NÁBOŽENSTVÍ A SMYSLY CORE098 ANTROPOLOGIE SMYSLŮ habitus & smyslové vnímání •Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu): „schémata vnímání, myšlení a jednání“, která vytvářejí kolektivní i individuální praktiky -> tímto jednáním se tato schémata znovu vytváří a udržují •Vysoká míra internalizace •Viditelnost během krize/změny •Percepce jako dovednost (someliér, absolutní sluch, ornotologie) • “When we examine the meanings associated with various sensory faculties and sensations in different cultures we find a cornucopia of potent sensory symbolism. Sight may be linked to reason or to witchcraft, taste may be used as a metaphor for aesthetic discrimination or for sexual experience, an odour may signify sanctity or sin, political power or social exclusion. Together, these sensory meanings and values form the sensory model espoused by a society, according to which the members of that society 'make sense' of the world, or translate sensory perceptions and concepts into a particular 'worldview.' There will likely be challenges to this model from within the society, persons and groups who differ on certain sensory values, yet this model will provide the basic perceptual paradigm to be followed or resisted.“ (Classen 1997: 402, Foundations for an Anthropology of the Senses) Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text, kniha, interiér Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Caravaggio: Doubting Thomas Eucharist (7): Application of the Fruits of the Sacrifice of the Cross - FSSPX.Actualités / FSSPX.News M. MCLUHAN •The Gutenbert Galaxy •oral •chirographic •typographic •electronic Obsah obrázku interiér, stůl, tkanina, vsedě Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Madonna and Child with sculpted wooden frame, German, c. 1450. Images and text from The Medieval Garden, by Sylvia Landsberg… | Madonna and child, Art, Medieval art Shakespeare's Favourite Flowers: The Rose „in the historical writing of the nineteenth century when the notion that "high" culture requires the suppression of the "lower" senses was formalized. Touch was typed by the scholars of the day as a crude and uncivilized mode of perception. In the sensory scale of "races" created by the natural historian Lorenz Oken, the "civilized" European "eye-man," who focussed on the visual world, was positioned at the top and the African "skin-man," who used touch as his primary sensory modality, at the bottom. Societies which touched much, it was said, did not think much and did not bear thinking much about - except perhaps by anthropologists. To achieve respectability, societies needed to be seen to have risen above the "animal" life of the body. To achieve respectability, historians had to show that in their work they had done the same (Classen 2012: 3, The Book of Touch).“ ../Geneve,%20British%20Museum.jpg REFORMACE JAKO KULTURA TĚLA •Opakování, přezkušování •Pozorné naslouchání •Poznámky •Zasedací pořádek •Výuka •Akustika (prostor, kázání) •Manipulace pozorností, „čištění prostoru“ •Tištěné knihy v liturgii • Obsah obrázku budova, staré, bílá, černá Popis byl vytvořen automaticky chaeg_consistoire_r_1_00033.jpg Calvin before the Genevan Council, 1549..png DOBRÝ VS. ŠPATNÝ SLUCH Textové pole: