X. Etruscan art and visual culture of Roman Republic Periods of Art History I. From Prehistory to Trajan Capestrano warrior (L’Aquila), from a necropolis, 6th century BCE, ceramic, H: 2,09 m Chieti, Museo nazionale Fragment of a head and complete stele, 7th-6th century BCE, from Siponte and Cupola-Beccarini / Manfredonia, Museo Nazionale Archeologico Mourners in Bucchero, Cerveteri, Regolini-Galassi Tomb, 675–650 B.C.E., Bucchero, 9.5–10.8 x 2.7–3.8 cm (Vatican Museums Large Parade Fibula, Cerveteri, Regolini-Galassi Tomb, from the main tomb in the lower chamber, 675–650 B.C.E., gold: embossed, punched, cut, and granulated (Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, Musei Vaticani) Sarcophagus of the Spouses, late 6th century BCE, terracotta, with traces of polychromy, Rome, Villa Giulia, Museo Nazionale Etrusco Sarcophagus of the Spouses, late 6th century BCE Louvre, Paris Tomb of the Triclinium, Necropoli dei Monterozzi (Tarquinia) c. 470 BCE Tomba del Tuffatore (Tomb of the Diver), fresco, ca. 470 BCE, Museo Nazionale, Paestum Tomba del Tuffatore (Tomb of the Diver), fresco, ca. 470 BCE Museo Nazionale, Paestum The Peleus Painter, Athenian red-figure stamnos, c. 450–440 B.C.E., terracotta, 39.37 cm Diver (detail), Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, Monterozzi Necropolis, Tarquinia, Italy, c. 530–500 B.C.E. The ‘Alexander Sarcophagus’, c. 312 BCE, Pentelic marble and polychromy, found in Sidon, 195 x 318 x 167 cm İstanbul Archaeological Museum Situla of the Pania, from the Pania tomb, chiusi, ivory, ca. 580-550 BCE, H: 22 cm Florence, Museo archologico Chimera of Arezzo, probably part of a larger bronze ensemble (fight of Bellerophon with the Chimera?), votive offering?, 78,5 x 129 cm, c. 400 BCE Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Florence Mars of Todi, late 5th – early 4th century BCE, found at Todi, votive offering? Museo Etrusco Gregoriano, Vatican Bronze statuette of a warrior, 420BC-400BC, British Museum Ombra della sera (Evening Shade), 3rd century B.C.E., cast bronze, 57 cm high, Guarnacci Etruscan Museum, Volterra Aule Metele (Arringatore), from Cortona, Italy, early 1st century B.C.E., bronze, 67 inches high (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Florence), 21 April 753 BCE: Mythical Foundation Date of Rome 509 BCE: Expulsion of the last king of the gens Tarquinia, kings of Etruscan Origins, Tarquinius Superbus ROME Aeneas escaping Troy, carrying his father Anchises and leading his son Ascanius (Iulius), terracotta, 1st century CE, from Pompeii Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale Publius Vergilius Maro (c. 70–19 BCE) composing the Aeneid (29–19 BCE) surrounded by the Muses Clio and Melpomene, mosaic, 3rd century CE, Hadrumetum (Sousse, Tunisia) Tunis, Bardo Museum The Roman Republic Vast expansion of the Roman domination Assimilation, adaptation, or rejection of local and global material cultures Capitoline Brutus, part of a bronze honorific statue, around 300 BC or later / Rome, Musei Capitolini Bronze bust of Scipio the African (Africanus), mid 1st century BCE, from the Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum / Naples, Museo Archeologico Head of old man, marble, mid-1st century BCE / Rome, Musei Vaticani So-called Patrizio Torlonia, sometimes believed to be Cato the Elder, marble, 1st century AD copy of an original of 80-70 BC / Rome, Collezione Torlonia Verism Veristic portraiture Polykleitos, Doryphoros, roman copy, pentelic marble, 198.12 x 48.26 x 48.26 cm, c. 120-150 BCE Minneapolis Institute of Art (original bronze statue cast around 440) Marble bust found in the Rhone River near Arles, possible y depiction of Julius Caesar, 1st century BCE or 3rd century CE, Musée de l'Arles antique The Tusculum bust, ca. 46–44 BCE