Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 81, pp. 801-805, February 1984 Evolution Periodicity of extinctions in the geologic past (evolution/time series/paleontology) DAVID M. RAUP AND J. JOHN SEPKOSKI, JR. Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 Contributed by David M. Raup, October 11, 1983 ABSTRACT The temporal distribution of the major extinctions over the past 250 million years has been investigated statistically using various forms of time series analysis. The analyzed record is based on variation in extinction intensity for fossil families of marine vertebrates, invertebrates, and protozoans and contains 12 extinction events. The 12 events show a statistically significant periodicity (P < 0.01) with a mean interval between events of 26 million years. Two of the events coincide with extinctions that have been previously linked to meteorite impacts (terminal Cretaceous and Late Eocene). Although the causes of the periodicity are unknown, it is possible that they are related to extraterrestrial forces (solar, solar system, or galactic). Virtually all species of animals and plants that have ever lived are now extinct, and the known fossil record documents some 200,000 such extinctions. It has been generally assumed that extinction is a continuous process in the sense that species are always at risk and that mass extinctions simply reflect relatively short-term increases in that risk. Following this view, the extinction process is often described mathematically as a time homogeneous process using standard birth-death models (1-3). There is increasing evidence, however, that many extinctions are actually short-lived events of special stress, separated by periods of much lower, or even negligible, risk. Fischer and Arthur (4) departed from convention by arguing that the major extinction events of the past 250 million years (ma) occurred periodically at nearly constant intervals of 32 ma (see also ref. 5). Their study used a limited data base, and no statistical testing was done. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to test the proposition of periodicity in the record ofmarine extinctions over the past 250 ma (Late Permian to Recent) by using as rigorous a methodology as present data permit. DATA BASE The data for this study come from Sepkoski's compilation (6) of the temporal ranges of -3,500 families of marine animals (vertebrate, invertebrate, and protozoan), but the subset of data and method of expressing extinction intensity differ from our previous analyses ofthese data (7, 8). For the present study, a culled subset of the total sample was used: all families with low-resolution ranges, not known to the level of the stratigraphic stage, were eliminated, as were families noted by Sepkoski (6) as having questionable taxonomic or stratigraphic designations. In addition, families still living today were ignored in order to avoid the damping effect of the "Pull of the Recent" (9). This culling process reduced the sample substantially (567 for the Late Permian to Recent) but in so doing removed much ofthe noise that characterizes data sets of this kind. The Late Permian to Recent interval analyzed in this study contains several well-documented mass extinctions, has a comparatively accurate time scale, and is divided into relatively short stratigraphic stages. The interval comprises 39 international stages ranging in age from 253 ma B.P. (base of the Dzhulfian Stage of the Late Permian) to 11.3 ma B.P. (top of the Middle Miocene), using the Harland time scale (10). The mean duration ofthese 39 stages is 6.2 x 106 years, which makes it impossible to resolve extinction events separated by less than about 12 x 106 years (the Nyquist rate). Although finer resolution is possible in some parts of the geologic column and with some biologic groups, the resolution used in the present study is the best that can be achieved for comprehensive analysis in the present state of synoptic work. One can debate the quality ofthe individual data. The family is a rather large and arbitrary taxonomic unit and as such tends to damp variation at the species level (11): even if 99% of the members of a family become extinct at one time, the persistence of a single species will prevent that family from reflecting the extinction event. However, in spite of this problem, patterns of familial diversification and extinction do seem to correlate well with data for fossil species (12), and the available data for families represent a far more uniform and less biased sampling of the fossil record than any species-level data set. Age designations in the data set are also open to question, especially because geologic time scales are continually being revised. A given time scale represents a merger of a chronostratigraphic sequence (based primarily on fossils) and a scattering of radiometric dates (13). The present analysis uses the Harland and Odin time scales (10, 14), which have some substantial differences. The Harland scale is quite similar to that of Armstrong (15) and is nearly identical to the new time scale of the Geological Society of America (16). Thus, the Harland scale is probably the closest to a consensus, even though problems remain. MEASUREMENT OF EXTINCTION RATES Many metrics have been used to express variation in the intensity of extinction. Most commonly, the number of extinctions in an interval of geologic time is divided by standing diversity (total taxa present) and this in turn is divided by the estimated duration of the interval to yield a normalized, per capita rate of extinction per million years. In the present analysis, we have not normalized for time because of considerable uncertainty in the durations of stages (for example, the correlation of post-Paleozoic stage durations between the Harland and Odin time scales is only 0.48) and because ofthe growing suspicion, mentioned above, that extinction is not a continuous process (see also ref. 17). Furthermore, it should be noted that there is no statistical correlation between the raw extinction data and stage duration: for the stages of the Phanerozoic used by Sepkoski (6), numbers of extinctions have a correlation of -0.06 with stage durations in the Harland time scale. This is compatible with the hypothesis that extinction is an episodic process. Abbreviation: ma, million year(s). 801 The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. ยง1734 solely to indicate this fact. 802 Evolution: Raup and Sepkoski cm 30> ~20 U05 - (-) QL DISIILICINIRIHISIPITI BBC_____V~B11AJCf,m PTRIASSIC JURASSIC ICRETACEOUS TERTIARY 250 200 150 100 50 0 GEOLOGIC TIME (106 YR.) FIG. 1. Extinction record for the past 250 ma. Letter codes (bottom) identify stratigraphic stages. The best-fit 26-ma cycle is shown along the top. The;relative heights of extinction peaks should not be taken as literal expressions of extinction intensity because the absence of extant taxa exaggerates the heights of younger peaks. In the analysis that follows, the data are normalized for standing diversity by expressing the number of families becoming extinct as a percentage of the families present. Because standing diversity changes relatively slowly, the effect of this normalization is minor. Fig. 1 shows the basic time series for the Late Permian to Middle Miocene interval using the Harland time scale. One point for extinction intensity is plotted at the end of each stage. The use of the end point is not entirely arbitrary. Many of the stratigraphic units were originally established on the basis of major faunal turnover (extinction) and it is no accident that the two largest mass extinctions (Late Permian and Late Cretaceous) were used to mark the boundaries between the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras. The plotting of extinctions at the ends of stages does not deny that some extinctions occur between stage boundaries, but this convention is used as the best general inference in the present state ofknowledge: (Moving the points to the middle or even beginning of the stages changes the statistical results in no substantial way.) For the purpose of this analysis, each peak in Fig. 1 is an extinction "event," a peak being any point flanked by lower points. Three of the four highest peaks correspond to the Late Permian (Guadalupian-Dzhulfian), Late Triassic (Norian), and terminal Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) events, all of which have long been recognized as major mass extinctions. The most questionable peak is probably the one at the extreme right of Fig. 1 (Middle Miocene at 11.3 ma). Because average family extinction rate declines through the Phanerozoic (7), sampling error becomes a problem as the Recent is approached. We have included the Middle Miocene peak largely on the basis of other evidence (18, 19). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TIME SERIES Fig. 1 gives a visual impression of a rather regular spacing of peaks of extinction through the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. However, because the data represent interval estimates ofthe times of extinction and because no two peaks of extinction can be recognized if they are separated by less than one stage, qualitative impressions may be misleading. For this reason, we have applied a variety of standard and nonstandard tests of periodicity to the time series. In each case, special attention was given to the problems imposed by the irregular and scattered distribution of data points. Fourier Analysis. In an initial, exploratory pass, the 39 extinction points in Fig. 1 were subjected to a simple Fourier analysis. The resulting smoothed power spectrum is illustrat- IIV 1 10 20 30 40 HARMONIC FIG. 2. Fourier power spectrum for the extinction time series. ed in Fig. 2. This spectrum shows a peak in power near the first harmonic (reflecting the high extinction percentages near the two ends of the time series) and a pronounced peak at the eighth harmonic, suggesting a periodicity in the neighborhood of 30 million years. However, though promising, the second peak in the power spectrum should not be taken as proof of a persistent periodicity. It can be argued that the necessary minimal spacing of 12 x 106 years between observed extinction peaks can make random (Poisson) data appear periodic to Fourier analysis. The Fourier results were corroborated by a standard autocorrelation analysis. The correlogram showed statistically significant autocorrelation (P < 0.01) for cycles between 27 and 35 ma. However, we do not consider this conclusive because autocorrelation gives undue weight to the long intervals of background extinction between peaks. Nonparametric Testing. In order to accommodate the irregular distribution of data points in the time series and the interval nature of the geologic time scale, we developed a nonparametric test based on comparing the obseryed time series with an empirically developed distribution of all possible time series constructed from the same data. Test distributions were assembled by "brute force" from computer simulations involving Monte Carlo randomization of the actual data. By this means, we preserved the basic fabric ofthe data and avoided assumptions about the distribution. The test procedure involved the following steps: (i) A perfectly periodic impulse function with a given cycle length between 12 and 60 ma was placed arbitrarily onlthe time series to establish a set of predicted times of extinction. For each extinction event (peak in Fig. 1), the distance to the closest predicted time was recorded as a positive or negative error. The mean of these errors was then subtracted from each predicted peak position to find the best-fit position of the function. (This procedure was iterated several times to insure that no error exceeded halfa cycle length.) The errors were then recalculated and their standard deviation was computed to be used as a metric of goodness offit. (A standard deviation of zero would thus represent a perfect fit to a given cycle.) This approach has the advantage that each peak is considered independently and intervals between peaks are never measured explicitly so that we avoid problems that would be caused by extra or missing peaks. (ii) The real data were randomized (shuffled) with a random number generator, peaks of extinction were identified as before, and the goodness-of-fit metric was calculated for the distances between predicted and observed peaks in the randomized data. This was repeated 500 times for each cycle to estimate an empirical probability density distribution of standard deviations for the randomized data. (iii) The standard deviation of distances (errors) from the cycle for the real data was then compared with the distribution formed by the 500 simulations. If the standard deviation of errors for the real time series was lower than 99% of the Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 81 (1984) Evolution:RaupandSepkoski~~Proc.NatL Acad Sci. USA 81 (1984) 803 20 LUJ C) C) Cr, I- U-) II 1500- 1000 REAL DATA OBS 500 MA 0~~~~~~~~~00STANDARD DEVIATION 4 AJ.5[- .000 0 "' n 10 20 30 640 CYCLE (10 YR) FIG. 3. Goodness of fit (inverse of standard devi~ between 12 and 60 ma. Dots and crosses refer to th, 500 simulations; the solid line represents the real dat bution' of 8,00 simulations for the 26-ma cycle. randomized results, the cycle being investigate ered to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). The reslilts of this test procedure using the scale are illustrated in Fig. 3. The axes of this fitted cycle lengths from 12 to 60,ma (abscissa) dard deviation's of the distances between obse dicted peaks (ordin~tte). The solid line' in the g~ standard deviations for the real data, and tht dotted lines show the 50th and 99th percentile domized -data, respectively. As evident, the re the mean simulation fairly closely over most There are, however,, two major excursions standard deviations. Thie larger excursion cent where the standard deviation of distances of predicted peaks is <99% of those computed I ized data. The second excursion at 30 ma is les with the standard deviation for the real data bi the randomized version. Fig. 3 Inset '0show"s detail for the result at 26 the standard deviation for the real data at Nhi was actually less than all 500 randomizations, an additional 8,000 simulations. The frequenc, of standard deviations for the additional simuht trated in the Inset. As evident, none of these sit a standard deviation as low as the real times clearly a highly significant result (P < 0.0001). Two special problems have to be considered this result. First, the time series of extinction somewhat fewer peaks than would be predict random walk-that is, the timie series appears memory (Markov property), as also ihdicated correlation analysis. In view of this, the comp was written so that only simulations with the of peaks as the real time series were used. Tb not profound because when the computations v without the Markov constraint, the results vN identical. The other problem is potentially more serioi do with the nature of the time scale. The comp that produced Fig. 3 caused-both the extinction time scale to be randomized. In randomizing ti durations of stages were preserved but their s changed. It could be argued that the statistical 'Si the results could have been' generated by peric in the time scale itself rather than from the di Table 1. Results of nonparametric testing of the Late Permian to Middle Miocene extinction record Cycle length, ma .20 . .. . 25 . .. . 30.. 1-arland time scale With time randomization ++ + * Without time randomization *+* Odin time scale With time randomization ** ** Without time randomization *** Symbols indicate apparent statistical significance of the fitted cycle lengths (+, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05). extinctions. Bat even if this were the case, periodicity of extinctions could Still be claimed because the record of extinictions has been used in part to establish boundaries in the 50 60 ~~geologic time scale. Nevertheless, the analyses were also performed without randomization of the time scale. For the 26-ma cycle, the statistical confidence drops from P < iation) for cycles 0.0001 to P -0.0045, the latter being based on 4,000 simulaie distribution of tions. This latter probability value -should be taken as the ta. (Inset) Distri- most conservative estimate, although. not necessarily the correct one. Table 1 summarize's the results of all test runs using the -.d was consid- nonparametric procedure with both the Harland and Odin time scales. Cycles that are significant at the 95% level (P < Harland time 0.05) or at the 99% level (P < 0.01) are indicated. Runs were graph are the also made separately on the first and second halves of the and the stan- time series. The first half provided significant results for cy-rved and pre- cle lengths of 24-27 (P < 0.01) and 28 mfa (P < 0.05); the raphplts the second half gave significant results at 28 and 29 (P < 0.01) ecrossed and and at 27 and 30 ma (P < 0.05). The difference between these ~s for the- ran- results is minor and probably reflects some "wobble" in the lal data follow real data. cycle lengths. It is important to note that each row in Table 1 is the result toward lower of 49 separate tests, one for each cycle between 12 and 60 :ers on 26 ma, ma. Because many statistical tests were performed simul~taibserve'd from neously, there i's a nontrivial probability that one or more From' random- will indicate a "significant" P value just by chance. One ;ss substantial, could calculate the binomial probabilities of such outcomes ~eing <95% of but this would require an assumption of the independence of the tests. In fact, the tests are not independent: a low P value ma. Because for one cycle is often associated with low values for adjacent scycle length cycles. Therefore, we have developed~the -probability distriwe computed bution of 'multiple successes empirically by using a separate ~y distribution set of randomized versions of the time series as input for the attions is illus- basic program for the nonparametric test. This provides a rnulations had good estimate of the likelihood of clusters of low P values ;eries. Thi's is comparable to those in. Table 1. It turnis out that almost all clusters of "significant" results d in assessing are concentrated among the longer cycles (>30 ma). In fact, n data shows using the.Harland time scale, inicluding its randomization, no ~ted were it a cluster of three or more values with P < 0.01 occurred in to have some cycles <30 ma in 500 trials. Thus, the probability of a cluster by the auto- of three occurring by chance in the 12- to 29-ma interval is )uter program <0.002. The statistical significance of the 26- to 28-ma cycles same number in the first row of Table 1 (14arland time scale with time rani5s problem is domization) is sustained at P < 0.01. vere repeated For the second row in Table 1 (Harland time scale without vere virtually time randomization), the highest value in the cluster of three is P = 0.038, and the expected distribution cif clusters at least uis and has to as strong as this was also determined by the procedure just uter 'program described. Again, the frequency of clusters increases sharply idata and the with increatsing cycle length. For cycles of <30 ma, only 4 of ie time scale, the 500 simulations showed clusters of at Jeast three P values ;equence was of 0.038 or less. This corresponds to a probability of 0.008 significance of and amply sustains the statistical significance of the cluster )dic elements (P < 0.01). We thus conclude that both indications of perioDistribution of dicity between 25 and 27 ma shown for the Harland time Evolution: Raup and Sepkos'ki 11 804 Evolution: Raup and Sepkoski ~75- 50- 50 25 20 1 5 10 5 0 TIME ( 10 YR ) FIG. 4. Composite best-fit curve for extinction intensity using a 26-ma cycle. The range between the 25th and 75th percentiles of the data is shown by the vertical lines. scale are highly significant. This does not apply to the analysis based on the Odin time scale; the P < 0.05 point at 26 ma is corroborative but not significant. The analysis just described lessens confidence in the scattered indications of periodicity outside the 25- to 27-ma range in Table 1. The significant cycles at 19, 29, and 30 should be interpreted only as suggestions for future exploration when stronger data bases are available. The cycle at 30 ma may be real but cannot be confirmed with the present time series. Best-Fit Cycle.- The results of a final test of the extinction record are illustrated in Fig. 4. This figure represents a "composite cycle" constructed by averaging together 26-ma segments of the time series in Fig. 1. To compute the composite, the time series was marked off at 26-ma intervals in such a way that the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary peak (at 65 ma B.P.) was at the center of one interval. The extinction data in each interval (interpolated to every 1 ma) were then rescaled so that the maximal value was 100%. These values were collected with their counterparts in other intervals and averages and dispersions were calculated. This procedure was performed for a variety of interval lengths (i.e., cycle lengths) on either side of 26 ma. The illustrated composite cycle represents a best-fit to the data in the sense that the composite peak has maximal amplitude and minimal dispersion about the median values. Tests of the medians show highly significant differences: a Friedmann's test for points separated by 6 ma (the approximate average stage duration) results in an S value of 250 (P < 0.05 with four degrees offreedom). Other cycle lengths give less significant results, and the composite curve deteriorates into an irregular, non-unimodal curve (noise) when the cycle departs substantially from the best-fit cycle. It should be noted that the composite curve in Fig. 4 rises to a fairly sharp peak, which is compatible with (although does not prove) the proposition that mass extinctions are discrete events. If extinctions resulted from continuous fluctuations in background rate, a composite curve approaching a sine-cosine function would be expected. The curve in Fig. 4 may in fact represent a rather conservative illustration of the abruptness of the average extinction peak; much of its breadth may result from the interval nature of the data and the fact that sampling error (i.e., failure to locate a family's precise interval of extinction) tends to smear the record of mass extinction backward in time (20). The slight asymmetry of the curve in Fig. 4 is consistent with this last proposition. CONCLUSIONS The time series in Fig; 1 has the 26-ma cycle superimposed in its best-fit position. The deviations from this best-fit position are listed in Table 2. The 26-ma cycle predicts 10 extinction events in the Permian-Miocene interval, whereas the actual time series contains 12 peaks. Ofthe 12 peaks, the smallest is in the Early Triassic (Olenekian); this peak reflects only ammonoid extinctions and may be spurious, but it was included in the analysis for the sake of consistency. The poorest fits are for 2 peaks in the Middle Jurassic and the one in the Early Cretaceous. These three peaks are low and may not be significantly higher than the surrounding background extinc- tion. It seems inescapable that the post-Late Permian extinction record contains a 26-ma periodicity, assuming that the Harland time scale (with its Geological Society ofAmerica counTable 2. Comparison of geologic ages of observed extinction peaks and the predicted ages of a 26ma cycle in best-fit position Harland time scale Odin time scale Peak Closest peak Peak Closest peak observed, predicted, Error, observed, predicted, Error, ma B.P. ma B.P. ma ma B.P. ma B.P. ma Tertiary Middle Miocene 11.3 13 -1.7 11 9.4 +1.6 Late Eocene 38 39 -1 34 35.4 -1.4 Cretaceous Maestrichtian 65 65 0 65 61.4 +3.6 Cenomanian 91 91 0 91 87.4 +3.6 Hauterivian 125 117 +8 114 113.4 +0.6 Jurassic Tithonian 144 143 +1 130 139.4 -9.4 Callovian 163 169 -6 150 139.4 + 10.6 13ajocian 175 169 +6 170 165.4 +4.6 Pliensbachian 194 195 -1 189 191.4 -2.4 Triassic Norian 219 221 -2 209 217.4 -8.4 Olenekian 243 247 -4 239 243.4 -4.4 Permian Dzhulfian 248 247 +1 245 243.4 +1.6 Standard deviation of errors = 3.85 Standard deviation of errors = 5.65 Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 81 (1984) Proc. NatL. Acad. Sci. USA 81 (1984) 805 terpart) is a reasonable approximation of reality. This conclusion is based primarily on the nonparametric test procedure described in this paper, but the other, less rigorous tests are largely confirmatory, especially the best-fit composite cycle (at 26 ma, Fig. 4). Of particular importance is the fact that the nonparametric test gives approximately the same results when applied independently to the two halves of the time series. The Fourier and autocorrelation analyses yield cycles reasonably close to 26 ma. In view of the various sources of distortion in these analyses, we do not see these discrepancies as significant. It is likely, however, that as the quality of the time scale and paleontological data improve, the length of the estimated cycle may shift somewhat. It is possible that the appearance of a 26-ma cycle actually results from a longer cycle of, say, 52 ma in combination with a scattering of random events. This model has been tested and found to be a weaker description of the data than the simple 26-ma cycle. Also, with more and better data, studies of periodicity can be extended to the Paleozoic. At present, the Sepkoski data set shows no evidence of Paleozoic periodicity that can survive the test procedures used here for the younger record. This may well be due to the relatively weak state of the Paleozoic time scale but nothing can be said unequivocally at this time. IMPLICATIONS If periodicity of extinctions in the geologic past can be demonstrated, the implications are broad and fundamental. A first question is whether we are seeing the effects of a purely biological phenomenon or whether periodic extinction results from recurrent events or cycles in the physical environment. If the forcing agent is in the physical environment, does this reflect an earthbound process or something in space? If the latter, are the extraterrestrial influences solar, solar system, or galactic? Although none of these alternatives can be ruled out now, we favor extraterrestrial causes for the reason that purely biological or earthbound physical cycles seem incredible, where the cycles are of fixed length and measured on a time scale of tens of millions of years. By contrast, astronomical and astrophysical cycles of this order are plausible even though candidates for the particular cycle observed in the extinction data are few. One possibility is the passage of our solar system through the spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, which has been estimated to occur on the order of 108 years (21). Shoemaker has argued (21) that passage through galactic arms should increase the comet flux and this could, following the Alvarez hypothesis (22), provide an explanation for the biological extinctions. Two ofthe extinction events being considered here (Late Cretaceous and Late Eocene) are associated with evidence for meteorite impact (23, 24). However, much more information is needed before definitive statements about causes can be made. It may turn out that the biological extinction record is sensitive to periodic phenomena that other indicators have failed to recognize. The implications of periodicity for evolutionary biology are profound. The most obvious is that the evolutionary system is not "alone" in the sense that it is partially dependent upon external influences more profound than the local and regional environmental changes normally considered. Much has been written about the "bottlenecking" effect of mass extinction. With kill rates for species estimated to have been as high as 77% and 96% for the largest extinctions (11, 25), the biosphere is forced through narrow bottlenecks and the recovery from these events is usually accompanied by fundamental changes in biotic composition (26). Without these perturbations, the general course of macroevolution could have been very different. We thank Eric W. Holman, Ronald Thisted, and D. S. Simberloff for discussions of statistical procedures. This research was supported by National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAG 2-237. 1. Yule, G. U. (1924) Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 213, 21-87. 2. Van Valen, L. (1973) Evol. Theory 1, 1-30. 3. Raup, D. M. (1978) Paleobiology 4, 1-15. 4. Fischer, A. G. & Arthur, M. A. (1977) in Deep-Water Carbonate Environments, eds. Cook, H. E. & Enos, P. (Society of Economic Paleontologists & Mineralogists, Tulsa, OK), Spec. Publ. 25, pp. 19-50. 5. Fischer, A. G. (1981) in Biotic Crises in Ecological and Evolutionary Time, ed. Nitecki, M. H. (Academic, New York), pp. 103-131. 6. Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (1982) Milwaukee Contrib. Biol. Geol. 51, 1-125. 7. Raup, D. M. & Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (1982) Science 215, 1501- 1503. 8. Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (1982) in Geological Implications of Impacts ofLarge Asteroids and Comets on the Earth, eds. Silver, L. T. & Schultz, P. H. (Geol. Soc. 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W. & Lipps, J. H. (1982) in Geological Implications ofImpacts ofLarge Asteroids and Comets on the Earth, eds. Silver, L. T. & Schultz, P. H. (Geol. Soc. Am., Boulder, CO), Spec. Paper 190, pp. 291-2%. 21. Shoemaker, E. M. (1983) in Patterns ofChange in Earth Evolution, eds. Holland, H. D. & Trendall, A. F. (Springer, Berlin), in press. 22. Alvarez, L. W., Alvarez, W., Asaro, F. & Michel, H. V. (1980) Science 208, 1095-1108. 23. Alvarez, W., Asaro, F., Michel, H. V. & Alvarez, L. W. (1982) Science 216, 886-888. 24. Ganapathy, B. (1982) Science 216, 885-886. 25. Valentine, J. W., Foin, T. C. & Peart, D. (1978) Paleobiology 4, 55-66. 26. Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (1981) Paleobiology 7, 36-53. Evolution: Raup and Sepkoski