Joint A*STAR, NUS and NTU visit to Czech Republic from 9-13 March 08 The visiting delegation consists of: - Mr Timothy Sebastian, Director, A*STAR Graduate Academy, Agency of Science, Technology and Research - Prof Ji Wei, Vice-Dean of Science, National University of Singapore - Associate Prof Sibudjing Kawi, Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering, National University of Singapore - Associate Prof Chua Chee Kai, Head of Division of System and Engineering Management, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University - Dr Pavel Neuzil, Researcher, Institute of Microelectronics, Agency of Science, Technology and Research - Mr Jeremy Ng, Senior Officer, A*STAR Graduate Academy, Agency of Science, Technology and Research Objectives of our trip are as follows: 1. To establish links with top Universities in Czech Republic. 2. To increase awareness of research and education programmes at A*STAR, NUS and NTU 3. To encourage Czech professors to visit Singapore for staff exchange 4. To discuss research collaboration opportunities 5. To encourage Czech graduate students to consider student exchange programmes in Singapore 6. To share with the academics and students our new initiative - Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), which will offer opportunities for Czech students to do their PhD training in Singapore, at A*STAR, NUS or NTU laboratories under the supervision of various distinguished and worldrenowned scientists. About Singapore and its R&D efforts Singapore is one of the few countries in Asia that has made Research & Development (R&D) a national priority. Singapore currently has a Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) of about US$2.8 billion, making up 2.3% of our country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). R&D expenditure by the private sector (industry) is significant at 65% of GERD, while the rest is made up of R&D expenditure by the government, public research institutes and higher education institution. Multinational companies which have significant R&D investments in Singapore include GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Siemens, Mitsui Chemicals, GE Water & Process Technologies and BASF. Our aim is to increase GERD to 3% of our GDP by 2010. Between 2006 and 2010, Singapore will invest about US$8 billion to strengthen R&D capabilities, train scientific talent and expand our research infrastructure. As research is becoming increasingly global, it is also important for us to reach out to top universities in various parts of the world, to build links and allow a flow of ideas and talent. About Agency of Science Technology and Research (A*STAR) A*STAR is Singapore's leading research agency that complements research and PhD education through its state-of-the-art facilities and renowned scientists located at integrated research campuses - Biopolis and Fusionopolis - for Biomedical Sciences and Physical Sciences & Engineering research respectively. With 14 research institutes dedicated to a multitude of technological disciplines, including info-communications, nanotechnology and manufacturing, A*STAR attracts a diverse community of leading local researchers & foreign specialists from the USA, Europe and Asia Pacific region. About National University of Singapore (NUS) NUS enjoys a global standing as one of Asia's best universities and amongst the worlďs top 33. The multi-campus University, with distinctive strengths in education and research, features strong entrepreneurial and global dimensions in its multi-faceted initiatives. An NUS education optimizes students'potential, broadens intellectual horizons and shapes global outlooks. NUS leverages on its multi-disciplinary strengths to deliver a comprehensive broad-based education. The University has a cosmopolitan community of 30,000 students from 90 countries. A vibrant residential life, and exciting cultural and sporting pursuits add to the learning and living experience. About Nanyang Technological University (NTU) NTU is a research-intensive university with globally acknowledged strengths in science and engineering. NTU provides a high quality global education to more than 19, 100 undergraduates and 8,600 graduate students. The student body includes top scholars and international Olympiad medalists from the region and beyond. NTU's 2,500-strong teaching and research staff hail from more than 40 countries, bringing dynamic international perspectives and years of solid industry experience. About Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) 1. Introduction: The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) programme offers opportunities to international students to pursue their PhD studies in science and technology in a multi-disciplinary environment in Singapore. SINGA is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and it combines the capacity, capability, and resources of A*STAR Research Institutes with those of NUS and NTU for PhD education. PhD research will be carried out at applicanťs chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NUS or NTU. Students will be supervised by distinguished and world-renowned researchers in these labs. Upon successful completion, students will be conferred a PhD degree by either NUS or NTU. At the same time, international students gain: - world-class PhD education at top-ranked universities (NUS and NTU) and research institutes - new perspectives from their exposure to one of the fastest-growing economies and research hubs in Asia - a new network of friends and colleagues in Singapore and Asia that will serve as bridges in years to come 2. The research: SINGA brings together top scientists from A*STAR, NUS, and NTU. These scientists have made a mark in the international R&D landscape and are currently pursuing research work here at A*STAR, NUS, or NTU. SINGA students will be able to work with these top scientists in finding cures for AIDS, cancer, infectious diseases, diabetes, obesity, aging, etc., establishing novel approaches in bioengineering and nanotechnology for the next big scientific breakthrough, and developing ground-breaking and cutting-edge methods in areas such as data storage, optical communication, wireless and mobile technology, and artificial intelligence. There is no limit when it comes to research. And SINGA provides you the opportunity to begin the exciting journey of discovery and betterment of human life. Research areas under the PhD programme fall broadly under two categories: (i) Biomedical Sciences; and (ii) Physical Science and Engineering. 3. Eligibility for Award: - Open to all international final year undergrads, bachelor and master graduates - Graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results - Good skills in written and spoken English - Good reports from academic referees 4. Award Terms: - Attractive monthly stipend over 4 years of PhD studies, which can support awardees comfortably. The stipend amount is SGD 24,000 annually, to be increased to SGD 30,000 after passing Qualifying Examination - Full support for tuition fees for 4 years of PhD studies - One-time SGD 1,000 Settling-in Allowance - One-time SGD 1,500 Return Airfare - NO commitments required upon completion of studies