Egyptian Art Symmetry Perspective Conceptional vs Perceptual Art Composite Image An Egyptian Dancer painted on limestone ostracon from Deir el-Medina, New Kingdom (about 1200 BC, Nineteenth Dynasty), Turin’s Egyptian Museum Art as Function Cult and Tomb Ka-Statues Ka-statue of Hor-Awibre (Hor I), 13th Dynasty, c. 1340 BCE, Dahshur Wooden statue of Ka-Aper, 5th Dynasty (2490 BCE), Saqqara Frontality Idealism Dominant rightward orientation Registers / Ground Line Hierarchy of size Isocephalic (heads at the same level) Canon of proportions Art combined with hieroglyphs Egyptian Cosmology Red land = Desheret = Desert (Chaos - Isfet) Black land = Kemet = Nile Valley + Delta (Order – Ma’at) West = Setting sun = Land of the Dead East = Rising sun = Land of the Living Nile Flow Winds Nile Flow Duality Ancient Egyptian Worldview: Duality Sema-Tawy = Unification of the Two Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt) Duality in unity : Sema=Tawy: Unification of the two lands Papyrus Lotus Horus Seth sedge=niswt Upper Egypt bee=bity Lower Egypt Royal Titles Nswt-bity = King of Upper and Lower Egypt Nebty = Two Ladies (Vulture=Valley, Cobra=Delta) Neb-Tawy = Lord of the Two Lands Red Crown=Lower EgyptWhite Crown=Upper Egypt Double Crown = Unity Nomes & Nomarchs Maat “truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, justice…” • Kings (Pharaohs) uphold Maat through: • Centralized rule • Harmony among the gods • Order within Egypt (laws, feeding the hungry, honoring gods…) • Domination of Enemies • Intermediate Periods = disorder Maat “truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, justice…” • Kings (Pharaohs) uphold Maat through: • Centralized rule • Harmony among the gods • Order within Egypt (laws, feeding the hungry, honoring gods…) • Domination of Enemies • Intermediate Periods = disorder Maat “truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, justice…” • Kings (Pharaohs) uphold Maat through: • Centralized rule • Harmony among the gods • Order within Egypt (laws, feeding the hungry, honoring gods…) • Domination of Enemies • Intermediate Periods = disorder Kingship in Egypt • Kings (Pharaoh in New Kingdom) • nsw – hallowed, divine ruler • ḥm “incarnation,” physical self • 5 regnal names → meld ideological tenets • Earthly avatar of the god Horus • Divine Parentage (officially) • Roles of King: • Maintaining Maat (cosmic order) • Intermediary between gods and humanity • Chief Priest • Maintaining (divine) order; judge • Visiting and building temples • Feeding people • Defeating enemies King as Horus White Crown (Upper Egypt) Red Crown (Lower Egypt) Kingship in Egypt • Kings (Pharaoh in New Kingdom) • nsw – hallowed, divine ruler • ḥm “incarnation,” physical self • 5 regnal names → meld ideological tenets • Earthly avatar of the god Horus • Divine Parentage (officially) • Roles of King: • Maintaining Maat (cosmic order) • Intermediary between gods and humanity • Chief Priest • Maintaining (divine) order; judge • Visiting and building temples • Feeding people • Defeating enemies Royal Succession • Divine Succession / Earthly Succession • Osiris → Horus / father → son • Seth as challenger / uncles, generals… • Seth • Disorder, deshret, foreigners Living King = Horus Dead King = Osiris (King of the Underworld) Nubians (south) Libyans (northwest) Western Asians (northeast)Egyptians Foreigners Nut (Sky) Egyptian Cosmos Shu (Air) Geb (Earth) Ra on the solar barque Ra in the Duat Amarna Period 1353-1336 BCE Naqada Period ~4000 – 3000 BCE Early Dynastic 3150– 2686 BCE Old Kingdom 2686– 2181 BCE First Intermediate Period 2181– 2055 BCE Middle Kingdom 2055– 1650 BCE Second Intermediate Period 1650– 1550 BCE New Kingdom 1550– 1069 BCE Third Intermediate Period 1069– 664 BCE