Addison-Wesley                          EARTH SCIENCE


Chapter 9            The Earth Changing Surface


Section 1            Weathering

Physical weathering      425           

Chemical weathering  426

Mixed weathering   428

Rates of weathering   429

From rock to soil   431

Section 2            Erosion

                        Erosion by running water   438

                        The formation of a river valley   441

                        Erosion by glaciers   443

                        Erosion by more than one agent   445

                        Controlling erosion   447

Section 3            Deposition

                        Deposition by running water   454

Stream erosion and deposition   457

Deposition by wind   459

Deposition by glaciers   461



Chapter 10            The Restless Crust


Section 1            Volcanoes

The power of a major volcanic eruption   471

                        Why some eruptions are so violent   475

                        Volcanic landforms   477

                        Where volcanoes occur   480

Section 2            Stress, Structure and Earthquakes

                        Rocks under stress   485

                        Movement along a fault   489

                        What is an earthquake?   494

                        Earthquake damage   497

Section 3            Plate tectonics

                        The interior of the earth   502

                        The theory of continental drift   504

                        The theory of plate tectonics   508

                        Pangaea   511