Anthropological Research
Anthropological Research
Nyní studovatFloods - no lecture
Nyní studovat25.9.2024. Syllabus, revision of anthropological research ethics, goals of the course defined
Nyní studovat2.10.2024. Who Am I? Reflexivity of the Researcher
Nyní studovat9.10.2024 Who is the Other? Prejudice and Stereotypes Encountered
Nyní studovat16.10.2024 Exotic vs. the Ordinary: What Is To Be Seen in the Field?
Nyní studovat23.10.2024. Designing the Research Project: Ethics, Budget, Reflexivity
Nyní studovat30.10.2024 - reading week – no contact lecture but group work
Nyní studovat6.11.2024 Seeing the Unseen: Observing Culture In Its Complexity
Nyní studovat13.11.2024 Thick description, field notes and field diary analysis
Nyní studovat20.11.2024 – Interviews – part one.
Nyní studovat27.11.2024 Interviews – part two: The Ability to See and to Hear
Nyní studovat4.12.2024 Interview analysis
Nyní studovat11.12.2024 When Do I have Enough? Data Saturation and Verification and choice of suitable modality
Nyní studovat18.12.2024 Research Presentation – early birds: first set of presentations (others in the exam period)
20.11.2024 – Interviews – part one.
Anthropological Research
Nyní studovatFloods - no lecture
Nyní studovat25.9.2024. Syllabus, revision of anthropological research ethics, goals of the course defined
Nyní studovat2.10.2024. Who Am I? Reflexivity of the Researcher
Nyní studovat9.10.2024 Who is the Other? Prejudice and Stereotypes Encountered
Nyní studovat16.10.2024 Exotic vs. the Ordinary: What Is To Be Seen in the Field?
Nyní studovat23.10.2024. Designing the Research Project: Ethics, Budget, Reflexivity
Nyní studovat30.10.2024 - reading week – no contact lecture but group work
Nyní studovat6.11.2024 Seeing the Unseen: Observing Culture In Its Complexity
Nyní studovat13.11.2024 Thick description, field notes and field diary analysis
Nyní studovat20.11.2024 – Interviews – part one.
Nyní studovat27.11.2024 Interviews – part two: The Ability to See and to Hear
Nyní studovat4.12.2024 Interview analysis
Nyní studovat11.12.2024 When Do I have Enough? Data Saturation and Verification and choice of suitable modality
Nyní studovat18.12.2024 Research Presentation – early birds: first set of presentations (others in the exam period)