licensing on concepts like anti-additivity and likelihood (Zwarts 1998 in the first case, Heim 1984 and Crnič 2014 in the second). Another issue touched in this article is unreliability of our intuitions: it seems that distinguishing between n-words and strong NPIs has to be based on such subtle data which can only be obtained by experimental methods. The subtlety of judgments can explain differing stances on this distinction in the previous literature where such opposing views as: n-words are a subclass of NPIs (Ladusaw 1992, Fălăuș & Nicolae 2016 a.o.) versus n-words are a separate class (Zeijlstra 2008 and Giannakidou & Zeijlstra 2017 a.o.) were maintained. There is another pertinent question raised by the data: do all speakers agree with respect to the distinction between n-words and strong NPIs? And if no, is there a real dialectal variation or at least some correlation? The results of the experiments in fact bear direct evidence on this fascinating question but the space of this article is alas filled completely. 45 Mojmír Dočekal Abbreviations n-peRson n-word for persons n-thing n-word for things neg negation npi negative polarity item sbjv subjunctive de downward entailing pl plural number sg singular number comp complementizer aux auxiliary verb n-adj n-word for properties aa anti-additive se reflexive clitic nR Neg-raising Acknowledgements I would like to thank two anonymous reviewers, the editors of the volume, the audience at the FDSL 12.5 conference, especially Julie Goncharov and Lanko Marušič, as well as Jakub Dotlačil, Iveta Šafratová, Anamaria Fălăuş and Hedde Zeijlstra. All errors are, of course, my own. I gratefully acknowledge that the research was supported by a Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) grant to the Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages at the Masaryk University in Brno (GA17-16111S). References Baker, C Lee. 1970. 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