Date: Name: Topic: Micropropagation of Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. Transfer of the culture („subculture“) Plant material: organogenic culture of Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl. Medium: M-S, sucrose 20 g.l^-1, 0.65% agar, pH 5.5 Procedure: 1. Transfer tissue culture vessels containing African violet cultures from the culture room into a laminar flow hood. 2. Prepare the vessels containing fresh medium and sterile tools (forceps, scalpels), sterile Petri dish. 3. Pass the opening of the vessel through the flame. 4. Transfer the explants to a sterile Petri dish. 5. Remove the necrotic basal tissue of the explants with lower leaves and gently push the isolated apical parts of explants into the fresh medium. 6. Pass the opening of the vessel through the flame carefully. Cap the vessels and label. 7. Record the date and the number of the culture. 8. Culture in the culture room under the light (cool white fluorescent light, photoperiod 16/8 hours, PAR 30 μmol.m^-2.sec^-1) at 22-oC for 4 weeks. Evaluation: Control the contamination of the culture in the following cultivation period. Notes: If the culture will be transferred to non-sterile conditions, root the shoots on rooting medium containing lower concentrations of salts (1/3 MS).