Mental Illness in Movies

One more requiered lecture before Christmas :)


Welcome to our final lecture! With the winter holiday approaching, we have a little gift for you. While this lecture is required, you have the flexibility to choose which films to watch. You can watch just one, all of them, or even different ones and share your insights.

We hope you will enjoy this buffet of interesting topics and hopefully see you in spring term again  - PSBB074 Mental Illness - Children and Adolescents

Factitious disorder 

(previously known as Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy) 

We would recommend you watch this fascinating series based on a true story: 

The Act

or you can also see Mommy Dead and Dearest, Gypsy's Revenge, or Love You To Death (all based on the same true story). 

another great series about this topic is: 

Conspiracy theories

If you are interested in the psychology behind conspiracy theories, we strongly recommend these:

Let´s also watch and discuss this series about conspiracy theories: Q: Into the Storm

Climate change 

Or maybe you're interested in climate change, then let's watch this documentary in case you haven't seen it yet. :)

Some questions to sparkle the discussion

What signs of factitious disorder can we see in Gypsy Rose's mother?

What do you think about Gypsy Rose's story? Were her actions against her mother just from the impact of her disorder? Were they just a form of self defense?

What symptoms and signs of factitious disorder can we see in Sharp Objects?

How does Q: Into the Storm explore the psychological mechanisms that make people believe conspiracy theories?

What role does social media play in believing conspiracy theories?

How are psychology and climate change connected? 

Is there anything we can do on individual level to help climate change?

Please upload a link to your meeting recording and provide the full names (first and last) of all participants. Ensure the link remains active until the end of the semester.
