International Press & Media Briefing Wednesday 9 February 2005 Welcome to The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Dr Wyn Williams CE UKHO Introduction Captain Ian Turner RN Hydrographer of the Navy HMS SCOTT Hydrographic Instruction 1123 BAY OF BENGAL EARTHQUAKE RUPTURE ZONE HMS Scott HMS SCOTT Hydrographic Survey Vessel Commander Steve Malcolm RN Commanding Officer Outline Plan • Why did we need the survey? • Why this ship? • Capability – Equipment and People • Operational Environment • Co-operation • Survey Results • What next? • Questions and Panel Discussion Why did we need the survey? Existing Chart Data Channel and ridge Why HMS SCOTT? Equipment and Capability Why HMS SCOTT? Personnel Co-operation • Government Agencies (FCO, MoD) • Military, Scientific and Academic institutions (RN, BGS and SOC) • Indonesian authorities Results • Background to the December 26 earthquake – Plate tectonic setting and structure of subduction zones – Seismology – Tsunami generation and observations • General survey plan, area covered and overview of results so far • Active tectonic features • Active erosion/sedimentary features Why did it happen? • Indian plate is being subducted beneath Eurasia / Burma plate • Rate 50-60mm/yr but very oblique • Two large earthquakes during C19^th further to south (Figure from studies by Kerry Sieh, CalTech) Generic subduction zone cross section Earthquake-generated tsunamis • Seafloor deformed by earthquake • Wave initiated with small amplitude and high speed in deep water • Speed decreases and amplitude increases in shallow water Survey Area Lines Run OVERLAY OF DATA COLLECTED AND CURRENT CHART Examples of Landslide Scars Slide Scars and Thrust Faults Plate Boundary Youthful Slide with Slide Blocks Example of Slide Scar Diversion of Canyon Area of Active Erosion Older slide on newer ridge Large bedforms Thank you Questions? HMS Scott