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Click: "Project.SetProjectWorkDir" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.43 Help: "Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Label: "&Save Project" Click: "Project.Save" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+S" ) (Choice.44 Help: "Saves the current project with a new name" HelpTopic: "Save_Project_As" Label: "Save Project As..." Click: "Project.SaveAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.45 ) (Choice.46 Help: "Displays the Extensions Dialog" HelpTopic: "Extensions" Label: "Extensions..." Click: "Appl.GetExtensionWin" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.47 ) (Choice.48 Help: "Prints the view" HelpTopic: "Print" Label: "&Print..." Click: "View.Print" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.49 Help: "Edits the printer and the printing options" HelpTopic: "Print_Setup" Label: "P&rint Setup..." Click: "Project.PrintSetup" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.50 Disabled: 1 Help: "Exports the view" HelpTopic: "Export" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Export..." Click: "View.ExportDisp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.51 ) (Choice.52 Help: "Displays the dialog box to delete, edit, and copy data sources" HelpTopic: "Manage_Sources" Label: "&Manage Data Sources..." Click: "View.ManageSources" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.53 ) (Choice.54 Help: "Exits ArcView" HelpTopic: "Exit" Label: "E&xit" Click: "Project.Exit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.55 InternalName: "Edit" Child: 56 Child: 57 Child: 58 Child: 59 Child: 60 Child: 61 Child: 62 Child: 63 Child: 64 Child: 65 Child: 66 Child: 67 Child: 68 Child: 69 Child: 70 Child: 71 Child: 72 Child: 73 Child: 74 Label: "&Edit" ) (Choice.56 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "Cut T&hemes" Click: "View.CutThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.57 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the active themes to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Cop&y Themes" Click: "View.CopyThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.58 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the active themes from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Themes" Update: "View.ActiveDeletableThemesUpdate" Label: "De&lete Themes" Click: "View.DeleteThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.59 ) (Choice.60 Disabled: 1 Help: "Undo the last edit to graphics on a view" HelpTopic: "Undo_Graphic_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "&Undo Graphic Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Z" ) (Choice.61 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" HelpTopic: "Redo_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "&Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Y" ) (Space.62 ) (Choice.63 Disabled: 1 Help: "Cuts the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Cut_Graphics" Update: "View.CutUpdate" Label: "Cu&t Graphics" Click: "View.CutGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+X" ) (Choice.64 Disabled: 1 Help: "Copies the selected graphics to the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Copy_Graphics" Update: "View.CopyUpdate" Label: "&Copy Graphics" Click: "View.CopyGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+C" ) (Choice.65 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the selected graphics from the view" HelpTopic: "Delete_Graphics" Update: "View.DeleteUpdate" Label: "&Delete Graphics" Click: "View.DeleteGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.Del" ) (Space.66 ) (Choice.67 Disabled: 1 Help: "Combines the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Combine_Graphics" Update: "View.CombineUpdate" Label: "Com&bine Graphics" Click: "View.CombineGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.68 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unions the selected graphics to create a new graphic" HelpTopic: "Union_Graphics" Update: "View.UnionUpdate" Label: "U&nion Graphics" Click: "View.UnionGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.69 Disabled: 1 Help: "Subtracts one selected polygon from the other selected polygon" HelpTopic: "Subtract_Graphics" Update: "View.SubtractUpdate" Label: "&Subtract Graphics" Click: "View.SubtractGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.70 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates a new polygon from the area of overlap between the selected polygons" HelpTopic: "Intersect_Graphics" Update: "View.IntersectUpdate" Label: "&Intersect Graphics" Click: "View.IntersectGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.71 ) (Choice.72 Disabled: 1 Help: "Inserts the contents of the clipboard" HelpTopic: "Paste" Update: "View.PasteUpdate" Label: "&Paste" Click: "View.Paste" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+V" ) (Space.73 ) (Choice.74 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects all graphics in the view" HelpTopic: "Select_All_Graphics" Update: "View.HasGraphicsUpdate" Label: "Select &All Graphics" Click: "Graphic.SelectAll" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.75 InternalName: "View" Child: 76 Child: 77 Child: 78 Child: 79 Child: 80 Child: 81 Child: 82 Child: 83 Child: 84 Child: 85 Child: 86 Child: 87 Child: 88 Child: 89 Child: 90 Child: 91 Child: 92 Child: 93 Child: 94 Child: 95 Child: 96 Child: 97 Child: 98 Label: "&View" ) (Choice.76 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the view" HelpTopic: "View_Properties" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.Properties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.77 ) (Choice.78 Help: "Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Label: "&Add Theme..." Click: "View.Add" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+T" ) (Choice.79 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create a geocoded theme" HelpTopic: "Geocode_Addresses" Update: "View.GeocodeUpdate" Label: "&Geocode Addresses..." Click: "View.Geocode" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.80 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to create an XY or dynamic segmentation event-based theme " HelpTopic: "Add_Event_Theme" Update: "View.AddEventUpdate" Label: "Add &Event Theme..." Click: "View.AddEvent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.81 Help: "Creates a new theme" HelpTopic: "New_Theme" Label: "&New Theme..." Click: "View.NewTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.82 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes visible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "&Themes On" Click: "View.ThemesOn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.83 Disabled: 1 Help: "Makes all themes invisible" HelpTopic: "Themes_On_Themes_Off" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "T&hemes Off" Click: "View.ThemesOff" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.84 ) (Choice.85 Disabled: 1 Help: "Create a Layout from the View" HelpTopic: "Layout_menu_choice" Update: "View.HasThemesUpdate" Label: "La&yout..." Click: "View.Layout" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.86 ) (Choice.87 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can change the style of the TOC" HelpTopic: "TOC_Defaults" Update: "TocDefs.ShowUpdate" Label: "TOC Style..." Click: "TocDefs.Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.88 ) (Space.89 ) (Choice.90 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Full E&xtent" Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.91 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &In" Click: "View.ZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.92 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom &Out" Click: "View.ZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.93 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Zoom To Themes" Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.94 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom To &Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.95 Disabled: 1 Help: "Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Label: "Zoom Pre&vious" Click: "View.UndoZoom" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.96 ) (Choice.97 Disabled: 1 Help: "Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Find..." Click: "View.Find" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+F" ) (Choice.98 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Label: "&Locate Address..." Click: "View.Locate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.99 InternalName: "Theme" Child: 100 Child: 101 Child: 102 Child: 103 Child: 104 Child: 105 Child: 106 Child: 107 Child: 108 Child: 109 Child: 110 Child: 111 Child: 112 Child: 113 Child: 114 Child: 115 Child: 116 Child: 117 Child: 118 Child: 119 Child: 120 Child: 121 Label: "&Theme" ) (Choice.100 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "View.ThemeProperties" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.101 ) (Choice.102 Disabled: 1 Help: "Starts or stops editing of shapefile" HelpTopic: "Start_Stop_Editing_in_a_view" Update: "View.ToggleEditingUpdate" Label: "Start &Editing" Click: "View.ToggleEditing" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.103 Disabled: 1 Help: "Save edits to the source shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save Ed&its" Click: "View.SaveEdits" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.104 Disabled: 1 Help: "Saves edits to a new shapefile" HelpTopic: "Save_edits_as_theme" Update: "View.SaveEditsUpdate" Label: "Save E&dits As..." Click: "View.SaveEditsAs" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.105 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts a theme to a shapefile" HelpTopic: "Convert_to_Shapefile" Update: "View.ExportUpdate" Label: "Convert to &Shapefile..." Click: "View.Export" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.106 ) (Choice.107 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "Edit &Legend..." Click: "View.EditLegendClick" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.108 Disabled: 1 Help: "Shows or hides the active themes' legends" HelpTopic: "Hide_show_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Label: "&Hide/Show Legend" Click: "View.ToggleLegend" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.109 ) (Choice.110 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Re-match dialog for re-matching addresses" HelpTopic: "Re_match_Addresses" Update: "View.EditMatchUpdate" Label: "&Re-match Addresses..." Click: "View.EditMatch" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.111 ) (Choice.112 Disabled: 1 Help: "Labels features in active, visible themes" HelpTopic: "Auto_label" Update: "View.LabelThemesUpdate" Label: "&Auto-label..." Click: "View.LabelThemes" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+L" ) (Choice.113 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes any labels from active themes" HelpTopic: "Remove_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Rem&ove Labels" Click: "View.RemoveThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+R" ) (Choice.114 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes the overlapping labels from active themes, if they are still green." HelpTopic: "Remove_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabelsUpdate" Label: "Remove Overlappi&ng Labels" Click: "View.RemoveOverlapThemeLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.115 Disabled: 1 Help: "Converts selected overlapping labels to symbol of selected good label" HelpTopic: "Convert_Overlapping_Labels" Update: "View.ConvertOverlapLabelsUpdate" Label: "&Convert Overlapping Labels" Click: "View.ConvertOverlapLabels" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+O" ) (Space.116 ) (Choice.117 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Label: "&Table..." Click: "View.ShowTable" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.118 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "&Query..." Click: "View.Query" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+Q" ) (Choice.119 Disabled: 1 Help: "Selects features in the active themes using another theme's features" HelpTopic: "Select_By_Theme" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Select &By Theme..." Click: "View.SelectByTheme" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.120 Disabled: 1 Help: "Creates buffers around features" HelpTopic: "Create_Buffer_Choice" Update: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialogUpdate" Label: "Create Buffers..." Click: "WizardBuffer.OpenDialog" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.121 Disabled: 1 Help: "Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selected &Features" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.122 InternalName: "Graphics" Child: 123 Child: 124 Child: 125 Child: 126 Child: 127 Child: 128 Child: 129 Child: 130 Child: 131 Child: 132 Child: 133 Child: 134 Child: 135 Child: 136 Child: 137 Child: 138 Label: "&Graphics" ) (Choice.123 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays the property editor for the selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Graphic_Properties" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Properties..." Click: "Graphic.Edit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.124 ) (Space.125 ) (Choice.126 Help: "Shows a dialog where you can set the default values for the label and text tools" HelpTopic: "Default_settings_for_text_and_label_tools" Label: "&Text and Label Defaults..." Click: "Graphic.Label Defaults Show" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.127 ) (Choice.128 Disabled: 1 Help: "Displays a dialog box to adjust size and position of selected graphic" HelpTopic: "Size_and_Position" Update: "Graphic.SingleSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Size and Position..." Click: "Graphic.SizePos" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.129 Disabled: 1 Help: "Aligns the selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Align" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "&Align..." Click: "Graphic.Align" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+A" ) (Space.130 ) (Choice.131 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics in front of other graphics" HelpTopic: "Bring_to_Front_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Bring to &Front" Click: "Graphic.ToFront" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.132 Disabled: 1 Help: "Moves selected graphics behind other graphics" HelpTopic: "Send_to_Back_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.HasSelectionUpdate" Label: "Send to &Back " Click: "Graphic.ToBack" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.133 Disabled: 1 Help: "Groups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Group_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.GroupUpdate" Label: "&Group" Click: "Graphic.Group" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+G" ) (Choice.134 Disabled: 1 Help: "Ungroups selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Ungroup_on_a_view" Update: "Graphic.UngroupUpdate" Label: "&Ungroup" Click: "Graphic.Ungroup" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+U" ) (Space.135 ) (Choice.136 Disabled: 1 Help: "Associates selected graphics with active themes" HelpTopic: "Attach_Graphics" Update: "View.AddGraphicsUpdate" Label: "A&ttach Graphics" Click: "View.AddGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.137 Disabled: 1 Help: "Removes association between graphics and active themes" HelpTopic: "Detach_Graphics" Update: "View.ClearGraphicsUpdate" Label: "&Detach Graphics" Click: "View.ClearGraphics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.138 ) (PMenu.139 Child: 140 Child: 141 Child: 142 Child: 143 Label: "Point Patterns" ) (Choice.140 Label: "Quadrat Analysis" Click: "QuadMain" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.141 Label: "Ordered Neighbor Statistics" Click: "nna" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.142 Label: "Create Distance Matrix (points)" Click: "Dist_mat" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.143 Label: "Moran & Geary" Click: "Moran_Geary" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.144 InternalName: "Window" Child: 145 Child: 146 Child: 147 Child: 148 Child: 149 Child: 150 Child: 152 Child: 153 Label: "&Window" ) (Choice.145 Help: "Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles" HelpTopic: "Tile" Label: "&Tile" Click: "Project.Tile" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.146 Help: "Arranges windows" HelpTopic: "Cascade" Label: "&Cascade" Click: "Project.Cascade" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.147 Help: "Arranges iconified windows" HelpTopic: "Arrange_Icons" Label: "&Arrange Icons" Click: "Project.ArrangeIcons" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.148 ) (Choice.149 Help: "Shows the symbol window" HelpTopic: "Show_Symbol_Window" Label: "Show Symbol Window..." Click: "Project.ShowHideSymWin" Shortcut: "Keys.Ctrl+P" ) (Space.150 ObjectTag: 151 Update: "WindowMenuUpdate" ) (AVStr.151 S: "ch3.apr View1" ) (Choice.152 Help: "Activates ch3.apr" Label: "&1 ch3.apr" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.153 Help: "Activates View1" Label: "&2 View1" Click: "WindowActivate" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (PMenu.154 InternalName: "Help" Child: 155 Child: 156 Child: 157 Child: 158 Label: "&Help" ) (Choice.155 Help: "Displays the dialog for browsing and searching ArcView's help system" HelpTopic: "Help_on_Help_Topics" Label: "Help &Topics..." Click: "Project.HelpTopics" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.156 Help: "Provides instructions for how to obtain help from ArcView" HelpTopic: "Help_on_How_to_Get_Help" Label: "&How to Get Help..." Click: "Project.HelpHelp" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.157 ) (Choice.158 Help: "Provides information about ArcView" HelpTopic: "About" Label: "&About ArcView..." Click: "Project.About" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ButnBar.159 Child: 160 Child: 162 Child: 163 Child: 165 Child: 166 Child: 168 Child: 170 Child: 172 Child: 173 Child: 175 Child: 177 Child: 179 Child: 180 Child: 182 Child: 184 Child: 186 Child: 188 Child: 190 Child: 192 Child: 193 Child: 195 Child: 197 Child: 198 ) (Butn.160 Help: "Save Project//Saves the current project" HelpTopic: "Save_Project" Icon: 161 Click: "Project.Save" ) (AVIcon.161 Name: "Save" Res: "Icons.Save" ) (Space.162 ) (Butn.163 Help: "Add Theme//Inserts themes into the view" HelpTopic: "Add_Theme" Icon: 164 Click: "View.Add" ) (AVIcon.164 Name: "AddTheme" Res: "Icons.AddTheme" ) (Space.165 ) (Butn.166 Disabled: 1 Help: "Theme Properties//Displays the dialog box to edit properties of the active theme" HelpTopic: "Theme_Properties" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 167 Click: "View.ThemeProperties" ) (AVIcon.167 Name: "Props" Res: "Icons.Props" ) (Butn.168 Disabled: 1 Help: "Edit Legend//Displays the legends of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Edit_Legend" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 169 Click: "View.EditLegendClick" ) (AVIcon.169 Name: "Legend" Res: "Icons.Legend" ) (Butn.170 Disabled: 1 Help: "Open Theme Table//Opens the tables of the active themes" HelpTopic: "Open_Theme_Table" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 171 Click: "View.ShowTable" ) (AVIcon.171 Name: "Table" Res: "Icons.Table" ) (Space.172 ) (Butn.173 Disabled: 1 Help: "Find//Finds features in the active themes using the text you enter" HelpTopic: "Find" Update: "View.TabularThemesUpdate" Icon: 174 Click: "View.Find" ) (AVIcon.174 Name: "Find" Res: "Icons.Find" ) (Butn.175 Disabled: 1 Help: "Locate Address//Locates an address in the active, matchable theme" HelpTopic: "Locate_Address" Update: "View.LocateUpdate" Icon: 176 Click: "View.Locate" ) (AVIcon.176 Name: "AddMatch" Res: "Icons.AddMatch" ) (Butn.177 Disabled: 1 Help: "Query Builder//Displays the Query Builder to select features with a logical expression" HelpTopic: "Query_Builder" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 178 Click: "View.Query" ) (AVIcon.178 Name: "QueryBuilder" Res: "Icons.QueryBuilder" ) (Space.179 ) (Butn.180 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Full Extent//Zooms to the extent of all themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Full_Extent" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 181 Click: "View.ZoomFullExtent" ) (AVIcon.181 Name: "ZoomView" Res: "Icons.ZoomView" ) (Butn.182 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Active Theme(s)//Zooms to the extent of active themes" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Active_Theme" Update: "View.ActiveThemesUpdate" Icon: 183 Click: "View.ZoomToThemes" ) (AVIcon.183 Name: "ZoomTheme" Res: "Icons.ZoomTheme" ) (Butn.184 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Selected//Zooms to the extent of the selected features" HelpTopic: "Zoom_to_Selected" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 185 Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" ) (AVIcon.185 Name: "ZoomToSelected" Res: "Icons.ZoomToSelected" ) (Butn.186 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in on the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 187 Click: "View.ZoomIn" ) (AVIcon.187 Name: "ZoomIn" Res: "Icons.ZoomIn" ) (Butn.188 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from the center of the display" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 189 Click: "View.ZoomOut" ) (AVIcon.189 Name: "ZoomOut" Res: "Icons.ZoomOut" ) (Butn.190 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom to Previous Extent//Goes back to the previous extent you were viewing" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Previous" Update: "View.UndoZoomUpdate" Icon: 191 Click: "View.UndoZoom" ) (AVIcon.191 Name: "ZoomPrevious" Res: "Icons.ZoomPrevious" ) (Space.192 ) (Butn.193 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Features Using Graphic//Selects features in active themes using selected graphics" HelpTopic: "Select_Features_Using_Graphic" Update: "View.SpatialSelectUpdate" Icon: 194 Click: "View.SpatialSelect" ) (AVIcon.194 Name: "SpatialSelect" Res: "Icons.SpatialSelect" ) (Butn.195 Disabled: 1 Help: "Clear Selected Features//Unselects the selected features of all active themes" HelpTopic: "Clear_Selected_Features" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Icon: 196 Click: "View.ClearSelect" ) (AVIcon.196 Name: "SelectNone" Res: "Icons.SelectNone" ) (Space.197 ) (Butn.198 Help: "Help//Gets help about the next button, tool, or menu choice you click" HelpTopic: "Help_button" Icon: 199 Click: "Help.Tool" ) (AVIcon.199 Name: "HelpTool" Res: "Icons.HelpTool" ) (PopupSet.200 Child: 201 ) (Popup.201 Child: 202 Child: 203 Child: 204 Child: 205 Child: 206 Child: 207 Child: 208 Child: 209 Child: 210 Child: 211 Child: 212 Child: 213 Child: 214 Child: 215 Child: 216 Child: 217 Child: 218 Child: 219 Label: "Menu" ) (Choice.202 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Deletes the last entered point on the line or polygon being drawn" Update: "View.DelLastPointUpdate" Label: "Delete Last Point" Click: "View.DeleteLastPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.203 Help: "Undo the last edit to features in a theme" HelpTopic: "Undo_Feature_Edit_on_a_view" Update: "View.UndoEditUpdate" Label: "Undo Feature Edit" Click: "View.UndoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.204 Disabled: 1 Help: "Redo the last edit operation on a theme that was undone" Update: "View.RedoEditUpdate" Label: "Redo Feature Edit" Click: "View.RedoEdit" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.205 ) (Choice.206 Help: "Turns general snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleGeneralSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable General Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleGeneralSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.207 Help: "Turns interactive snapping on" Update: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Enable Interactive Snapping" Click: "View.ToggleInteractiveSnap" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.208 ) (Choice.209 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest vertex within the user tolerance" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Vertex" Click: "View.SnapToVertex" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.210 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest line segment" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Boundary" Click: "View.SnapToBoundary" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.211 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest node common to two or more features" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapUpdate" Label: "Snap to Intersection" Click: "View.SnapToIntersection" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.212 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snaps the next entered point to the nearest endpoint of an existing line" Update: "View.SnapToEndPointUpdate" Label: "Snap to Endpoint" Click: "View.SnapToEndPoint" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Space.213 ) (Choice.214 Help: "Unselects the selected features in all active themes" Update: "View.AttributeThemesUpdate" Label: "Clear Selection" Click: "View.ClearSelect" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.215 Help: "Zooms in at point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom In" Click: "View.PopupZoomIn" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.216 Help: "Zooms out from point where you click to bring up popup menu" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Zoom Out" Click: "View.PopupZoomOut" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.217 Help: "Zooms to the extent of the selected features" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Label: "Zoom to Selected" Click: "View.ZoomToSelected" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.218 Help: "Centers display on point where you click to bring up popup" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Label: "Pan" Click: "View.PopupPan" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (Choice.219 Disabled: 1 Help: "Opens the shape properties window for editing vertex locations" Update: "ShapeWin.PopUp Update" Label: "Shape Properties" Click: "ShapeWin.PopUp Open" Shortcut: "Keys.None" ) (ToolBar.220 Child: 221 Child: 223 Child: 225 Child: 227 Child: 229 Child: 231 Child: 233 Child: 235 Child: 237 Child: 239 Child: 241 Child: 260 Child: 273 Child: 292 ) (Tool.221 Disabled: 1 Help: "Identify//Provides information about a feature" HelpTopic: "Identify_tool" Update: "View.IdentifyUpdate" Icon: 222 Cursor: "Cursors.ID" Apply: "View.Identify" ) (AVIcon.222 Name: "ID" Res: "Icons.ID" ) (Tool.223 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pointer//Selects, moves, and resizes graphics" HelpTopic: "Pointer_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 224 Cursor: "Cursors.Select" Apply: "View.Select" Click: "View.SelectTool" ) (AVIcon.224 Name: "Select" Res: "Icons.Select" ) (Tool.225 Disabled: 1 Help: "Vertex Edit//Adds, moves, and deletes vertices of features and graphics" HelpTopic: "Vertex_Edit_tool" Update: "View.SelectToEditUpdate" Icon: 226 Cursor: "Cursors.SelectEdit" Apply: "View.SelectToEdit" Click: "View.SelectToEditTool" ) (AVIcon.226 Name: "SelectEdit" Res: "Icons.SelectEdit" ) (Tool.227 Disabled: 1 Help: "Select Feature//Selects features in the active themes by pointing or dragging" HelpTopic: "Select_Feature_tool" Update: "View.SelectableThemesUpdate" Icon: 228 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SelectPoint" ) (AVIcon.228 Name: "FeatureSelect" Res: "Icons.FeatureSelect" ) (Tool.229 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom In//Zooms in at a point you click or zooms in on a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_In_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 230 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomIn" Apply: "View.ZoomInTool" ) (AVIcon.230 Name: "ZoomInTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomInTool" ) (Tool.231 Disabled: 1 Help: "Zoom Out//Zooms out from a point you click or zooms out to include a rectangle you drag" HelpTopic: "Zoom_Out_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 232 Cursor: "Cursors.ZoomOut" Apply: "View.ZoomOutTool" ) (AVIcon.232 Name: "ZoomOutTool" Res: "Icons.ZoomOutTool" ) (Tool.233 Disabled: 1 Help: "Pan//Drags the display in the direction you move the cursor" HelpTopic: "Pan_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 234 Cursor: "Cursors.Pan" Apply: "View.Pan" ) (AVIcon.234 Name: "Pan" Res: "Icons.Pan" ) (Tool.235 Disabled: 1 Help: "Measure//Measures distance" HelpTopic: "Measure_tool" Update: "View.HasDataUpdate" Icon: 236 Cursor: "Cursors.Measure" Apply: "View.Measure" ) (AVIcon.236 Name: "Measure" Res: "Icons.Measure" ) (Tool.237 Disabled: 1 Help: "Hot Link//Follows a hot link in the active themes" HelpTopic: "Hot_Link_tool" Update: "View.HotLinkUpdate" Icon: 238 Cursor: "Cursors.Media" Apply: "View.HotLink" ) (AVIcon.238 Name: "Media" Res: "Icons.Media" ) (Tool.239 Disabled: 1 Help: "Area of Interest//Sets the view's Area Of Interest for library-based themes" HelpTopic: "Area_Of_Interest_tool" Update: "View.AOIToolUpdate" Icon: 240 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.AOITool" ) (AVIcon.240 Name: "AOI" Res: "Icons.AOI" ) (ToolMenu.241 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 242 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" Child: 243 Child: 244 Child: 246 Child: 248 Child: 250 Child: 252 Child: 254 Child: 256 Child: 258 ) (AVIcon.242 Name: "Tag" Res: "Icons.Tag" ) (Tool.243 Disabled: 1 Help: "Label//Labels a feature in the active theme with data from its table" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.LabelToolUpdate" Icon: 242 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.LabelTool" ) (Tool.244 Disabled: 1 Help: "Callout Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 245 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.CalloutLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.245 Name: "CallOutLabel1" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel1" ) (Tool.246 Disabled: 1 Help: "Bullet Leader Label//Click on a feature and drag in the direction you want the label to appear" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 247 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.247 Name: "CallOutLabel2" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel2" ) (Tool.248 Disabled: 1 Help: "Banner Label//Click on a feature you want to label" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 249 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxLabelTool" ) (AVIcon.249 Name: "CallOutLabel3" Res: "Icons.CallOutLabel3" ) (Tool.250 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Interstate//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 251 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway1 Apply" ) (AVIcon.251 Name: "BW US Interstate" Res: "Icons.BW US Interstate" ) (Tool.252 Disabled: 1 Help: "U.S. Route//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 253 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway2 Apply" ) (AVIcon.253 Name: "USRoute" Res: "Icons.USRoute" ) (Tool.254 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic State Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 255 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway3 Apply" ) (AVIcon.255 Name: "GenericStateHighway" Res: "Icons.GenericStateHighway" ) (Tool.256 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Square Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" HelpTopic: "Label_Tool" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 257 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway4 Apply" ) (AVIcon.257 Name: "GenericHighway1" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway1" ) (Tool.258 Disabled: 1 Help: "Generic Oval Hwy//Click where you want to place a highway shield" Update: "View.CalloutUpdate" Icon: 259 Cursor: "Cursors.Tag" Apply: "View.Highway5 Apply" ) (AVIcon.259 Name: "GenericHighway2" Res: "Icons.GenericHighway2" ) (ToolMenu.260 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 261 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" Child: 262 Child: 263 Child: 265 Child: 267 Child: 269 Child: 271 ) (AVIcon.261 Name: "Text" Res: "Icons.Text" ) (Tool.262 Help: "Text//Creates text on the display" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 261 Cursor: "Cursors.Text" Apply: "View.TextTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFontPanel" ) (Tool.263 Help: "Callout Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 264 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.CalloutTextTool" ) (AVIcon.264 Name: "CallOutText1" Res: "Icons.CallOutText1" ) (Tool.265 Help: "Bullet Leader Text//Click and drag to where you want your text to appear, then enter the text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 266 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.BulletLeaderTextTool" ) (AVIcon.266 Name: "CallOutText2" Res: "Icons.CallOutText2" ) (Tool.267 Help: "Banner Text//Click where you want your label to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 268 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.ShadowBoxTextTool" ) (AVIcon.268 Name: "CallOutText3" Res: "Icons.CallOutText3" ) (Tool.269 Help: "Drop-Shadow Text//Click where you want your text to appear and enter your text" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 270 Cursor: "Cursors.Target" Apply: "View.CreateDropShadowText" ) (AVIcon.270 Name: "DropShadowText" Res: "Icons.DropShadowText" ) (Tool.271 Help: "Spline Text//Adds text that is aligned to a splined baseline" HelpTopic: "Text_tool" Update: "View.TextToolUpdate" Icon: 272 Cursor: "Cursors.Bullseye" Apply: "View.SplineText" ) (AVIcon.272 Name: "TextAligned" Res: "Icons.TextAligned" ) (ToolMenu.273 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 274 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" Child: 275 Child: 276 Child: 278 Child: 280 Child: 282 Child: 284 Child: 286 Child: 288 Child: 290 ) (AVIcon.274 Name: "Point" Res: "Icons.Point" ) (Tool.275 Help: "Draw Point//Creates a point on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PointToolUpdate" Icon: 274 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PointTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayMarkerPanel" ) (Tool.276 Help: "Draw Straight Line//Creates a line on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.GraphicToolUpdate" Icon: 277 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.LineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.277 Name: "SelectLine" Res: "Icons.SelectLine" ) (Tool.278 Help: "Draw Line//Creates a line with two or more points on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyLineToolUpdate" Icon: 279 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyLineTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayPenPanel" ) (AVIcon.279 Name: "Lines" Res: "Icons.Lines" ) (Tool.280 Help: "Draw Rectangle//Creates a rectangle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 281 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.RectTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.281 Name: "Rect" Res: "Icons.Rect" ) (Tool.282 Help: "Draw Circle//Creates a circle on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 283 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.CircleTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.283 Name: "Disk" Res: "Icons.Disk" ) (Tool.284 Help: "Draw Polygon//Creates a polygon on the display" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.PolyToolUpdate" Icon: 285 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.PolyTool" Click: "SymWin.DisplayFillPanel" ) (AVIcon.285 Name: "Poly" Res: "Icons.Poly" ) (Tool.286 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Feature//Creates a line to split line features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitLineToolUpdate" Icon: 287 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.287 Name: "SplitLine" Res: "Icons.SplitLine" ) (Tool.288 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Split Polygon//Creates a line to split polygon features" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.SplitPolyToolUpdate" Icon: 289 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.SplitTool" ) (AVIcon.289 Name: "SplitPoly" Res: "Icons.SplitPoly" ) (Tool.290 Disabled: 1 Help: "Draw Line to Append Polygon//Appends a new polygon adjacent to other polygons" HelpTopic: "Draw_tool" Update: "View.AutoCompleteUpdate" Icon: 291 Cursor: "Cursors.CrossHair" Apply: "View.AutoCompleteTool" ) (AVIcon.291 Name: "AutoComplete" Res: "Icons.AutoComplete" ) (ToolMenu.292 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 293 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" Child: 294 Child: 295 ) (AVIcon.293 Name: "SnapTool" Res: "Icons.SnapTool" ) (Tool.294 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the general snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.SnapToolUpdate" Icon: 293 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.SnapTool" ) (Tool.295 Disabled: 1 Invisible: 1 Help: "Snap//Sets the interactive snapping tolerance for the editable theme" HelpTopic: "Snap_tools" Update: "View.InteractiveSnapToolUpdate" Icon: 296 Cursor: "Cursors.Default" Apply: "View.InteractiveSnapTool" ) (AVIcon.296 Name: "SnapFeatureTool" Res: "Icons.SnapFeatureTool" ) (AVIcon.297 Name: "Icon" Res: "View.Icon" ) (FN.865 Path: "$HOME" ) (TClr.866 Red: 0xffff Green: 0xffff ) (AVStr.867 S: "View" ) (AVStr.868 S: "Table" ) (AVStr.869 S: "Chart" ) (AVStr.870 S: "Layout" ) (AVStr.871 S: "Script" ) (AVStr.872 S: "Project" ) (AVStr.873 S: "Appl" )