Cantonese I Week 5 1 oral test: 1. how are you? 2. what is your name? 3. adjective (happy, cute, beautiful) 4. possession word (my friend, my teacher, my student, my classmate, my doctor) 4. verb to be 5. negation to verb 6. negation to adjective 7. where you from 8. yes/no question 2 Quick check/revision 1. how are you? 2. what is your name? 3. adjective (happy, cute, beautiful) 4. possession word (my friend, my teacher, my student, my classmate, my doctor) 5. verb to be 6. negation to verb 7. negation to adjective 8. where you from 9. yes/no question Lan2 Gau1 Hai1 Cat6 Diagram, table Description automatically generated Lan2 Gau1 Hai1 Cat6 5 Lan2 Gau1 Hai1 Cat6 Numbers 6 A picture containing table Description automatically generated What is your phone number? 你電話幾多號?nei5 din6 waa2 gei2 do1 hou6? My phone number is 我嘅電話係XXXXX ngo5 ge3 din6 waa2 hai6 XXXXX 7 Class exercise: 768 403 495 495 391 405 394 495 145 245 584 495 948 867 823 985 459 484 938 985 975 954 653 596 8 A picture containing table Description automatically generated A picture containing table Description automatically generated 9 A picture containing calendar Description automatically generated 22 -> 2+10+2 34 -> 3+10+4 49 -> 4+10+9 10 A picture containing calendar Description automatically generated 11 Timeline Description automatically generated 12 finish here •靚唔靚呀? Beautiful or not? Leng3 m4 leng3 aa3? •好靚呀 very beautiful ar. hou2 Leng3 aa3 •你都幾靚 you are quite pretty. Nei5 dou1 gei2 Leng3 •冇問題. No problem. mou5 man6 tai4 •好 唔該晒 good. Thank you very much. hou2 m4 goi1 saai3 •唔得呀嘛? Not working ar ma? m4 dak1 aa3 maa3 •係我呀! It is me! Hai6 ngo5 aa3 13