niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ft W iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Review Lesson 26-30 I: * x & ^ m so*) tt* (e)* i£^r «c^) mi (x)* (^)tft (H)«^ A: $fcv\ /%7c^ B^^sv\ igijn^ v: /t^t 3%h &*>4 ®Slh ft^ ihn U|.r> ^9 ^£4 VN:(*)^i"5 Qfei-Z |S(X)-t4 ©#K* ^OHK* £te-T4 3ft (ffK* Others : (oj U (58 i. ywm^&u. rrsj sow í.a^ ( ) 2. «Jft ( ) 3. Ä*f c ) 4. $;® ( ) 5. us* ( ) ( ) 7. ( ) 8. SU ( ) 9. ätfí ( ) 10. JB^ ( ) 11. S* ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) n. mx. ( ) 18. ;t# ( ) 19. tt* ( ) 20. slft ( ) Ex. -ftv* *♦ ( ) 1. iE L Vi ^ — ( ) 2. ^ ^5 L v n «— ( ) 3. <—► ( ) 4. ^n^ «—► ( ) 5. ^v^ — ( ) 6. % L vn *— ( ) 82 ff2**fläT 1^5)11 ^ Similar-looking kanji 1. fc£ < b 2. tz <-f 'J 3. fJ jt i & & sound dark enjoyable medicine fee department 4. 16 U 5. \ < 6. t-f ^ litt & & white day medical ward difficult to part 7. i £ & o & 8. fctt ^ i: i; & time to hold to wait same what & & L between to hear to open to close question 10. -tt* £' & seat degree [p] L/^-CDjH^ Kanji of the same 'ON' reading tsA. 1. Jt^ 4* Hi & 2. fr< -fi Z'i fr< & i-6 movie English the No. of strokes to pass (an exam) (in a kanji) 83 3. L ? L/C L^ Lo ^| l&l |g photograph bedroom 4. L^ ^ IX, -třo newspaper kind 6. L J: ? 1^ L X 1 A & l hospital member of the Diet merchant to extinguish a fire 7. i-h* L í i-h* i'v form £ It v economy clock 8. L I1X & * examination opinion 9. -třo -tiro #n N interview explanation 10. ?X li. *> n> -7 L Jt < ^& regrettable next year lunch China 84