PERIODS 1Slideshow of objects shown during the seminar sessions 2024 Golden Burial Mask – „Mask of Agamemnon“ 1550–1500 BC Gold The Baths of Diocletian / AD 298–306 / Rome The Icon of St George slaying Diocletian / 11th c. / Silver ; Gold / Mestia, Georgia Praroditeljka ("Foremother“) 7000BC, Cobblestone Lepenski Vir site Villa Romana del Casale (Piazza Armerina, Sicily) / 4th century AD / Floor Mosaics Opus vermiculatumopus tessellatumOpus sectile ✧ Opus...techniques ✧ The Thinker of Cernavodă Fired clay 115x75 mm c. 5000 BC (Late Neolithic) The Thinker and the Sitting Woman of Cernavodă Fired clay c. 5000 BC (Late Neolithic) Mummy Portrait of a Woman 100–110 A.D. Linen, pigment, gold, encaustic on wood. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles Mummy Portrait of a Woman 100–110 A.D. Linen, pigment, gold, encaustic on wood. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (left) Mummy Portrait of a Woman, 175–200 A.D. Tempera on wood 28.2 × 14.5 cm The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (right) Eye idol(s) circa 3700–3500 BCE Gypsum alabaster Middle Uruk (Tell Brak site) Leang Tempuseng cave, Indonesia Wall Paintings c. 40 000 – 35 000 BCE? El Castillo cave, Spain Wall Paintings c. 40 000 BCE Cueva de las Manos Wall Paintings c. 7,300 BCE – 700 CE Head of a female figure, Keros/Syros culture (Cycladic) 2600 / -2400 BCE Louvre Woman's Head Amadeo Modigliani 1912 MET Bronze herm Greek, Arcadian ca. 490 BCE MET Gold armlet Achaemenid / Persian 5thC BC-4thC BC Oxus treasure Cloisonné Champlevé The Milan Five-Part Diptych (detail) 2nd half of 5th century Gilded silver (cloisons); garnets Becket Casket Circa 1180 Gilt-copper ,wood, enamel Ain Ghazal statues Lime Plaster and reed 6700–6500 BC Neolithic settlement Neolithic sculptures from Çatalhöyük „Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük“ Circa 8000 BCE Baked clay “Goddess figurine“ Çatalhöyük Circa 6300 BCE limestone Cerne Abbas Giant 11th century? Dorset, UK Cerne Abbas Giant (detail of the face) 11th century? Dorset, UK Face on a buckle from Finglesham 7th century Kent, England. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Bowl with Human Feet ca. 3700–3450 BCE Pottery Egyptian / Predynastic period THERMOPOLIUM OF REGIO V Pompeii Discovered in 2019 THERMOPOLIUM OF REGIO V Pompeii Discovered in 2019 Henry Moore Recumbent figure 1938 TateSculpture in the shape of two figures 500 BCE–500 CE The Condorhuasi-Alamito / Northwest Argentina MET