KOREAN CLASS WEEK 6 INDEX •Sixth principle •Day of week / Month •Dialogue [USEMAP] SIXTH PRINCIPLE • •When = 언제 • [eon-jae] •Where = 어디서 • [eo-di-seo] •Who = 누가 • [nu-ga] • • •What = 무엇을 / 뭐를 [mu-eoss-eul /mwo-leul] •How = 어떻게 [eo-tteok-e] •Why = 왜 [wae] SIXTH PRINCIPLE •When = 언제 • [eon-jae] SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Joenghyeon : 너 학교 언제가? • [neo-hak-gyo-eon-jae-ga? • =When do you go to school? • •Seryeong : 나 어제 갔다왔어. • [na eo-jae-gad-da-wot-eo] • =I went yesterday. SIXTH PRINCIPEL •Where = 어디서 • [eo-di-seo] • SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Joenghyeon : 이번 BTS 콘서트 어디서 한대? • [i-beon BTS concert eo-di-seo han-dae?] • =Where is the BTS concert going to be held? • •Seryeong : 서울에서 해! • [seoul e-seo hae!] • =In Seoul! SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Who = 누가 • [nu-ga] • SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Jeonghyeon : 내 빵 누가 먹었어? • [nae-bbang-nu-ga-meok-eoss-eo?] • =Who ate my bread? • •Seryeong : 나도 몰라. • [na-do mol-la] • =I don’t know. SIXTH PRINCIPLE •What = 무엇을=뭐를 • [mu-eoss-eul = mwo-leul] • SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Jeonghyeon : 너 뭐 가지고 싶어? • [neo-mwo ga-ji-jo-sip-eo?] • =What do you want to get? • •Seryeong : 나 새로운 신발 가지고싶어. • [na-sae-ro-wun sin-bal-ga-ji-go-sip-eo] • =I want to get new shoes. SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Why = 왜 • [wae] • SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Jeonghyeon : 너 왜 늦었어? • [neo-wae-neut-eoss-eo?] • =Why are you late? • •Seryeong : 지하철을 놓쳤어. • [ji-ha-chul-eul-not-chyeot-eo] • =I missed the subway. SIXTH PRINCIPLE •How = 어떻게 • [eo-tteok-e] • SIXTH PRINCIPLE •Jeonghyeon : 이거 어떻게 만들어? • [i-geo-eo-tteok-e-man-deul-eo?] • =How do I make this? • •Seryeong : 내가 너를 도와줄게 • [nae-ga neo-leul- do-wa-jul-gae] • =I will help you DAY OF WEEK 테이블이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 DAY OF WEEK •Weekday = 평일 [Pyeong-il] • •Weekend = 주말 [Ju-mal] • •A Week = 일주일 [il-ju-il] DAY OF WEEK •Monday = 월요일 [Wor-yo-il] •Tuesday = 화요일 [Hwa-yo-il] •Wednesday = 수요일 [Su-yo-il] •Thursday = 목요일 [Mok-yo-il] •Friday = 금요일 [Kum-yo-il] •Saturday = 토요일 [To-yo-il] •Sunday = 일요일 [il-yo-il] MONTH •July = 7월 [chil-wol] •August = 8월 [pal-wol] •September = 9월 [gu-wol] •October = 10월 [si-wol] •November = 11월 [sib-il-wol] •December = 12월 [sib-i-wol] DIALOGUE •Seryeong : 이번방학에 어디로 여행 갈거야? • [i-beon banghak-e eo-di-ro yeo-hang gal-geo-ya?] • =Where will you go to travel this vacation? • •Jeonghyeon : 나는 스위스에 갈거야 • [na-neun swiss-e gal-geo-ya] • = I will go Switzerland DIALOGUE •Seryeong : 왜 스위스에 가기로 결정했어? • [wae-swiss-ro-gyeol-jeong-haess-eo?] • =Why did you decide to go Switzerland? • •Jeonoghyeon : 왜냐하면, 나 아직 한 번도 안가봤거 • [wae-nya-ha-myeon, na-a-jig-han-beon-do an-ga-bwat-geo-deun] • =Because, I haven't been there yet DIALOGUE •Seryeong : 좋겠다! 거기 어떻게 갈거야? • [jot-get-da! Geo-gi e-ddeot-ge-gal-geo-ya?] • =Good for you! How will you go there? • •Jeonghyeon : 비행기 타고 갈거야 • [bi-haeng-gi-ta-go-gal-geo-ya] • =I will go by plane DIALOGUE •Seryeong : 언제 출발 할거야? • [eon-jae-chul-bal-hal-geo-ya?] • =When will you depart? • •Jeonghyeon : 12월 2일 금요일에! • [sib-i-wol sib-i-il to-yo-il-e!] • =On Friday 2nd December! • REVIEW ! - INFORMAL / POLITE EXPRESSION •Change noun ‘I’ : 나[na] -> 저[jeo] 내[nae] -> 제[jae] • •Add 요[yo] end of verb • •야 [ya] -> 예요[ye-yo] / 이에요[i-ae-yo] REVIEW ! - NEGATIVE EXPRESSION 1. Adding 안 [an] before a verb 2. Using the negative verb ending, 지 않다 [ ji an-ta] • Thank you 댓글 심장 단색으로 채워진