Game Design I. (2024)

game design deconstruction (part 2), game definition + nanDECK tutorials + TASK: game design observation vault



  • form a team

  • bring an early prototype to the next class

  • write a game design observation

Example: Game Design Observation

In Slay the Spire after roughly 60 hours of gameplay I observed a well balanced gameplay loop of overcoming an enemy, dealing with risk/reward choices and stat/deck grow. 

Few times I was able to achieve an impactful snowballing effect (card synergies) and create three different builds with the same character (fast attacker, vampire-bite-healer, camper-buffer).

I felt a big difficulty spike in 3rd floor and an even a greater difficulty spike in 4th floor.

I am definitely the target audience, the game is fast, layered, difficult and addictive. I will delete it.

tool: Visual Understanding Environment - visualization tool