Environment and Urbanization DOI: 10.1177/095624789901100220 1999; 11; 261Environment and Urbanization Giulietta Fadda and Paola Jirón Quality of life and gender: a methodology for urban research The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: International Institute for Environment and Development can be found at:Environment and UrbanizationAdditional services and information for Alerts: 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from 1. This paper is based on research project No.1980865/98 financed by FONDECYT. A large part of the bibliography used to prepare this document is based on both authors' research and study at DPU, University College London. 2. Rico, María Nieves (1993), "La perspectiva de género en el análisis medioambiental y del desarrollo", paper presented at Taller Sub-regional Mujer, Ambiente y Sobrevivencia, Caracas (Venezuela), 15-19 August. 3. Bartone, C. R., J. Bernstein and J. Leitmann (1992), "Managing the environmental challenge of mega-regions", paper presented at the International Conference on Managing the Mega-urban Regions of ASEAN Countries: Policy Challenges and Responses, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 261 Quality of life and gender: a methodology for urban research(1) Giulietta Fadda and Paola Jirón SUMMARY: This paper discusses how to undertake research on quality of life from a gender perspective. It begins by discussing how the concept of quality of life (which is concerned with people's sense of well-being) differs from environ- mental quality and how both can be measured. It then discusses the methodolog- ical basis for undertaking research on quality of life with a particular emphasis on seeking a clear understanding of differences in the perceptions of women and men. It ends with a description of how a questionnaire was developed to look in more detail at these differences in two low-income settlements in Santiago, and how group discussions and other measures helped to develop this questionnaire. I. INTRODUCTION AS IN THE rest of LatinAmerica, the Chilean urbanization process is char- acterized by a high concentration of population and economic activities and by an urban development pattern which has had a negative effect on environmental conditions. Although cities are the main centres for promoting economic development, the failure to manage the impacts of rapid urbanization threatens, amongst other things, the environment, human health, equity, urban productivity and thus the quality of life. These costs impact more on those living in lower-income neighbourhoods, affecting men and women, girls and boys in different ways. Because men and women have different roles and different access to and control of resources, they also have different needs. For this reason, improving basic services in low-income urban areas may lead to more gender equity and to a more egalitarian development strategy. This can be achieved if potentials are maximized, participation is strengthened and gender options and autonomy are broadened.(2) A study of the percep- tions, practices and decision-making processes of men and women in low- income urban settlements is a step towards this. Some of the visible negative effects of urbanization include: segrega- tion and isolation; overcrowding; deficient or misallocated facilities and services; and poor quality of construction, housing design and infrastruc- ture.All contribute to urban space that is inadequate for human life. Other effects include: deficient foundations; inadequate urban transport plan- ning; inadequate treatment of solid and liquid waste; air and water pollu- tion; and risks of flooding and landslides. These are part of what has been called the "Brown Agenda",(3) which is concerned with unsustainable Dr. Giulietta Fadda is an architect and urban planner and a professor at the Urban Planning Department of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Valparaíso, Chile. Address: Av. Matta 40, Via del Mar, Chile; fax (56-32) 621920; e-mail Paola Jirón is a professor at the Housing Institute, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile; e-mail: 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from development in our cities, in contrast to the "Green Agenda", which concentrates on the global problems of the Earth. The poor environmen- tal quality in low-income neighbourhoods has been acknowledged as one of the most urgent and greatest problems of cities because of the risk it represents to their inhabitants' health.(4) Despite macro-economic improvements within Chile, habitat condi- tions are becoming one of the most serious problems affecting the lives of its urban population. In addition, various studies(5) have identified the different impacts of these conditions on men and women, differences that are often neglected in the planning of human settlements. In response, the present government intends to implement policies that overcome poverty and raise the quality of life in these social sectors. Given that urban plan- ning and management can help improve the situation, the concept of "quality of life" can be a useful tool in studying and evaluating the degree of well-being and equity for men and women living in specific circum- stances. It can also help set out urban planning goals that aim to overcome such a critical situation. This paper develops a theoretical framework around the concept of quality of life and seeks to delimit its scope with the aim of deriving a gender aware methodological instrument for research which could help to improve the quality of life in urban settlements. In this case, the instru- ment is applied to the Chilean context, recognizing that gender relations are context specific as is the quality of life. II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND THE CONCEPT OF "quality of life" represents more than the private "living standards" and refers to all the elements of the conditions in which people live, that is, all their needs and requirements. This concept has been developed by social scientists to measure and evaluate people's well- being, satisfaction and happiness. It demands, amongst other things, available and accessible social and public infrastructure to satisfy the needs of those involved and affected by it as well as an environment without serious deterioration or pollution. Such conditions are not gener- ally met in our cities, since a large part of the inhabitants live in dwellings and neighbourhoods lacking basic facilities and services. Milbrath(6) states that "...if quality of life is defined as happiness or well- being or satisfaction, it is necessarily subjective", thus, the objects which we value as positive provide that value to our life quality. Rapoport(7) points out that the evaluation we make of the environment involves more than a detailed interpretation of it; it is a global and affective reaction which is strongly influenced by ideal images that are of a subjective nature. Although the concepts of quality of life and environmental quality show considerable overlap, they are not identical: there are elements of happiness that have their origin in the individual. There are people who are able to feel happy even in the worst environmental conditions while others cannot be happy even in the best environmental conditions. Human beings perceive problems and possible solutions from differ- ent viewpoints or according to their social roles (including reproductive, productive, community based and political roles)(8) and define their basic needs with different criteria. The same physical object or specific experi- ence may be perceived differently by different persons. Thus, a house may be perceived by some people as being of high quality whilst, for others, it 4. BID/NU (1990), Nuestra propia agenda, Comisión de Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe, UN, NY. 5. Huaman, J. (1996), "Género en la construcción de lo urbano", Genero y Desarrollo, Pobreza Urbana y Desarrollo Year 5, No.11; also Moser, C. (1994), "Women, gender and urban development policy", paper presented at the OECD Conference on Women in the City: Housing, Services and Urban Environment, Paris (France), October 4-6; and UNCHS (1996), Gendered Habitat: Working with Women and Men in Human Settlements Development. A Comprehensive Policy Paper and Action Plan, UN Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi. 6. Milbrath, L.W. (1978), "Indicators of environmental quality" in UNESCO, "Indicators of environmental quality and quality of life", reports and papers in Social Sciences No.38, pages 3-56. 7. Rapoport, A. (1978), Aspectos humanos de la forma urbana. Hacia una confrontación de las ciencias sociales con el diseo de la forma urbana, G. Gili, Barcelona. 8. For additional literature on this, see Moser (1994) in reference 5; also Beall, J. (1993), "The gender dimensions of urbanization and urban poverty", paper presented at the UN Division for the Advancement of Women Seminar on Women in Urban Areas, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 November. 262 Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 FEEDBACK 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from may be of lower or no quality at all. For some social groups, one environ- ment may seem ideal yet, for others, it may hardly be acceptable or even definitively unacceptable. This means that a certain environmental quality may imply contents, images, perceptions which vary for different people depending, among other things, on their gender, age, culture, ethnicity and religion. This is where the gender perspective becomes useful, in evaluating how the gender relations that occur in a particular context affect quality of life.(9) In most of the literature relating to quality of life, "human beings", "people", "communities" and "households" are treated as homogeneous groups when, indeed, they contain a diversity of relations that cannot necessarily be classified as having the same needs. Gender cuts across all other social relations such as class, ethnicity, age and religion(10) and all types and/or spheres of activity: productive, distributive, organizational, political, technical and research.(11) It also cuts across all institutional struc- tures, organizational procedures and practices in all social sectors such as health, employment, education, transport, environment and housing.(12) The analysis of quality of life from a gender and environmental perspec- tive shows that perceptions may vary according to gender relations, needs and roles, to access to resources and to decision-making processes within the household. Moreover, based on Levi and Anderson's (13) concept of quality of life, Iiguez and Pol(14) state that above a minimum living stan- dard, a fundamental determinant of the individual life quality is the adjustment or coincidence between the characteristics of the situation (demands and opportunities) and the expectations, capacities and needs of the individual as he/she perceives them. These concepts, as well as the ones mentioned above, imply the need to evaluate how satisfied the differ- ent users and those affected are with their habitat. This can provide crite- ria to design instruments in order to obtain direct, subjective and objective information. Haramoto et al.(15) refer to "residential quality" as part of a wider concept of quality of life, as a more specific way of assessing the distinc- tive features of housing and its surroundings. Haramoto(16) states that housing quality depends, on the one hand, on the characteristics and prop- erties of the dwelling and, on the other, on the demands and valorizations people make of it. Residential quality can be understood as the percep- tion and the assessment made by different observers and participants of the component factors of a human settlement in their interaction with each other and with their environment. Here, they establish different hierar- chies according to social, cultural, economic and political variables.(17) According to Levy, these "hierarchies" or variables can also depend on age, ethnicity, religion, class, etc. The factors in human settlements include allocation, infrastructure, urbanization, physical, social and cultural envi- ronmental factors, and design. Although the concept of quality of life can be seen as all encompassing, covering a large part of people's lives, it can also be delimited according to the objectives of the research.(18) In our case, it will be restricted to the disciplines dealing with the neighbourhood environment, that is, the external habitat of a community settled in a public housing programme. In order to develop a methodological tool, it is interesting to recall the distinction Milbrath(19) makes between "environmental conditions" which can be measured objectively and the "environmental quality" which is measured based on subjective perceptions. Some examples of environ- mental conditions include the levels of air and water quality, the number 9.Annas, J. (1996), "Las mujeres y la calidad de vida: Dos normas o una?" in Nussbaum, M. andA. Sen (editors), La calidad de vida, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico D.F. 10. Levy, C. (1992), "Gender and the environment: the challenge of cross- cutting issues in development policy and planning" in Environment and Urbanization Vol.4, No.1, pages 134-150. 11. Beall, J. (1992), "Integrating the gender variable into urban develop- ment: a conceptual and operational framework for assistance to urban areas", paper presented at the Urban Development Meeting of the DevelopmentAssistance Commit- tee of OECD, Paris; also Levy, C. (1991), "Critical issues in translating gender concerns into planning competence in the 1990s", based on a paper presented at the jointACSP andAESOP International Congress, Development Planning Unit, University College London. 12. See reference 11. 13. Levi, L. and L.Anderson (1980), "La tensión psicosocial. Población, ambiente y calidad de vida", El Manual Moderno, Mexico. 14. Iiguez Rueda, L. and E. Pol y Urrutia (1994), "Estrategias para la transformación del medio ambiente urbano: análisis desde la psicología ambiental y social" in Wiesenfeld, Esther (editor), Contribuciones iberoamericanas a la psicología ambiental, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, pages 279-306. 15. Haramoto, E., E. Moyano, Y. Kliwadenko, R. Sepulveda, M.A. Campos and P. Chiang (1991), "La calidad residencial del entrono inmediato de la vivienda social" in INVI, II Jornada de Vivienda Social, Santiago, pages 161-172. 16. Haramoto, E. (1994), "Incentivo a la calidad de la vivienda social", Boletín INVI No.20, Santiago, pages 16-22. 17. See reference 15. 18. Scheer, L. (1980), "Experience with quality of life comparisons" in Szalai,A. and F.M.Andrews (editors), The Quality of Life, Sage Studies in International Sociology, Oxford, pages 145-155. 19. See reference 6. Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 263 GENDER IN RESEARCH 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from of hospital beds per resident, mean temperature or rainfall for an area, gross national product per capita, average level of education for a region and average area of indoor housing space per person. Environmental quality, on the other hand, deals with such aspects as the quality of housing, waste management and urban infrastructure measured through the user's perception. Such perception may be, and usually is, different for the men and women expressing their opinions on the topic, according to the variables expressed above. Both environmental conditions and environmental quality become crucial if urban planning and management aim towards sustainable devel- opment. It is obviously important to have indicators of environmental conditions that can measure the physical changes occurring in our envi- ronment. They can alert us to the potential damage that harmful substances (undetectable by human senses) can have on human health or ecosystems. Planners and managers need a wide range of precise infor- mation on environmental conditions to be able to fulfill their responsibil- ities. Nevertheless, these objective indicators cannot measure environmental quality even when they are positive as they do not neces- sarily entail a good environmental quality. For instance, a person may believe that his or her surroundings are good or bad, regardless of what the objective indicators show. Thus, information on the subjective percep- tion of environmental quality and its role in distributing resources and trying to improve environmental quality is as important for planners as objective information.(20) Despite some confusion about terminology, there is agreement amongst authors that indicators of quality of life must take into account qualitative as well as quantitative aspects.(21) Table 1 presents a scheme which we believe is useful as an indicative pattern in data collec- tion regarding quality of life.(22) Moreover, Milbrath(23) conceives the environment as a collection of elements or stimuli that impact on the individual. The author proposes a scheme with approximately 130 specific elements to be included in the definition of environment. For each of these, it is possible to make a diag- nosis of the conditions as well as an evaluation of the quality. We plan to 20. See reference 6. 21. Allardt, E. (1993), "Having, loving, being: an alternative to the Swedish model of welfare research" in Nussbaum, M. and A. Sen (editors), The Quality of Life, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pages 88-94; also Bestuzev- Lada, I. (1980), "Way of life and related concepts as part of a system of social indicators" in Szalai and Andrews (1980), see reference 18, pages 159-170; see reference 6, pages 3-56; and UNESCO (1978), "Final report. Expert meeting on indicators of environmental quality and quality of life", reports and papers in Social Sciences No.38, pages 89-96. 22. See reference 21, UNESCO (1978), page 91. 23. See reference 6. 264 Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 FEEDBACK Types of Facts and Data Type of facts Type of data Direct observation by the researcher Verbal reports of people Objective facts on material things Counting, measuring or illustrations of physical things (CLEARLY OBJECTIVE) Verbal reports about things Things people do, say or believe Observation of behaviour Answers to questionnaires Content analysis Discussion (CLEARLY SUBJECTIVE) Table 1 SOURCE: UNESCO (1978), "Final report. Expert meeting on indicators of environmental quality and quality of life", Reports and Papers in the Social Sciences No.38, page 91. 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from use this scheme as a way of complementing the list with the UNESCO methodology described above. For fieldwork purposes, the author advises shortening the list by selecting categories according to the desired objec- tives. Solomon et al.(24) distinguish several levels of analysis for the design of an investigation on quality of life, including individuals, groups, strata, community, regional, global and cultural-transversal. Here, we will work at a community level with a poor urban neighbourhood(25) and, following Iiguez and Pol,(26) people's participation will be a fundamental element. Studies of quality of life imply comparisons between the ways of life of different groups. In our case, the comparison is between men and women in the community. According to their needs, they will perceive and be affected by their neighbourhood habitat in different ways. A second, less explicit, comparison is that of real quality of life of the resi- dents with respect to the desirable acceptable levels. It is also important to consider the role of the state in environmental institutions because the persistence of many environmental problems is related to unsatisfactory management by different government institu- tions. This institutional framework must be taken into account in any research on quality of life. Levy(27) proposes the "web of institutionaliza- tion" framework whereby institutions account for the practices of organ- izations in all sectors and at all levels of society. The concepts of "room for manoeuvre" and of "sustained change" challenge the idea of institution- alization as static. To determine the scenario where institutionalization as a process takes place, Levy developed a diagnostic tool to identify elements of power in social relations and to analyze them according to gender roles, resources and needs.(28) This and the interrelation between the elements generate a hierarchy of problems and potentials to enable the definition of action areas. In our case, the different elements of the context will be examined using the gender/environment duality. III. METHODOLOGY THE CONCEPT OF quality of life is understood as a construct,(29) that is, a social construction or a constructed object which does not exist except through the observer and her or his own experience. It is not a set of mate- rial conditions. It is not the mere satisfaction experienced by an individual but, rather, a dialectic between what is being observed by two actors: one who observes the observations of the one who observes her/his experi- ence. The purpose of the study is to observe the observations of those who observe their own experience. From the theoretical discussion, a number of theses were developed which, together, form the methodological instrument to be used in quality of life research. They are as follows: The nature of the knowledge about quality of life is interdisciplinary by nature since it includes all aspects of life. Some authors recommend carrying out sectoral research(30) using an interdisciplinary approach. Following this criterion, our research is restricted to the urban environ- ment, specifically the neighbourhood habitat. In order to achieve better and more equitable living standards for the poor and to give priority to the problems described in the Brown Agenda, we focus on environmental problems in poor settlements including serv- ices, infrastructure, quality of housing construction and equipment, use of spaces unsuited to human life, good quality foundations, waste 24. Solomon, E., N. Bouchouchi, V. Denisov, E. Hankiss, C. Allmann and L. Milbrath (1980), "UNESCO policy-relevant quality of life research programme" in Szalai and Andrews (1980), see reference 18, pages 223-233. 25. However, given the gender emphasis in the research methodology, the case study group will be differentiated by sex, age and any other significant differences we may encounter. 26. See reference 14. 27. Levy, C. (1995), "The process of institutionalizing gender in policy planning. The web of institutionalization", DPU working paper No.74, Development Planning Unit, University College, London. 28. Including: the elaboration of theory and knowledge; research; methodology; implementation of programmes and projects; technical and professional development; procedures; localization of responsibility to promote gender perspective; policies and planning; resources; political will and compromise; representative political structures; political pressure from grassroots; and experience and interpretation of reality from men and women. 29. The term is frequently used in sociological discourse when referring to the logical construction used to indicate entities whose existence is believed to be confirmed by the hypothesis or linguistic systems to which they refer but that are never directly observable or directly inferred from observable facts - see Abbagnano, N. (1987), Dizionario di filosofia, Torino, page 230. 30. See reference 18. Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 265 GENDER IN RESEARCH 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from management, air and water pollution, runoffs and risk of floods. As part of the data collection and as a way of gaining an overall view of the national reality, a diagnosis of the institutional situation is made. This is based on gender planning instruments,(31) more specifically on Levy's(32) "web of institutionalization" which can be used to review poli- cies, programmes and projects which affect the quality of life in urban areas in Chile. Quality of life research implies comparisons between different groups. In our case, we have two types of comparison: an implicit one between the objective quality of life of the inhabitants with regard to desirable and/or acceptable levels and a second, explicit, one between different effects and perceptions of quality of life by men and women. Acase study method is used to allow for in-depth observation, and case selection is based on the objectives of the research. Eventually, the method- ology applied in the first case study, with the corresponding adjustments, can be used as a model experience to be repeated in future research in order to have a more representative sampling and more general conclu- sions. A participatory research approach is used to allow for observing the observations of those who observe their own experience (adapted from PRA, Participatory Rural Appraisal). This is a family of methods used to enable persons to present, share and analyze their knowledge, experience of life and conditions,(33) and which generally differs from that of "experts". This method was chosen for its flexibility and adaptability. The tools used are the analysis of secondary sources, direct observation, conversations and interviews with key informants, meetings and group workshops, and a survey. An important aspect of the approach is discussing the collected infor- mation with the community, which involves a participatory analysis of the data in the field. Triangulation, that is, the use of different sources and methods for obtaining information, is one of the most important aspects of the analysis. When it reveals an inconsistency in information, this should be examined more closely and possibly linked directly to problems and opportunities. This information can also be useful in monitoring and evaluating activities and services. The global evaluation of quality of life is based on both objective-quan- titative aspects (environmental conditions) and subjective-qualitative aspects (environmental quality). The scheme proposed by UNESCO (see Table 1) shows direct observations and verbal reports of the inhabitants as the two ways of collecting objective information (column 2) as well as subjective information (column 3). In order to select and evaluate meaningful environmental elements included in the UNESCO chart, the factors pointed out by Haramoto et al.(34) as well as the checklist proposed by Milbrath,(35) can be taken into account. The elements selected for the research are shown in the synoptic chart in Table 2. The synoptic chart shown in Table 2 is the synthesis of the proposed methodology and describes the main topics of investigation. It is designed for the Chilean reality but we believe it can be adapted to other local contexts. The first column corresponds to the environmental elements selected as most significant at the neighbourhood level. Columns two and three corre- spond, respectively, to the environmental conditions and quality of the case study. Information was gathered for each of these using objective and 31. DPU Gender Policy and Planning Team (1997), "Gender policy and planning material", training material, University College London. 32. See reference 27. 33. For further details on this methodology, see IDS (1997), Some Readings and Critical Reflections on Participatory Approaches to Development, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex. 34. See reference 15. 35. See reference 6. 266 Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 FEEDBACK 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 267 GENDER IN RESEARCH Table 2 Synoptic Chart 2. Objective indicators (counting, measuring, illustrations and reports; environmental conditions and facts) Environmental elements of quality of life I. Physical environment Topography Air quality Water quality Noise levels Soils II. Built environment Roads Vehicles Public transport Housing Construction quality Comfort Privacy Security Spaciousness Noise levels Location III. Activity environments Schools Recreation sites Shopping sites IV. Overall community environment Health services Security systems Recreational systems Green areas Communication systems Utilities Electricity Gas Water Sewage Solid waste management Friendliness Sense of identity and belonging Physical barriers Levels of environmental protection 3. Subjective indicators (observation, questionnaires and discussions) SOURCE: Synthesis of Milbrath and UNESCO (1978), see reference 6, and other authors mentioned in the theoretical background. Women Men 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from subjective methods of measurement. In the latter, the perceptions of women and men were disaggregated. Criteria for selecting the neighbourhood studied included: a concen- tration of low-income population within the metropolitan region; the presence of a government housing programme, given the impact which public policy has on the construction of the surroundings and thus on the quality of life of the population; a consolidated level of social organiza- tion in the neighbourhood, built within the first democratic transition period (1990-1994); and the existence of community based organizations. After analyzing statistical information from the National Statistics Bureau, the Ministry of Housing and other institutions, the team selected two neighbourhoods, namely, the poblaciones Estrella Sur and Roberto Matta in the district of Pudahuel in Santiago. Interviews were held with municipal staff on the socio-economic, envi- ronmental, housing and organizational situation of the selected commu- nities. The objectives of the research were explained to them through the interviews, joint field visits and group discussions.Also, given the novelty of the subject to be studied and the benefits to local government in terms of future planning, different forms and dialogues were set to share the findings, including formulating indicators of quality of life. Akey to good local planning is to have well-defined objective as well as subjective indi- cators. Table 3 shows the main types of information and the sources. Using this information as reference, group discussions were held. Three workshops took place to identify the main elements which residents of the poblaciones considered important to their quality of life. Notification of these workshops was made first by contacting the neighbourhood leaders, sport clubs, active youth, mothers' clubs, elderly groups, parents, owners of shops, etc. A great diversity of people was invited in order to collect information on different points of view from men and women of different ages. The workshops were carried out on two Saturdays in a neighbour- hood club close to both poblaciones, after agreeing on the best time and date with most of the participants. The interventions were registered using tape recorders, photography and video, with the researchers acting as facilita- tors and observers. In the first workshop, two activities were held. First, "cognitive maps" were made and the participants were separated into two groups: men and women. The maps were used to identify, analyze and discuss the places where the residents frequently went, to classify how they influenced their daily lives and the quality of their lives, and to discuss the problems and conflicts in relation to space. The second activity, the "organization game", was conducted with men-only and women-only groups. The aim of the game was to define the neighbourhood's historical and cultural identity through the personal experiences and knowledge of the participants. Discussion issues included the origins of the neighbourhood's name, what was most liked about the neighbourhood, what the community was like at the beginning, what are the main celebrations and how do people participate. In a second meeting, and after systematizing the information gained from the first, "organization roulette" was played. Men and women were divided into three groups and the objective of the game was to identify situations which the participants considered relevant to their quality of life, for example, analyzing the problems which affected the neighbour- hood and seeking possible causes. Using a board, dice and cards with statements about their quality of life, the groups discussed whether these 268 Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 FEEDBACK 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from were true or false, then prioritized the elements they considered most important. Based on these elements, a survey was designed to measure their relation to the quality of life of the residents. The sample of 220 respondents was determined using data from the population census, where men and women are distributed according to sex and age. The questionnaire focused on the perception of quality of life and on the different needs and requirements of men and women of different ages. The questions had to be set specifically, to evaluate the level of satis- faction, happiness, etc. with regard to their habitat. Enquiries included: socio-demographic characteristics; previous housing; characteristics and perception of current housing; perception of the housing unit and the neighbourhood environment (location, infrastructure and services); community environment (protection, participation, social environment); final balance (possibilities of election, identity, advantages, problems and Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 269 GENDER IN RESEARCH Table 3 Objective Information to Collect SECONDARY SOURCES INFORMATION PRIMARY SOURCES 1 Socio-economic: population, demography, income, employment, Municipality, services and municipal spending national census 2 Housing conditions: property tenure, basic services, size, and Municipality, Survey marginal units Ministry of Housing 3 Health conditions: basic information, mortality rates Health services Survey 4 Natural environment: location, type of ecosystem, meteorological inform- Municipality, Survey -ation, drainage conditions, topography, and environmental dangers meteorological service 5 Land use: urban land use, land ownership, land use law, and land value Municipality 6 Urban transport: basic information, automobile ownership, type of Transport and motorized trips, emissions, accidents, private transport restriction Infrastructure (flows, stops, scheduling) Ministry, police 7 Energy use: gross annual energy consumption, combustion emissions, Electric company interconnected electric network, electric energy provision, municipality, self-generated urban electricity, domestic usage, and energy prices health service 8 Air contamination: air pollutant concentrations, emission control Health services Survey policies, quality of air, environmental monitoring, environmental health and municipality 9 Noise pollution: noise levels, noise pollution control. Health services Survey 10 Water and sanitation: water resources, underground water extraction, Health services, Survey future water resources, supply and provision, domestic sanitary municipality, installations, sewerage system, industrial waste, water related water company contamination policies, water quality monitoring, cost, drainage 11 Solid waste: total solid waste generated, municipal waste, removal, Health services Survey municipal expenditure on waste management, waste deposits, and municipality infrastructure for dangerous waste treatment, waste management policies SOURCE: Adapted from World Bank/UNDP in ICLEI/PNUMA (1996), Manual de planificación para la Agenda 21 Local. Una introducción a la planificación para el desarrollo sostenible, pages 69-73. 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from priorities); and income. A full analysis of this survey is programmed for the second stage of the research and will be undertaken with the commu- nity. To sum up, the synoptic chart will provide a general view of the situa- tion and will enable us to draw conclusions and evaluate the quality of life of men and women under the urban aspects selected according to specific objectives. We believe that it is important to seek some kind of feedback from the community involved as well as from some level of policy makers, so that they can be taken into account as part of future community development plans. We also believe that this instrument is applicable to other research on the quality of life, as long as context speci- ficities are considered. 270 Environment&Urbanization Vol 11 No 2 October 1999 FEEDBACK 1999 Environment and Urbanization. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. by on April 9, 2007http://eau.sagepub.comDownloaded from