•JEWEL DUCK • MY HUNGER LONGS FOR YOUR AFFECTION. MY YEARNING WANTS YOUR TENDERNESS. YOU ARE MY CURIOUS INFATUATION. MY PASSION AFFECTIONATELY ATTRACTS YOUR SYMPATHETIC LONGING. YOU ARE MY EROTIC HUNGER. • YOURS DEVOTEDLY • M. U. C. I REFUSE TO WASTE ANY MORE TIME. GO AND PLAY WITH A HUMAN BEING/ •salutations1 Beloved Darling Dear Dearest Fanciful Honey • •salutations2 Chickpea Dear Duck Jewel Love Moppet Sweetheart • •adjectives affectionate amorous anxious avid beautiful breathless burning covetous craving curious eager fervent • fondest loveable lovesick loving passionate precious seductive sweet sympathetic tender unsatisfied winning wistful • •nouns adoration affection ambition appetite ardour being burning charm craving desire devotion eagerness enchantment •enthusiasm fancy fellow feeling fervour fondness heart hunger infatuation little liking longing love lust passion rapture sympathy thirst wish yearning • •adverbs affectionately ardently anxiously beautifully burningly covetously curiously eagerly fervently fondly impatiently keenly lovingly passionately seductively tenderly wistfully • •verbs adores attracts clings to holds dear hopes for hungers for likes longs for loves lusts after pants for pines for sighs for tempts •thirsts for treasures yearns for woos • • •Modelová struktura věty = Přídavné jméno – podstatné jméno – příslovce – sloveso • Přivlastňovací zájmeno – sloveso - přivlastňovací zájmeno – přídavné jméno – podstatné jméno • You are my little affection. • Algoritmus - díla •Print two words taken from a list of salutations •Do the following 5 times: •Choose one of two sentence structures depending on a random value Rand •Fill the sentence structure from lists of adjectives, adverbs, substantives, and verbs. •Print the letter's closing • Sto tisíc miliard sonetů - Raymond Queneau LoveLetters 1.0 – David Link Listening Post (2001) •https://vimeo.com/3885443 • Kreativní apropriace webové stránky ■Nick Monfort – generativní díla - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDtU2dVrBeA ■https://nickm.com ■Básně ■http://nickm.com/poems/upstart.html ■https://nickm.com/poems/ny2019/ ■https://nickm.com/poems/sonnet_corona.html ■http://nickm.com/memslam/love_letters.html ■https://nickm.com/fan_montfort/dial/index.html • • •Jak poznáme, kde začíná programový kód? •Označení