11 § J /H^IS (Kanji Topics) VC SPM -1- ^A>s O < *J (Radicals -1- left, right) Most kanji are formed from two or more components. The following are the ways the radical components are placed within each kanji. l) (left) 2) O < 'J (right) 3) frLlC l) (top) 4) & I (bottom) tz*L ( 6) ^ i ^. (enclosure) 7) IC J; 9 (lower left) Shaded areas are where the components express the meaning of the kanji. We call these components "BUSHU" (radicals). The kanji developed from the pictures (or their simplified forms) can be radicals. 1. human beings: A ( ) * * "J* * @ ' ^ ' U ' ( t ) " J5L 2. animals and plants: £j=- • ,f| • • • • yfv. • • 3. nature: B -ft ' >X ' *K ( > ).- & • ± • • 0/ • >»1 • 4. life and tools: IB • f ^ • ^ • JfL * ^ ( f ) • ■ • ( ) simplified forms There are many radicals which cannot be used as kanji by themselves. [ ft fa 1/ «9> 9 ] Guess to which of the seven radical groups the following belong. Oor2):H^ 6): 3) or 4):^ 7): 5) : 98 1) >xA (left) r fa ft ft n The kanji group with the meaning components located on the left is the largest of the seven groups. 4 =A= man v[ = step y = 7JC = water [ft A 1/ H>> ] Guess the meaning of the common components below. ) 1. 0J1 # ?fc H§ ( H = H = 7 h£ SB. ^ C ^ = ^ = z. p | pib pa o/U v ° w 3. # #C # (* = * = 4. tfctR (*=* = ) ) ) 2) O < 'J (right) The components which carry the meaning can be located on the right. moon * JC = / Vb = hit c ^11 (JA/H?: (Basic Kanji) 2-1 3*^0)* (Writing Kanji) 31^ C(- < •oX) composition fjtff^l • S) movement 110 swim (8) .">.. > s j\ J /I )j}£.(fcJ:) C to swim 7jC^C(-f ^* X.^) swimming y7jC.(£> =t) swimming oil (8) *\ Vi > >,r—7 f A 111 112 f?) oil Ik (^* ^ ' ) oil painting ^ ("^ - " ^) petroleum, oil ^ffl(^-TX) oilfield 100 113 sea (9) > 9: ^(1 <&) the sea, the ocean "M^^Y (^H N' ^ ^ overseas Q ^.j^d^-ll/C-^H n) theJapanSea $£7]C(>v ^-f \. 0 seawater J s sake liquor * It (10) ■\ 7 ■s-.V. J » >n "\ rl "I. N -11* A I i (£ 1t) sake, alcohol Q ^5!§ 0 - • (J X> • I ) Japanese sake )j8j,J§[ (* ^ • liquor shop (Jt 9 - L d>) Western liquor 114 r wait (9) f r ft towait ^g^(lJ: ^-/c^)"f to invite ^t^jlE^ ^ " &v v* l-"?) waiting room ^frftc*' ^ to expect 115 116 x school 0*7 (10) ^^(^'o • v. 9 ) school ^C-ft^ 7 ' ^ 7 ) (school) principal jii?7 ^ jtl ( ^ 7 • 3 -7 • -Ifv 0 senior high school student 101 117 E f time hour (10) 1 n R H B H B^f(£$) time, when — B^fft^ ( C -frL) one hour *H%ff(£tt^) watch, clock EBB^U'D 4o'clock say ^-1 Y y z z zf'y (7) 1* > M 118 = (^) 9 to say -zrffciZZ-UO word S ^ (I tX • C) language 'f2^ (T'X ■ Z* L,) message 1+ plan measure YA (9) X X X X •IS" X X P p p B^"ft(£-lt^) watch,clock ff (If*x • <) "f" £ toplan j^>Jjaf"i" (^ s" £X''t ^) (clinical) thermometer 119 ^5- word language I?" (14) X X '■ • x**';..... X ■ y*~ ' _ _ \\ P; Pi P; P; p "SB. P* an ■ 3) Japanese language * < • C*) Chinese language ' C) English language *#f§(t<7>^'J) story 120 cooked rice meal (#>l) (12) 4 cooked rice, meal = L) a colloquial word used mainly by males ^WS^ "7 -l±X^) supper 2-2 tfii^tlA/ L t$ 9 (Reading Exercises) I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 2.^CC 3.)& 4.^; 5.}j§ 6-^^ 7.^^ 8.BfH **Ht 10't^ II. B 12. I3- *fc$fc 14. 15-^C-ft II. Read the following sentences. 1. a^HTM^t^ i L/co 3. 7f>flit^ *ftST-f • soy bean soup 5. ^rMT0*a^-*I^i L/co 103 soy sauce 2-3 H # tlA L ^ 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. ltSt#*»«ttOD«*««Clttil»t«t>g«i 1. oil 4. sake Sit 7. to wait 10. time 2. the sea 5. to make I) 8. to say 9 11. school 3. cooked rice 6. to swim <* ax 9. Japaneselangua 12. watch H. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. 4 o'clock 2. 5 o'clock 3. 6 o'clock x i; 4. 7:00 a.m. 5. 9:30 p.m. < i: 8. elementary school 11. (school) principal Z 1 % ll 14. swimming 1" ^ a. w 17. breakfast (colloquial —»■ formal) — — **> L *> J: 9 L Jt < lunch — — #> L ^ * 9 L J: < 19. supper z' -tfx i: 6. one hour 9. junior high school 12. composition 2 < oX 15. Chinese language 7. what time *x i: 10. senior high school - 1 - 9 13. petroleum 16. linguistics ZL—"j h 3 (Reading Material) Read the following passage and guess who in the picture below. * + t>7' a camp £ "f first o tz ft $ 1" to fry then L J: 1 rj soy sauce v £-f to add fsjXv^i manytimes /"cfttT! Help! f~J ^T^i't to say, " 106 (Do you know these kanji? Can you use them?) ^gp-g-^r —A 1 (Radical Game 1) > I. Combine the components and make a kanji. e.g. a +# = h# l. *fc+& = 3. = 4-^ + X = 5. "tr+i£+n = 9. A = II. Select the appropriate component from the right-hand box. 1. \ 4. 7. A* > j ✓ f B T 5. a. * b. "5J c. i d.-£ e. f.9 g. x h. t i. j.+ k. ^ 1. ^ m. 3 n. Jt o. X _ ji. p. 0 107