Instructions for the Course In this course, you will work mostly independently and autonomously. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Select a Book: First, select a book from the list of literature provided. 2. Read and Take Notes: Read the book thoroughly, take notes, and create a glossary. 3. Create a Glossary: Your glossary should consist of forty words/concepts from the book that you find either unknown or essential for understanding the text. The glossary should have the following structure and properly reference the original source: - Unknown/essential word - Citation: include the sentence where the word is found, with a proper reference to the text (can be more than one). - Explanation: define the term in your own words in English. Unknown/essential word Citation of the sentence, where the word is found with the reference Explication of the term in your own words in English Eg. Deference “We cannot have love without lovers, nor deference without squires and labourers.” (Thompson, 1963, p. 9) Feeling of admiration and respect performed in action Class “There is today an ever-present temptation to suppose that class is a thing. … The working class is assumed to have a real existence, which can be defined almost mathematically-so many men who stand in a certain relation to the means of production.” (1963, p. 10) “The London Corresponding Society has often been claimed as the first definitely working-class political organisation formed in Britain.” (1963, p. 20) A group of people in society who have the same or very similar economic and political position. Thompson adapts a Marxist perspective, claiming that the group is formed via the equal relation to the means of production. 4. Write an Interpretation: After elaborating the glossary, write an interpretation of the book. This should be a text summarizing the book's content, stating the essential ideas, and showing the principal argumentation of the author to the extent you understand it. The interpretation should be around eight norm-pages long (1800 characters including spaces per page). Make your interpretation concise, neat, and precise, providing your own understanding of the book. Use an English editor, selecting English as the document's language. 5. Upload Your Work: Once your glossary and interpretation are ready, create a new folder in the format YOURSURNAME_SEMESTERYEAR in Homework Vaults ( and upload both texts there. 6. Schedule an Online Meeting: Contact the course warrant with a couple of suggested dates for an online meeting. Offer dates with at least two weeks' advance notice so they have time to review your text thoroughly. Address the warrant in English. 7. Arrange and Attend the Meeting: After the warrant decides on a date, arrange an online meeting in Teams or Gmail Meet. Meet the warrant online and defend your text in a moderated and critical discussion. Good luck!