Angličtina pro teatrology I (podzim 2024)
Arthur Miller
1) Watch the adaptation of the play or read the play Death of a Salesman (1949) by Arthur Miller. Focus on themes such as the American Dream, materialism, and betrayal.
2) Prepare a short review of a play that has left either a positive or a negative impression on you (i.e. your most favorite or hated play that you have seen up to now). Try to make it up to 2 minutes. Speaking in your own words is preferred.
The film was adapted for television by A. Miller himself, meaning that everything he considered important is still there. Actors J. Cobb (Willy) and M. Dunnock (Linda) played their characters in both the 1949 original stage production and in this movie.
Death of a Salesman. YouTube, 2021.