KOREAN CLASS WEEK 10 INDEX • •Korean slang •Talking time •Word game • • • • KOREA SLANG •ㅇㅇ = 응응: yes •ㅇㅋ= 오케이: OK •ㄴㄴ=노노: no •ㄱㄱ=고고: go •ㅇㅈ=인정: I admit •ㅇㄷ=어디:where? • • ㅋㅋㅋ/ㅎㅎㅎㅎ: laughing ㅠㅠㅠ/ㅜㅜㅜ: sad 헐: OMG 존버=존나 버티다: withstand hard TMI= too much information 갓생= God 인생= hard work life KOREA SLANG SITUATION 1 - The first meeting EXAMPLES •안녕하세요 제 이름은 ___ 입니다 {annyeonghaseyo je ireumeun ___ ipnida} (Hello my name is ___ ) •전공이 뭐에요 ? {jeongong-i mwoeyo? } : (what is your major ?) •제 전공은 ___ 입니다 {je jeongong-eun ___ ipnida } : (my major is ___ ) •나이가 어떻게 되세요 ? {naiga eotteoke doeseyo ?} : (How old are you ?) •저는 ___살 이에요 {jeoneun ___sal ieyo} : ( I’m __ years old) •취미가 뭐에요 ? {chwimiga mwoeyo ?} :(What is your hobby ?) •저는 ___를 좋아해요 {jeoneun ___reul joahaeyo} : ( I like __ ) • • • • • • • • SITUATION 2 - Hang out EXAMPLES •오늘 뭐해 ? {oneul mwohae ?} : (What do you do today ?) •나 오늘 한가해 {na oneul hangahae } : (I’m free today) •나 오늘 아무 계획 없어 {na oneul amu gyehoegi eopseo } : (I don’t have any plan today) •오늘 나가서 놀자 ! {oneul nagaseo nolja ! } : (Let's go hangout today) •좋아 ! 뭐 하고싶어 ? {joha ! mwo hagosipeo ? } : (Good! What do you want to do?) •카페 가는거 어때 ? {kape ganeungeo eottae ? } : (How about going to a cafe?) •펍 가자 !{pub gaja ! } : (Let’s go to pub !) •쇼핑하러 가자 ! { shoppinghareo gaja !} : (Let's go shopping!) •맛있는거 먹으러 가자 {masisneungeo meogeureo gaja } : (Let's go eat something delicious) •뭐 먹으러 갈까 ? {mwo meogeureo galkka ? } : (What do you want to eat?) •나 ___ 먹고싶어 {na ___ meokgosipeo } : (I want to eat ___ ) • • • • • • • • WORD GAME •Before the game starts, divide into two teams. •Pick a team leader from each team •Team leader comes out and explain with your body the words or sentences that I show. •Guess what team leader explained with their bodies. •The team that guesses more words wins. • •Mom - 엄마 [Eom-ma] •Dad - 아빠 [A-bba] •Older Sister - 누나/언니[Nuna/Eon-ni] •Older Brother - 형/오빠 [Hyeong/Oppa] •Family - 가족 [Gajok] •Class - 수업 [Su-up] •Assignment - 과제[Gwa-jae] •Food - 음식 [Um-sik] •Spoon - 수저 [Soo-jeo] •Chopsticks - 젓가락 [Jeot-ga-lak] •Professor - 교수님 [Gyo-su-nim] •Friend - 친구 [Ching-gu] •Bag - 가방 [ Ga-bang] • Breakfast - 아침식사 [A-chim-sik-sa] Lunch - 점심식사 [Jum - sim - sik - sa] Dinner - 저녁식사 [Jeo - nyuk - sik - sa] Restaurant - 식당 [Sik-dang] Love - 사랑 [sa-rang] cooking - 요리 [yo-ri] •Eat - 먹다 [Meog-da] •Go - 가다 [Ga-da] •Use - 사용하다 [Sayong-hada] •Wear - 입다 [Ib-da] •Sleep - 자다 [Ja-da] •Big - 크다 [Keu-da] •Small - 작다[jag-da] •Pretty - 예쁘다 [yep-peu-da] •Delicious - 맛있다 [ma-ssit-da] •Funny - 재미있다 [jae-mi-it-da] •Play - 놀다 [nol-da] •Wait - 기다리다 [gi-da-ri-da] •Write - 쓰다 [sseu-da] •Exercise - 운동하다 [un-dong-ha-da] •Laugh - 웃다 [ut-da] •Cry - 울다 [ul-da] •Study - 공부하다 [gong-bu-ha-da] Thank you 댓글 심장 단색으로 채워진