PREDNÁŠKA 3 25.10. 2024 Metódy kvalitatívneho výskumu • Prednáška • Metódy získavania kvalitatívnych dát (pozorovanie, textové dokumenty, interview a jeho typy) • Zásady vedenia výskumného interview (typy interview, najčastejšie chyby pri formulovaní otázok) • Metódy spracovania kvalitatívnych dát (fixácia kvalitatívnych dát, ich príprava na analýzu, zásady transkripcie rozhovoru) • Seminár • Rozprava k textom • Formulácia otázok do scenára interview © Mgr. Barbara Lášticová, PhD.,, Metodologie psychologie II, 2024/25, Organizácia hodiny • Prednáška 8.00-9.30 • Prestávka 9.30-9.40 • Prednáška 9.40-10.30 • Prestávka 10.30-10.40 • Seminár 10.40-11.40 v_f Domáca úloha na dnes 1. Prečítať texty • Učebnica Masaryk, 2021 - kapitola o interview • Učebnica Braun & Čiarke, 2013 - Príklad 4.1, Box 4.1, 4.2 • Trtílek et al. & Solidarita: Príklad využitia interview vo výskume 2. Sformulovať finálny výskumný problém, ciele otázky, navrhnúť 1. draft scenára rozhovoru Pozorovanie Etnografia „Etnograf sa zúčastňuje, otvorene alebo skryto, na každodenných životoch ľudí počas dlhšieho časového obdobia, sleduje, čo sa deje, počúva, o čom sa hovorí, kladie otázky; zberá akékoľvek prístupné dáta, ktoré môžu objasniť otázky, ktoré ho zaujímajú" (Hammersley a Atkinson, 1983) < as © & m ť & •o Wwrwfc wč. ÍOlríĹ To bo WHĎnI .Hl ftZoM WWW Njiiío J i a/v "Téo ma**/ ? 7 doplňujúce interview • Ako ohraničiť alebo vybrať pozorované situácie, v ktorých sa skúmaný problém stáva naozaj viditeľným? • „going native" - stať sa jedným z participantov a stratiť odstup Dokumentácia - fixácia dát nahrávky (audio, video) doslovné prepisy terénne zápisky výskumný denník Video •ML o Enlarged Edilion 'Iii a I., ■ i :, ■ ot LI- Ii ^ ►! HD 0:00/40:46 Tearoom Trade Impersonal ^ in public i ^ daces ^aud lumphreys^ B3 «\ Parti • https ://www. yo utu be. com/watch ?v=V8doV 3P0us4 Part 2 https ://www. vo ut u be. co m/watch?v=JADIR- J9Ht4 Analýza textu/dokumentov Typy dokumentov • Verejné záznamy - rodné a úmrtné listy, štatistiky, policajné záznamy, mediálně texty, facebook, instagram, Twitter.. • Osobné dokumenty - Denníky, listy, fotky, kalendáre, facebook, instagram, Twitter... • Fyzické materiály - akýkoľvek predmet alebo živá vec Príklad: výskum v školskom kontexte • slohy • kresby, obrázky • zadania • aktivity v triede • domáce úlohy, projekty • písomky, testy, hodnotenia • triedna kniha... = dokumenty, ktoré reflektujú to, čo sa deje vo vnútri školy aj mimo nej Dokumentácia - fixácia dát fotografie zoznam artefaktov fotokópie dokumentov... Documentation and Inquiry in the Early Childhood Classroom RESUÄCH STORKS ÍROM URBAN CWÍÍS AND SCHOOLS Undo R. Krdl ond Doniel R. Meier for«woes vour child ever miss doses of his or her medications? -Is there anything doctors could do to help patients take their medications? -In other diseases (such as TB). watching someone take a medication has been shown to help patients remember to lake their medications. Do you think this would work? -Some doctors don't offer medications to patients because the) are concerned that patients won't get the propel follow up 01 take the medications, how do vou feel about this' Trust •Tell me about your child's doctor. -Would you recommend your child's doctor to another person? -Why or why not? -IX) you think your child's doctor cares about your child? -What docs vour child's doctor do to let vou know he or she cares? Coping -Arc there times when you get upset about your child hav ing sickle cell disease? -('an you share what you do when this happens? Perception of Child 1 now want to talk about what you think your child understands about his or her health. 1 realize il may be difficult to know what vour child is thinking, however. 1 would like to ask you some questions about what you think your child thinks and feels. -Tell me what vour child understands about having sickle cell disease. -Are there times when vour child gets upset because of his or her sickle cell disease? -C'an you tell me what he or she does when this happens? -Tell me what vour child does when there are decisions to be made about his or her health. Conclusion •What advice would you give physicians about caring for patients with sickle cell disease? -How would you recommend physicians speak to patients and caregivers about making decisions about sickle cell disease? Pnklad scenara 2 • Hlavne temy-otazky-podotazky MATERIAL EXAMPLE 4.1 Interview guide from Victoria's research on lesbian and gay men parenting (see Clarke, 2006; Clarke, 2007) Príklad scenára 3 To start with, I'd like to know more about having children as a lesbian/gay man. Can you tell me what it is like for you? Can you tell me about your family? (Do you use the word 'family'?) Who counts as your family? For couples: How do you divide up child care? (Is one of you the main carer?) Did you choose to be a parent or did it just happen? If you chose it, why? (Is your choice related to your sexuality?) Have you always wanted to have children? If it 'just happened' - what do you think/feel about this? Do you think your family is 'different' in some way? Why? In what way(s)? Why not? Are you raising your children differently? Why? In what way(s)? Why not? What difference (if any) do you think it makes for your children to have two female/male parents/a lesbian parent/a gay parent? Do you think your family/your having children challenges any stereotypes? Why? Which one(s)? Why not? Can you tell me about any challenges/issues you have faced? Any challenges/issues specific to being a lesbian/gay parent? How have you resolved them? (Have you resolved them?) What is the most positive thing about raising children as a lesbian/gay man? The most negative? Have you encountered prejudice (as a lesbian/gay parent/family)? Have your children? How have you/they dealt with it? Do you discuss your sexuality with your children? How have they reacted to your sexuality/'coming out' as a lesbian/gay man/_? What do you think about the argument that children (especially boys/girls) need male/female role models? What are your hopes for your children's future? How do your relatives feel about you being a lesbian/gay man (raising children)? What impact (if any) does lesbian and gay parenting have on the lesbian and gay community? What impact (if any) does it have on the wider society? Do you go out on the 'scene'; spend time in lesbian and gay community spaces, etc.? Have you ever encountered any hostility in lesbian and gay community because you are a parent? How do you think your life is different from that of lesbians/gay men who don't have children? What advice would you give to a young lesbian/gay man thinking about whether or not to have children? Is there anything else you would like to add? Ask me? Len otázky a rozvíjajúce podotázky (Braun & Clarke, 2013) Braun & Clarke, 2013 BOX 4.2 DESIGNING EFFECTIVE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Ask open questions: this is the most important guidance for designing effective qualitative interview questions. Open questions, which avoid yes/no answers and encourage participants to provide detailed responses and to discuss what is important to them, are key. Try starting questions with phrases like: 'Can you tell me about...?', 'How do you feel about...?', 'What do you think about ...?' At the same time, avoid questions being too open and not providing participants with enough direction. For example, from Victoria's lesbian and gay parenting interview study (e.g. Clarke, 2006): Victoria: Erm I don't know anything about you at all so erm why don't you we start by you saying something about your family and your situation Mary: Me or Jane ((inaudible)) Victoria: Both of you Mary: Oh both of us [-] Mary: Erm what sort of things do you want to know personal things or how long we've been together Victoria: Well cos I- I don't know if you've got who's got kids or ((inaudible)) Jane: Right we've got five Ask 'non-leading'questions: you are interested in participants' perspectives, so avoid putting words into their mouths by asking leading questions. Hypothetical questions (Patton, 2002) that invoke other people's views ('Some people think that ...') or imagined scenarios that project into the future or invite participants to view an issue from someone else's standpoint can be a good way of asking about controversial issues. Ask singular questions: questions that ask about multiple things can be confusing for participants (which part of the question do they answerfirst?), and you can miss collecting important data because participants only answer one part of the question. For example (from Virginia's research on sex in long-term relationships, Terry & Braun, 2009): Virginia: Mmm so what were you, what, when you felt bad what was, what sort of things was it, how did it make you feel, like was it worried about the relationship or about him or about yourself or Ask short questions: long and complicated questions can be confusing for participants. Don't ask questions with double-negatives: these can also be confusing ('So you're not not getting married?'). Ask clear and precise questions: avoid ambiguity (especially when asking about intimate and sensitive topics such as sexuality); don't assume that participants will share your understanding of widely used and assumed-to-be commonly understood terms (such as 'sex'). Ask linguistically appropriate questions: ensure the wording of questions and use of terminology is appropriate to your participant group. Avoid using jargon and complex language (you don't want people to feel stupid); also avoid overly simplistic language that leaves your participants feeling patronised. Rubin and Rubin (1995: 19) advise that 'by being aware of your own specialized vocabulary and cultural assumptions, you are less likely to impose your opinions on the interviewees'. Ask non-assumptive questions: avoid making assumptions about your participants. For example, imagine you are interviewing 'average-sized' women about their feelings about their bodies. If you ask a question like 'Can you imagine how you would feel if you were a size 20?' you indicate that you assume your participant has never been a size 20 - because you ask her to imagine what that would be like. Although such presumptions can potentially be damaging to rapport, and result in poorer data, assuming shared knowledge or asking 'presumptive' questions works sometimes (Patton, 2002). But it should not be done unintentionally. For example (from an interview with a Muslim couple): Victoria: Mm-hm what about Christmas? What did you do about Christmas with presents and stuff like that buying presents for each other and? Farah: Erm ((pause)) we don't actually celebrate Christmas Victoria: Oh of course of course you don't then Ask empathetic questions: avoid questions that overtly or covertly criticise or challenge participants ('You're not into country music are you?'), and questions that can be perceived as threatening: 'why' questions can be interpreted in this way (instead of 'Why do you ...?' try 'What are your reasons for...?'). Príprava otázok - formulácia Čo je problém týchto otázok ? Súhlasíte s tým, že premiér si robí zle svoju prácu? Čo si myslíte o projekte skúmania ľudského genómu? Mal by minister zdravotníctva odstúpiť? Ste depešák alebo metalista ? Príprava otázok - Formulácia 1. Používajte neutrálne, a nie hodnotovo podfarbené a zavádzajúce otázky Zle: Súhlasíte s tým, že premiér si robí zle svoju prácu? Lepšie: Čo si myslíte o tom, čo doteraz premiér v úrade dosiahol? 2. Vyhnite sa žargónu. Myslite na jazyk participantov. Zle: Čo si myslíte o projekte skúmania ľudského genómu? Lepšie: Čo viete o najnovších objavoch v genetike? 3. Používajte otvorené, nie zatvorené otázky. Zle: Mal by minister odstúpiť? Lepšie: Čo si myslíte, že by mal teraz minister urobiť? 4. Pozor na alternatívne otázky Zle: Ste depešák alebo metalista? Lepšie: Aký typ hudby sa Vám páči? Príprava otázok - Formulácia Užitočné: Doplňujúce otázky: KDE?, PREČO? AKO?, KTO? KEDY? Navádzajúce otázky (probes): Môžete mi to vysvetliť podrobnejšie... Môžete mi to zopakovať ešte raz inými slovami... Príprava otázok - Poradie „Funnelling" - „Stratégia lievika" Čo si myslíte o práci súčasnej vlády? Čo si myslíte o práci súčasnej vlády v oblasti zvládania energetickej krízy? Myslíte si, že to čo vláda v tejto oblasti spravila je v poriadku, alebo by ste chceli aby urobila aj niečo iné? Hovorí sa, že vláda smeruje k tomu, že počas zimných mesiacov bude odporúčať školám, aby kvôli úspore nákladov na kúrenie prešli do online režimu. Čo si myslíte o tomto type opatrení? (podľa. Silverman, 2005) The Funnel Approach to Questioning Open Ended Questions Who, what* when, where, why, how 7W f ► Layering c4ten -p I :p •: Dokumentácia - fixácia dát nahrávky (audio, video) doslovné prepisy (terénne zápisky) (výskumný denník) Prepisy transkripční konvence otázka ? oznámení; klesavá kadence naznačení pokračování výpovědi zdůraznění slova nebo jeho části Text zdůraznění konce výpovědi, výkřik (zvolání, rozkaz) ! pauza hezitační zvuk (eee, yyy) # smích @ hovor se smíchem @text@ nesrozumitelný úsek (?) těžce srozumitelný, předpokládaný úsek (text) přitakání neverbalizované (uhm) & náhlé přerušení výpovědi tex/ bezprostřední navázaní na předchozí výpověď partnera = text mluvený současně [ ] A: a potom [ona] B: [ne] to nebylo tak komentář autora transkriptu Prepisy přepisy rozhovorů H tazatel U dotazovaný 1 H: takže ... chtěla jsem se ještě na úvod zeptat kolik roků praxe už máš 2 ve svém oboru. 3 U: ve svém oboru ... @ já nevím @ ne v mateřské 4 škole jsem pracovala ... (kolik roků) ...(?) (já už moc ne) (?) skoro 5 už dvacet takže ... no, dvacet let pracuji ave škole jsu už deset let 6 ... [základní]. 7 H: [takže] 8 U: takže deset mateřská, deset základní (škola) 9 H: =takto to už je hodně roků teda. už máš hodně zkušeností, takže já I 0 se zeptám # protože zkouším # už jsme se dneska ptali (?) na tu II koncepci vaší školy ta nám byla docela jasná, a pak se zeptám 12 trošku konkrétnější otázky jestli má týden zdraví vliv na 1 3 koncepci vaší školy jestli nějak ovlivňuje(se) zařazuje(te) něco. 14 U: má určitě vliv na ... na nás na [všechny] 15H: [&] 16 U: na děti ... zařazujeme, 1 7 můžu potvrdit # tělovýchovný chvilky které byly hodně šizeny a ... Ako si pomôcť pri prepisoch trint Use Cases v Pricing resources v Company Login English THE SHORTCUT TO EFFICIENT CONTENT CREATION Tired of transcription headaches? Trint's Al turns audio & video files to text in 30+ languages. Tell stories faster by transcribing, translating, editing and collaborating in 5 single workflow. Simple. Book a demo Trusted by □ma AP aiif (lost PBSO NEWS HOUR ©Translate TurboScribe OO Unlimited audio and video transcription Video • Part 1 https ://www. yo ut u be. co m/watch?v=9vRqBS2J mXU Part 2 • https ://www. vo utu be . co m/watch ?v=9v Rq B S2JmXU fix II Respondent Decodes question, taking into account own purposes and presumptions/ knowledge about the^Jrviewer. and perceptions of tneinterviewer's presumptions/ knowledge about self (i.e. the respondent) • • I i ^ »I ^ 0:00/15:07 lili a Video (ako ne/robiť výskume interview) • _ m/watch?v=9t-hYjAKww How to do a research interview 283,014 views-Jan 18,2013 ,fr 1.2K 4> 40 A SHARE ==+ SAVE Graham R Gibbs 94 3K si ihsprihprs SUBSCRIBE Domáca úloha na 8.11. 1. Prečítať □ Trtílek et al & Novák Bobulová et al. - odlišné príklady tematickej analýzy □ Braun & Čiarke, 2006 o tematickej analýze - základný text každého kvalitatívneho výskumníka/výskumníčky + lllustrative Research Example 8.1 z Braun a Čiarke 2013 □ Čermák et al. In Řiháček, Čermák, Hytych, 2013 - o naratívnej analýze 2. Mať definitívny scenár interview 3. Realizácia a prepis jedného pološtruktúrovaného interview za skupinu (urobiť a prepísať jedno interview podľa konvencií transkripcie) - odovzdať prepisy vyučujúcej do 6. 11. 2023 do polnoci (na google drive do skupinového priečinku) Upresnenie k interview • 1. Urobiť rozhovor, nahrať ho, doslovne prepísať, ANONYMIZOVAŤ (odstániť všetky info vrátane mena, ktoré by mohli participantov identifikovať) odovzdať do 6.11. 2024 do polnoci, dať ho na google drive pod názvom napr. SK1_Adamovicova (tj cislo skupiny a vaše meno). Prístup na drive nazdieľam s vedúcimi timov. • 3. Konvencie - vo worde uviesť pseudonym participanta, dátum konania rozhovoru, kto ho viedol (aj č. skupiny), v rámci akého predmetu - nastaviť automatické riadkovanie (až od prvého riadku prepisu) - znaky: - .,?,!, (doržiavať interpunkciu, bodky, čiarky, otázniky, výkričníky, gramatika) - dôraz - ... = pauza - [participant nejaké slovo nepovedal nahlas, ale vieme čo chcel povedať] - - (ee, mhm...) = váhanie - (?) nezrozumiteľný text