HIA297 Friends and Foes: Vienna and Berlin, 1791-1938 (Autumn 2024) BIBLIOGRAPHY Red: essential reading Blue: personal copy owned Brown: Czech copy available in the library Green: book uploaded to the teaching materials General Reading C.A. Macartney (ed.) The Habsburg and Hohenzollern Dynasties in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Harper and Row, 1970) Personal copy available Brendan Simms, Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy, 1453 to the Present (Allen Lane, 2013) – Zápas o evropskou nadvládu : od pádu Cařihradu po současnost (Prostor, 2015) – Kampf um Vorherrschaft: Eine deutsche Geschichte Europas 1453 bis heute (Deutsche VerlagsAnstalt, 2014) Personal copy available; Czech copy in the library Ibid., The Struggle for Mastery in Germany, 1779-1850 (Macmillan Press Limited, 1998) Personal copy available Tim Blanning, The Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648–1815 (Penguin, 2007) – „Glanz und Größe“. Der Aufbruch Europas 1648 – 1815 (Verlags-Anstalt, 2022) English copy in the library; personal copy available A.J.P. Taylor The struggle for mastery in Europe: 1848-1918 (Oxford University Press, 2001) Copy in the library Paul W. Schroeder The transformation of European politics 1763-1848 (Clarendon, 1994) Copy in the library Roy Bridge The Great Powers and the European States System 1814-1914 (Routledge, 2004) Hannes Leidinger, Karin Moritz, Karin Moser Streitbare Brüder: Österreich: Deutschland. Kurze Geschichte einer schwierigen Nachbarschaft (Residenz, 2010) Martyn Rady The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe (Allen Lane, 2023) Jan Křen Dvě století střední Evropy (Argo, 2019) Copies in the library Peter J. Katzenstein Disjoined Partners. Austria and Germany since 1815 (University of California Press, 1976) Imanuel Geiss The Question of German Unification: 1806-1996 (Routledge, 1997) – Die deutsche Frage: 1806-1990 (B.I.-Taschenbuchverlag, 1992) John Breuilly Austria, Prussia and The Making of Germany: 1806-1871 (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Copy in the library; personal copy available David Blackbourn, History of Germany 1780-1918: The Long Nineteenth Century Wiley-Blackwell, 2002) Personal copy available Ibid., Germany in the World: A Global History, 1500-2000 (Norton & Company, 2023) Werner Conze The Shaping of the German Nation (George Prior, 1979) – Die deutsche Nation : Ergebnis der Geschichte (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 1965) James J. Sheehan German History, 1770-1866 (Clarendon Press, 1993) Richard J. Evans The Pursuit of Power: Europe, 1815-1914 (Penguin, 2017) Copy in the Library; personal copy available Mark Allinson Germany and Austria since 1814 (Routledge, 2014) The Habsburg Monarchy and Austria Charles Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815 (3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2019) English copy of the 2nd edition (2000) in the library Personal copy available A.J.P. Taylor The Habsburg Monarchy 1809–1918 (Penguin, 1990) – Poslední století habsburské monarchie. Rakousko a Rakousko-Uhersko v letech 1809–1918 (Barrister & Principal, 1998) English and Czech copy in the library Personal copy available Alan Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815–1918 (2nd ed., Longman, 2001) – Úpadek a pád habsburské říše (Panevropa, 1995) Several English copies in the library Personal copy available John W. Boyer Austria, 1867-1955 (Oxford University Press, 2022) Steven Beller The Habsburg Monarchy 1815–1918 (Cambridge University Press, 2018) Personal copy available Ibid., A Concise History of Austria (Cambridge University Press, 2008) – Geschichte Österreichs (Brill Österreich GmbH, 2007) English copy in the library Pieter Judson The Habsburg Empire: A New History (Harvard University Press, 2018) – Habsburg (German edition) C.H.Beck, 2018) English copy in the library Hannes Leidinger, Verena Moritz Die Republik Österreich 1918/2008: Überblick, Zwischenbilanz (Deuticke Verlag, 2008) Copy in the library Ibid., Umstritten, verspielt, gefeiert. Die Republik Österreich 1918/2018 (Haymon Verlag, 2018) Martyn Rady The Habsburgs: The Rise and Fall of a World Power Paperback (Penguin, 2022) – Die Habsburger: Aufstieg und Fall einer Weltmacht (Rowohlt Berlin, 2021) – Habsburkové. Vzestup a pád světové velmoci (Slovart, 2021) Personal copy available Wilhelm J. Wagner Der große illustrierte Atlas Österreich-Ungarn: Das Habsburger-Reich in Wort, Bild und Karte (Carl Ueberreuter Verlag, 2009) – Habsburská monarchie. Dějiny RakouskaUherska slovem i obrazem (Universum, 2012) Czech copy in library R.J.W. Evans Austria, Hungary and the Habsburgs. Central Europe c. 1683-1867 (Oxford University Press, 2006) Copy in the library Paula Sutter Fichtner The Habsburg Monarchy, 1490-1848: Attributes of Empire (Red Globe Press, 2003) Ibid., The Habsburgs: Dynasty, Culture and Politics (Reaktion Books, 2014) Personal copy available Barbara Jelavich Modern Austria. Empire and Republic, 1800-1986 (Cambrige University Press, 1987) Copy in the library Personal copy available Prussia and Germany Margaret Shennan The Rise of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1618-1740 (Routledge, 1995) F.L. Carsten The Origins of Prussia (Hassell Street Press, 2021) Robert Reinhold Ergang The Potsdam Führer: Frederick William I, Father of Prussian Militarism (Literary Licensing, LLC, 2011) Christopher Clark, Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947 (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006) – Preußen: Aufstieg und Niedergang 1600–1947 (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2007) Personal English copy available Ibid., Time and Power – Visions of History in German Politics, from the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich (Princeton University Press, 2019) – Von Zeit und Macht: Herrschaft und Geschichtsbild vom Großen Kurfürsten bis zu den Nationalsozialisten (Pantheon Verlag, 2020) English copy in the library Katya Hoyer Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire 1871–1918 (The History Press, 2022) Neil MacGregor Memories of a Nation (Penguin, 2016) – Německo : vzpomínky jednoho národa (Argo, 2021) Czech copy in the library James Hawes The Shortest History of Germany (Old Street Publishing, 2018) – Stručné německé dějiny (Leda, 202) Czech copy in the library Personal copy available A.J.P. Taylor The Course of German history: a Survey of the Development of Germany since 1815 (H. Hamilton, 1945) Hajo Holborn A History of Modern Germany, 1648-1840 (Princeton University Press, 1982). Copies in the library Personal copy available E. J. Feuchtwanger Prussia, myth and reality. The Role of Prussia in German History (Henry Regnery, 1970 Ralph Flenley Modern German History (Dent, 1959) Jonathan Sperber (ed.), Germany, 1800-1870 (Oxford University Press, 1987) Personal copy available Mary Fulbrook A Concise History of Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2018) Personal copy available Ibid., A History of Germany 1918 - 2020: The Divided Nation (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018) – Dějiny moderního Německa : od roku 1918 po současnost (Grada, 2010) Czech copy in the library Captivating History (no designated author) History of Prussia (Captivating History, 2021) Ibid., History of Germany (Captivating History, 2021) Military History Richard Bassett For God and Kaiser: The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619-1918 (Yale University Press, 2016) Personal copy available Gordon A. Craig The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945 (Oxford University Press, USA (31 Dec. 1964) Copy in the library Peter H. Wilson Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-speaking Peoples Since 1500 (Allen Lane, 2022) – Eisen und Blut. Die Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Länder seit 1500 (wgb Theiss, 2023) Martin Kitchin A Military History of Germany, From the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day (Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, 1975) Week 1. Austro-Prussian Relations in the 18th Century James Llewelyn White Origins of Modern Europe, 1660-1789 (John Murray Publishers Ltd, 1965) Ernst Wangermann The Austrian Achievement, 1700-1800 (Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1973) Copy in the library Personal copy available Tim Blanning, Frederick the Great: King of Prussia (Allen Lane, 2015) – Friedrich der Große – König von Preußen – eine Biographie (Beck 2018) English copy in the library Ibid., Joseph II (Longman, 1994) Philip G. Dwyer The Rise of Prussia 1700-1830 (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2001) Giles MacDonogh Frederick the Great. A Life in Deed and Letters (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2001) Theodor Schieder Frederick the Great (Routledge, 1999) – Friedrich der Große. Ein Königtum der Widersprüche (Propyläen, 1983) Ludwig Reiners Frederick the Great. An Informal Biography (New English Library, 1975) D. B. Horn Frederick the Great (English Universities Press, 1967) William Reddaway Frederick the Great and the Rise of Prussia (Putnam, 1930, reprinted 2018) Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger Maria Theresia: Die Kaiserin in ihrer Zeit (C.H.Beck, 2018) Heinz Rieder Maria Theresia. Schicksalsstunde Habsburgs (Gernsbach, 1990) – Marie Terezie : osudová hodina Habsburků (Ikar, 2004) Czech copy in the library Jana Janusová Marie Terezie : legendy a skutečnost (Amosium servis, 1991) Copy in the library Week 2. Austria, Prussia, and The French Revolutionary Wars William Doyle The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2020) G. P. Gooch Germany and the French revolution (Longmans, Greeen and Co., 1920) Copy in the library Franz Dumont (ed.), Goethe-Institut Deutschland und die französische Revolution 1789/1989 (Cantz, 1989) Karl A. Roider Baron Thugut and Austria's Response to the French Revolution (Princeton Legacy Library, 1987) David Andress The Oxford handbook of the French revolution (Oxford University Press, 2015) Copy in the library Jules Michelet (1798 – 1874) Francouzská revoluce (Odeon, 1989) Crane Brinton A Decade of Revolution: 1789-1799 (Harper & Row, 1963) Copy in the library Miroslav Hroch Velká francouzská revoluce a Evropa 1789/1800 (Svoboda, 1990) Week 3. Austria, Prussia, and The Napoleonic Wars Jan Halada Metternich kontra Napoleon (Panorama, 1985) Copy in the library Michael Leggiere Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany: The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 (Cambridge University Press, 2015) Alan Sked Radetzky: Imperial Victor and Military Genius (Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2011) Guy Stanton Ford Stein and the Era of Reform in Prussia, 1807-1815 (Legare Street Press, 2022) Gunther E. Rothenberg Napoleon's Great Adversary: The Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792–1814 (The History Press Ltd, 2008), previously known as Napoleon's Great Adversary: The Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792–1814 (Indiana University Press, 1982) Ibid., with John Keegan (ed.) The Napoleonic Wars (History of Warfare) (Weidenfeld Military, 1999) – Die Napoleonischen Kriege (Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 2000) Week 4. The Congress of Vienna Adam Zamoyski Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna (Harper Perennial, 2008) – 1815: Napoleons Sturz und der Wiener Kongress (C.H.Beck, 2014) Mark Jarrett The Congress of Vienna and Its Legacy: War and Great Power Diplomacy after Napoleon (I.B. Tauris, 2013) David King Vienna, 1814: How the Conquerors of Napoleon Made Love, War, and Peace at the Congress of Vienna (Crown, 2009) Sabine Grabner, Werner Telesko, and Agnes Husslein-Arco (Ed.) Europe in Vienna: The Congress of Vienna 1814/15 (Hirmer, 2015) – Europa in Wien : der Wiener Kongress 1814/15 (Belvedere, 2015) German copy in the library Luboš Taraba Vídeňský kongres : tanec nových časů (Epocha, 2020) Copy in the library See also the books on Metternich. Week 5. The Metternich Era Alan Sked Metternich and Austria : An Evaluation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) – Metternich a Rakousko : pokus o hodnocení (CDK, 2014) English and Czech copy in the library Wolfram Siemann Metternich: Strategist and Visionary (Harvard University Press, 2023) – Metternich: Stratege und Visionär (Beck, 2022) Alan Palmer Metternich (History Book Club, 1972) – Metternich. Der Staatsmann Europas (Claassen, 1977) English copy in the library Paul W. Schroeder Metternich’s Diplomacy at Its Zenith (Greenwood Press, 1962) Muamer Bećirović Clemens Wenzel von Metternich oder Das Gleichgewicht der Mächte: Biografie (Osburg Verlag, 2024) Ivo T. Budil, and Miroslav Šedivý Metternich & jeho doba : sborník příspěvků z konference uskutečněné v Plzni ve dnech 23. a 24. dubna 2009 (Fakulta filozofická Západočeské univerzity, 2009) Copy in the library Henry Kissinger A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-22 (Echo Point Books & Media, 2013 – first published in 1954) – Das Gleichgewicht der Großmächte. Metternich, Castlereagh und die Neuordnung Europas 1812-1822 (Econ, 1991) – Obnovení světového řádu : Metternich, Castlereagh a potíže s mírem v letech 1812-1822 (Prostor, 2009) Czech copy in the library Week 6. The Turning Point that Failed to Turn: the 1848 Revolutions John Breuilly Austria, Prussia and The Making of Germany: 1806-1871 (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Copy in the library; personal copy available Christopher Clark Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a New World 1848-1849 (Allen Lane, 2023) Jonathan Sperber (ed.), The European Revolutions, 1848–1851 (Cambridge University Press, 2005) Dieter Hein Die Revolution von 1848/49 (C.H. Beck, 2019) C. Edmund Maurice The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Italy (Outlook Verlag, 2020) Personal copy available Hans-Joachim Hahn The 1848 Revolutions in German-Speaking Europe (Routledge, 2001) Personal copy available Michael Rapport 1848: Year of Revolution (Little, Brown, 2008) English copies in the library Personal copy available Arnošt Klíma Revoluce 1848 v českých zemích (Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1974) Copy in the library Karel Kreibich Němci a česká revoluce roku 1848 (Rovnost, 1950) Copy in the library Hans-Ulrich Wehler (ed.), Wolfram Siemann Die deutsche Revolution von 1848/49 (Suhrkamp Verlag, 1985) Copy in the library Week 7. From Prussia to Germany, from Austria to Austria- Hungary Winfried Heinemann, Lothar Höbelt, Ulrich Lappenküper (eds.) Der preußisch-österreichische Krieg 1866 (Schöningh, 2017) Personal copy available István Diószegi Österreich-Ungarn und der französisch-preussische Krieg 1870-1871 (Akadémiai kiadó, 1974) Copy in the library Klaus-Jürgen Bremm 1866: Bismarcks Krieg gegen die Habsburger (Theiss, 2016) Rachel Chrastil Bismarck's War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe (Allen Lane, 2023) Stephen Badsey The Franco-Prussian War: 1870–71 (Osprey Publishing. 2022) Geoffrey Wawro The Austro-Prussian War: Austria's War with Prussia and Italy in 1866 (Cambridge University Press, 2010) See also Bismarck biographies from Week 8 (there are many others which I have not read or listed but which are present in the library) Week 8. From Sadowa to Sarajevo Alan Palmer Bismarck (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976) A.J.P. Taylor Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman (Hamish Hamilton, 1955) – Bismarck (Piper, 1962 – German edition) – Bismarck (Knižní klub, 1998) Czech copy in the library Wilhelm Mommsen Otto von Bismarck : in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rohwolt, 1966) and Bismarck : ein politisches Lebensbild (Bruckmann, 1959) – Bismarck (Votobia, 1995) Czech copy in the library Jonathan Steinberg Bismarck: A Life (Oxford University Press, 2012) Volker Ullrich Bismarck: The Iron Chancellor (Life & Times) (Haus Publishing, 2021) Roy Bridge Foreign Policies of the Great Powers: From Sadowa to Sarajevo: The Foreign Policy of Austria-Hungary, 1866-1914 Copy in the library; personal copy available; pdf. file of chapters 4 and 5 uploaded to teaching materials Katya Hoyer Blood and Iron. The Rise and Fall of the German Empire 1871-1918 (The History Press, 2022) Week 9. Secret Enemies? Austria-Hungary and Germany in WWI Alexander Watson Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary at War, 1914–1918 (Allen Lane, 2014) Gerard E. Silberstein The Troubled Alliance: German-Austrian Relations, 1914-1917 (University Press of Kentucky, 2014) Gary W. Shanafelt The Secret Enemy: Austria-Hungary and the German Alliance, 1914-1918 ((East European Monographs, 1985) Personal copy available; pdf. file of the whole book uploaded to the teaching materials Week 10. The First Austrian Republic Lothar Höbelt Die Erste Republik Österreich (1918–1938). Das Provisorium (Brill Österreich GmbH, 2018) Copy in the library; personal copy available Steven Beller A Concise History of Austria (Cambridge University Press, 2008) – Geschichte Österreichs (Brill Österreich GmbH, 2007) Copy in the library F. L. Carsten The First Austrian Republic, 1918-1938: A Study Based on British and Austrian Documents (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 1986) John W. Boyer Austria, 1867-1955 (Oxford University Press, 2022) Anton Pelinka Die gescheiterte Republik: Kultur und Politik in Österreich 1918–1938 ((Brill Österreich GmbH, 2017) Copy in the library Stefan Karner (Ed.) Die umkämpfte Republik: Österreich von 1918-1938 (StudienVerlag, 2023) Week 11. The Anschluss: Finis Austriae See all the books from the previous week which go up to 1938. Additionally: Erwin Schmidl Der „Anschluß“ Österreichs (Bernard und Graefe, 1994) Personal copy available Gordon Brook-Shepherd Anschluss: The rape of Austria (MacMillan London, 1963) German copy in the library Jürgen Gehl Austria, Germany, and the Anschluss, 1931-1938 (Praeger, 1979) Copy in the library Gerhard L. Weinberg Der gewaltsame Anschluß 1938. Die deutsche Außenpolitik und Österreich (Bundeskanzleramt, Bundespressedienst, 1988) Copy in the library Ulrich Eichstädt Von Dollfuss zu Hitler. Geschichte des Anschlusses Österreichs 1933-1938 (Franz Steiner Verlag, 1955) G. E. R. Gedye Betrayal in central Europe; Austria and Czechoslovakia: The fallen bastions (Harper & Brothers, 1939)