Art of XX-XXI century •What is the difference between modern and contemporary? • •When does contemporary begin? • •Does ´contemporary ´art belong to history of art? •Can we tell good from bad • in contemporary art? Obsah obrázku interiér, zeď Popis byl vytvořen automaticky These questions are not value-neutral! When modern was ´contemporary´ • • • • •Alfred Barr Jr. Alfred Barr Jr. | givethegiftofmoma ….after that? • • • •What is modern art? 80.jpg [Guggenheim-Museum-Frank-Lloyd-Wright-new-york-souvenir-buildings-replicas-ornament-models-ny-resin -plastic.jpg] Modernism •Art becomes its own subject •Shift from mimetic to non-mimetic features •Clement Greenberg in Modernist painting •´Manet´s became the first modernist pictures by virtue of the frankness with which they declared the flat surfaces on which they were painted.´ Obsah obrázku obchod Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text, muž, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Modernism as a profound shift… • •modernism is marked by an ascent to a new level of consciousness, which is reflected in painting as a kind of discontinuity, almost as if to emphasize that mimetic representation had become less important than some kind of reflection on the means and methods of representation • •Arthur Danto Modern vs Postmodern üFormal purity üMedium specificity üAuthenticity üOriginality üUtopic ideals üLinear concept of •History üProgress in art • • • • Appropriation -borrowing Copying Irony, parody Pastiche No master narratives ABEkNnw Foucault Michel Foucault derrida Jacques Derrida Gilles Deleuze deleuze_peellaert Felix Guattari felix_guattari Umberto Eco ´Tyranny´ of theory… Deconstruction •Art works considered as text • Texts have multiple meanings – 220px-Derrida_main.jpg Jean Baudrillard (1929- 2006) • when it comes to postmodern simulation and simulacra, “It is no longer a question of imitation, nor duplication, nor even parody. It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real” 1)first order of simulacra = the pre-modern period, the image is a clear counterfeit of the real; the image is recognized as just an illusion, a place marker for the real 2) the second order of simulacra = the industrial revolution, the distinctions between the image and the representation begin to break down because of mass production and the proliferation of copies 3) the third order of simulacra = the postmodern age, 4)we are confronted with a precession of simulacra; that is, the representation precedes and determines the real. There is no longer any distinction between reality and its representation; there is only the simulacrum. 5) •Simulacres et Simulation, 1981 Jean-François Lyotard: Fredric Jameson •Postmodernism is an intensification and latest phase of global capitalism •Reality is evaporating into mere images •We’re fixated on commodities and products •There is no linguistic normality, only pastiche • •Postmodernism as a movement in arts and culture corresponding to a new configuration of politics and economics, "late capitalism" • jameson jameson3 Postmodernism? Postmodern condition • • • • • • •after modernism subsumes, assumes, extends the modern or tendencies already present in modernism, not necessarily in strict chronological succession, or working out questions and problems implicit in modernism without a break from core assumptions • • •contra modernism subverting, resisting, opposing, or countering features of modernism • • •equivalent to "late capitalism" culture dominated by post-industrial, consumerist, multi- and trans-national capitalism, beginnings of globalization • •the historical era following the modern an historical time-period marker, recognizing cultural, ideological, and economic shifts without a new trajectory (triumphalism) or privileging of values •artistic and stylistic eclecticism (aesthetic postmodernism) hybridization of forms and genres, combining "high" and "low" cultural forms and sources, mixing styles of different cultures or time periods, dehistoricizing and re-contextualizing styles in architecture, visual arts, literature, film, photography •"global village" phenomena: globalization of cultures, races, images, capital, products"information age" redefinition of nation-state identities, which were the foundation of the modern era; dissemination of images and information across national boundaries, a sense of erosion or breakdown of national, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural identities; • Key features of postmodern styles ØIrony, parody ØSampling ØMixing of „high“ and „low“ ØApproprition and •Copying ØPastiche • •Nostalgia, reto styles, rycycling of genre and styles in new contexts •"History" represented through nostalgic images of pop culture, fantasies of the past. History has become one of the styles; historical representations blend with nostalgia. •"the disappearance of a sense of history, the way in which our entire contemporary social system has little by little begun to lose its capacity to retain its own past, has begun to live in a perpetual present and in a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve... •Culture on Fast Forward: Time and history replaced by speed, futureness, accelerated obsolescence. • •Critique: note the image of the past and origins presupposed in the view of history and the postmodern, the sense of Hegelian trajectories with no possible future in view to be argued for. • Postmodernism as (dominantly) architectural style Obsah obrázku budova, obloha, exteriér, vládní budova Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Has Postmodern Architecture Killed Modern Architecture? | Dr. Selman ÇELİK • • Retro-sensationalist (postmodern) art Barbara Kruger (1945) • • 1987.jpg 1.jpg Cindy Sherman (1954) Obsah obrázku patro, interiér, místnost Popis byl vytvořen automaticky • • Jeff Koons (1955) • • • • •Ushering in Banality 1988 • neo-pop, post-pop 26400 Gilbert and George • •,%20by%20Gilbert%20and%20G eorge.jpg Young British Artists • • • • Obsah obrázku interiér, zeď, postel Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Tracey Emin (1963), My Bed Damien Hirst (1965) • Modern / Contemporary Obsah obrázku osoba, muž, interiér, oblek Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, muž Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Contemporary •It designates less a period than what happens after there are no more period in master narrative of art and less a style of making than a style of using styles… • •post-historical art •A state of being permanently out of time, suspended in a state after or beyond history • •contemporary has come to designate something more than simply the art of the present… •art produced within certain structure of production never seen before • •Contemporary art is different in kind from modern art? • Modern // contemporary •Common-sense: • •What is happening now •Belonging to our times • •Art produced by our contemporaries • •(is it so simple?) • •Or ?: • •Artistic production which is different in kind from •historical (including modernist) art • • • • • Is contemnporary a part of history? In what sense? Obsah obrázku text, kniha Popis byl vytvořen automaticky CAA News | College Art Association » Blog Archive » Explore the Latest Issue of The Art Bulletin | CAA Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Artforum International - May 2021 frieze magazine | Frieze Key to definition of contemporary art •globalization •Decentering •(Art is where money is) Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, patro, koupelna, dřez Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, několik Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Art market forces •Commercial galleries •Collectors •Art fairs Obsah obrázku středisko Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku obloha, exteriér, lidé, skupina Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Intense commodification Art as investment • • • • • • • •Damien Hirst, For the Love of God, 2007 Obsah obrázku text, patro, galerie, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Who is contemporary? Who is part of history of art? •Antony Gormley 1954 •Anish Kapoor 1954 •Rachel Whiteread 1963 •Thomas Schutte 1954 •Vincent Desiderio 1955 •Jaroslav Róna 1957 •Marlene Dumas 1953 •Anselm Kiefer 1945 •Berlinde de Bruyckere 1964 •Callum Innes 1962 Rachel Whiteread | Gagosian Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Anselm Kiefer 2021 Documenta 15 • Ruangruppa Obsah obrázku osoba, budova, exteriér, země Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku zeď, interiér, místnost, scéna Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Safdar Ahmed’s 2021 Harvest drawing. From the Documenta Fifteen Handbook, 2022. Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku text, obloha, exteriér, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Taring Padi, People´s Justice, detail •1860 1900 1940 1975 2000 2020 MODERN CONTEMPORARY Classical (high) modernism Late modernism Extended contemporary Present Art // World Framework •1989-2010 •End of Cold War •Economic globalization •Dominance of economic neolioberalism •Spread of integrated electronic culture •2010 – •Return of cold war •Raise of authoritarian regimes and tendencies •Contuing crisis of neoliberal model •Climate change •COVID •Spread of social platforms • Spread of AI • Does a match between world historical epoch and universal art historical period remain viable in contemporary conditions? Closed world of contemporary art •Massive overproduction • • • • • •Loss of quality and banality •Populist, yet at the same time inacessible •Competing fiercely for attention (attention economy) •Pervasive influence of fashionable theories and discourses •Dictate of art market forces •Deskilling • • • • • • 210411ec94d2ac1f6b220ee8/ • • • • • • • • “In the 1970s, there were hundreds of people in the art world. Now there are hundreds of thousands. The art world is so big that even people who’ve been collecting for thirty-five years are seeking help to navigate it.”