1980s America was not especially kind to what we might now call LGBTQ+ folks. And the Hollywood cinema of the decade is widely seen to have contributed to such issues. Accordingly, students will consider whether the charges of homophobia levelled at Hollywood during this period are fair, while also considering the extent to which it also handled more uplifting, kind-hearted depictions of Queer life.
Learning Outcomes
A sound understanding of:
1. 1980s Hollywood and charges of homophobia
2. 1980s Hollywood and Queer-friendly Output
3. 1980s Hollywood and Queer-coding
Reading: Doty, 81-95.
1. How does Doty read Pee-Wee as “queer”?
2. Do you find any aspects of his interpretation less-than-credible?
Home Screening I: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (1985)
Home Screening II: A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
• How do these films depict queer characters?
• How do these films depict the straight world?
• To what extent are these films homophobic?