199 Všeobecná bibliografie Všeobecná bibliografie Pozn: Publikace a dokumenty označené hvězdičkou byly vydány v angličtině a francouzštině. Následující tituly se vztahují k mnoha částem Rámce: BUSSMANN, HADUMOND. Routledge dictionary of language and linguistics. London, Routledge 1996. BYRAM, M. The Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning. London, Routledge, (v tisku). CLAPHAM, C. & CORSON, D. (ed.). Encyclopedia of language and education. Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. Crystal, D. (ed.). The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language. Cambridge, CUP 1987. FOSTER, P. & SKEHAN, P. The Influence of Planning on Performance in Task-based Learning. Přednáška pro British Association of Applied Linguistics, 1994. GALISSON, R. & COSTE, D. (ed.). Dictionnaire de didactique des languages. Paris, Hachette 1976. JOHNSON, K. Encyclopedic dictionary of applied linguistics. Oxford, Blackwells 1997. RICHARDS, J. C., Platt, J. & Platt, H. Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics. London, Longman 1993. SKEHAN, P. A framework for the implementation of task-based instruction. Applied Linguistics, 16/4, 542–566, 1995. SPOLSKY, B. (ed.). Concise encyclopedia of educational linguistics. Amsterdam, Elsevier 1999. Následující publikace se vztahují hlavně k jednotlivým kapitolám: Kapitola 1 * Council of Europe: Transparancy and coherence in language learning in Europe: objectives, evaluation, certification. (Report edited by B. North of a Symposium held in Rüschlikon, 1991). Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1992. * European language portfolio: Proposals for development. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. * Recommendation no. R (82) 18 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States concerning modern languages. 1982. (Příloha A k: Girard & Trim 1988.) * Language learning for European citizenship: final report of the Project. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. * Recommendation no. R (98) 6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States concerning modern languages. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1998. * GIRARD, D. & TRIM, J. L. M. (ed.). Project no. 12 Learning and teaching modern languages for communication: Final Report of the Project Group (activities 1982–1987). Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1998. GOROSCH, M., POTTIER, B. & RIDDY, D. C. Modern languages and the world today. Modern languages in Europe, 3. Strasbourg, AIDELA ve spolupráci s Council of Europe 1967. MALMBERG, P. Towards a better language teaching: a presentation of the Council of Europe’s language projects. Uppsala, University of Uppsala In-service Training Department 1989. Kapitola 2 a) Zatím byly vydány následující publikace „Prahových úrovní“ (Threshold Levels): BALDEGGER, M., MÜLLER, M. & SCHNEIDER, G. in Zusammenarbeit mit Näf, A. Kontaktschwelle Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin, Langenscheidt 1980. BELART, M. & RANCÉ, L. Nivell Llindar per a escolars (8–14 anys). Gener, Generalitat de Catalunya 1991. CASTALEIRO, J. M., MEIRA, A. & PASCOAL, J. Nivel limiar (para o ensino/aprendizagem do Portugues como lingua segunda/lingua estrangeira). Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1988. 200 Všeobecná bibliografie COSTE, D., COURTILLON, J., FERENCZI, V., MARTINS-BALTAR, M. & PAPO, E. Un niveau-seuil. Paris, Hatier 1976. DANNERFJORD, T. Et taerskelniveau for dansk – Appendix – Annexe – Appendiks. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1983. EFSTATHIADIS, S. (ed.). Katofli gia ta nea Ellenika. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1998. EHALA, M., LIIV, S., SAARSO, K., VARE, S. & OISPUU, J. Eesti keele suhtluslävi. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. EK, J. A. VAN. The Threshold Level for modern language learning in schools. London, Longman 1977. EK, J. A. VAN & TRIM, J. L. M. Threshold Level 1990. Cambridge, CUP 1991. EK, J. A. VAN & TRIM, J. L. M. Waystage 1990. Cambridge, CUP 1991. EK, J. A. VAN & TRIM, J. L. M. Vantage. Cambridge, CUP 2001. GALLI DE’ PARATESI, N. Livello soglia per l’insegnamento dell’ italiano come lingua straniera. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1981. GRINBERGA, I., MARTINSONE, G., PIESE, V., VEISBERG, A. & ZUICENA, I. Latvieöu valodas prasmes limenis. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. JESSEN, J. Et taerskelniveau for dansk. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1983. JONES, G. E., HUGHES, M., & JONES, D. Y lefel drothwy: ar gyfer y gymraeg. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1996. KALLAS, E. Yatabi lebaaniyyi: un ‚livello sogla‘ per l’insegnamento/apprendimento dell’ arabo libanese nell’ universitá italiana. Venezia, Cafoscarina 1990. KING, A., (ed.). Atalase Maila. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1988. MAS, M., MELCION, J., ROSANAS, R. & VERGÉ, M. H. Nivell llindar per a la llengua catalana. Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya 1992. MIFSUD, M. & BORG, A. J. Fuq l-ghatba tal-Malti. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. NARBUTAS E., PRIBUÖAUSKAITE, J., RAMONIENE, M., SKAPIENE, S. & VILKIENE, L. Slenkstis. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. PORCHER, L. (ed.). Systèmes d’apprentissage des langues vivantes par les adultes (option travailleurs migrants): Un niveau-seuil intermediaire. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1980. PORCHER, L., HUART, M. & MARIET, F. Adaptation de ‚Un niveau-seuil‘ pour des contextes scolaires. Guide d’emploi. Paris, Hatier 1982. Pushkin Russian Language Institute & Moscow Linguistic University: Porogoviy uroveny russkiy yazik. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1966. SALGADO, X. A. F., ROMERO, H. M. & MORUXA, M. P. Nivel soleira lingua galega. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1993. SANDSTRÖM, B. (ed.). Tröskelnivå: förslag till innehåll och metod i den grundläggande utbildningen i svenska för vuxna invandrare. Stockholm, Skolöverstyrelsen 1981. SLAGTER, P. J. Un nivel umbral. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1979. SVANES, B., HAGEN, J. E., MANNE, G. & SVINDLAND, A. S. Et terskelnivå for norsk. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1987. WYNANTS, A. Drempelniveau: nederlands als vreemde taal. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1985. b) Další publikace: HEST, E. VAN & OUD-DE GLAS, M. A survey of techniques used in the diagnosis and analysis of foreign language needs in industry. Brussels, Lingua 1990. LÜDI, G. & PY, B. Etre bilingue. Bern, Lang 1986. LYNCH, P. STEVENS, A. & SANDS, E. P. The language audit. Milton Keynes, Open University 1993. PORCHER, L. ET AL. Identification des besoins langagiers de travailleurs migrants en France. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1982. RICHTERICH, R. (ed.). Case studies in identifying language needs. Oxford, Pergamon 1983. RICHTERICH, R. Objectifs d’apprentissage et besoins langagiers. Col. F. Paris, Hachette 1985. RICHTERICH, R. & CHANCEREL, J-L. Identifying the needs of adults learning a foreign language. Oxford, Pergamon 1980. RICHTERICH, R. & CHANCEREL, J-L. L’identification des besoins des adultes apprenant une langue étrangère. Paris, Hatier 1981. TRIM, J. L. M. Developing a Unit/Credit scheme of adult language learning. Oxford, Pergamon 1980. TRIM, J. L. M., RICHTERICH, R., VAN EK, J. A. & WILKINS, D. A. Systems development in adult language learning. Oxford, Pergamon 1980. * TRIM, J. L. M., HOLEC, H., COSTE, D. & PORCHER, L. (ed.). Towards a more comprehensive framework for the definition of language learning objectives. Vol I Analytical summaries of the preliminary studies. Vol II Preliminary studies (příspěvky v angličtině i francouzštině). Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1984. WIDDOWSON, H. G. Knowledge of Language and Ability for Use. Applied Linguistics 10/2, 128–137, 1989. WILKINS, D. A. Linguistics in language teaching. London, Edward Arnold 1972. 201 Všeobecná bibliografie Kapitola 3 * VAN EK, J. A. Objectives for foreign language learning: Vol. I Scope. Vol. II Levels. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1985–1986. NORTH, B.: The Development of a Common Reference Scale of Language Proficiency. New York, Peter Lang 2000. NORTH, B.: Perspectives on language proficiency and aspects of competence: a reference paper discussing issues in defining categories and levels. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1994. NORTH, B. & SCHNEIDER, G. Scaling Descriptors for Language Proficiency Scales. Language Testing 15/2: 217–262, 1998. SCHNEIDER, G. & NORTH, B. Fremdsprachen können – was heisst das? Skalen zur Becshreibung, Beurteilung und Selbsteinschätzung der fremdsprachlichen Kommunikationsfähigkeit. Chur/Zürich, Verlag Rüegger AG 2000. Kapitola 4 BYGATE, M. Speaking. Oxford, OUP 1987. CANALE, M. & SWAIN, M. A theoretical framework for communicative competence. In: Palmer, A. S., Groot, P. G. & Trosper, S. A. (ed.): The construct validation of tests of communicative competence. Washington, DC, TESOL 1981. CARTER, R. & LANG, M. N. Teaching literature. London, Longman 1991. DAVIES, A. Communicative Competence as Language Use. Applied Linguistics 10/2, 157–170, 1989. DENES, P. B. & PINSON, E. N. The Speech chain: the physics and biology of spoken language. 2. vydání. New York, Freeman 1993. FAERCH, C. & KASPER, G. (ed.). Strategies in interlanguage communication. London, Longman 1983. FIRTH, J. R. The tongues of men and Speech. London, OUP 1964. FITZPATRICK, A. Competence for vocationally oriented language learning: descriptive parameters, organisation and assessment. Doc. CC-LANG (94)6. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1994. FRY, D. B.: Homo loquens. Cambridge, CUP 1977. HAGÈGE, C. L’homme de paroles. Paris, Fayard 1985. * HOLEC, H., LITTLE, D. & RICHTERICH, R. Strategies in language learning and use. Strasbourg, Council of’ Europe 1996. KERBRAT-ORECCHIOLI, C. Les interactions verbales (3 vols). Paris, Colins, 1990, 1994. LAVER, J. & HUTCHESON, S. Communication in face-to-face interaction. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1972. LEVELT, W. J. M. Speaking: from intention to articulation. Cambridge, Mass, MIT 1993. LINDSAY, P. H. & NORMAN, D. A. Human information processing. New York, Academic Press 1977. MARTINS-BALTAR, M., BOURGAIN, D., COSTE, D., FERENCZI, V. & MOCHET, M.-A. L’écrit et les écrits: problèmes d’analyse et considérations didactiques. Paris, Hatier 1979. SWALES, J. M. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge, CUP 1990. Kapitola 5 ALLPORT, G. The Nature of Prejudice. Reading MA, Addison-Wesley 1979. AUSTIN, J. L. How to do things with words. Oxford, OUP 1962. CRUTTENDEN, A. Intonation. Cambridge, CUP 1986. CRYSTAL, D. Prosodic systems and intonation in English. Cambridge, CUP 1969. FURNHAM, A. & BOCHNER, S. Culture Shock: psychological reactions in unfamiliar environments. London, Methuen 1986. GARDNER, R. C. Social psychology and second language learning: the role of attitude and motivation. London, Edward Arnold 1985. GRICE, H. P. Logic and conversation. In: Cole, P. & Morgan, J. L. (ed.): Speech acts. New York, Academic Press, 41–58, 1975. GUMPERZ, J. J. Language in social groups. Stamford, Stamford University Press 1971. GUMPERZ, J. J. & HYMES, D. Directions in sociolinguistics: the ethnography of communication. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Wiston 1972. HATCH, E. & BROWN, C. Vocabulary, semantics and language education. Cambridge, CUP 1995. HAWKINS, E. W. Awareness of language: an introduction. Přepracované vydání. Cambridge, CUP 1987. HYMES, D. Foundations in sociolinguistics: an ethnographic approach. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 1974. HYMES, D. H. On communicative competence. In: Pride and Holmes 1972. HYMES, D. H. Vers la compétence de communication. Paris, Hatier 1984. KINGDON, R. The groundwork of English intonation. London, Longman 1958. 202 Všeobecná bibliografie KNAPP-POTTHOFF, A. & LIEDKE, M. (ed.). Aspekte interkultureller Kommunikationsfähigkeit. Munich, Iudicium verlag 1997. LABOV, W. Sociolinguistic patterns. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 1972. LEHRER, A. Semantic fields and lexical structure. London & Amsterdam 1974. LEVINSON, S. C. Pragmatics. Cambridge, CUP 1983. LYONS, J. Semantics. Vols I & II. Cambridge, CUP 1977. MANDELBAUM, D. G. Selected writings of Edward Sapir. Berkeley, University of California Press 1949. MATTHEWS, P. H. Morphology: an introduction to the theory of word-structure. Cambridge, CUP 1974. MATTHEWS, P. H. Syntax. Cambridge, CUP 1981. NEUNER, G. A socio-cultural framework for communicative teaching and learning of foreign languages at the school level. Doc. CC-GP12(87)24. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1988. O’CONNOR, J. D. & ARNOLD, G. F. The intonation of colloquial English. 2. vydání. London, Longman 1973. O’CONNOR, J. D. Phonetics. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1973. PRIDE, J. B. & HOLMES, J. (ed.). Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1972. REHBEIN, J. Komplexes Handeln: Elemente zur Handlungstheorie der Sprache. Stuttgart, Metzler 1977. ROBINSON, G. L. N. Crosscultural Understanding. Oxford, Pergamon 1985. ROBINSON, W. P. Language and social behaviour. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1972. ROULET, E. Théories grammaticales, descriptions et enseignement des langues. Paris, Nathan 1972. SAPIR, E. Language. New York, Harcourt Brace 1921. SEARLE, J. Speech acts: an essay in the philosophy of language. Cambridge, CUP 1969. SEARLE, J. R. The classification of illocutionary acts. Language in society, vol. 51, no. 1, 1–24, 1976. TRUDGILL, P. Sociolinguistics. 2. vydání. Harmondsworth, Penguin 1983. ULLMANN, S. Semantics: an introduction to the science of meaning. Oxford, Blackwell 1962. WELLS, J. C. & COLSON, G. Practical phonetics. Bath, Pitman 1971. WIDDOWSON, H. G. Practical stylistics: an approach to poetry. Oxford, OUP 1992. WRAY, A. Formulaic language in learners and native speakers. Language teaching 32, 4. Cambridge, CUP 1999. WUNDERLICH, D. (ed.). Linguistische Pragmatik. Frankfurt, Athenäum 1972. ZARATE, G. Enseigner une culture étrangère. Paris, Hachette 1986. ZARATE, G. Représentations de l’étranger et didactique des langues. Paris, Hachette 1993. Kapitola 6 BERTHOUD, A.-C. (ed.). Acquisition des compétences discursives dans un contexte plurilingue. Bulletin Suisse de linguistique appliquée. VALS/ASLA 64, 1996. BERTHOUD, A.-C. & PY, B. Des linguistes et des enseignants. Maîtrise et acquisition des langues secondes. Bern, Lang 1993. BESSE, H. & PORQUIER, R. Grammaire et didactique des langues. Collection L. A. L. Paris, Hatier 1984. BLOOM, B. S. Taxonomy of educational objectives. London, Longman 1956. BLOOM, B. S. Human characteristics and school learning. New York, McGraw 1976. BROEDER, P. (ed.). Processes in the developing lexicon. Vol. III of Final Report of the European Science Foundation Project ‚Second language acquisition by adult immigrants‘. Strasbourg, Tilburg, Göteborg, ESF 1988. BRUMFIT, C. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. The roles of fluency and accuracy. Cambridge, CUP 1984. BRUMFIT, C. Concepts and Categories in Language Teaching Methodology. AILA Review 4, 25–31, 1987. BRUMFIT, C. & JOHNSON, K. (ed.). The communicative approach to language teaching. Oxford, OUP 1979. BYRAM, M. Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters 1997. BYRAM, M. Cultural Studies and Foreign Language Education. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters 1989. BYRAM, M. Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters 1997. BYRAM, M., ZARATE, G. & NEUNER, G. Sociocultural competences in foreign language teaching and learning. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1997. CALLAMAND, M. Méthodologie de la prononciation. Paris, CLE International 1981. CANALE, M. & SWAIN, M. Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied linguistics vol. 1, no. 1, 1980. Conférence suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l’instuction publique (ed.): Enseignement des langues étrangères – Recherche dans le domaine des langues et pratique de l’enseignement des langues étrangères. Dossier 52. Berne, CDIP 1998. 203 Všeobecná bibliografie CORMON, F. L’enseignement des langues. Paris, Chronique sociale 1992. COSTE, D. Eduquer pour une Europe des langues et des cultures. Etudes de linguistique appliquée 98, 1997 COSTE, D., MOORE, D. & ZARATE, G. Compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1997. CUNNINGSWORTH, A. Evaluating and selecting EFL materials. London, Heinemann 1984. DALGALIAN, G., LIEUTAUD, S. & WEISS, F. Pour un nouvel enseignement des langues. Paris, CLE 1981. DICKINSON, L. Self-instruction in language learning. Cambridge, CUP 1987. GAOTRAC, L. Théorie d’apprentissage et acquisition d’une langue étrangère. Collection L.A.L. Paris, Hatier 1987. GARDNER, R. C. & MACINTYRE, P. D. A student’s contribution to second language learning: Part I ‘cognitive variables’ & Part II ’affective variables‘. Language teaching. Vol. 25 no. 4 & vol. 26 no 1, 1992–1993. * GIRARD, D. (ed.). Choix et distribution des contenus dans les programmes de langues. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1988. GIRARD, D. Enseigner les langues: méthodes et pratiques. Paris, Bordas 1995. GRAUBERG, W. The elements of foreign language teaching. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters 1997. HAMELINE, D. Les objectifs pédagogiques en formation initiale et en formation continue. Paris, E. S. F. 1979. HAWKINS, E. W. Modern languages in the curriculum. Přepracované vydání. Cambridge, CUP 1987. HILL, J. Literature in language teaching. London, McMillan 1986. HOLEC, H. Autonomie et apprentissage des langues étrangères. Paris, Hatier 1982. HOLEC, H. Autonomy and foreign language learning. Oxford, Pergamon 1981. * HOLEC, H. (ed.). Autonomie et apprentissage auto-dirigé: terrains d’application actuels (příspěvky v angličtině a francouzštině). Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1988. KOMENSKY, J. A. (Comenius). Orbis sensualium pictus. Nuremberg 1658. KRAMSCH, C.: Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford, OUP 1993. KRASHEN, S. D.: Principles and practice of second language acquisition. Oxford, Pergamon 1982. KRASHEN, S. D. & TERRELL, T. D. The natural approach: language acquisition in the classroom. Oxford, Pergamon 1983. LITTLE, D., DEVITT, S. & SINGLETON, D. Authentic texts in foreign language teaching: theory and practice. Dublin, Authentik 1988. MACKAY, W. F. Language teaching analysis. London, Longman 1965. MCDONOUGH, S. H. Psychology in foreign language teaching. London, Allen & Unwin 1981. MELDE, W. Zur Integration von Landeskunde und Kommunikation im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag 1987. PĘCHEUR, J. & VIGNER, G. (ed.). Méthodes et méthodologies. Col. Recherches et applications. Paris, Le Français dans le monde 1995. PIEPHO, H. E. Kommunikative Kompetenz als übergeordnetes Lernziel. München, Frankonius 1974. * PORCHER, L. Interrogations sur les besoins langagiers en contextes scolaires. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1980. PORCHER, L. (ed.). Les auto-apprentissages. Col. Recherches et applications. Paris, Le Français dans le monde 1992. PY, B. (ed.). L’acquisition d’une langue seconde. Quelques développements récents. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée. VALS/ASLA 1994. RAMPILLON, U. & ZIMMERMANN, G. (ed.). Strategien und Techniken beim Erwerb fremder Sprachen. Ismaning, Hueber 1997. SAVIGNON, S. J. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Reading (Mass.), Addison-Wesley 1983. * SHEILS, J. La communication dans la classe de langue. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1988 (také v německé, ruské a litevské verzi). SCHMIDT, R. W. The Role of Consciousness in Second Language Learning. Applied Linguistics 11/2, 129–158, 1990. SKEHAN, P. Individual differences in second language learning. London, Arnold 1987. SPOLSKY, B. Conditions for second language learning. Oxford, OUP 1989. STERN, H. H. Fundamental concepts of language teaching. Oxford, OUP 1983. STERN, H. H. & WEINRIB, A. Foreign languages for younger children: trends and assessment. Language Teaching and Linguistics: Abstracts 10, 5–25, 1977. The British Council: The teaching of comprehension. London, British Council 1978. TRIM, J. L. M. Criteria for the evaluation of classroom-based materials for the learning and teaching of languages for communication. In: Grebing, R.: Grenzenlöses Sprachenlernen. Festschrift für Reinhold Freudenstein. Berlin, Cornelsen 1991. WILLIAMS, E. Reading in the language classroom. London, McMillan 1984. 204 Všeobecná bibliografie Kapitola 7 JONES, K. Simulations in language teaching. Cambridge, CUP 1982. NUNAN, D. Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge, CUP 1989. YULE, G. Referential communication tasks. Mahwah, N. J., Lawrence Erlbaum 1997. Kapitola 8 BREEN, M. P.: Contemporary paradigms in syllabus design, Parts I & II. Language Teaching, vol. 20 nos. 2 & 3, p. 81–92 & 157–174, 1987. BURSTALL, C., JAMIESON, M., COHEN, S. & HARGREAVES, M. Primary French in the balance. Slough, NFER 1974. CLARK, J. L. Curriculum Renewal in School Foreign Language Learning. Oxford, OUP 1987. * COSTE, D. (ed). Contributions à une rénovation de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement des languages. Quelques expériences en cours en Europe. Paris, Hatier 1983. COSTE, D. & LEHMAN, D. Langues et curriculum. Contenus, programmes et parcours. Etudes de linguistique appliquée, 98, 1995. DAMEN, L. Culture Learning: the Fifth Dimension in the Language Classroom. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley 1987. FITZPATRICK, A. Competence for vocationally oriented language learning: descriptive parameters, organisation and assessment. Doc. CC-LANG (94) 6. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1994. JOHNSON, K. Communicative syllabus design and methodology. Oxford, Pergamon 1982. LABRIE, C. La construction de la Communauté européenne. Paris, Champion 1983. MUNBY, J. Communicative syllabus design. Cambridge, CUP 1972. NUNAN, D. The learner-centred curriculum: a study in second language teaching. Cambridge, CUP 1988. ROULET, E. Langue maternelle et langue seconde. Vers une pédagogie intégrée. Col. L. A L Paris, Hatier 1980. SCHNEIDER, G., NORTH, B., FLÜGEL, CH. & KOCH, L. Europäisches Sprachenportfolio – Portfolio européen des langues – Portfolio europeo delle lingue – European Language Portfolio, Schweizer Version. Bern EDK 1999. Také na webové adrese: http//www.unifr.ch/ids/portfolio. Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren EDK Mehrsprachiges Land – mehrsprachige Schulen. 7. Schweizerisches Forum Langue 2. Dossier 33. Bern, EDK 1995. VIGNER, G. (ed.). Promotion, réforme des langues et systèmes éducatifs. Etudes de linguistique appliquée, 103, 1996. * WILKINS, D. The educational value of foreign language learning. Doc. CC-GP(87) 10. Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe 1987. WILKINS, D. A. Notional syllabuses. Oxford, OUP 1976. Kapitola 9 ALDERSON, J. C., CLAPHAM, C. & WALL, D. Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Cambridge, CUP 1995. ALDERSON, J. C. Assessing Reading. Cambridge Language Assessment Series (ed. Alderson, J. C. & Bachman, L. F). Cambridge, CUP 2000. BACHMAN, L. F. Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford, OUP 1990. BRINDLEY, G. Assessing Achievement in the Learner-Centred Curriculum. NCELTR Research Series (National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research). Sydney, Macquarie University 1989. COSTE, D. & MOORE, D. (ed.). Autour de l’évaluation de l’oral. Bulletin CILA 55, 1992. DOUGLAS, D. Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes. Cambridge Language Assessment Series (ed. Alderson, J. C. & Bachman, L. F.). Cambridge, CUP 2000. LADO, R. Language testing: the construction and use of foreign language tests. London, Longman 1961. LUSSIER, D. Evaluer les apprentissages dans une approche communicative. Col. F. Paris, Hachette 1992. MONNERIE-GOARIN, A. & LESCURE, R. (ed.). Evaluation et certifications en langue étrangère. Recherches et applications. Numéro spécial. Le Français dans le monde, aoűt – septembre 1993. OSKARSSON, M. Approaches to self-assessment in foreign language learning. Oxford, Pergamon 1980. OSKARSSON, M. Self-assessment of foreign language skills: a survey of research and development work. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1984. REID, J. Assessing Vocabulary. Cambridge Language Assessment Series (ed. Alderson, J. C. & Bachman, L. F.). Cambridge, CUP 2000. TAGLIANTE, C. (ed). L’évaluation. Paris, CLE International 1991. University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. The multilingual glossary of language testing terms (Studies in language testing 6). Cambridge, CUP 1998.