feg) TABLE 1-2 Geologic Time and Significant Events in Earth History few Condensed into one Calendar Year Years before Present Event Days since January 1 Date and Time 10,000 Tee Age ends 364.9 December 31, 11:58:51 p.m. ] .6 million Ice Age begins 364.9 December 31, 8:57:11 p.m. 4 million First humans 364.6 December 31, 4:11:29 p.m. 53 million First horses 360.8 December 27, 7:04:10 p.m. 66 million Dinosaurs become extinct 359.8 December 26, 6:18:47 p.m. ] 15 million First flowering plants 355.9 December 22, 9:00:00 a.m. 145 million First birds 353.5 December 20, 11:52:10 a.m. 222 million First mammals 347.4 December 14, 9:14:05 a.m. 230 million First dinosaurs 344.8 December 11, 7:08:52 p.m. 360 million First amphibians 336.4 December 3, 10:26:02 a.m. 430 million First land plants 330.9 November 27, 9:07:50 p.m. 510 million First fish 324.5 November 21, 12:46:57 p.m. 700 million First multicellular animals 309.5 November 4, 10:57:23 a.m. 3.6 billion Oldest fossils 71.0 March 13, 1:08:52 a.m. 4.6 billion Earth formed 0 January 1, 12:00:00 a.m. c CO Q- O N O C Q) O O 'o N O o; co Q- Quaternary CD O) o 0 (D c CD O) O Q CO CÖ Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic Permian Carboniferous Pennsyl-vanian Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Paleocene 0.01 1.6 5 24 37 58 66 Missis-sippian Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian 144 208 245 286 320 360 408 438 505 570 2,500 3,{ 4,600 ^> FIGURE 1-19 The geologic time scale. Numbers to the right of the columns are ages in millons of years before the present. > Figure 8-12 (left) a block diagram of a hypothetical area whose geologic history can be reconstructed by applying the various relative dating principles. i> FIGURE 8-I3 (below) (a) Beds A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are deposited. (b) The preceding beds are tilted and faulted, (c) Erosion, (if) Beds J, K, and L are deposited, producing an angular unconformity, (e) The entire sequence is intruded by a dike. (/") The entire sequence is uplifted and eroded. (g) Beds P and Q are deposited, producing a disco n form ity (N) and a nonconformity (O). (/() Dike R intrudes. (/) Lava (S) flows over bed Q, baking it. (/') Bed T is deposited. L-x_ -f "* K—■ O -7^ , J-7- w) V %^ AHV' tip A—' a) Deposition (i) Lava flow (h) Intrusion 85 CD •g 86 1 87 E 2 88 < $> FIGURE 8-19 Radioactive decay series for uranium 238 to lead 206. °" Radioactive uranium 238 decays to its stable end product, lead 206, by eight alpha and six beta decay steps. A 91 number of different isotopes are produced as intermediate steps in the decay series. 90 92 Pb 214 Bi 214 Pb210 Pb 206 p0218 ~Q P0214 • Rn 222 • Ra226 Pa 234 # Th23° U 234 r^Bi210 t Po 210 Alpha decay step Beta decay step Lead - Bismuth Polonium - Astatine - Radon Francium - Radium - Actinium - Thorium - Protactinium - Uranium 100 o Q. CD ČO E 03 I Q. O C o 50- 25- Ö 12.5 o 6.25 ŕ 3.125 Mineral at time of crystallization Atoms of parent element Atoms of daughter element Mineral after one half-life Mineral after two half-lives Mineral after three half-lives Time Units TABLE S-! Five of the Principal Long-Lived Radioactive Isotope Pairs Used in Radiometric Dating Isotopes Parent Daughter Half-Life of Parent (Years) Effective Dating Range (Years) Minerals and Rocks That Can Be Dated Uranium 238 Uranium 235 Thorium 232 Rubidium 87 Potassium 40 Lead 206 Lead 207 Lead 208 Strontium 87 Argon 40 4.5 billion 704 million 14 billion 48.8 billion 1.3 billion 10 million to 4.6 billion 10 million to 4.6 billion 100,000 to 4.6 billion Zircon Uraninite Muscovite Biotite Potassium feldspar Whole metamorph i c or igneous rock Glauconite Hornblende Muscovite Whole volcanic rock Biotite I Cosmic radiation Neutron capture \ Carbon 14 C!4 is absorbed . y along with C Vl and C13 into the tissue of living organisms in a fairly constant ratio. íl IX MtirfrtliiMiÉlIiirtlIilliilimftÉilliliiirt Mé m MMiHtUi When an organism dies, C14 converts back to N14 by beta decay. Carbon 14 Beta decay Beta*v particle Nitrogen 14 Proton O Neutron ^* FIGURE 8-24 The carbon cycle showing the formation dispersal, and decay of carbon 14. ^ FIGURE 8-26 In the cross-dating method, tree-ring patterns from different woods are matched against each other to establish a ring-width chronology backward in time. C. This beam came from an old house ^-This date obtained by counting back from bark of A through B D JD EE 3E Fi : GE |G HE H 3)J Specimens taken from ruins, when matched and overlapped as indicated, progressively extend the dating back into prehistoric times.