Narušení regulace buněčného cyklu, programované buněčné smrti či mezibuněčné komunikace prostřednictvím organických polutantu - mechanismy karcinogeneze? IP '•»'#:'■*5,.::? ►».>•",• >'.%* Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): Sir John Percivall Pott (1775): ,first published description of an occupational cancer related to coal soot" I Sir Ernest Kennaway (1931): „first single PAH carcinogen" Reality is not so simple: • alternative bioactivation pathways; • tumor promoting effects of PAH metabolites; • direct cellular effects of parental compounds; • to describe nongenotoxic effects of POPs, it is necessary to study their mechanisms of effects of at cellular and molecular level. PAH CVPIAI/Efwiide hydrola« CONJUGATE FORMATION gluctironlde Sulfite O-metbylated catechol * OXIDATIVE DNA DAMAGE ■10' DNA ADDICTS PAH ^qiiinone * OXIDATIVE DNA DAMAGE ADDI'CT FORMATION * amino acids GSH RNA DNA Model chemical carcinogens vs. environmental pollutants Possibilities open for alternative effects of PAHs: • direct alteration of signaling pathways (mitogen-activated protein kinases; tyrosine kinases; Ca2+; modulation of phospholipid metabolism) • interation with nuclear receptors (estrogen receptor-a; estrogen receptor-ß; androgen receptor; peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors); • deregulation of cell-to-cell communication gap junctions; adherens junctions; • deregulation of cell proliferation and programmed cell death; • aberrant function of cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair; • epigenetic effects; • alternative biotransformation and oxidative stress; • activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and related effects; c. bHLH/PAS Class I bHLH dimeraaiion DNA binding T PAS secondary dfeiwrtzatlon _I_ Tran s activation AhR bHLH-PAS family protein AhR Ah RR HIF-a I PAS 5IM 1&2 Class II ARNT1 &2 JľJ ^ Xenobiotic response B m ^ Hypoxia signalling B B Neurogenesis Repression B General partner factor BMAL1 & 2 B Circadian rhythm Organism: Name: Ligand-binding: Physiological function: Nematodes: Caenorhabditis elegans AHR-1 No Neuronal development; Behavioral effects. Insects: Ďrosophila melanogasfer Spineless (Ss) No Development; Regulation of homeobox genes and dendrite Vertebrates: AhR (AhRl, AhR2) I Yes J ^Toxicity mechanisms^ development; Neuronal differentiation? Circadian rhytms? Activation and effects of AhR: E pi [he I in] hyperplasia QTumor promotion) Induction of drug metabolizing enzymes .Altered ER signaling Porphyria Deregulated lipid metabolism Decreased serum thyroxine Wasting leta holism of arachidoniĽ acid to biologically active products Persistent thy no id hormone receptor activation EGT receptor down-regulation Lipid pcroxidalior Immunosuppression inhibition of gluconeogenesis Teratogenes is/em hry Otu x ki ty Utilization of brown adipose tissue. Vi lamin A depletion Cardiac dysfunction Xenobictic response genes „Classical" AhR-regulated genes: contain xenobiotic response elements (XRE) or dioxin responsive elements (ĎRE) in their promoter region: • phase I and II enzymes - CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYPIBI, UĎP-glucuronosy/transferase, GST- Ya, NQOl; AhRR. AhR-regulated genes involved in control of cell proliferation and cell death: • pro-apoptotic genes - Bax; • immediate - early response genes - Jun, Fos; • cell cycle regulation - p27KiP1, p21w°f/aP. Majority of cells are not actively proliferating - they are in a quiescent GO phase of cell cycle. In vitro model of contact-inhibited cells. Progenitor Contact inliHePa+ocy+cs TP A or TCĎĎ. cell numbers i *> O é 8 S ^ \ )Rm$tmsm& c M O š S S O O O % m \ 1 f c i % _________1—-----\-----, <& % __________________H »—}—' i --------------------r —j v h -f-. ^ > \ —\- -£ \ T* H * O M -ŕ- Ofr í» O 14 D N) Jh 0> O IO \ S é 8 8 o o O O O > >^^^^- ^^^^^g- fcftfeKftKK^ >^^^^ HfeKKK^at^ 4 o m u m a M -^ * o w ■** en o» -± -* _* ^ _* O M -^ OJ 00 IO s 8 fc^^H o Ö %> S-phase Expression of dnAhR blocks the proliferative effects of AhR liqands: p53| — — — — — • i phospho-p53 m <#< **• c 0 u DC *4-0 C 0s < C L. a) "O n E D C ä) u 250 i 200 150 100 50- IJŕCXE (325-329) bHLH PAS I____________Q-rich AHR |"Š^:i; j m ju A495-805 ^;i;.;;:j:;fij:.i 8(15 DMSOTCDD Fla BbF BaA BaP wild type 1.2% ± 0.3 dnAhR 0.9% ± 0.4 O en Proteins involved in control of contact inhibition: Cdkl-cyclin B Cdk1-cyclin A AhR ligands modulate expression of proteins involved in 61—>S cell cycle transition: Transient knock-down of AhR blocks cyclin A induction: wild type dnAhR U^ Myelin A cdk2 --h ------ m m — m «q ^^ — — — — — _ p27 _•.-.— ««•«»«••»« pRB x i •_______— - i i ß-actin -----------------V- / />* <*é