1* V \,\ o ip
frA IS
X yy - > man, person
o -* D < *> mouth
$ E 1 ♦ vehicle, wheel
-t y gate
^ ( ) reading is rarely used.
When a single kanji is used as a word, we usually read it by its "KUN YOMI (=KUN, Japanese reading)", which gives its meaning. When one kanji is used together with another to make a word, we often read them by their "ON YOMI (=ON, Chinese reading)". Generally speaking, however, the way of reading a kanji should be decided according to each individual word.
R0>£t^9t¥ (Basic Kanji)
2 *| ;J|££<7)J&* c£ A* tz (Writing Kanji)
<%\%h,(D)\/ — to (Basic Rules) > Rule 1: Make every kanji the same size and balanced within a square.
0 at 1 O 2 w s ■IS.
Rule 2: Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. ^
(2) Write downward. j
(3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows.
(4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order, j j j I
(5) Draw a square in the following way.
12 3
1 Pi U
(6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last.
11 rH nil w m
cf. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last.
12 3 4
u n] p ^
Rule 3: There are three basic ways to end a stroke.
(!) Stop (2) Stretch (3) Hook
0 sun day
1 n R H
0 O) the sun, day 0 Bg 0 (IC t> ■ Jt ? • tf) Sunday 3 0 (<& o • N) the 3rd day, three days Q ^^(t" • (3/^ /1Z o • (£X) Japan
moon month ffV (4)
J* I n
(o £ ) the moon, month 1 o ) ^ (If'?) one month Bg Q (If o • Jt n • £/) Monday 1 (^ £> • January
tree $ ^7
tree ^Bg 0 (t < • J; 9 • tf) Thursday ^K't^j" ( * ' £> b) Japanese surname jfc. 7^ ( £' I £ O civil engineering
mountain (3)
i d L
l_U i ) mountain tbÜ-f l> --O Mt. Fuji f^" (K* i • L tz) Japanese surname ]_L/ (t^- ^5 AS) volcano
(*> i • fz) Japanese surname iB^ifz-ti: jJO Japanese surname 7J>E3 ("f ^ • TX) rice field
A person -V (2)
/ )
Js^(V'il) person 0 ^.^(^(IC • (i/^- C L) Japanese (person) * 1 y^(^^'J) oneperson 3A(^',:^) three people
mouth (3)
U ( < %) mouth tfc U (T- C t>) exit U • <"*>) entrance J^^J (11 L' Z l) population
*>3$ (*<*5)
vehicle wheel < -5 $ v -v (7)
.1...... ..rTJ-. eta J
t T x ! r "
j|l ( < 4 t) car, wheel l]£ jp. (TX • L *>) train ]=§ l|fyipL ( C • £' 9 • L ) car, automobile 7-fcip- ("t ^N' L ^) waterwheel
n gate (8)
1 P P m p n p pa
1 1 1 1 \\ 1 r n
gate ^.f*\(*£L't>L) specialty
i_2 <£ ^ ft A/ L/ Kt> "9 (Reading Exercises).........................
I, Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana.
2. ^ 3. jg 4. h 5. a 6. a
7. U s. ih 9. jl| io. BB ii. An
12. Jjffl^A
1. Read the following words and sentences. 1. BlfH 2. ^HfH 3. TtvBlS 4.
Jt? J: 7 J:-) IJX
5. ^ J: 7 (i 3 ^ 150 T~f o Today is the 15th of March.
6. ^)<7)^v(ilJ-/^| ^5 /^TTo That man over there is Mr./Ms. Yamakawa.
7. ub Jl| "J /_/ (i S ^A. ~C"f~ o Mr./Ms. Yamakawa is a Japanese.
8. <£> <7) ub [ i ^ >Jt T"t" o That mountain over there is Mt. Tsukuba.
9. Z t° 3. — ^ — Tto Mr./Ms. Kawada's specialty
computer science.
2-3 c£ tl A> L t$> 0 (Writing Exercises)
I . Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji.
1. tree 2. person 3. mouth 4. the sun
5. the moon 6. river 7. mountain 8. rice field
frh /c 9. car 10. gate
H Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word
1. January 2. February 3. March
5. May
9. September
13. train
TX L * 16. Thursday
6. June
4. April
5 ^
7. July
8. August
10. October
11. November
Ii t, t < If i:
19. population 20. specialty 21. Japanese (person)
22. Mr./Ms. Yamada 23. Mr./Ms. Yamakawa 24. the Tone River
t-: to