Doporučená literatura k výuce Ekonometrie I,II česká literatura: Hušek, Roman, Walter Jaromír: Ekonometrie. Státní nakladatelství technické literatury 1976. 263 stran. Hušek,Roman a kol: Ekonometrické modely řízení a plánování SNTL/Alfa 1987. 275 stran. Hušek, Roman: Základy ekonometrie. Skripta VŠE VŠE fakulta ekonomiky a statistiky 1992. Hušek, Roman: Základy ekonometrické analýzy I. VŠE fakulta ekonomiky a statistiky 1998. Hušek, Roman: Základy ekonometrické analýzy II. VŠE fakulta ekonomiky a statistiky 1998. Hušek, Roman: Ekonometrická analýza. Ekopress 1999. Hušek,Roman, Pelikán,Jan: Aplikovaná ekonometrie - teorie a praxe. Professional publishing 2003. anglosaská literatura: William H.Greene: Econometrics Analysis. 4ed Prentice Hall 1993,1997,2000. 1004 stran. Gujarati, N. Damodar: Basic Econometrics. 2ed McGraw-Hill Inc. 1988. 704 stran. Hayashi, Fumio: Econometrics. 2ed Princeton University Press. 2000. 683 stran. Intriligator,M,D, Griliches,Zwi: Handbook of Econometrics. Vol I,II,II, North-Holand P.H., Elsevier P.C. 800+716+658 stran. Engle,R.F,McFadden,D.L.: Handbook of Econometrics. Vol IV North-Holand P.H., Elsevier P.C. 2001-2005. 1074 stran Heckman,J.J.,Leamer,E.,E.: Handbook of Econometrics. Vol V, North-Holand P.H., Elsevier P.C. 2001. 744 stran. Maddala,S: Econometrics. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1977. 516 stran. Maddala,S: Introduction to Econometrics. Macmillan P.C., Collier Macmillan P.1988. 472 stran. Amemiya, Takeshi: Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics. Harvard University Pressill Inc. 1993. 368 stran. anglosaská literatura (pokračování) Goldberger, Arthur,S.: Econometric Theory. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 1964. Dhrymes J.Phoebus: Econometrics -- Statistical Foundations and Applications. New York, Harper and Row Inc. 1974. Dhrymes J.Phoebus: Introductory Econometrics New York, Springer-Verlag. 1978. Johnston,J.: Econometric Methods. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1972., 2^nd ed. 1984 Theil, H.: Principles of Econometrics. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York 1971. Theil, H.: Introduction to Econometrics. Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs 1978. Amemiya, Takeshi: Advanced Econometrics. Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1986. 521 stran. Judge,G.,G.Griffiths,W.E., Hill, R.C.,Lütkepohl,H, Lee,T.C.: The Theory and Practice of Econometrics. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1980, 1985. 2^nd ed., 1019 stran. Kmenta Jan: Elements of Econometrics. The Macmillan Copany. New York. 1971, 2^nd ed.1986 Chow, Gregory,C.: Econometrics. McGraw-Hill Inc. I.B.C. New York. 2^ed 1983. Chow, Gregory,C.: Econometrics Analysis by Control Methods John Wiley & Sons. New York 1981. Klein, Lawrence ,R.: A Textbook of Econometrics. Prentice-Hall Inc. I.B.C. Englewood Cliffs N.J. 1974. Pindyck,Robert.S, Rubinfeld,Daniel,L: Econometrics Models and Economic Forecasts. Irwin, McGraw-Hill Inc., 3^ed 1991, 4^ed 1997, 631 stran. Wonnacott, R.,J., Wonnacott, T.H.: Introductory Econometrics. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1977. Hendry, David,F.: Dynamic Econometrics. Oxford U.P. N.York 1995. Kelejian,H.H.,Oates,W.E.: Introduction to Econometrics- Principles and Applications. Harper & Row. N.York 1989. slovenská literatura: Garaj, Šujan Ivan : Ekonómetria. asi Alfa Bratislava francouzská literatura: Malinvaud,E.: Statistical Methods in Econometrics. 3^rded. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 3^rded.1976.