Data saturation and data bias CMAa Methodology – final lecture When do I have enough data? Data and analysis explained. #analytics... | Ken Burbary How do I know my data is bias and what do I do about this? Statistical Bias in Machine Learning: Types & Examples Conducting a research: answer each question •I am in a field: what do I do first? •I observe: how to I remember what I see? •I observe and hear people speaking: how do I remember what people have said? •How and where do I store all my data? •I have my notes – written data, pictures, videos. What do I do with them and how do I do it? •What is coding and how do I go about it? •I have coded all my notes and have now about 35 codes. What do I do with that and how do I do it? •At this point of the research, how do I compose a research question? •How do I decide, if I have to go back to the field? •Whom do I interview? •What types of interview can I use and what is a difference between them? •What about ethics in a research – what does it mean and how do I go about this? •I have coded my interviews with same codes as observation. What comes next in the research and how do I do it? •How do I narrow down my topic for the report/or for my thesis? •How do I know I have enough data? What if I do not have enough? •How do I know about my biases? • • Final presentation: •Introduce the place, show/comment shortly upon the whole research (e.g. Using your final mindmap) and pinpoint the topic(s) you will concentrate upon •Briefly introduce the research methods you have used doing the research, comment upon coding mechanism and selection of literature (what prompts/key words you have used and why) •Briefly comment upon ethics – what was at stake? What did you have to take into consideration? •Describe in detail your chosen metacode(s) and the story behind them. E.g. How did you come to think about is? In what way should this be interesting to other people? How does it relate to the body of existing anthropological/film/theatre/journalistic literature upon the topic? What conclusions can you draw out of it? •If you would do the research again, what would you do differently? (Self reflexivity and bias) •Bibliography and other sources you have used. • •Duration:10 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions •Please practice this prior to presenting, longer presentations will be stopped when the time runs out and you will not be able to say your conclusions, thus loose points. • • Final report •Final report 7-15 pages long, deadline 31.1.2025, Homework vault ´Final Report´. Later submissions penalised by lowering the points by ½ for the first week of delay, later submissions not accepted. • •Introduction: the place, show/comment shortly upon the whole research (e.g. Using your final mindmap) and pinpoint the topic(s) you will concentrate upon •Introduce the research methods you have used doing the research, comment upon coding mechanism and selection of literature (what prompts/key words you have used and why) •Comment upon ethics – what was at stake? What did you have to take into consideration? •Describe in detail your chosen metacodes and the story behind them. E.g. How did you come to think about is? In what way should this be interesting to other people? How does it relate to the body of existing anthropological/film/theatre/journalistic literature upon the topic? What conclusions can you draw out of it? The body of literature should be substantial, please use at least 5 sources that address the points that you discuss. Please use sources from anthropology, film, theatre studies or journalism. Search for these texts online, put the name of the discipline into prompt/key words when searching for the literature!! Do not use economical texts, medicine, psychology etc. – namely the disciplines you do not have theoretical grounding in! •If you would do the research again, what would you do differently? (Self reflexivity and bias) •Bibliography and other sources you have used. •