poruš gustatoríus chuťová buňka — chuťové látky nervová zakončeni nerv relativní koncentrace dráždivých látek __________________(podle Pfaffmanna) E. Chuťový pohárek (podle Andrese) F. Hodnocení chuťových podnětů to Salt "Extracellular Som- it ' Sw eet Closed K* díti nud Taste bud cell membrane Depolarization Cytoplasm fit) ümami I h'pol.-u-i/dtinn Depolarization Receptor^ ,G1 u to m r( li- fe» Bitter Closed K+ channel \ Bitter substance Phospholipase C gure 13.34 Taste-transduction mechanisms differ for different ste qualities All transduction mechanisms except the IP3 action in ! lead to depolarization, which spreads to the basal end of the cell id opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to allow Ca2- entry and transfer release, (a) For salt taste, sodium ions enter a taste bud cell rough amiloride-sensitive cation channels, directly depolarizing the >\\,(h) In sour taste, either H^ ions enter the cell through amiloride-msitive cation channels, or they close K* channels to produce depo-rization, (c) Sweet taste is most commonly mediated by the binding sugars to a G protein-coupled receptor, which acts via a G protein to tiyate adenylyl cyclase and produce cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP then acti-*■•"• nrnt"'" Lwata n (SUCuXtei t&asa a l/~ ebaonal <^" afaasofajaadatina it), producing depolarization, (djThe amino acid glutamate (monosodi-urn glutamate, MSG) stimulates the taste quality umami (a savory or meaty quality). Glutamate binds to a G protein-coupled receptor (related to synaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors) to activate a phosphodiesterase (PDE) and decrease the concentration of cAMP.The decrease in cAMP leads to an increase in intracellular Cai+ concentration, (e) Bitter taste mechanisms can involve a G protein-coupled receptor for bitter substances that acts via a G protein and phospholi-pase C to produce IP3. IP3 liberates Cai+ ions from intracellular stores, eliciting transmitter release without requiring depolarization.Other bitter substances bind to K" channels and close them to depolarize í ŕiľ-'i r f i i I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ľllill-Llllll-tH hirtS- ■ Poníme i A. Sj]l-prcli?rrinu Slimullh 1)1-1 OFF Kj|[ Swľľí J~V [lillĽľ Sj]I llll I Suür S-ii ■.■■.■! i____L 1:1,. OJ. B. SfctaiH-pnrlLmnB StlnwlBt OFF '■■II 5jII f SiÄif PStBOijIJ 5Mur J J TiuiĽ 5wiä- IJ-I..-I _| Sľiimstv riLíui ;:-ci Tu lii .SEiciiul'jtiiii Süll Em* j lvII I Time Suür U S*Ví»l J_______L i: I i