35 § • |• TMil fa tl <5 /H^ (Economic Terminology) J: ^ («A) ffltfT bank fl^- deposit /^Jf^f" consumer Lit V If individual no ft* capital, funds |§j dd goods, products cost t-i \ > * A $L&^rt producer -T^i company jSrj^j; store 5. : 7. jfeliffi : 2.i* = 4IJi!s 6. : m 35 ts£>a*>i$: 2-1 m^omzji at? mm silver (14) I 1 3 IT II.(^"/O) silver 7JC$|(-T^-$X) mercury HUf (" = ? ) bank (* A • if) Ginza 390 > \ capital fund resources (13) ^» y /■^^. 1 1 n a 3 ^^i(L-ilL) capital, funds JiX/M; ( ^ ? ' L) "t" £ to invest ( L • 'J Jt -?) data, materials llH^ L * ^ <) qualifications 391 no article goods I +£ t y (9) r 7 7 7 U7 X. 7 \J7 7 Hi V PI nn a D oo-j^ ( L • & tf)) items, articles j§J po ( L J: "5 ■ /O goods, products H^PD^ Jt < - 'i Jt food _Lp?,(l: Jt elegant 392 124 393 IS-1 (i mm) m individual (10) /..... i fl ffl ffl fl ffl in in ffl >^ Js*. ( 3 ' ^ -O individual —jH| o • Z ) one (thing) j^l j§T (3 • I o) private room j]3ij J? (Z Z)" ^>) producing region 3 term expect (12) — tj # #..... H: n ^ ^ ($ ' fch) period ■ £) academic semester ^ ^rf (cr ■ ^N) to expect ^^(^^"^) commuter pass, regular, periodic 396 125 <^«t* 397 A? (symbol of repetition) (3) /^/? (UZlftl) people |H| ( < 1- C1") various countries 3fc & T^S&L^L - L * 9 ) the week before last M (L Jt •) L J: ?) a bit, a few report inform (12) — * 3R3£(H "5 • £' 7 ) news • (1 9 ) forecast lE^fc (TX, • (3: 7 ) telegram tf^g. ( IT Jt 7 • 11 7 ) information 398 C? announce (7) /- rn & 3^^(15-7 • 3 <)i"^ to report ((1 7 • C < • L X ) report Jj^^ (C 9 - Z < ) advertisement 399 2-2 a to 5. 6. i.ik&irz 8.«£-t£ 9.Mfti-% io./£# 126 2. A* (2. r'<- h^ffiAOffl^^bTTUL^^^H^o 3. V * ^ P h K&fynfafem^ty average) £ £ x 7 -3 WZBW I. #<7)Dt::^&}I^t»£&£i\ 1. people 2. period 5. (commodity) prices 6. bank . bank 9. to produce 10. to report I"* 3. industry s ^ < jt ? . funds 4. products Lin UL individual ll 11. items Hi 3 < 127 1. to invest 2. materials 3. capitalism 1 \tz Z l I L U Jt ? L (1/0 L rb 4. quality 5. elegant 6. vulgar 7. information ft 1« Lo i: jt ? If ir.jt i price 9. fixed price 10. advertisement ll. to expect 4\< 3 1 3 < 3. zöo/oyii, i^:t5000 x.Atts. 128 <%tyt Zl*> < (ShoppingGame) > fc^rtíŕltsKIÍ, 3oUŽ. *ä#ý3ojí IM, Jt 7 v' LT < fii ^„ 129