A. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP DEMONSTRATING SENSITIZATION ^—^ From *-*% Normal Si2e Habituated V Sensitized B. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS A Habituation Sensitizing Stimulus Sensory Neuron _ Motor Sensitization Neuron Control in TEA \ Sensitized by \ Stimulation, y 5HT.CAMP Intracellular Recordings C. CONCEPTUAL MODELS SHORT-TERM SENSITIZATION LONG-TERM SENSITIZATION Normal Sensitized SIFON modulační synapse excitační synapse M - modulační mediator R - receptor G - G-protein AC - adenylatcyklasa PK - proteinkinasa OBR camp i:.£&; OBR. 12D excitační synapse modulační synapse odpověď OBR. 110 thalamus Septum n! factory bulb hippocampus reticular formation signál do jádra buňky proteinkináza syntéza proteinů tvar synapse modifikuje receptor ttttffö£ hyptithaliimus spißäf cord [ e 10.1 The limbic system (the main limbic system structure* are si mammillury body episodic motor skills perceptual skills cognitive skills (procedural) priming simple classical conditioning other Figure 11.11 The eias*i#eatton of memory based on investigations of the syndrome.