Amalie Skram og Arne Garborg naturalisme •Exponent of naturalism was Émile Zola, whose essay “Le Roman expérimental” (1880; “The Experimental Novel”) became the literary manifesto of the school. According to Zola, the novelist was no longer to be a mere observer, content to record phenomena, but a detached experimenter who subjects his characters and their passions to a series of tests and who works with emotional and social facts as a chemist works with matter. Kilde: Juleroser 1885 • ens-jul.html • •kildekritikk • Om forfatteren og verket • •1:20 – 3.30 •13:30 minuta • Arne Garborg 1851 - 1924 •1883 Bondestudentar •1886 Mannfolk •1891 Trætte Mænd (Umdlené duše) •1891 Fred • Haugtussa Haugtussa Haugtussa • • •NRK med Gudleiv Bø • • •E.Grieg • •