■ part 1 Chapter 2. Learning Traditional Radicals [#P H"] (Bushu) You have just learned how the smallest elements of a character, strokes, are combined to form a radical. As mentioned earlier, radicals are the most basic and identifiable parts or components of Kanji. The number of radicals varies from dictionary to dictionary with some using less than 150 while others use as many as 250 radicals. Here, the 92 most common radicals are introduced as traditional radicals. In this workbook, radicals that are not traditional, either because their names are not commonly known or because they have no name at all, have been classified into one category for convenience and are introduced later in the chapter titled "Other Useful but Non-traditional Components." Finally, those radicals that are independent Kanji are included in Part II, titled "Very Basic Kanji." The radicals presented here as traditional radicals usually indicate meaning rather 4 than sound while the radicals introduced in the next section as useful but non-traditional components often indicate sound. Knowledge of radicals also makes it possible to teach and learn characters orally. This is especially useful in Japanese daily life because there are many different possible characters for the same sounding name. For example (see Table pages 14-15 for "earth" and "hill" radicals): "Ano Kosaka-san no saka wa tsuchi hen (earth radical) desu ka, kozato hen (hill radical) desu ka?" ("Is the 'saka' in Ms. Kosaka's name written with an earth radical, or a hill radical?") Therefore, even though there are many radicals, it is very important to learn them by name and understand their meaning or derivation. It is also essential to be familiar with radicals when looking up new Kanji in a dictionary. Now you are ready to actually begin studying radicals. Many can traditionally be classified into seven categories, depending on their position within the character. These include: 1. hen 2. tsukuri 3. kammuri 4. ashi 5. tare (leftside) (right side) (upper part) (lower part) (upper and left part) 6. nyo 7. kamae (left and lower part) (outer portion) On pages 14-15 you will find a table listing the 92 most common traditional radicals in their respective categories which gives you an overview of what will be introduced in this chapter. Radicals with a circle (°) are the most frequently used and should be memorized by students. 4 See pg. xvi for keisei moji under Four Types of Kanji Formation. 12 For your convenience, the radicals have been separated into two categories. Those which are a slightly altered but recognizable form of an independent basic Kanji are shown in Category "a". Those whose forms have been completely altered or which consist of only a portion of the Kanji are shown in Category "b". These radicals no longer resemble the Kanji they were derived from and cannot stand alone as independent Kanji. The original, unaltered, or complete Kanji is shown in parentheses. Following the table, radicals will be introduced according to their respective types. You will see the radical with its stroke number, name, and meaning or derivation, and some examples of how the radicals are used in various characters which belong to this radical's family group. Sometimes you will see a Kanji which contains more than one radical, and you may not know which family group this Kanji belongs to. For the purpose of this workbook's exercises, you may consider such a Kanji to belong to the family group of any of its constituent radicals. Then, the proper way to write it (stroke order) is introduced. Finally, you will have a chance to practice writing the radical yourself. The Kanji that have been chosen as examples have been selected from the Gakushu Kanji, mainly from the list of first to third or fourth grade Kanji. Some characters, however, are from the Joyo Kanji and have been marked with an asterisk (*). Except for those Kanji for which only the On reading exists or the Kun is seldom used, the Kun pronunciation (which indicates the character's meaning) is provided. However, both the Kun and On readings are provided when the On reading is frequently used or when a group of the example Kanji share the same components and therefore the same On pronunciation. Furthermore, only the most common definitions of the Kanji are given. It is not necessary to learn to write the Kanji shown as examples here; rather, concentrate on becoming able to recognize them. This will help you increase the number of Kanji you can identify. Repetitive exercises both after each type and in a separate section of comprehensive review will help you memorize the names, especially of the most common radicals that are marked for you with a small circle (<=). Table of Seven Types of Traditional Radicals a: Radicals that are independent Kanji (slightly altered). b: Radicals that are not independent Kanji (completely altered or a portion of the Kanji). Hen fa a 1 0 »-» kuchihen V* mouth o L tsuchihen J, earth o Jf onnahen woman "7 kohen ■/j child yumi-hen ^7 bow 1 ° hi-hen XX sun P nichihen day o tsukihen W moon /J nikuzuki flesh, meat 0 J- ki-hen /y tree o hi-hen J\ fire TT 6-hen J- king kata-hen /J direction 0 O me-hen P eye T* ishihen rQ stone m tahen lH ricefield ^ yahen "yT arrow ^2* hokohen /\ spear 0 ^ komehen /y rice 0 # itohen thread "ö" mimihen ear lfi funehen yn boat o -~r gomben ^ speak, word H kaihen H shell, wealth o říj kuruma-hen ■—p vehicle o £ kanehen n]^ metal ff umahen ,vi7 horse o A nim-ben | person (A) "* nisui / ice o ■* sanzui y water o gyönim-ben 1 road, go 0 n risshimben 1 heart b 0 ~y te-hen 1 hand -3 kemonohen \J dog, animal 0 T7 kozatohen H hill, mound rh habahen 1W width yl kabane-hen y corpse o shimesuhen J rite, altar Ar ushihen ■M COW ',4-) 0 j£ nogihen Jy gram o ~7> koromohen P clothing i sukihen ^T> plow tori-hen bird pq sake wine ^? ashihen foot, leg ^ shokuhen p eating, food it) Tculciiri a i chikara y7 strength, 'V power L sun ■^T Japanese 4 inch o kakeru kr lack /V akubi yawn b o J f ritto 1 1 sword TJ fushizukuri joint ^ sanzukuri S hair-ornament o K özato 1 "* village 0 „ rumata tt1 Katakana ^ plus Kanji X. (mata) S onozukuri IT ax /<- bokuzukuri V strike JL2 hokozukuri ^ spear o U- furutori j£ bird S ogai M big shell, S\ head a /t^j* ana-kammuri ' hole (5v) 0 >V^V" takekammuri bamboo (tt) 0 rifr* amekammuri rain (ffi) o i—^ wa-kammuri Katakana wa (7) o t-L—r u-kammuri Katakana u (?) K ammuri/ | hitoashi ^ human legs (XJ shitagokoro ' heart (■ (win) ttil mUne ^ (chest, breast) (*) f 4 ki-hen (tree) KÖ (school) 4J- mura 1 g (village) ^ hayashi (woods, pg. xv) 4 J* hi-hen (fire) iWn hatake ^ (ricefield) ^ (light) •i* ya'kLi >7C (burn) 10. 5 4 o-hen (king) ^~ (reason) M KY° ^ (sphere, ball) *@ GEN ■TL (current) 11. i (30 kata-hen (direction, way, person) Ä Z0KU (family, tribe) hana-su (release) -M; tabi (trip) Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 12. ° B 5 me-hen (eye) 1 rf ~n -A j (eye) g^* nemu-ru (sleep) 13. 5 ishihen (stone) '' (grind, study) rfc yaburu *R (tear) r,j suna (sand) 14. ffl 5 ta-hen (ricefield) • • mr machi ^ (town) RYAKU (abbreviation) 15. (^) 5 ya-hen (arrow) 4cn shiru/CHI ^ (know) mijikai/TAN ^ (short) 16. * 1 5 hokohen (spear) ✓ tsutome/MU ^ (duty) 17. ° (*) 6 kome-hen (rice) ik/v ko/kona ™7 (flour) 1 1 (fee, materials) (spirit, pg. xvi) Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 18. ° 6 ito-hen (thread) ' ^ (picture) l& kami (paper) &g kumi ' (group) 19. 6 mimi-hen (ear) Wn7 to-ru ^ (take) jib SHOKU (occupation) 20. i (#*) 6 fune-hen (boat) " i i] f\ I -r ^ S (voyage) 21. ° (-#) 7 gomben (speak, word) """"" h" f»> hana-su/WA (speak) ^fe yo-mu o7L (read) GO oa (word) 22. B 7 kai-hen (shell, wealth) •i n1 -n -h .i a gtj? CHO 'x (save, store) M ZAI (wealth) P£ HAI r^ (defeat) ft 23. ° % 7 kuruma-hen (vehicle) ifcL karu-i (light in weight) 1fc koro-bu/TEN (roll over) wa (wheel) % Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 24. ° 8 kane-hen (metal) // +A ^A. ^ ^ £B GIN *K (silver) £fc TETSU ^ (iron) 4>|=| DO ^' J (copper) 25. Jf (&) 10 uma-hen (horse) ✓ IH EKI. , (station) g£ KEN ^ (testing) $ $ J^f part 1 ■ Hen [fe] b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. ° 1 (A) 2 nim-ben (man) » { fck yasu-mu/KYU (rest, pg. xv) -ji. karada (body) //t tsuku-ru/SAKU 1 r (make) 2. / 2 nisui (ice; lit. water with two strokes) x\ jA- tsumetai ^ (cold) /A. tsugi (next) xf£ kooru/TO ^ (freeze) 3. y 3 sanzui (water; lit. water with three strokes) »X X >• » J? j£L umi/KAl (sea, pg. xiii) ytfe lke (pond, pg. xvi) ^ oyogu/EI (swim) 4. ° 3 gyonim-ben from ft (GY0 = road, go) ;pf- iku/yu-ku N (go) ^J^ ushiro/ato/GO (behind, after) ma-tsu W (wait) 5. ° t (^) 3 risshim-ben (heart) ,|dr KAI 1 (pleasant) J (special) iL. maki ■iX. (cattle raising) 13. ° (*) 5 nogihen (grain) #1, aki/SHU ^ (autumn) (harmony) 'I/ (second) 14. ° 5 koromo-hen (clothing) fai haji-me 1 ^ (beginning) 3f FUKU ^ (multiple) -v-p ogina-u Trn (supplement) 15. 6 suki-hen (plow) - -t .f * i±L tagaya-su ™ (till) 16. 7 tori-hen (bird; now used for sake) kuba-ru/HAI (distribute) gft SAN ^ (acid) " r (vinegar) J 17. (£) 7 ashi-hen (foot, leg) m RO ^ (road) vj{>* to-bu ™ (jump) ■ part 1 Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 18. y/ /» ^ no-mu (drink) t (#) 8 shoku-hen (eating, food) ✓ HAN (meal) ft KAN (hall, gathering place) EXERCISES FOR HEN 1. Write in the numbers for the two Kanji that correspond to each given hen. 1. sanzui _ _ i. >% 2. ft 2. ito-hen _ 4. 'If 5.BI 6. ÍT 3. risshimben _ _ 7. ft 8. 9. oa 4. gom-ben 10.'1* 11. fr 12. # 5. nim-ben - _ 13. IE 14. Íb 15. ^ % /rif A-^' A-^f kota-eru 0 (answer) Jit SAN (calculate) 5£ hito-shii (equal) 3. 8 ame-kammuri (rain) " /< ~p=>^ rf=> /^f=> /rf=» • * • qfr kumo ^ (cloud) yuki (snow) DEN ^ (electricity) 4. ° (7) 2 wa-kammuri (Katakana 7) Tjp utsusu/SHA (copy) If GUN (the military) 5. (7) 3 u-kammuri (Katakana ^ u J (sphere) %L ie (house) £±T yasu-i (cheap) 29 Kammuri/Kashira b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. 2 nabebuta (lid) -Ep KYO ^N (capital) 7% yoru ^ (night) "cT taka-i ™ (high) 2. (A) 2 hitogashira (person) A ima/KON (now) ^ au/KAl (meet, meeting) inochi °P (life) 3. ° 3 kusa-kammuri from $ (kusa = grass) *---^- -±f> J=^ kusa (grass, pg. xii) CHA (tea, pg. xii) hana ^ (flower) 4. 4 oigashira from 3t (o-iru = get old) ^ (to get old) kangaeru v (think) Jg- mono/SHA ^ (person) 5. 5 hatsu-gashira from f& (HATSU = departure) ^7 y 7» ^ ^ |g. HATSU (departure) noboru (climb) parti ■ Radicals Strake Number Name& Derivation Strake Order and Practice Examples T—»1 TT—t rm +rx*=> If ka-u ^ (buy) amigashira (net) o-ku (to place) 5E tsumi ^ F (sin) +1 tora-gashira from old Kanji it (tora = tiger) _* FU ^ (skin) GEKI (drama) EXERCISES FOR KAMMURI 1. Circle the Kanji which have the kammuri radical. 1. ^ 2. 3. ^ 4. /A- 5. 13. # CEO 10.^ 14. 15. ~£C 12. 16. /H 31 2. Write in the numbers for the two Kanji that correspond to each given kammwi. 1. ami-gashira _ _ 2. hatsu-gashira _ _ 3. hitogashira _ _ 4. nabebuta _ _ 5. oigashira _ _ 4.T 7. ^ 1A & 10. 13. 2. r«7 8. X 11.^ 14. -S- 9> 12.^ 15. >fH 3. Write the name of the kammuri that appears in the following Kanji. 4. ^ 2. ^ 3. 8. 32 parti ■ Asm im L=_ Radicals that appear in the lower part of the Kanji are called ashi. (lit., leg). a. Radicals that are independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. 4 kokoro (heart, mind) 13? omo-u (think) £ iki ^ (breath) 1 (intention) 4 shitagi (tree) ajK tano-shii/GAKU (enjoyable, music) Jjj^ atsu-meru (collect) ^ AN (idea) 3. JUL 5 sara-ashi (plate) 1 ♦ * o m* m ttt7 Jul. il EKI (profit) 0^ MEI m (ally) sakan/SEI J332- (thriving) Jl 7 kaiashi (shell) ♦i rf *n _s >Uf KA (currency, freight) ^gf ka-su (lend) ^ mazu-shii (poor) $ /fc is also a Äe«. See page 17. :): H is also a Äe«. See page 19. 33 ■ part 1 Ashi [m] b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. (A) 2 hito-ashi (human legs) @ mi-ru X-l (look) saki/SEN (previous, ahead) jli. hikari ^ (light) 2. 4 shita-gokoro from (kokoro = heart, mind) ✓ (respectful) shita-u J" (long for) 3. (*.) 4 yotsu-ten (4 abbreviated strokes) from 'X (hi = fire) • • • • kuro-i (black) xfe TEN (dot,pg.2) ' > ^ (heat) 34 parti ■ EXERCISES FOR ASHI__ 1. Circle the Kanji which have the ashi radical. 2.^1 3.Jfc 4.*fe 5. A 11.1? 12. 13. 14. 15. S'J 16. 17. ^ 18. ^ 19. 20. ^ 2. Write in the numbers for the two Kanji that correspond to each given ashi. 1. hitoashi _ _ 1. 5nT 2. S 3. IK. 2. kokoro _ _ 4. M 5. ,rr» 6. 3. sara-ashi _ _ 7.$ 8. A 9.% 4. yotsu-ten _ _ 10. A 11. 12.fr 5. kaiashi _ _ 13. ^ 14. M 15. $L 35 Tare [ H ] Radicals that appear across the top and hang from the top to the lower left side are called tare (lit., something hanging down). a. Radicals that are independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Example! 1. ŕ 4 to-dare (door) -— js M* kata R (shoulder) H* °9' (folding fan) b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Nanw& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. ° r 2 gandare from old Kanji m (GAN = geese) hara/GEN ^ (field) atsu-i (thick) REKI (successive, record) 2. ° r 3 ma-dare from ft (as a = linen, flax) ^ hiro-i/KO . (wide) mise/TEN (store) ft D° (degree) 3. r 3 shikabane from old Kanji It (shikabane =corpse) (roof, shop) J=) KYOKU (bureau, office) Eg. i-ru (to be) 4. r 5 yamaidare from Jfi (yamai = illness) ,( t r -r & yamai/BYO (illness) ita-i (painful) EXERCISES FOR TARE 1. Circle the Kanji which have the tare radical. L*T 2.^ 3.3 A. Ik 5.® iM 9.VA 11.11 12. # 13. 14.* 15. #T 2. Write in the numbers for the two Kanji that correspond to each given tare. 1. yamai-dare 2. gan-dare 3. ma-dare * BL hai = ash 1. 3. ?t 4. $u 5. ^ 6. fl- 7. ^ 8. fll 9. # 10. 11 11. ^ 12. JA 13. ^ 14. 15. JS ■ part 1 Nyo [^] k Radicals that appear on the left and across the bottom of a Kanji are called nyo (lit., going around). a. Radicals that are independent Kanji. Radical& Stroke Number Nante& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. 7 sonyo (run) - +* t 4 okiru (get up) ^ ko-su (exceed, pass) ft (teste) K b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. ° 3 shin-nyu/ shin-nyo from it (SHIN = proceed) IJ| susumu (proceed) chika-r (near) michi/DO 2JL (road) 2. ° K 3 en-nyo from (EN = extend) ^/S nobasu (extend) 3j£; tateru ^ (build) 38 EXERCISES FOR NYO 1. Circle the Kanji which have the nyd radical. 2.54 S.^f 4.>tk 5.2t 6. 2i 7. Blt 8. fe 9. 5$. io. ft 11. 5f 12.sH 13.24 14. H 15. IS 16. ^fX 17.51 18. 19. M 20. M 2. In the blanks below, write in the numbers for the Kanji from the above list that correspond to each given nyd. Kamae [M] Radicals that appear to enclose the Kanji are called kamae. (lit., enclosure), a. Radicals that are independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. If at) 6 gyo-gamae (go, road, behavior) *A A A A. ~~— A, - v*. — • ✓ ijfe1 machi (town, street) JUTSU (tactics, art) m (defense) 2. 0 n 8 mongamae (gate) r r t -f f" ft • ✓ M aida (between) M ki-ku , (listen, hear) pa a-keru (open) f1 f! b. Radicals that are not independent Kanji. Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 1. n 2 dogamae from PI (DO = same) • ✓ [5] ona-ji/DO (same, pg. 6) P*n] uchi (inside) m en 1 ■* (circle, yen) 2. t 2 kakushi-gamae/ hako-gamae (hide, enclose, putting in a box) """" c k— (physician, pg. 6) g. KU (ward, pg. 3) part 1 ■ Radical & Stroke Number Name& Derivation Stroke Order and Practice Examples 3. 1 2 tsutsumi-gamae from "S (tsutsumu = wrap) ^7 tsutsu-mu (wrap) (phrase) 4. u 2 ukebako (receiving box) ij-j de-ru/da-su (go out, put out) ]®J GA (picture) 5. ° □ 3 kuni-gamae from H (kuni = country) S kuni/KOKU (country, pg. 6) ^ ZU/TO (diagram) [+n kakomu '—1 (enclose) 6. 3 shikigamae from 5^ CSHIKI = ceremony) ✓ SHIKI (ceremony) & BU (military) 7. n 4 ki-gamae from % (Kl = air, spirit) M (air, spirit, pg.3) f\ Kl (steam, pg.3) 41 i part 1 EXERCISES FOR KAMAE 1. Circle the Kanji which have the kamae radical. 11. H 16. 21. 7.3. 12. ft 17. 0# 22. 8. /~1 13.* 4.E 9. *T io. *Hf 18. 23. ft 14. 19. ^7 24 15. 20. 25. iKi 2. Write in the numbers for the three Kanji that correspond to each given kamae. 1. A 2. 1. mongamae_ 2. kuni-gamae_ 3. gyo-gamae_ s.rf\ 10. 13. rs ii. 14. %Q 9. WJ 12. ft 15. 42 parti ■ REVIEW EXERCISES_ Following are review exercises for all radicals. 1. Use the diagrams below to answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V 7. a. Write the number of the diagram that corresponds to the names of the radicals that are listed below. 1. kamae_ 2. hen_ 3. tare_ 4. kammuri_ 5. ashi_ 6. tsukuri_ 7. nyo_ b. Write the number of the diagram that corresponds most closely to the radical found in each of the follow- ing Kanji. 1.«_ 2M_ 3.#f_ 4M 5.Vj_ 6. S_ 7. ti_ 8./X 9. &_ 10. _ 11. Ü_ 12. S 13. %_ 14. f^] _ 15. 5t_ 16. 0J! 17. Q_ 18. ^_ 19. Ftfl _ 20. ^ 21. /x! _ 22. $9 _ 23. %_ 24. K 25. *B_ 7&M_ 27. A_ 28. Jl 29. #T_ 30. If_ 31. _ 32. #J" 43 ■ part 1 c. Write the number of the diagram and the stroke numbers of that radical under which you would look up the following Kanji in the dictionary. l.f§ 2. it_ _ 2 # _ _ 8. <€, 10. U 11. m _ 12. 2. Write the number of the Kanji that corresponds to the following radicals a. kuchi-hen _ b. tsuchi-hen c. ukammuri i. mon-gamae j. sonyo # 2. fa 3. JS d. kozatohen _ iU- ^v 13 14. MI 15- ^ e. kuruma-hen _ f. ma-dare _ g. ritto _ h. yotsuten _ 44 3. Match each Kanji on the right with the most appropriate radical name on the left. a. me-hen c. tsuki-hen e. kokoro g. ono-zukuri shimesuhen k. nabebuta m.ozato o. furutori q. wakammuri ishihen b. onna-hen d. kaihen f. umahen h.yumi-hen j. hihen/nichihen 1. koromo-hen n. rumata p.ogai r. gan-dare t. kunigamae 1. ^ an 5. ^ a. ?f 13. Mk 15. b# 17. 5 6. II 8.£P 10. 12. 19. rw m 14. 16. 18. 20. 4. The radicals contained in the following Kanji are quite common. Write their names on lines provided for you. -ft h. i& i. -zz ■2^ 1. o% ■ part 1 5. The radicals in the following pairs of Kanji are similar. Write the names for each on the lines provided for you. b. M TEB g. ^ h. lJi£ i. $B i. n si 46