FIGURE 3.2 Levels of organization in the human body. Cells are composed of chemicals; tissues are made up of cells; organs are composed of tissues, and the organism contains organ systems. molecule FIGURE 3.4 Simple epithelial tissue, a. Simple squamous consists of a single layer of thin cells, b. Simple cuboidal is composed of cells that look like cubes, c. Simple columnar cells resemble columns because they are elongated. (The arrow points to a goblet cell.) JT^t >. t ^ ;■ c. Epitelové tkáně Druh Jednovrstevný plošný Jednovrstevný krychlový Jednovrstevný válcový Pseudostratifikovaný válcový Vícevrstevný plošný Funkce filtrace, difúze, osmóza sekrece, absorbce ochrana, sekrece, absorbce ochrana, sekrece, posun hlenů a pohlavních buněk ochrana Lokalizace ústní dutina, stěny kapilár, výstelka krevních vlásečnic povrch vaječníku, výstelka ledvinových kanálků výstelka dělohy, trubice zažívacího traktu výstelka dýchacích cest, různé trubice reprodukčního systému vnější vrstva kůže, pochva a konečník FIGURE 3.6 a. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium from the lining of the windpipe. When you cough, material trapped in the mucus secreted by goblet cells is moved upward to the throat, where it can be swallowed, b. Photomicrograph of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. — mucus cilia cell membrane goblet cell — nucleus basement membrane a. FIGURE 3.7 Epithelial cells are held tightly together by (a) desmosomes and {b) tight junctions, c. Gap junctions allow materials to pass from cell to cell. cell membranes intercellular filaments cell membranes intercellular space tight junction '^IIÉ proteins-«r— intercellular spacej cell membranes membrane-*r4Š channels intercellular space a. spot desmosome b. tight junction c. gap junction FIGURE 3.8 Loose connective tissue has plenty of space between components. This type of tissue is found surrounding and between the organs. Elastic fiber Collagen fiber Fibroblast FIGURE 3,9 Adipose tissue cells look like white "ghosts" because they are filled with fat. The nucleus of one cell is indicated by the arrow. FIGURE 3.10 Hyaline cartilage cells, located in lacunae, are separated by a flexible matrix rich in protein and fibers. This type of cartilage forms the embryonic skeleton, later replaced by bone. Pojivové tkáně Druh Funkce Lokalizace Vazivová tkáň spojuje dohromady orgány pod kůží, pod většinou epitelových vrstev Tuková tkáň izolace, ukládání tuku pod kůží, okolo ledvin Vláknité pojivo spojuje dohromady orgány šlachy a vazy Hyalinní chrupavka ochrana a opora konce kostí, chrupavka nosu, chrupavky ve stěně průdušnice Elastická chrupavka ochrana a opora vnější ucho, část hrtanu Vazivová chrupavka ochrana a opora meziobratlove plotenky, kolenní kloub Kostní tkáň ochrana a opora celá kostra FIGURE 11.8 Anatomy of a long bone. A long bone is encased by fibrous membrane except where it is covered by articular cartilage at the ends. The central shaft is composed of compact bone, but the ends are spongy bone, which can contain red marrow. A central medullary cavity contains yellow marrow. <■# cartilage spongy bone red marrow compact bone medullary cavity yellow marrow fibrous membrane cartilage------- NGUKK 3.11 Compact bone is highly organized. The cells are arranged in circles about a central (Haversian) canal that contains a nutrient-bearing blood vessel. ■ Haversian canal canaliculi osteocyte within a lacuna B FIGURE 3.12 Blood is classified as connective tissue. Plasma, the liquid portion of blood, contains the formed elements (red cells, white cells, and platelets). Blood sample 03 ■o E crJS —i a. "55 O White blood cells Red blood cells Platelets Složení krevní plasmy voda 92% plasmy Anorganické ionty (soli) Na+, Ca++, K+, Mg++, Cl, HCO3, HPO 4, SO 4, Plyny o2, co2 Plasmatické bílkoviny albumin, globulin, fibrinogen Organické živiny glukóza, tuky, fosfolipidy, aminokyseliny atd. Dusíkaté odpadní látky močovina, amoniak, kyselina močová Regulační látky hormony, enzymy FIGURE 3.13 How do you distinguish a plant from an animal? One way is to detect motion—only animals have contractile fibers that permit movement, a. Skeletal muscle is found within the muscles attached to the skeleton, b. Smooth muscle cells are found in the walls of internal organs, c. Cardiac muscle permits the pumping of the heart. Striation Nucleus Nucleus mmmmmt^^r ,„ä!#fe**^^ ' Nucleus 4 ^■•-fw-W* dendrite cell body I- axon hair shaft hair muscle sensory receptors hair follicle nerve ending Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous Layer adipose tissue connective artery vein tissue sweat nerve gland ventral cavity abdominopelvic cavity lung---------------- thoracic cavity diaphragm abdominal cavity L pelvic cavity dorsal cavity spinal cord Nervous system Function: regulation of all body activities: learning and memory Respiratory system Function: gaseous exchange between external environment and blood Circulatory system Function: transport of life-sustaining materials to body cells; removal of metabolic wastes from cells Digestive system Function: breakdown and absorption of food materials Male reproductive system Function: production of male sex cells (sperm); transfer of sperm to reproductive system of female Female reproductive system Function: production of female sex cells (ova); receptacle of sperm from male; site for fertilization of ovum, implantation, and development of embryo and fetus; delivery of fetus Skeletal system Function: internal support and flexible framework for body movement; production of blood cells Muscular system Function: body movement; production of body heat Lymphatic system Function: body immunity; absorption of fats; drainage of tissue fluid Urinary system Function: filtration of blood; maintenance of volume and chemical composition of the blood Endocrine system Function: secretion of hormones for chemical regulation FIGURE 3.18 The internal environment of the body is the blood and tissue fluid. Tissue cells are surrounded by tissue fluid, which is continually refreshed because nutrient molecules constantly exit from and waste molecules continually enter the bloodstream as shown. Blood flow i Oxygen and nutrients Arteriole Red blood cell Capillary Wastes Tissue cell Tissue fluid Venule Blood flow FIGURE 3.19 Diagram illustrating the principle of feedback control. A receptor (sense organ) responds to a stimulus, such as high or low temperature, and notifies a regulator center that directs an adaptive response, such as sweating. Once normalcy, such as a normal temperature, is achieved, the receptor is no longer stimulated. negative feedback receptor adaptive response regulator center blood vessels constrict, sweat glands become inactive, and shivering may occur body temperature lowers FIGURE 3.20 Temperature control. When the body temperature rises, the blood vessels dilate and the sweat glands become active. When the body temperature lowers, the blood vessels constrict and shivering may occur. In between these extremes the receptor is not stimulated and thus body temperature fluctuates above and below normal.