(n) Increase in cAMľ Extracellular fluid Olfactory Ciliurnof "*** olfactory neuron molľciik' Adenyl yl Cation \ cyclase channel\ Ga2+-activatedv CI" channel Ír) Increase in IP3 Extracellular fluid Olfactory, Obrní of rea'Pt0,;. olfactory, neuron . I »doranl molecule Calcium v channel Ca2+-aetivafcid Cl~ channel Fnsatnl i.'.iiLci ! iicttťMVlex i t C rVtali i -Utítiú 4(lktklUiii- i rDlfiicliirj i paleocxxlf* | t [ lllŕnFlnn hu- t ľ>lLi,;Hn .-.LtMÍwn Olfactory bulb Glomerulus Forebrain Olfactory tract (OT) Olfactory nerve (ON) fibres Cribriform plate ' Olfactory epithelium Olfactory receptor cell (ORC) Centrifugal fibre Olfactory epithelium Figure 13.7 Olfactory bulb, (a) The figure shows olfactory axons passing through the cribriform plate to end in glomeruli in the olfactory bulb, (b) Basic circuit of the mammalian olfactory bulb. Layers: ÉPL = external plexiform layer; GL = glomerular layer; GRL = granule cell layer; OT - olfactory tract; MCL = mitral cell layer. Cells: Gd = deep granule cell; Gs = superficial granule cell; M = mitral cell; PG = periglomerular cell; T = tufted cell. Inhibitory cells stippled. Simplified from Taste bud SENSORY PROCESSES 383 Taste bud eel] membrane Depolarization Cytoplasm Depolarization CAMP------* Depolarization id) Umami Receptor, ,Ghit«n-n,>L- a PDF (c) BiLter Closed KH channel \ .Bitter II > G protein 1 K Decrease in Increase Depolarization cAMP in Ca^ ICľ I.i I Iji.l '■ -I'-- ■