MUNI ľrc ARTS Measurability and assessment of science Mgr. et Mgr. Stanislav Hasil Central Library of the Faculty of Arts Autumn 2024 1 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science 2 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS There is no perfect way to evaluate research. 3 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS With every policy / assessment system / evaluation one does need to know what the desired end is. 4 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Types -Qualitative -Quantitative indicators (metrics) - So called „Coffee Grinder" -Combination -None 5 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS MUNI ARTS Global level - Scientometrics (Bibliometrics) Short introduction Scientometrics Scientometrics Bibliometrics quantitative indicators, usually machine-processed Altmetrics also quantitative indicators, also usually machine-processed, but instead of measuring "impact" in a scientific environment, the reach "out" is counted - Bibliometrics - the application of statistical methods of the study of bibliographic data. (Webster's dictionary) Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Little bit of history - 1927 - Gross and Gross - first citation analysis ever - 3633 citations from the 1926 volume of the Journal of the American Chemical Society <- to find out which journals to purchase - Changes in the second half of the 20th century: - Computers Internet - Need for other than peer review system of evaluation 8 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS MUNI ARTS Global level - abstract and citation databases Short introduction O Clarivate Analytics WEB OF SCIENCE TM Source: 10 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS 1956 - Institute for Scientific Information - 1964- Science Citation Index (SCI) (Expanded 1988; today over 9200 journals) 1975 - Arts and Humanities Citation Index - 1988 - Social Sciences Citation Index - 2015 - Emerging Sources Citation Index - Institute for Science information => Thomson Corporation => now Clarivate 11 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science I ARTS WoS - Core collection -4 main indexes (10 in total) - SCIE - AHCI ssci - ESCI - 254 categories - More than 22 000 journal records -2,19 billion references 12 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS WOS - hugely US centric Geographic Indicators: Web of Science Document s.Time Period:2016-2020. Schema: Web of Science. Dataset: Incites Dataset Incites dataset updated Nov 26, 2021. Includes Web of Science content indexed through Oct 31,2021. Export Date: Dec 6,2021. 13 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Source: 14 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS 2004 - Scopus launched - Elsevier - publishing company (2500 journals, 500 000 articles, yearly downloads around 1 billion) - Netherland - West Europe 15 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science H0* Elstmer ■ 8» Spfingci 15« Wilry-ftlickwcll ■ 5 * Tjyto M. Francis • 2K Sage ■ l % Wolten Kluwir ■ IN Oxfwd UniwKily Press ■ IK Emerald ■ IK indetscirn« Publisher • 1« Cimtinjgt Umytrjlty Prttt ■ 1* fenlhim Sckntc ■ IK IEEE "M* Others Source: Scopus Content Coverage Guide [online lUNI ARTS SCOPUS Publications per major subject area*: Social Sciences 13.5+ thousand titles in arts &; humanities; business, management &; accounting; decision sciences; economics, econometrics 8^finance; psychology; social sciences Physical Sciences 14.0+ thousand titles in chemical engineering; chemistry; computer science; earth S< planetary sciences; energy; engineering; environmental science; materials science; mathematics; physics &r_ astronomy Health Sciences 14.8+ thousand titles in medicine; nursing; dentistry; health professions; veterinary Life Sciences 8.1+ thousand titles in agriculture Sr. biological sciences; biochemistry, genetics St; molecular biology; immunology & microbiology; neuroscience; pharmacology, toxicology & pharmaceutics *Counts include only active titles. Titles may fall into more than one major subject area. Scopus is updated daily, so numbers are subject to change. Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal point. Source: Scopus title list, August 2021. 16 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS SCOPUS - active titles indexed -330 disciplines - Hugely Eurocentric 7+ thousand publishers 24.6+ million open access items: gold, hybrid gold, green & bronze 368+ thousand ♦ 28.3+ thousand Serial titles Preprints Scopus 2.4+ billion cited references doting back to 1970 97.3+ million records 19+ million author profiles 94+ thousand affiliation profiles North America 6.600+ 5496 more than nearest competitor As of July £024 17 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science Middle East St Africa 860+ 236% more than nearest competitor Latin America 790+ 193% more than nearest competitor Western Europe 12,170+ 7S% more than nearest competitor Asia Pacific 2,230+ 26596 more than nearest competitor East Europe incl. Russia 1.750+ 220% more than nearest competitor Australia/ New Zealand 260+ 22596 more than nearest competitor MUNI ARTS Metrics and other magic words -D1, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 - Journal Impact factor - CiteScore - H-index -Article Influence Score -SCImago Journal Rank - Eigenfactor - See more here: erstanding-research-metrics/ 18 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Metrics - h-index - Hirsch index. A number assessing the author's publication activity. It is calculated as the number of publications (n) that have n or more citations. For example, an h-index of 5 means that the author has five articles that have at least five citations. 30 ] h-index = 6 25 - _ § * The 6 most highly-cited 'is " articles have been cited jj • at least 6 times each, o / | 10 * • / £ ---------^ = 5 • • # ^ 0 \-,-,-,-1--,-,-,-,- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Journal Articles (Ranked by Number of Citations) An image illustrating h-index. Source: University of British Columbia MUNI ARTS Comparison WoS -Older, bigger -Journal metrics: JIF (Journal Impact Factor) -Author metrics: h-index - InCites Scopus -Younger, faster growing -Journal metrics: CiteScore -Author metrics: h-index - SciVal 20 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Author identifiers Manner of ID generation Matching of publications with ID Supported platforms for matching results Prerequisite for assigning an identifier The option to create an author's portfolio ORCID manual Researcher ID automatic manual manual different (WoS, Scopus, arXiv, etc.) only Web of Science at least one record in WoS Q Scopus Author ID automatic automatic only Scopus at least two records in Scopus 21 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS So - which is better? - Both contain high quality peer-reviewed articles - but not all of them; you can find excellent articles indexed only in one of them or in neither - Good for following new trends in the field -Good for finding potential collaborators - Bad for researcher evaluation - Not very reliable for humanities and arts - BEWARE METRICS - Metric is the question, not the answer (Taylor and Francis). 22 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Alternatives? - ERIH PLUS European Reference Index for the Humanities 2014 Europe focused Originally created by European Science Foundation Now NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data Search Download current list SubmltjoLirnal (Login) About Criteria for inclusion Approval procedures Advisory Group National Experts Statistics Help Contact Cooperation and membership Dimensions COPE DOAJ ERIHJMk rUHOff »N REFERENCE INDEX FOR THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ERIH PLUS is an academic journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe. We provide article search facilitated by Dimensions which allow exploration the 10000 ERIH PLUS journals in detail. We also mark the individual journals thoroughly with key information about for instance open access status and plan S compliance. All are invited to submit journals to be indexed in ERIH PLUS. II Find Journals [Title or ISSN Switch to advanced search || Search | (D Find Articles Search and browse articles usingtheERIHPLU5 by Dimensions search. ■» Submission is your favourite journal not in ERIH PLUS? Submit a journal here. Lit! statistics Contact us if the statistic you are looking for is not included. Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science U AR Alternatives? - OpenAlex - December 31 2021 - the Microsoft Academic Graph database stopped being updated - OpenAlex (created by non-profit OurResearch) launched January 2022 - Since this year, a web search is available !§j OpenAI ex 24 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Honorable mentions Google Scholar - More of a search engine than a database - Unsuitable for evaluation - Great for source search Dimensions - Rising star -Collaborating with ERIH PLUS 25 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Czech context PODDRUHY J RECBtíOVANÝ ODBORNÝ ČLENEK (T) Legenda & tabulka hodnot 26 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Snímek 26 TMO Nejsem si jistá, že to nese dostatek informací - ale asi dodáš v přednášce? Tereza Schwarzová Matýsová; 2024-11-14T09:06:01.990 MUNI ARTS Global level - other systems in the world Short introduction NORWEGIAN REGISTER FOR SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS, SERIES AND PUBLISHERS So called „Norwegian index" (cze: Norsky seznam). The register gives an overview over which publication channels that are registered and their current level. Level 2 is the highest level. The scientific panels carry out the yearly nomination for level 2. Level 1 are publication channels considered to satisfy the minimum requirement to be counted as scientific (external peer review, scientific editorial board and minimum national authorship). Level 0 means that the publication channel has been considered but rejected. The publication channel is not approved and publishing in it will not yield publication points. Level x are publication channels where we are in doubt whether the publication channel should be approved or not, considering current criteria and available information. II Graeco-Latina Brunensia Bibliographic Information International Title: Graeco-Latina Brunensia p-ISSN: 1803-7402 Period: [2009 .. ] e-!SSN: 2336-4424 Period: [2009 .. ] Language: Multiple languages Country of publication: Czech Republic URL: htto://ľ.l e Continues: Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brnenské univerzity. Rada klasická Graeco-Latina Brunensia 1211-6335 Publisher: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Brno (Czech Republic) ITAR Code: 1030599® NPI Scientific Field: Classical Studies * Minimum Criteria Q Scientific editorial board Q Peer reviewed □ International authorship □ Approved ISSN Open Access Q X Not indexed by DOAJ - Checked 0 days ago X Not indexed by Sherpa Romeo - Checked 0 days ago 28 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS JUFO/Publication forum So called „Finnish index" (cze: Finsky seznam). Publication Forum evaluates domestic and foreign academic publication channels. Level 1 includes peer-reviewed publication channels that are specialised in the publication of scientific research outcomes and have an editorial board of experts of the discipline. The majority of all publication channels are classified as Level 1 which is the basic level. The Levels 2 and 3 are awarded to a limited number of academic journals, conferences and book publishers of the highest level and impact as judged by the Expert Panels. They are mostly international publication channels but in Humanities and Social Sciences, Level 2 also includes Finnish and Swedish-language forums. Publication channels that have been evaluated but do not meet all of the Level 1 criteria are marked as category 0. Etudes romanes de Brno Basic information Links Publication channel website C? Jufolrt 55580 Sharpa/Rameu B1 Current level 1 Type Journal/series Plan S: lournal checker tool ISSN (print) 1803-7399 Open access© ISSN [online] 2336-4416 Publisher Masarykova univerzita Open access Open access Country CZECHIA Self-archiving (immediate) Language Multiple languages published version Yes Start year 2009 Licence Active published version CCBYSA Evaluation Indexing Panel 21G? Web of Science •/ Under Evaluation NO Scopus -/ ERIH PLUS y Evaluation history DON 2023:1 2022:1 Sriptitifip fiplrt? 29 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Scholarly Publishers Indicators - SPI - So called „Spanish index" (cze: Španělský seznam). - SPI is a system that provides information and indicators on academic publishers. - Index of high-quality publishers. Editoriales extranjeras Posicion Editorial 1 Oxford University Press 2 Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) 3 Cambridge University Press 4 Springer 5 Elsevier 6 McGraw Hill 6 Wiley-Blackwell 7 Peter Lang Publishing Group 8 Brill 9 Thomson Reuters 10 Palgrave Macmillan 10 Sage Publications 11 Taylor & Fronds (Taylor & Francis Group) 12 Brepols Publishers 13 De Gruyter 14 Harvard University Press 15 Emerald 16 Giuffre 17 Prentice Hall 18 John Benjamins Publishing Company 19 MIT Press 20 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (unam) ICEE General 1243 1126 1099 950 497 416 416 350 324 313 3CÓ 305 25S 239 235 23G 200 183 168 141 125 30 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Research Excellence Framework - REF 31 - Evaluation system in UK undertaken by the four UK higher education funding bodies: Research England, the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfE). - Every 6 years - Four star: Quality that is world-leading in originality, significance and rigour. - Three star: Quality that is internationally excellent in originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence. - Two star: Quality that is recognised internationally in originality, significance and rigour. - One star: Quality that is recognised nationally in originality, significance and rigour. - Unclassified Quality: that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of this assessment. Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment Ranking * THE quality (GPA) * THE research power * THE market share * RPN power rating * 1 Imperial College London University of Oxford University of Oxford Universitv of Oxford 2 Institute of Cancer Research University College London University College London University College London 3 = University of Cambridge = London School of Economics University of Cambridge University of Cambridge University of Cambridge 4 University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh 5 University of Bristol University of Manchester University of Manchester University of Manchester 6 University College London King's College London King's College London King's College London 7 University of Oxford University of Nottingham Imperial College London Imperial College London e University of Manchester University of Leeds University of Bristol University of Bristol 9 King's College London Imperial College London University of Nottingham University of Nottingham 10 = University of York = London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine University of Bristol University of Leeds University of Leeds of science MUNI ARTS MUNI ARTS National level - Metodika 17+ Short introduction What isM17+? - M17+ is short for Metodika hodnocení výzkumných organizací a ukončených programů účelové podpory výzkumu, vývoje a inovací (Methodology for the evaluation of research organisations and completed programmes of targeted support for research, development and Innovation) -Consists of 5 modules (M1 to M5). - RIV - Rejstřík informací o výsledcích (Index of information about results); accessible on: MUNI 33 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science _ _ _ _ A K I o Modules • Module 1 • Module 2 • Module 3 • Module 4 • Module 5 Quality of selected results Research performance Social relevance Viability Strategy and concept Hodnocení 202^ ■ MODUL I-Hodnocení i/ybnanýcíi vyiledtíi ■ MODUL 2 - Gtoforwtrictt onolfiY íBWo obory. rjlWt, VQ, Sbilo WoS-ColsJ ■ Sťálp^Ůnř- Vifaty Bv. TrJpo.rW202l Hodnocení 2020 ■ MODUL I-Hodnoceni vytwcnvch vysleíllnj ■ MODUL í-ĚMIorn-Mcte ana!'iry iKBbo obory BltMIo VŮ. BiBlů VYoS-CnlsJ ■ ^íilnvrtni- i/ysiadky fzv. rriparfff ?02O Hodnocení 201 ? MODULI MCOulr Moduls MOOX2 BibUo WoS-Cah ■ MODUL 1 ■ Hodnocení ^bronvcfi výiledku • MODUL 2 ■ GbrerrraMcW analýzy [Bibío obory. EtHlo VO. Dieto WcS-CoUJ ■ inflikůlirfLi Lťftiťi.ňr.i - t.-v. ttirwm ?f)19 MODULI MCEÍH.I MODUL 2 Hodnoceni 2018 ■ MODUL 1 -Hodnocenivytxorcvcri »ftm9Ů ■ MODUL 2 - BiblwrYietrlcIcé analýzy (BíbEo obory. Blbflo VOJ ™" JEK, MODUL 1 Hodnocení 2017 • MODUL 1 - Hodnocení vyďoných vyiletMi • MODUL 2 - BfcDůlvefieKé anoiyiY (SoSOOtSůry. BtrfO VOI modul: 34 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Module 1 -Quality of selected results. - Two criteria - Social relevance - Contribution to knowledge -The evaluation process is managed by the Office of the Government. -Selection from results submitted to RIV. 35 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Module 1 in more detail - The RO will receive a list of results it can nominate (not yet evaluated results submitted to RIV in the last 5 years). - After the internal selection, the RO assigns a criteria (Contribution to knowledge/Social relevance) to the selected results, provides a statement of contribution to the field of research and submits it to a special app. - The results are divided into panels according to FORD (dFORD), where they are evaluated by panelists (peer review system) - usually 2 for each result, with the Panel Guarantor stepping in if necessary. - Each result is given a grade on a scale of 1 to 5 The requirements for the results vary according to the criterion chosen. Click for more. MUNI 36 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science _ _ _ _ A K I o How does it REALLY look? Ä Al B ICI D 1 E 1 F G H I J K L l.l f] 0 P Q R S 1 Tab.: Vybrané výsledný - posudKy - období Hodnoceni H18+H19+H20+H21 Výzkumná organizace Výsledek VaVal Hodnocení Počet (dle 31 470 i Í99 iOO 501 502 >03 >04 >Ú5 SOS >07 >0S >09 MO ill 512 Í13 514 515 i16 Segment Poskytovatel ICO Nazev Organizační jednotka Evidenční číslo Druh Kriterium Autori Nazev výsledku Vědní Obor oblast (Ford) D-Ford Období Text Dílčí Finálni známka známka vš VŠ AVČR -.■CR VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ AVČR VŠ VŠ Rezorty VŠ VŠ VŠ VŠ Al/ ŕ-D Ministerstvo Ministerstvo AVČR AVČR Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo AVČR Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministerstvo Ministersko AU ň D školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml zemédělsh školství, ml Školství, ml školství, ml školství, ml 216224 Masarykova univerzita Masarykova 216224 Masarykova universita Masarykova 6.8E+07 FilosoRcfcý ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. Filosofický u 6.8E+07 Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR. v. v. Ostav pro jaz 6E+07 Jihočeská univerzita v Českých B Jihočeská uí 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ki 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Kg 216224 Masarykova univerzita Masarykova 216224 Masarykova univerzita Masarykova 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ke 6.8E+07 Orientální ústavAVČRř v. v. i. Orientální ůs 216208 Universita Karlova Univerzita Ka 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ka 2.7E+07 Výzkumný ústav mlékárenskýs.r. Výzkumný ús 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ks 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ka 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ke 216208 Univerzita Karlova Univerzita Ké 1.&2E+Q8 B_ PnnoskpíRaciavsky.Jiii 1.92E+0B B Přínos kp 10,00% Absolventi {Bc [váha 1.00], Mgr [váha 2.00], PhD [váha 10.00]} 10,00% 1 nt e m ac iona 1 fzace 35% z Internacionalizace Přijíždějící studenti - 45 % 45,00% z internacionalizace Vyjíždějící studenti - 30 % 30,00% Z Internacionalizace Pňjítdějici akadémia - 25 % 25,00% Externí neinvestiční prostředky 10% Profesoři s docenti {profesoři [váha 2.50], docenti [váha 2,00]) 10% Počty doktorských studentů ve starid. dobé studia 5% Interní metodika (publikace) 7S% Celkem 49 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Weights Interní metodika rozpočtového zhodnocení publikačních výsledků na FF MU Ptatná od roku 2024 včetně Váha Zkratka Informace 5 JJMPJ54 články v databázi WoS. které spadají do 4 kvartilu podle impakt faktoru. 15 J_IMP_Q3 články v databázi WoS. které spadají do 3, kvartilu podle impakt faktoru. 50 J_IMP_Q2 články v databázi WoS. které spadají do 2. kvartilu podle impakt faktoru 100 J_IMP_Q1 články v databázi WoS, které spadají do 1. kvartilu podle impakt faktoru. 5 JJMP ostatní články ve WoS. které nespadl/ do žádnéiio kvartilu 5 J_NEIMP_WOS článek v časopise indexovaném v databázi Web of Science v indexech: Arts & Humanities Citation fndex (A&HCt); Emerging Sources Cttation Index (ESC!) S J_SCOPUS článek v recenzovaném časopise zahrnutém v databázi SCOPUS; nespadající do kvartilu 5 J^SCOPUSJM článek v recenzovaném časopise zahrnutém v databázi SCOPUS ve 4. kvartiíu podle Scimago Journal Rank 15 J_SCOPUS_Q3 článek v recenzovaném časopise zahrnutém v databázi SCOPUS ve 3. kvartilu podle Scimago Journal Rank 50 J_SCOPUS_Q2 článek v recenzovaném časopise zahrnutém v databází Currently, emphasis is placed on results published in journals that are indexed in the WoS and Scopus databases or on books and book chapters, preferably published by publishers on lists that the faculty considers prestigious or excellent. Weights: 50 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Lists of publishers (Prestigious) Academic Press Brill | Rodopi Edward Elgar Publishing Intellect (Bristol, United Kingdom) Multilingual Matters Springer University of Michigan Press Wilhelm Fink Verlag Barbara Budrich Publishers Cambridge University Press Equinox Intersentia Oxford University Press Stanford University Press University of Minnesota Press Wiley /Wiley-Blackwell Berghahn Books Columbia University Press Franz Steiner Verlag John Benjamins Publishing Company Palgrave Macmillan Stauffenburg University of North Carolina Press Winter Bloomsbury Academic Cornell University Press Harrassowitz Verlag John's Hopkins University Press Polity Press Suhrkamp University of Pennsylvania Press Yale University Press Bloomsbury Publishing CRC Press Hart Publishing LIT Verlag Praeger T&T Clark Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Zed books Boydell & Brewer De Gruyter Harvard University Press Logos Princeton University Press Taylor & Francis Group Verlag Julius Klinkhardt Brepols Publishers Droz Honore Champion Manchester University Press Routledge University of British Columbia Press Verlag J. B. Metzler Brill Duke University Press I.B. Tauris MIT Press Rowman & Littlefield University of California Press Wallstein Brill | Nijhoff Edinburgh University Press Iberoamericana-Vervuert MohrSiebeck Sage Publications University of Chicago Press Waxmann Verlag MUNI ARTS Lists of publishers (Excellent) Academia Böhlau Verlag Editrice Leo S. Olschki Hollitzer L'Harmattan Schnell und Steiner Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH Academia Press Bulzoni Editore Filosofia Host Lidové noviny Sidestone Press Viella Akropolis Campisano Editore Firenze University Press Ibidem Press Lincom Skira Visor Amsterdam University Press Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury Franco Cesati Editore IGI Global Methuen Srednja Europa Vydavateľstvo UK Argo Classiques Gamier Frank & Timme InScience Press Nomos Towarzystwo Naukowe Societas Vistulana Wolters Kluwer ARCHAEOLINGUA C. H. Beck Fundacja "Silva Rerum Polonarum" Jan Thorbecke Verlag Nova Science Publishers Transcript Verlag Wolters Kluwer International Archaeopress École francaise de Rome Georg Olms Verlag Karolinum Ohio University Press University od Nebraska Press Wydawnictwo Di G Warszawa Baar-Verlag Editions de la Sorbonne Grada Kónigshausen & Neumann Oxbow Books University of Toronto Press Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Bärenreiter Editorial Doble J Habelt-Verlag Language Science Press Peter Lang Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego Beech Stave Press Editorial Renacimiento História lagellonica Lexington Books Rüdiger Koppe Verlag Verlag Herder-Institut Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego MUNI ARTS Entry data - JCR (IF)/Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) - Department numbers list - „Dataset A" and „Dataset B" PUBLIKAC ORGANIZE DRUH PU PODDRUH KATEGOR ROK UPLÍ JAZYK NAKLADÁ EID ISSN ISBN EJSSN UCO JMÉNO PRACOVIS PODÍL UT ISI BODY 200 BODY 200 BODY 201 BODY 201 BODY 201 BODY 201 BODY 201 BODY 201 BODY 201 ú 97ŮQ52 1421 h k 2011 cze AŠeskA" literatura 6750 Mgr. Zuiai 14211016 100 2130304 1421 C C_SVET 2.022 eng Peter Lanj 2-S2.0-B5143959755 97E-3-631-S2974-5 463 prof, Mgr. 14211023 100 1203773 1421 C C SVET n 20-19 fre 978-85-7732-373-4 12093 doc, PhDr- 14211024 100 L30S6I5 1369B94 1421 h h 2015 eng ECQ: Eastern Generative Grammar 9336 doc Mgr. 142U017 100 1421 C C 5 V ET N 2020 eng Bloomsbury Academic 978-1-350-04285-8 463 prof. Mgr. 14211023 ÍOO 1334268 1421 j c |j 2021 cze 0852-1209 196 doc. PhDr. 14211033 100 1351578 1431 j A ;J_IMP 2Q19 eng 2-S2.0-S5G 1753-8947 1919 prof. RND 14315030 25 4P57E+11 1391578 1431 J A J IMP 2019 eng 2-S2.0-S5D 1753-8947 14463 doc. Mgr. 14315030 10 4,57E+11 1391578 1431 i A J IMP 2.013 eng 2-S2.0-S501753-S947 1B094 prof, PhDr 14211013 10 4.57E+11 1391578 1431 J A J IMP 2019 eng 2-s2 0-3501753-S947 44276 doc. Mgr, 14211013 25 4,57E>11 1391578 1431 J A J_JMP 2019 eng 2-S20-S50 1753-8947 60521 Mgr.JiL^J 14331014 _10 4.57E+11 1391578 1431 j A J_IMP 2019 eng 2-S2.O-850 1753-8947 222752 ft«Dr. Luk 14315030 10 4.57Ě-.-11 1391578 1431 J A -JJMP 2019 eng 2-s2.0-8501753-8947 372092 Mgr. Vojt/ 14211013 ID 4,57Et-ll 1393714 1421 C C„SVET_N 2021 eng Wiley Blackwell 978-1-313-78676-5 463 prof. Mgr. 14211023 IDO 1400fi43 1471 1 A 1 IMP ;>tll9 pnu 7-í 7.0-R5T! n747-.W.:t7 1757 fiar.. Mor. 14711014 an 4.5KF+11 53 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science MUNI ARTS Any questions? MUNI 54 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science _ A K o UNI £5 ARTS Thank you for your attention Mgr. et Mgr. Stanislav Hasil You can contact us via knihovna(a) For more information use our website Current events are shared on Facebook And we also use Instagram 55 Central Library of the Faculty of Arts / ISKB21 - Measurability and assessment of science