Journal of Applied Ecology 2008, 45, 448^58 doi: 10.1111/J.1365-2664.2007.01398.X Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe Milan Chytrý1*, Lindsay C. Maskell2, Joan Pino3, Petr Pyšek4, Montserrat Vila5, Xavier Font6 and Simon M. Smart2 ^Department ofBotanyandZoology Masaryk University, Kotlárská2, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic;2 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg LA 14AP, UK; ^Centerfor Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), and Unit of Ecology, Department of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain;A Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-25243 Průhonice, and Department of Ecology, Charles University, ViniCná 7, CZ-12801 Praha, Czech Republic; ^Biological Station Doňana (EBD-CSIC), Avda. Maria Luisa sin Pabellón del Perú, E-41013 Sevilla, Spain; and eDepartment of Plant Biology, University of Barcelona, Avd. Diagonal 645, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain Summary 1. Although invasions by alien plants are major threats to the biodiversity of natural habitats, individual habitats vary considerably in their susceptibility to invasion. Therefore the risk assessment procedures, which are used increasingly by environmental managers to inform effective planning of invasive plant control, require reliable quantitative information on the extent to which different habitats are susceptible to invasion. It is also important to know whether the levels of invasion in different habitats are locally specific or consistent among regions with contrasting climate, flora and history of human impact. 2. We compiled a database of 52 480 vegetation plots from three regions of Europe: Catalonia (Mediterranean-submediterranean region), Czech Republic (subcontinental) and Great Britain (oceanic). We classified plant species into neophytes, archaeophytes and natives, and calculated the proportion of each group in 33 habitats described by the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification. 3. Of 545 alien species found in the plots, only eight occurred in all three regions. Despite this large difference in species composition, patterns of habitat invasions were highly consistent between regions. None or few aliens were found in environmentally extreme and nutrient-poor habitats, e.g. mires, heathlands and high-mountain grasslands. Many aliens were found in frequently disturbed habitats with fluctuating nutrient availability, e.g. in man-made habitats. Neophytes were also often found in coastal, littoral and riverine habitats. 4. Neophytes were found commonly in habitats also occupied by archaeophytes. Thus, the number of archaeophytes can be considered as a good predictor of the neophyte invasion risk. However, neophytes had stronger affinity to wet habitats and disturbed woody vegetation while archaeophytes tended to be more common in dry to mesic open habitats. 5. Synthesis and applications. The considerable inter-regional consistency of the habitat invasion patterns suggests that habitats can be used as a good predictor for the invasion risk assessment. This finding opens promising perspectives for the use of spatially explicit information on habitats, including scenarios of future land-use change, to identify the areas of highest risk of invasion. Key-words: archaeophyte, Catalonia, Czech Republic, exotic species, Great Britain, invasibility, neophyte, non-native, vascular plants, vegetation plots correspondence author. E-mail: © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society Habitat invasions by alien plants 449 Introduction Invasions by alien plant species is an environmental issue of global significance (Mack et al. 2000; Hulme 2006; Pyšek, Richardson & Jarošík 2006; Rejmánek et al. 2006; Richardson & Pyšek 2006). However, not all regions, biomes or habitats are invaded to the same extent. It has been demonstrated that temperate regions are invaded more frequently than the tropics (Lonsdale 1999; Rejmánek, Richardson & Pyšek 2005), New World more than the Old World (di Castri 1989; Lonsdale 1999), islands more than the mainlands (Lonsdale 1999; Daehler2006) and landscapes rich in native species more than landscapes poor in native species (Kühn et al. 2003; Stohlgren et al. 2005). Within particular regions, the level of invasion usually varies strongly among habitats (Crawley 1987; Rejmánek 1989; Rejmánek, Richardson & Pyšek 2005), suggesting that some habitats are more susceptible to invasions than others. Quantitative comparisons of the level of invasion between habitats have been conducted in some regions (Stohlgren et al. 1999; Chytrý et al. 2005; Maskell et al. 2006; Vila, Pino & Font 2007), but it is still unclear how far patterns from one region can be generalized or transferred to regions with other climates, historical and bio-geographical features and different assemblages of alien plants. Currently, considerable effort is devoted to modelling spatially explicit scenarios of future climate and land-use change (Sala et al. 2000; Settele et al. 2005; Rounsevell et al. 2006). The risk of invasions by alien species can be projected upon these scenarios, provided there is sufficiently detailed knowledge of the level of invasion typical of different habitats. However, this knowledge is available only for restricted regions. For the development of invasion risk scenarios for large areas such as Europe, it is therefore necessary to test whether the patterns of habitat invasion identified in smaller regions are valid in other regions, particularly in those with contrasting climate. Earlier attempts to quantify the habitat-specific levels of plant invasion were based usually on the identification of species pools for particular habitats (Crawley 1987; Rejmánek, Richardson & Pyšek 2005; Walter et al. 2005). Using this approach, each species of the regional flora was assigned to one or more habitats, based on the expert knowledge of species' habitat preferences. Subsequently, habitats with more species were considered as more invaded or perhaps even more invasible (but see Lonsdale 1999; Chytrý et al. 2005). However, habitats with large regional pools of ecologically compatible invasive species may actually not be highly invaded at the local scale. Invasion-resistant habitats may locally contain few or no alien species despite a large pool of ecologically compatible alien species present in the wider region. In contrast, invasion-prone habitats may contain some aliens in most places even though the regional pool of ecologically compatible aliens can be limited. Large databases of vegetation plots, amassed recently in some European countries (Hennekens & Schaminée 2001), enable comparative analyses of actual level of invasion of different habitats. First analyses based on such data have already appeared for the city of Berlin (Kowarik 1995; 43 habitat types), the Czech Republic (Chytrý et al. 2005; 32 habitat types), Great Britain (Maskell et al. 2006; eight habitat types) and Catalonia (Vila, Pino & Font 2007; 32 habitat types). However, no comprehensive data sets of vegetation plots are available so far in most European countries, which prevents an analysis of the level of invasion across habitats in the whole of Europe. Within the framework of an international project, ALARM (Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods; Settele et al. 2005), we explored three comprehensive data sets of vegetation plots from three regions which represent contrasting climates typical of large parts of southern, central and western Europe: Catalonia (Mediterranean-submediterranean climate), Czech Republic (subcontinental) and Great Britain (oceanic), with the aim to identify (1) whether the composition of alien species found in individual habitats differs between the three regions and if so, to what extent; (2) which are the most common alien plant species; (3) which habitats are most and least invaded; (4) whether the between-habitat pattern in the proportion of alien species is consistent across the three regions; and (5) whether neophytes (post-1500 immigrants) tend to invade the same habitats as archaeophytes (pre-1500 immigrants). Materials and methods VEGETATION DATA The data sets from Catalonia, Czech Republic and Great Britain contained a total of 52 480 vegetation plots (Table 1). Catalonia is located in north-eastern Spain between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a region with predominantly Mediterranean-submediterranean climate, although some areas with oceanic and alpine climates occur in the north. The Catalonian data set included vegetation plots (relevés) stored in the floracat database Table 1. Selected characteristics of the studied regions and numbers of vegetation plots. Numbers of alien species are given with casual species excluded (sources: Bolôs et al. 1993; Preston, Pearman & Dines 2002; Pyšek, Sádlo & Mandák 2002; Pino et al. 2005) Catalonia Czech Republic Great Britain Area (km2) Altitude (m a.s.l.) No. of native species in the region's flora No. of archaeophytes in the region's flora No. of neophytes in the region's flora No. of plots used in the current study 32 106 0-3150 C.2950 _2 264 15 650 78 865 115-1602 2 256 258 229 20 468 229 979 0-1343 14551 151 259 16 362 'Including 46 species with doubtful status (native or alien). 2Archaeophytes are included among native species. ) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 450 M. Chytrý et al. (Font & Ninot 1995), which were sampled originally for the purpose of phytosociological classification. Only plots assigned to units of phytosociological classification were used in this study. The plots differed in size from 1 m2 to hundreds of m2 (Table 2), as is typical for European phytosociological relevés (Chytrý & Otýpková 2003). Further details on the Catalonian data set are given in Vila, Pino & Font (2007). The Czech Republic is located in Central Europe and has a subcontinental climate. The Czech data set included vegetation plots sampled with the same aims and methods and using comparable plot sizes as in Catalonia. The source of the data was the Czech National Phytosociological Database (Chytrý & Rafajová 2003), from which a stratified random sample of vegetation plots was taken in order to reduce the effects of local oversampling of some habitats, especially urban areas (Knollová et al. 2005). Only plots recorded after 1970 were considered. For further details on the Czech data set see Chytrý et al. (2005). Great Britain is located in a region with oceanic climate. Vegetation plots for the current study were taken from the Countryside Survey database, which includes data from three surveys of British habitats undertaken in 1978, 1990 and 1998 (Smart et al. 2003). Countryside Survey plots were located according to the stratified random sampling scheme (Firbank et al. 2003) and their size was 4, 10 or 200 m2. For the purpose of the current analysis, plots from different sites and from all three surveys were selected at random. Although some plots were sampled repeatedly in individual surveys, each plot was selected only once for this analysis. Alien species found in Czech and British vegetation plots were classified as either archaeophytes (arrived before AD 1500) or neophytes (arrived after AD 1500), based on Pyšek, Sádlo & Mandák (2002) and Preston, Pearman & Dines (2002). Both these national lists of alien species used comparable criteria for classifying species as archaeophyte or neophyte; however, in many cases it is difficult to prove whether a species is archaeophyte or native. As most European archaeophytes originate from southern Europe or the Near East (di Castri 1990), the distinction between archaeophytes and native species is particularly unclear in southern Europe. Therefore Catalonian species were classified only either as neophytes or non-neophytes, the latter containing native species and archaeophytes. The neophyte proportions reported for Catalonia in the present paper are slightly lower than alien proportions reported in Vila, Pino & Font (2007) because we used a newer version of the floracat database, in which some archaeophytes were removed from the alien species list. Planted crops recorded in arable land plots were excluded from the analysis. Species nomenclature follows Tutin et al. (1968-93). HABITAT CLASSIFICATION An important part of the current study was the development of a common platform of habitat classification for the three regions. Although the systems of vegetation classification in most European countries are based on the Braun-Blanquet approach (Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973), compatibility of standard vegetation classifications used in different countries is limited. In the current study, this problem was amplified further by a large geographical distance between the studied regions (implying large habitat differences) and different traditions of vegetation classification in the United Kingdom and continental Europe. Therefore, we used broadly delimited habitat types (hereafter called habitats) which reflected environmental features common to the three regions. We adopted the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) Habitats Classification, a standard classification of European habitats developed by the European Environment Agency ( From the version of this classification, available online from October 2005, we used habitats on hierarchical Level 2, but where these habitats were too heterogeneous with respect to the level of invasion we also used habitats on Level 3. In some cases we merged two or three habitats, because we were not able to assign many plots unequivocally to one of them. In total, we used 33 habitat classes, of which 14 were recorded in all the three regions (Appendix SI in Supplementary material). Catalonian and Czech plots were assigned to the EUNIS habitats based on their existing assignments to phytosociological syntaxa, using a syntaxa-EUNIS crosswalk (Rodwell et al. 2002; Appendix S2, Supplementary material). Assignment of the Catalonian and Czech plots to habitats differs slightly from the preliminary analyses of the same data sets (Chytrý et al. 2005; Vila, Pino & Font 2007), because the previous analyses used an older version of the EUNIS classification and because some habitats had to be merged or interpreted in a slightly different way in order to achieve compatibility between the three national data sets. In the British data set, plots were assigned to the EUNIS habitats by allocating them to a British National Vegetation Classification community (Rodwell 1991-2000) and Broad Habitat category ( These were then matched to EUNIS habitats (Appendix S3, Supplementary material). It is important to note that most vegetation plots included in this study represent homogeneous stands of vegetation rather than ecotonal sites, although the latter can be important habitats of some alien species. DATA ANALYSIS For the comparison of the proportion of alien species between habitats and regions, we computed descriptive statistics and univariate tests in the STATISTICA version 7.1 software ( In these analyses, we avoided comparing species numbers, because these were affected potentially by different plot sizes. We report mean species numbers per plot for a rough indication, but not for direct comparison, of species richness between habitats. Instead of absolute species numbers, we restricted our between-habitat comparisons to proportions, e.g. the number of aliens divided by the number of all species. The proportions can also be affected to some extent by plot size. For example, Stohlgren et al. (2006) reported that the proportion of alien to native species may decrease with increasing plot size. However, our preliminary analyses (e.g. Chytrý et al. 2005; Vila, Pino & Font 2007) showed that the effect of plot size on proportions was negligible. To quantify relationships between archaeophytes and neophytes, we calculated correlation and regression analyses in which species numbers were used instead of proportions, assuming that an increase in plot size would cause the same relative increase in both groups of aliens and native species. Where appropriate, in statistical analyses, variables were square root-transformed after adding 0-5. Results COMPARISON OF ALIEN SPECIES COMPOSITION AMONG REGIONS The pooled data set from the three regions contained 545 alien species (301 neophytes, 228 archaeophytes and 16 species with different status in different regions; Table 3). There were 109 aliens in the Catalonian data set (all neophytes), 390 in the Czech data set (171 neophytes and 219 archaeophytes) and 189 in the British data set (107 neophytes and 82 archaeophytes). The remarkably higher number of aliens in the Czech © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 £ Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the vegetation plot size, number of species per plot and percentages of archaeophytes and neophytes relative to the number of all species in plots belonging to different EUNIS habitats. Dash = habitat does not occur in the region or data are not available; Cat = Catalonia, CZ = Czech Republic, GB = Great Britain a-o Plot size No. of all species per plot % of neophytes % of archaeophytes o EUNIS habitat (interquartile range, m2) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) 3 S. Cat CZ GB Cat CZ GB Cat CZ GB CZ GB o 3 A2-5 & D6 & E6 Saline habitats 20-50 8-20 4-10 8-0 ±4-1 16-7 ±8-8 8-0 ±4-3 2-2 ± 5-6 1-6 ±3-4 0-7 ±2-7 7-4 ± 10-6 1-5 ±4-6 p* BI & B2 Coastal sediments 12-50 - 4-10 10-7 ± 5-8 - 11-6 ± 7-1 3-3 ± 6-4 - 10-0 ± 18-9 - 3-3 ±7-8 o' B3 Coastal rocks 20-100 - 4-10 12-0 ± 6-3 - 12-3 ± 6-0 0-7 ±2-3 - 0-9 ± 4-9 - 0-5 ±2-2 CI Standing waters 1-4 10-25 - 11-8 ± 12-0 3-7 ±2-3 - 0-9 ± 4-3 3-9 ± 12-5 - 0 - to C2 Running waters 4-20 6-20 - 8-6 ±3-9 10-0 ±7-3 - 0 1-0 ±4-1 - 0-2 ± 1-3 - o --1 C3 & D5 Sedge-reed beds 6-44 9-25 4-10 9-8 ± 5-7 10-0 ± 6-8 9-8 ± 6-2 7-1 ± 12-5 2-9 ± 7-2 4-4 ± 14-8 2-5 ±5-9 1-3 ±3-1 B Dl Bogs 4-18 10-25 10-200 16-1 ±6-6 9-8 ± 4-9 13-8 ±7-3 0 0 0-2 ± 1-3 0-1 ±0-4 0-0 ± 0-3 S. D2 Poor fens 10-20 10-25 4-10 17-0 ±5-9 18-3 ± 10-7 14-7 ± 5-2 0 0-1 ±0-9 0-4 ±2-4 0-5 ± 1-3 0 S" o D4 Base-rich fens 4-15 10-20 4-10 16-3 ± 5-2 23-8 ± 10-8 22-8 ± 9-4 0 0-2 ± 0-7 0-3 ± 1-0 1-4 ±2-4 0 El Dry grasslands 5-35 14-25 10 29-2 ± 11-8 26-2 ± 12-7 16-6 ±8-6 0-4 ± 1-4 0-7 ± 3-0 0-4 ± 1-9 6-0 ± 7-7 0-1 ± 1-1 o" <2 E2 Mesic grasslands 18-50 16-25 10 27-2 ± 12-1 30-3 ± 11-0 18-0 ±6-9 0-4 ± 1-3 0-7 ±2-1 1-3 ±3-2 5-3 ± 6-9 2-5 ± 5-2 o' B. E3 & E5-4 Wet grasslands 7-25 15-25 4-10 16-4 ±7-6 27-0 ± 12-0 16-3 ±7-0 2-6 ±7-8 1-2 ±4-2 1-1 ±3-5 2-7 ± 5-7 1-0 ±3-4 in E4 Alpine grasslands 10-50 16-25 - 21-5 ± 10-3 13-7 ±7-7 - 0 0-1 ± 1-1 - 0 - o E5-1 Ruderal vegetation 10-30 10-20 10 17-7 ±9-4 15-7 ±7-5 13-1 ±5-8 5-3 ± 10-6 6-9 ± 8-6 4-5 ±8-6 35-5 ± 18-8 6-7 ± 10-1 ■^ E5-2 Woodland fringes 10-30 10-25 - 24-8 ± 8-7 27-5 ±9-5 - 0-0 ±0-3 0-3 ± 1-0 - 4-1 ±4-4 - \? E5-3 Bracken - - 10 - - 10-5 ±5-4 - - 0-8 ±3-1 - 0-5 ±2-4 E5-5 Subalpine tall forbs 15-75 16-25 4-10 23-0 ± 9-8 16-8 ±9-1 21-1 ±7-7 0 0-2 ± 1-7 0-6 ± 1-6 0-7 ±4-9 0 Ö F2 Subalpine scrub 49-100 100 - 20-6 ±8-4 23-8 ± 12-7 - 0 0 - 0 - š F3 Temperate scrub 20-50 20-60 10 19-2 ± 10-1 22-3 ± 10-7 15-6 ±7-2 0-5 ±2-6 2-3 ± 5-7 1-9 ±6-7 8-7 ± 10-5 2-3 ± 4-8 F4 Temperate heaths 20-100 10-25 10 23-3 ± 11-7 13-7 ± 7-2 10-8 ±7-5 0 0-2 ± 1-3 0-3 ±2-6 0-6 ± 1-8 0-0 ± 0-3 F5 Maquis 50-100 - - 21-8 ±8-6 - - 0-2 ± 1-3 - - - - s. F6 Garrigue 25-50 - - 26-3 ±9-6 - - 0-0 ±0-7 - - - - F7 Mediterranean heaths 20-50 - - 20-9 ±7-4 - - 0 - - - - S* F9 Wet scrub 25-80 38-100 - 18-9 ± 10-9 14-6 ±7-8 - 3-1 ±6-5 2-0 ± 4-2 - 1-4 ±3-4 - v j^ FA Hedgerows - - 10 - - 6-7 ±5-5 - - 2-8 ±8-3 - 1-7 ± 5-8 y Gl & 4 Deciduous woodlands 75-100 150^100 4-10 27-7 ± 11-3 26-3 ± 12-8 14-9 ±8-5 0-2 ± 1-7 1-0 ±2-4 3-1 ±7-9 0-7 ±2-0 0-9 ± 4-3 00 G2 Evergreen woodlands 40-100 - - 22-8 ± 10-3 - - 0-1 ±0-6 - - - - -l^ G3 Coniferous woodlands 100-150 25-50 10-200 24-8 ± 8-5 15-6 ± 10-5 9-9 ± 8-2 0 0-4 ± 1-6 24-8 ± 29-7 0-6 ±2-8 0-3 ± 1-9 00 G5 Disturbed woodlands 10-30 25-50 - 21-1 ±8-4 20-2 ± 9-6 - 0-2 ± 1-1 2-8 ± 4-8 - 4-2 ± 8-8 - H2 Screes 10-60 9-24 - 13-0 ±5-9 16-5 ±8-3 - 0-7 ± 3-2 1-4 ±3-3 - 10-7 ±9-5 - H3 Cliffs and walls 4-20 1-9 - 10-2 ± 5-3 8-0 ± 5-0 - 0-3 ±2-4 7-0 ± 14-1 - 9-5 ± 17-2 - H5-6 Trampled areas 5-20 4-15 - 15-7 ±8-6 12-0 ± 6-5 - 6-2 ± 11-2 6-0 ± 7-2 - 21-8 ±21-0 - 11 Arable land 30-90 15-100 10-200 21-6 ±9-0 26-2 ± 9-5 11-7 ±7-9 7-3 ±9-8 5-6 ± 5-2 14-3 ±25-6 55-5 ± 13-5 16-2 ± 16-0 452 M. Chytrý et al. Table 3. Numbers of neophytes and archaeophytes recorded in all vegetation plots from individual regions, including those found in a single region only, in two regions only and in all the three regions. Sixteen species with different status (archaeophyte or neophyte) in different regions are included in both groups. CZ = Czech Republic, GB = Great Britain (a) Neophytes Archaeophytes Total 317 244 Catalonia total 109 - Czech Republic total 171 219 Great Britain total 107 82 Catalonia only 74 - Czech Republic only 113 162 Great Britain only 67 25 Catalonia + CZ only 23 - Catalonia + GB only 5 - CZ + GB only 28 57 Catalonia + CZ + GB 7 - data set was not due to more plots included in this data set: we conducted a few trials in which we deleted 4818 plots randomly from the Czech data set in order to make its size equal to the Catalonian (smallest) data set, but these trials led to a decrease in the total number of aliens by only 14-19 species. Of 301 neophytes, only seven were recorded in vegetation plots in all three regions: Calendula officinalis, Conyza canadensis, Helianthus tuberosus, Juncus tenuis, Chamomilla suaveolens, Phalaris canariensis and Solidago canadensis. In addition, Panicům miliaceum also occurred in all three regions, but it is considered as an archaeophyte in the Czech Republic and neophyte in the other two regions. A further 56 neophytes were found in two regions. Species compositions of neophytes in Czech and British habitats were more similar to each other than to the species composition of neophytes in Catalonian habitats. Of 228 archaeophytes, 57 occurred in both the Czech Republic and Britain. In addition, 12 occurred in both regions with reversed status. Although the region's lists of top aliens contain some species common to two regions, overall they are somewhat dissimilar (Tables 4 and 5; see also Appendix S4 in Supplementary material for the lists of the most common aliens in particular habitats). Interestingly, the British list of the most common neophytes (Table 4a) contains 40% woody plants. However, woody plants are absent from the corresponding Catalonian list, and represented by a single species, Robiniapseudacacia, in the Czech list. 25 20 Neophytes (b) ■ Catalonia o Czech Republic ▲ Great Britain — mean f o o □> as CD Q. 60 50 Archaeophytes o Czech Republic ▲ Great Britain — mean Fig. 1. Percentages of neophytes and archaeophytes occurring in vegetation plots in different EUNIS habitats in Catalonia, Czech Republic and Great Britain. Habitats are ranked by increasing mean percentages. Some habitats are only represented or documented in one or two countries. See Table 2 for EUNIS habitat codes and Appendix 1 for full habitat names. PROPORTION OF ALIENS IN DIFFERENT HABITATS Mean proportions of alien species per plot were compared among different habitats (Table 2). Generally, similar habitats were found with high or low alien proportions in different regions, which indicates that the patterns in the proportion of alien species are consistent even across regions with rather different alien floras (Fig. 1). The habitats with the lowest proportions of neophytes (Table 2, Fig. la) are those on soils with constantly low nutrient availability. They include mires (bogs, poor fens, base-rich fens), some grasslands (alpine grasslands, woodland fringes), heathlands and scrub (subalpine scrub, temperate heaths) and evergreen Mediterranean vegetation (maquis, garrigue, Mediterranean heaths, evergreeen woodland). ) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 Habitat invasions by alien plants 453 Table 4. Twenty most common neophytes (a, measure of occurrence frequency in the landscape) and neophytes occurring in most habitats (b, measure of ecological range) in each region. Numbers are percentages. Percentages in (a) express the number of occurrences in the plots of each habitat relative to the total number of plots in that habitat, averaged across habitats. Percentages in (b) are the numbers of habitats in which the species was found in at least one plot, relative to the total number of habitats considered in this study for the particular region. Species included in the lists of two or three regions are in bold type Catalonia (a) Mean percentage occurrence in vegetation Aster squamatus Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum Amaranthus retroflexus Conyza bonariensis Amaranthus blitoides Sorghum halepense Conyza canadensis Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker Cyperus eragrostis Carpobrotus edulis Bidens ftondosa Sporobolus indicus Bromus willdenowii Amaranthus hybridus Chenopodium ambrosioides Euphorbia prostrata Artemisia verlotiorum Xanthium spinosum Echinochloa colonum Amaranthus albus (b) Percentage of habitats in which the species Aster squamatus Conyza canadensis Conyza bonariensis Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum Amaranthus retroflexus Artemisia verlotiorum Sorghum halepense Amaranthus blitoides Chenopodium ambrosioides Robinia pseudoacacia Amaranthus hybridus Cyperus eragrostis Euphorbia nutans Euphorbia prostrata Sporobolus indicus Bidens ftondosa Bromus willdenowii Coronopus didymus Datura stramonium Kochia scoparia Oenothera biennis Paspalum dilatatum Czech Republic Great Britain slots of different habitats 2-3 Impatiens parviflora 3-8 Picea sitchensis 5-1 1-7 Veronica persica 2-3 Chamomilla suaveolens 3-0 1-3 Chamomilla suaveolens 2-0 Acer pseudoplatanus 3-0 0-7 Conyza canadensis 1-7 Veronica persica 1-8 0-6 Epilobium adenocaulon 1-5 Brassica napus ssp. napus 1-5 0-6 Trifolium hybridům 1-4 Lolium multiflorum 0-9 0-6 Robinia pseudacacia 0-9 Pinus contorta 0-7 0-5 Amaranthus retroflexus 0-9 Impatiens glandulifera 0-6 0-5 Agrostis gigantea 0-8 Picea abies 0-4 0-4 Elodea canadensis 0-7 Epilobium adenocaulon 0-4 0-4 Galinsoga ciliata 0-6 Epilobium brunnescens 0-3 0-4 Galinsoga parviflora 0-6 Cardaria draba 0-3 0-4 Bidens ftondosa 0-6 Pinus nigra 0-3 0-4 Impatiens glandulifera 0-5 Claytonia perfoliata 0-2 0-4 Solidago canadensis 0-4 Aesculus hippocastanum 0-2 0-3 Medicago sativa 0-4 Claytonia sibirica 0-2 0-3 Juncus tenuis 0-4 Pseudotsuga menziesii 0-2 0-2 Solanum tuberosum 0-4 Rhododendron ponticum 0-2 0-2 Oxalis europaea 0-3 Viciafaba 0-2 0-2 Acorus calamus 0-3 Brassica rapa 0-2 was recorded 45 Epilobium adenocaulon 72 Acer pseudoplatanus 74 45 Impatiens parviflora 68 Picea sitchensis 68 35 Agrostis gigantea 52 Brassica napus ssp. napus 58 35 Conyza canadensis 52 Lolium multiflorum 58 32 Robinia pseudacacia 48 Veronica persica 58 29 Trifolium hybridům 48 Epilobium adenocaulon 53 29 Bidens ftondosa 44 Impatiens glandulifera 53 29 Erigeron annum 44 Chamomilla suaveolens 53 26 Juncus tenuis 40 Aesculus hippocastanum 47 26 Medicago sativa 40 Picea abies 47 26 Solidago canadensis 40 Epilobium brunnescens 42 23 Aster novi-belgii group 36 Senecio viscosus 42 23 Cytisus scoparius 36 Brassica rapa 37 23 Lupinus polyphyllus 36 Claytonia perfoliata 37 23 Chamomilla suaveolens 36 Claytonia sibirica 37 23 Oxalis fontána 36 Geranium pyrenaicum 37 19 Acorus calamus 32 Cardaria draba 37 19 Galinsoga parviflora 32 Rhododendron ponticum 37 19 Rumex thyrsiflorus 32 Veronica filiformis 37 19 Veronica persica 32 Castanea sativa 32 19 Cotoneaster microphyllus 32 19 Reynoutria japonica 32 19 Mimulus guttatus Veronica polita 32 32 The habitats with the greatest proportion of aliens belong to two groups, anthropogenic habitats (arable land, ruderal vegetation, trampled areas) and coastal, littoral and riverine habitats (coastal sediments, sedge-reed beds, wet scrub). Some habitats are among the most invaded in single regions only, e.g. coniferous woodland only in Britain and cliffs and walls only in the Czech Republic. The pattern of habitat invasion by archaeophytes in the Czech Republic and Britain (Fig. lb) is similar to the corresponding pattern for neophytes. The habitats with the highest and lowest proportions of aliens are generally the same for both neophytes and archaeophytes, although there are some exceptions (see the next section). Czech habitats contain on average higher proportion of archaeophytes than British habitats. INVASIONS BY ARCHAEOPHYTES AND NEOPHYTES If habitat mean values are compared, there is a strong positive correlation between the numbers of archaeophytes and ) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 454 M. Chytrý et al. Table 5. Twenty most common archaeophytes and archaeophytes occurring in most habitats in the Czech Republic and Britain. See Table 4 for further explanation Czech Republic Great Britain (a) Mean percentage occurrence in vegetation plots of different habitats Arrhenatherum elatius Cirsium arvense Matricaria perforata Polygonum aviculare group Fallopia convolvulus Convolvulus arvensis Capsella bursa-pastoris Echium vulgare Mentha arvensis Lapsana communis Myosotis arvensis Thlaspi arvense Medicago lupulina Chelidonium majus Lamium purpureum Veronica arvensis Vicia hirsuta Sonchus oleraceus Anagallis arvensis Atriplex patula 9-0 Bromus sterilis 7-0 Lamium album 5-4 Capsella bursa-pastoris 5-4 Avenafatua 4-6 Lamium purpureum 4-4 Geranium dissectum 4-1 Viola arvensis 3-1 Artemisia vulgaris 3 0 Fallopia convolvulus 2-9 Myosotis arvensis 2-5 Sisymbrium officinale 2-3 Alopecurus myosuroides 2-3 Picris echioides 2-2 Papaver rhoeas 2-1 Aegopodium podagraria •9 Silene latifolia ■8 Conium maculatum ■8 Ballota nigra ■1 Sinapis arvensis ■6 Malva sylvestris (b) Percentage of habitats in which the species was recorded Arrhenatherum elatius 76 Cirsium arvense 64 Cirsium vulgare 60 Convolvulus arvensis 60 Echium vulgare 60 Lapsana communis 60 Linaria vulgaris 60 Medicago lupulina 60 Silene latifolia 60 Tanacetum vulgare 60 Lamium album 56 Mentha arvensis 56 Fallopia convolvulus 52 Lactuca serriola 52 Myosotis arvensis 52 Sonchus oleraceus 52 Vicia hirsuta 52 Ballota nigra 48 Capsella bursa-pastoris 48 Carduus acanthoides 48 Chelidoniumsat majus 48 Pastinaca sativa 48 Matricaria perforata 48 Bromus sterilis Aegopodium podagraria Ballota nigra Geranium dissectum Agrostis gigantea Artemisia vulgaris Lamium album Myosotis arvensis Picris echioides Avenafatua Conium maculatum Lamium purpureum Silene latifolia Viola arvensis Fallopia convolvulus Malva sylvestris Alopecurus myosuroides Capsella bursa-pastoris Fumaria officinalis Chamomilla recutita Sinapis arvensis Sisymbrium officinale Smyrnium olusatrum 6 t 3 sr 3 (/) 1 tj, II l~> II 0) c 0 'S 9 is n 8 E 63 63 63 58 58 58 58 58 53 53 53 53 53 47 47 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 neophytes in Czech and British habitats (Fig. 2). Positive relationships also prevail within individual habitats in separate analyses using individual plots of each habitat as data points (Table 6). For 16 Czech and 11 British habitats there are positive relationships and for nine Czech and eight British habitats the relationships are not significant. There is no negative relationship. Apart from this general trend, it appears that some habitats tend to support a higher proportion of neophytes and others of archaeophytes (Table 6). Both in the Czech Republic and Britain proportion of neophytes to all aliens is high for wood- 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2 1-1 10 09 0-8 07 0-6 0-5 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2 1-1 1-0 0-9 0-8 0-7 (a) Czech Republic *r 9 • ^^ * * ./^ • ^^ I'yT* r= 0-871 \S * 'S' * P < 0-001 1-0 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 (b) Great Britain 3-5 4-0 4-5 0-6 ,G3 / r= 0-591 P =0008 0-5 10 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 3-5 Number of archaeophytes (sqrt) 40 4-5 Fig. 2. Relationships between numbers of neophytes and archaeophytes in individual habitats in the Czech Republic and Great Britain. Each point represents habitat mean values. G3 = coniferous woodland. lands and nutrient-rich wet habitats, while it is low for nutrient-poor habitats, dry and mesic grasslands, heathlands and scrub, and also for anthropogenic habitats. Discussion ALIEN SPECIES OF THE THREE REGIONS In the Czech Republic the total numbers of both archaeophytes and neophytes found in all plots were the highest, while Catalonia and Britain did not differ greatly in the total numbers of neophytes (Table 3). This may reflect both the slightly different nature of the three data sets and real differences. The British data set did not involve urban habitats while these were contained in the other national data sets, so the total pool of aliens in the British data set may be under-represented (Roy, Hill & Rothery 1999). The low number of archaeophytes in British compared to Czech habitats also reflects the differences in total pools of archaeophytes in the two countries. If casuals are excluded, the Czech flora contains 258 and the British flora 151 archaeophytes (Table 1). This pattern probably reflects the climatic match of archaeophytes in their secondary range. Most archaeophytes in central and western Europe originate from drier and warmer ) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 Habitat invasions by alien plants 455 Table 6. Within-habitat correlations between archaeophytes andneophytes (a) and ratios of the number of neophytes to the number of all aliens (archaeophytes + neophytes; b), in the Czech Republic and Britain. Dash = habitat does not occur in the region or data are not available. In (a), numbers are correlation coefficients between the number of archaeophytes and neophytes in vegetation plots of each habitat (***p < 0-001, **P < 0-01, *P < 0-05, NS = not significant). 'No arch' and 'no neo' means that the habitat contains no archaeophytes or no neophytes, respectively. In (b) ratios for those habitats that contain on average less than 0-1% of neophytes or archaeophytes in vegetation plots are put into brackets, because such values may be unstable (a) Arch-neo correlations EUNIS habitat CZ GB A2-5 & D6 & E6 Saline habitats 0-18* NS Bl & B2 Coastal sediments - 0-25*** B3 Coastal rocks - NS CI Standing waters no arch - C2 Running waters NS - C3 & D5 Reedbeds 0-48*** NS Dl Bogs no neo 0-07* D2 Poor fens 0-14** no arch D4 Rich fens NS no arch El Dry grasslands 0-16*** 0-08*** E2 Mesic grasslands 0-33*** 0-23*** E3 & E5-4 Wet grasslands 0-22*** 0-22*** E4 Alpine grasslands no arch - E5-1 Ruderal vegetation 0-27*** 0-21*** E5-2 Woodland fringes NS - E5-3 Bracken - 0-11* E5-5 Subalpine tall forbs NS no arch F2 Subalpine scrub no aliens - F3 Temperate scrub 0-31*** 0-13*** F4 Temperate heaths NS NS F9 Wet scrub 0-46*** - FA Hedgerows - Q.09*** Gl & 4 Deciduous woodlands 0-27*** 0-09** G3 Coniferous woodlands 0-28*** n.s. G5 Disturbed woodlands 0-45*** - H2 Screes 0-52*** - H3 Cliffs and walls 0-36*** - H5-6 Trampled areas 0-31*** - 11 Arable land 0-15*** 0-25*** (b) Ratio neophytes/all aliens CZ GB 0-20 0-33 0-59 (0-53) 1-00 - (0-75) - 0-43 0-61 (0) (0-87) 0-16 (1-00) 0-16 (1-00) 0-08 (0-73) 0-10 0-34 0-27 0-50 (1-00) - 0-16 0-36 0-06 - - 0-60 (0-33) 1-00 no aliens - 0-17 0-38 0-18 (0-86) 0-57 - - 0-48 0-55 0-76 0-35 0-97 0-41 - 0-13 - 0-40 - 0-22 - 0-09 0-29 areas of southern Europe and the Near East (di Castri 1990), which makes them better adapted to the subcontinental Czech climate than to the wet British climate. It is probable that the lower number of archaeophytes in British habitats does not result from the greater distance from their native range (thus a lower probability of immigration), because many archaeophytes arrived in both countries very soon after the beginning of Neolithic agriculture (Pyšek & Jarošík 2005). The analysis of alien species composition in vegetation plots revealed a considerable dissimilarity between the Mediterranean-submediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe. Generally, compositions of alien floras are more similar among different habitats of the same region than between the same habitats of different regions. A similar pattern was found by Weber (1997) in his analysis of alien plant occurrence in European countries and by Lloret et al. (2004), who found more than 400 aliens on eight large Mediterranean islands, but only four of them were present on all islands. This is important for the interpretation of the habitat invasion patterns. As the alien floras found in vegetation plots of the same habitats differ strongly between regions, patterns of habitat invasions in each region seem to be determined mainly by properties of the habitats rather than the identity of particular alien species. LEVEL OF INVASION IN DIFFERENT HABITATS Between-habitat patterns in the proportion of aliens are very similar among the Mediterranean-submediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions. Generally, similar habitats have high or low proportions in each of these regions. For neophytes, there are two exceptions which result from artefacts in the data (Fig. la). Firstly, coniferous woodland has a very high proportion of neophytes in Britain but a low proportion in the other regions. This is due to most British coniferous woodlands being plantations of alien conifers, whereas natural coniferous woodlands are poor in aliens (Crawley 1987). Secondly, the higher proportion of aliens on cliffs and walls in the Czech Republic is due to many Czech plots being sampled on urban walls. ) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 456 M. Chytrý et al. Our study suggests that the habitat-specific proportions of alien species between the contrasting climatic regions are consistent for neophytes and archaeophytes. The habitats with the lowest proportion of aliens in all regions include bogs and mires, alpine-subalpine grasslands and different kinds of nutrient-poor heathlands (i.e. alpine, temperate and Mediterranean). In contrast, the highest proportions were in man-made and coastal habitats. Neophytes are also found in high proportions in fresh-water and littoral habitats while this is also true of archaeophytes on screes. Similar patterns have also been confirmed by the analyses of habitat-specific species pools of aliens in other parts of Europe, e.g. Austria (Walter et al. 2005) or Berlin (Kowarik 1995). The relative constancy of the habitat invasion patterns across regions, occurring in spite of the large differences in species composition, suggests the existence of general mechanisms that make a habitat either resistant or susceptible to invasion. Common attributes of habitats with a low proportion of aliens include environmentally stressful conditions (e.g. low temperature or pronounced drought), low nutrient availability and infrequent disturbance. In contrast, habitats with higher proportions of aliens are usually developed on nutrient-rich soil and experience frequent disturbances, both anthropogenic and natural (e.g. coastal sediments or riverine vegetation). In addition, all the habitats with high proportions of aliens experience short periods of strongly increased nutrient availability, e.g. fertilization on arable land, deposition of nutrient-rich mud from flood waters or disturbance of resident vegetation, which causes lower nutrient uptake. These observations are consistent with the theory of fluctuating resource availability (Davis, Grime & Thompson 2000), which suggests that occurrence of rapid pulses in resource availability is the key process determining habitat invasibility by enabling new species to establish in the community (see also Shea & Chesson 2002). ARCHAEOPHYTES AND NEOPHYTES Generally, habitats with more archaeophytes also have more neophytes (Fig. 2) and the same is true when individual sites are compared within particular habitats (Table 6). This observation made on Czech and British vegetation plots corresponds to the observation made by Deutschewitz et al. (2003) in larger sampling units - grid cells of 32 km2 in Germany. The evidence of this positive relationship on different spatial scales is important for risk assessment of habitat invasions, because it predicts that the habitats and areas currently highly invaded by archaeophytes hold a higher risk of future invasions by new neophytes. This is also interesting from the theoretical point of view because it suggests that, through time, basically the same mechanisms can be responsible for higher susceptibility of habitats to invasion, in spite of different taxa, origin, residence time and invasion event characteristics. However, apart from this general trend and from the fact that nearly all habitats contain a larger proportion of archaeophytes than neophytes, some habitats tend to host more archaeophytes and less neophytes than others and vice versa (Table 6; see also the deviations of data points from the regression lines in Fig. 2). Neophytes show ahigher affinity to wet habitats and woodlands, while archaeophytes to open vegetation at dry or mesic sites. This general trend, valid across a broad range of different habitats in two contrasting climatic regions, is consistent with previous Central European studies which compared habitat affinities of these two groups of aliens within a single broad habitat such as arable land (Pyšek et al. 2005) or across a landscape (Deutschewitz et al. 2003). The most probable explanation is the habitat compatibility of aliens in their primary and secondary range. Most archaeophytes of temperate Europe originate from southern Europe and the Near East, i.e. rather dry areas with a high representation of dry treeless vegetation. In contrast, most neophytes originate from wetter areas with deciduous broad-leaved woodlands of North America or Eastern Asia. Thus, each of these two groups of aliens matches the prevailing habitat conditions in their native range. TOWARDS A RISK ASSESSMENT OF PLANT INVASIONS We demonstrated that similar patterns of habitat invasion emerge in different regions of Europe, which have contrasting climate and considerably different composition of alien floras. Independently of the available pool of potential invaders, habitats with high proportions of aliens are frequently disturbed with intermittent increases of nutrient availability, while those with low proportions are infrequently disturbed habitats with constantly low nutrient availability, many of them occurring in harsh climatic conditions. Moreover, recently spreading aliens are generally present in the same habitats that have been invaded by historically earlier aliens, although there are some deviations reflecting habitat compatibility of different species in their native and secondary range. These robust patterns make habitats a promising predictor of biological invasions at the regional level. For planning effective monitoring and management of alien plants, nature conservationists and land managers use risk assessment tools (Daehler et al. 2004; Maguire 2004), which are so far based mainly on traits of the potentially invasive species. Our study demonstrates that the quality of risk assessment can benefit greatly from incorporating the information on the identity of receptor habitats. Many maps of habitat distribution are currently available in Europe and such maps can help identify areas with high invasion risk. Furthermore, in order to estimate major trends in the future spread of alien plants, the habitat-specific proportions of aliens could be projected onto spatially explicit scenarios of future land-use changes (Rounsevell et al. 2006). Due to consistent patterns of habitat invasion between different climatic regions, such scenarios may have a broad potential for extrapolation to wider areas of Europe. Acknowledgements We thank Mark Davis, Phil Hulme, Tom Stohlgren and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Integrated Project ALARM (GOCE-CT-2003-506675) of the FP6 of the European Union and projects MSM0021622416, AV0Z60050516, MSM0021620828 and LC06073. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 Habitat invasions by alien plants 457 References Bolôs, O., Vigo, J, Masalles, R.M. & Ninot, J.M. (1993) Flora Manual dels Pai-sos Catalans, 2nd edn. Pôrtic, Barcelona. di Castri, E (1989) History of biological invasions with special emphasis on the Old World. Biological Invasions: a Global Perspective (eds J. A. Drake, H. A. Mooney, E di Castri, R. H. Groves, E J. Kruger, M. Rejmánek & M. Williamson), pp. 1-30. 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Crosswalk British NVC communities-EUNIS. Appendix S4. List of most common alien species in Catalo-nian, Czech and British habitats. This material is available as part of the online article from: http://www.blackwell-synergy.eom/doi/full/l 0.1111/ J.1365-2664.2007.01398.X. (This link will take you to the article abstract.) Please note: Blackwell Publishing is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supplementary material supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology, 45, 448 -458 Supplementary material to the paper Chytrý, M., Maskell, L.C., Pino, J., Pyšek, P., Vila, M., Font, X. & Smart, S.M. Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe Appendix SI. Overview of the EUNIS habitats used in this study with their full names and numbers of plots available from individual regions. EUNIS habitat No. of plots Catalonia CZ GB 670 183 101 B1&B2 Coastal dunes and sandy shores (Bl), Coastal shingle (B2) B3 Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral CI Surface standing waters C2 Surface running waters C3&D5 Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies (C3), Sedge and reedbeds, normally without freestanding water (D5) Dl Raised and blanket bogs D2 Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires D4 Base-rich fens and calcareous spring mires E1 Dry grasslands E2 Mesic grasslands E3&E5.4 Seasonally wet and wet grasslands (E3), Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows (E5.4) E4 Alpine and subalpine grasslands E5.1 Anthropogenic herb stands E5.2 Thermophile woodland fringes E5.3 Pteridium aquilinum fields E5.5 Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern stands F2 Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub F3 Temperate and mediterranean-montane scrub F4 Temperate shrub heathland F5 Maquis, arborescent matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes F6 Garrigue F7 Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) F9 Riverine and fen scrubs FA Hedgerows G1&4 Broadleaved deciduous woodland (Gl), Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland (G4) G2 Broadleaved evergreen woodland G3 Coniferous woodland G5 Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice H2 Screes H3 Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops H5.6 Trampled areas II Arable land and market gardens Total Total A2.5&D6&E6 Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds (A2.5), Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds (D6), Inland salt steppes (E6) 954 287 0 250 537 171 0 132 303 136 1028 0 1164 101 254 0 355 432 2891 64 3387 153 75 1338 1566 229 375 36 640 46 49 55 150 2653 2508 1900 7061 396 1698 2887 4981 431 3152 1201 4784 1344 94 0 1438 983 1023 1434 3440 139 369 0 508 0 0 335 335 123 218 7 348 369 24 0 393 422 102 745 1269 119 228 668 1015 469 0 0 469 778 0 0 778 141 0 0 141 124 68 0 192 0 0 3162 3162 1413 2542 882 4837 1005 0 0 1005 241 592 176 1009 148 491 0 639 436 50 0 486 831 236 0 1067 354 777 0 1131 506 1441 989 2936 15650 20468 16362 52480 1 Appendix S2. A list of phytosociological syntaxa (mostly alliances) assigned to individual EUNIS habitats in the Catalonian and Czech data set. Abbreviations Cat and CZ indicate that the syntaxon occurs in Catalonia or the Czech Republic, respectively. A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats Arthrocnemion fruticosi - Cat Cypero-Spergularion salinae - CZ Juncion maritimi - Cat Limoniastrion monopetali - Cat Limonion galloprovincialis - Cat Loto-Trifolienion - CZ Plantaginion crassifoliae - Cat Puccinellion limosae - CZ Scirpion maritimi - CZ Scorzonero-Juncion gerardii - CZ Suaedion braun-blanquetii - Cat Suaedion brevifoliae - Cat Thero-Salicornion - Cat, CZ Thero-Suaedion - Cat, CZ B1&B2 Coastal sediments Alkanno-Malcolmion - Cat Ammophilion arundinaceae - Cat Crucianellion maritimae - Cat Saginion maritimae - Cat B3 Coastal rocks Crithmo-Limonion - Cat Medicagini-Lavaterion arboreae - Cat CI Standing waters Isoetion - Cat, CZ Lemnion minoris - Cat, CZ Utricularion vulgaris - CZ Hydrocharition - CZ Nymphaeion albae - CZ Potamion pectinatae - Cat Potamogetonion eurosibiricum - Cat Magnopotamion - CZ Parvopotamion - CZ Batrachion aquatilis - CZ Ruppion maritimae - Cat Sphagno-Utricularion - CZ C2 Running waters Callitricho-Batrachion - Cat Batrachion fluitantis - CZ Cardamino-Montion - Cat, CZ Cratoneurion commutati - Cat Cardaminion amarae - CZ Swertio-Anisothecion squarrosi - CZ Lycopodo-Cratoneurion commutati - CZ C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds Bidention tripartitae - Cat, CZ Glycerio-Sparganion - Cat, CZ Littorellion uniflorae - Cat, CZ Magnocaricion elatae - Cat, CZ Caricion rostratae - CZ Caricion gracilis - CZ Phragmition australis - Cat, CZ Oenanthion aquaticae - CZ Phalaridion arundinaceae - CZ Carici-Rumicion hydrolapathi - CZ Nanocyperion flavescentis - Cat, CZ Eleocharition ovatae - CZ Radiolion linoidis - CZ Dl Bogs Oxycocco-Ericion tetralicis - Cat, CZ Oxycocco-Empetrion hermaphroditi - CZ Sphagnion medii - CZ D2 Poor fens Caricion nigrae - Cat, CZ Caricion lasiocarpate - CZ Caricion demissae - CZ Drepanocladion exannulati - CZ Sphagno-Tomenthypnion - CZ Eriophorion gracilis - CZ Rhynchosporion albae - CZ Sphagno-Caricion canescentis - CZ Leuko-Scheuchzerion - CZ D4 Base-rich fens Caricion davallianae - Cat, CZ El Dry grasslands Aegilopion - Cat Agropyro-Lygeion - Cat Alysso-Festucion pallentis - CZ Alysso-Sedion - Cat, CZ Aphyllanthion - Cat Arabidopsion thalianae - CZ Asplenio serpentini-Armerion - CZ Brachypodion phoenicoidis - Cat Corynephorion canescentis - Cat, CZ Festucion valesiacae - CZ Helianthemion guttati - Cat Helianthemo-Festucion pallentis - CZ Hyperico-Scleranthion - CZ Koelerion glaucae - CZ Koelerio-Phleion phleoidis - CZ Mesobromion erecti - Cat, CZ Ononidion striatae - Cat Phlomidio-Brachypodion retuši - Cat Plantagini-Festucion - CZ Saturejo-Hyparrhenion hirtae - Cat Sedo-Scleranthion - Cat Seslerio-Festucion pallentis - CZ Stipion capensis - Cat Taeniathero-Aegilopion geniculatae - Cat Thero-Airion - Cat, CZ Thero-Brachypodion - Cat Tuberarion guttatae - Cat 2 Xerobromion erecti - Cat E2 Mesic grasslands Agrostion stoloniferae - Cat Arrhenatherion elatioris - Cat, CZ Cynosurion cristati - Cat, CZ Deschampsion mediae - Cat Nardo-Agrostion tenuis - CZ Nardo-Juncion squarrosi - CZ Polygono-Trisetion - CZ Violion caninae - CZ Violion cornutae - Cat E3&E5.4 Wet grasslands Aegopodion podagrariae - Cat, CZ Alopecurion pratensis - CZ Calthion palustris - Cat, CZ Cnidion - CZ Filipendulenion - CZ Imperato-Erianthion - Cat Juncion acutiflori - Cat Lythrion tribracteati - Cat Molinio-Holoschoenion vulgaris - Cat Molinion coeruleae - Cat, CZ Paspalo-Polypogonion - Cat Petasition officinalis - CZ Senecion fluviatilis - CZ Veronico-Lysimachion - CZ E4 Alpine grasslands Arabidion coeruleae - Cat Elynion medioeuropaeum - Cat Festucion eskiae - Cat Festucion gautieri - Cat Festucion scopariae - Cat Festucion supinae - Cat Juncion trifidi - CZ Laserpitio-Ranunculion thorae - Cat Nardion strictae - Cat, CZ Nardo-Caricion rigidae - CZ Primulion intricatae - Cat Salicion herbaceae - Cat, CZ E5.1 Ruderal vegetation Arction - Cat, CZ Bromo-Hordeion - CZ Bromo-Oryzopsion miliaceae - Cat Carrichtero-Amberboion - Cat Chenopodion glauci - CZ Chenopodion muralis - Cat Convolvulion sepium - Cat Convolvulo-Agropyrion - CZ Dauco-Melilotion - Cat, CZ Eragrostion - CZ Euphorbion peplis - Cat Galio-Alliarion - Cat, CZ Glaucio-Cakilion - Cat Hordeion leporini - Cat Malvion neglectae - CZ Onopordion acanthii - Cat, CZ Onopordion arabici - Cat Rumicion alpini - Cat, CZ Salsolion ruthenicae - CZ Salsolo-Peganion - Cat Silybo-Urticion - Cat Sisymbrion officinalis - Cat, CZ E5.2 Woodland fringes Geranion sanguinei - Cat, CZ Trifolion medii - Cat, CZ E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs Adenostylion alliariae - Cat, CZ Calamagrostion arundinaceae - Cat, CZ Calamagrostion villosae - CZ Dryopterido-Athyrion - CZ i^oo chaixii-Deschampsion - CZ F2 Subalpine scrub Juniperion nanae - Cat Loiseleurio-Vaccinion - Cat Pinion mugo - CZ Rhododendro-Vaccinion - Cat Salicion silesiacae - CZ F3 Temperate scrub Berberidion vulgaris - Cat, CZ Genistion purgantis - Cat Prunion spinosae - CZ Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii - Cat Rubion subatlanticum - Cat Sarothamnion scoparii - Cat Ulici-Ericion ciliaris - Cat F4 Temperate heaths Calluno-Genistion - Cat Euphorbio-Callunion - CZ Genistion pilosae - CZ Vaccinion - CZ F5 Maquis Cistion laurifolii - Cat Cistion mediomediterraneum - Cat Oleo-Ceratonion - Cat F6 Garrigue Gypsophilion - Cat Lepidion subulati - Cat Rosmarino-Ericion - Cat Thymo-Siderition leucanthae - Cat Thymo-Teucrion verticillati - Cat F7 Mediterranean heaths Genistion lobelii - Cat F9 Wet scrub i?wôo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri - Cat Salicion cinereae - CZ Salicion eleagno-daphnoidis - CZ Salicion pentandrae - Cat Salicion triandrae - CZ Salicion triandro-fragilis - Cat Tamaricion africanae - Cat 3 G1&G4 Deciduous woodlands Alnion glutinosae - CZ Alnion incanae - CZ Alno-Padion - Cat Alno-Ulmion - Cat Betulion pubescentis - CZ Carpinion - CZ Fagion sylvaticae - Cat, CZ Fraxino-Carpinion - Cat Genisto germanicae-Quercion - CZ Luzulo-Fagion - CZ Populion albae - Cat Quercion pubescenti-petraeae - Cat, CZ Quercion robori-petraeae - Cat Salicion albae - CZ Tilio-Acerion - Cat, CZ G2 Evergreen woodlands Quercion üicis - Cat G3 Coniferous woodlands Abieti-Piceion - Cat Athyrio-Piceion - CZ Deschampsio-Pinion - Cat Dicrano-Pinion - CZ Erico-Pinion - CZ Eriophoro vaginati-Pinetum mugo - CZ Piceion excelsae - CZ P/ho rotundatae-Sphagnetum - CZ G5 Disturbed woodlands Atropion belladonnae - Cat, CZ Bromo ramosi-Eupatorion cannabini - Cat Epilobion angustifolii - Cat, CZ Sambuco-Salicion capreae - Cat, CZ H2 Screes Androsacion alpinae - Cat, CZ Andryalo-Glaucion - Cat Galeopsion - Cat Glaucion flavi - Cat Iberidion spathulatae - Cat Pimpinello-Gouffeion - Cat Scrophularion sciaphilae - Cat Senecion leucophylli - Cat Stipion calamagrostis - Cat, CZ H3 Cliffs Adiantion - Cat Agrostion alpinae - CZ Androsacion vandellii - Cat, CZ Anomodontion europaeum - Cat Antirrhinion asarinae - Cat Asplenion petrarchae - Cat Asplenion serpentini - CZ Bartramio-Polypodion australis - Cat Centrantho-Parietarion - CZ Cystopteridion - Cat, CZ Homalothecio-Polypodion serrulati - Cat Hypno-Polypodion vulgaris - Cat Parietario-Centranthion rubri - Cat Phagnalo-Cheilanthion fragrantis - Cat Potentillion caulescentis - CZ Saxifragion mediae - Cat H5.6 Trampled areas Agropyro-Rumicion crispi - Cat, CZ Echio-Galactition - Cat Polygonion avicularis - Cat, CZ Trifolio-Cynodontion - Cat II Arable land Aphanion - CZ Caucalidion platycarpae - Cat, CZ Diplotaxion erucoidis - Cat Fumario-Euphorbion - CZ Panico-Setarion - Cat, CZ Polygono-Chenopodion polyspermi - Cat Scleranthion annui - Cat, CZ Secalion mediterraneum - Cat Sherardion - CZ Spergulo-Oxalidion - CZ 4 Appendix S3. A list of communities of the British National Vegetation Classification (NVC; Rodwell 1991-2000) assigned to individual EUNIS habitats. A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats MG12 Festuca arundinacea grassland S4d Phragmites australis swamp and reedbeds 520 Scirpus lacustris ssp. tabernaemontani swamp 521 Scirpus maritimus swamp All NVC Salt marsh communities B1&B2 Coastal sediments SD1 Rumex crispus-Glaucium flavum shingle community SD2 Honkenya peploides-Cakile maritima Strandline community SD3 Matricaria maritima-Galium aparine strandline community SD4 Elymus farctus foredune SD5 Leymus arenarius mobile dune community SD6 Ammophila arenaria mobile dune community SD7 Ammophila arenaria-Arrhenatherum elatius dune grassland SD8 Festuca rubra-Galium verum grassland SD9 Ammophila arenaria-Arrhenatherum elatius dune grassland SD10 Carex arenaria dune community SD11 Carex arenaria-Cornicularia aculeata dune community SD12 Carex arenaria-Festuca ovina-Agrostis capillaris dune grassland SD13 Sagina nodosa B3 Coastal rocks All NVC maritime cliff communities C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds 51 Carex elata swamp 52 Cladium mariscus swamp 53 Carexpaniculata swamp S4a-c Phragmites australis swamp and reedbed S 5 Glyceria maxima swamp S9 Carex rostrata swamp Sil Carex vesicaria swamp 517 Carex pseuudocyperus swamp 518 Carex ob trubae swamp 524 Phragmites australis-Peucedanum palustre tall herb fen 525 Phragmites australis-Eupatorium cannabinum tall herb fen 526 Phragmites australis-Urtica dioica tall herb fen S10 Equisetum fluviatile swamp 512 Typha latifolia swamp 513 Typha angustifolia swamp S15 Acorus calamus swamp 519 Eleocharis palustris swamp S28 Phalaris arundinacea tall herb fen Dl Bogs Ml Sphagnum auriculatum bog pool community M2 Sphagnum cuspidatum/recurvum bog pool community M3 Eriophorum angustifolium bog pool community M17 Scirpus cespitosus-Eriophorum vaginatum blanket mire M18 Erica tetralix-Sphagnum papillosum raised and blanket mire M19 Calluna vulgaris-Eriophorum vaginatum blanket and raised mire 5 M20 Eriophorum vaginatum blanket and raised mire M21 Narthecium ossifragum-Sphagnum papillosum valley mire M15 Scirpus cespitosus-Erica tetralix wet heath M16 Erica tetralix-Sphagnum compactum wet heath M25 Molinia caerulea-Potentilla erecta raised mire D2 Poor fens M14 Schoenus nigricans-Narthecium ossifragum mire M21 Narthecium ossifragum-Sphagnum papillosum valley mire M29 Hypericum elodes-Potamogeton polygonifolius soakaway M30 Related vegetation of seasonally-inundated habitats M6 Carex echinata-Sphagnum recurvum/auriculatum mire M4 Carex rostrata-Shagnum recurvum mire D4 Base-rich fens MIO Carex dioica-Pinguicula vulgaris mire Mil Carex demissa-Saxifraga aizoides mire M13 Schoenus nigricans-Juncus subnodulosus mire M22 Juncus subnodulosus-Cirsium palustre fen meadow M24 Molinia caerulea-Cirsium dissectum fen meadow M26 Molinia caerulea-Crepis paludosa mire M12 Carex saxatilis mire M9 Carex rostrata-Calliergon cuspidatum/giganteum mire S27 Carex rostrata-Potentilla palustris tall herb fen S 6 Carex riparia swamp El Dry grasslands All Calcareous grassland communities Ul Festuca ovina-Agrostis capillaris-Rumex acetosella grassland U2 Deschampsia flexuosa grassland U3 Agrostis curtisii grassland U4 Festuca ovina-Agrostis capillari s-Galium saxatile grassland U5 Nardus stricta-Galium saxatile grassland U6 Juncus squarrosus-Festuca ovina grassland U7 Nardus stricta-Carex bigelowii grass-heath U13 Deschampsia cespitosa-Galium saxatile grassland MG3 Anthoxanthum odoratum-Geranium sylvaticum grassland MG12 Festuca arundinacea grassland E2 Mesic grasslands MG1 Arrhenatherum elatius grassland MG5 Cynosurus cristatus-Centaurea nigra grassland MG6 Lolium perenne-Cynosurus cristatus grassland MG7 Lolium perenne leys and related grasslands OV12 Poa annua-Myosotis arvensis community E3&E5.4 Wet grasslands M23 Juncus effusus/acutiflorus-Galium palustre wet meadow M25 Molinia caerulea-Potentilla erecta mire M27 Filipendula ulmaria-Angelica sylvestris mire M28 Iris pseudacorus-Filipendula ulmaria mire MG10 Holcus lanatus-Juncus effusus rush pasture MG11 Festuca rubra-Agrostis stolonifera-Potentilla anserina grassland MG13 Agrostis stolonifera-Alopecurus geniculatus grassland MG4 Alopecurus pratensis-Sanguis orb a officinalis grassland 6 MG8 Cynosurus cristatus-Caltha palustris grassland MG9 Holcus lanatus-Deschampsia cespitosa grassland OV28 Agrostis stolonifera-Ranunculus repens community S22 Glyceria fluitans water-margin vegetation E5.1 Ruderal vegetation OVI7 Reseda lutea-Polygonum aviculare community OV18 Polygonum aviculare-Chamomilla suaveolens community OV19 Poa annua-Matricaria perforata community OV20 Poa annua-Sagina procumbens community OV21 Poa annua-Plantago major community OV22 Poa annua-Taraxacum officinale community OV23 Lolium perenne-Dactylis glomerata OV24 Urtica dioica-Galium aparine community OV25 Urtica dioica-Cirsium arvense community OV26 Epilobium hirsutum community OV27 Epilobium angustifolium community OV33 Polygonum lapathifolium-Poa annua community OV37 Festuca ovina-Minuartia verna community E5.3 Bracken U20 Pteridium aquilinum-Galium saxatile community W25 Pteridium aquilinum-Rubus fruticosus underscrub E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs U16 Luzula sylvatica-Vaccinium myrtillus tall herb community U17 Luzula sylvatica-Geum rivale tall herb community M2 Sphagnum cuspidatum/recurvum bog pool community F3 Temperate scrub W19 Juniperus communis-Oxalis acetosella woodland W20 Salix lapponum-Luzula sylvatica scrub W21 Crataegus monogyna-Hedera helix scrub W22 Prunus spinosa-Rubus fruticosus scrub W23 Ulex europaeus-Rubus fruticosus scrub W24 Rubus fruticosus-Holcus lanatus underscrub W25 Pteridium aquilinum-Rubus fruticosus underscrub F4 Temperate heaths All Heathland communities in the NVC FA Hedgerows All hedgerow plots G1&G4 Broadleaved woodland Most woodland communities in the NVC (except W13, W18, W19-W25 above) Wl Salix cinerea-Galium palustre woodland W2 Salix cinerea-Betulapubescens-Phragmites australis woodland W3 Salix pentandra-Carex rostrata woodland W4 Betula pubescens-Molinia caerulea woodland W5 Alnus glutinosa-Carex paniculata woodland W6 Alnus glutinosa-Urtica dioica woodland W7 Alnus glutinosa-Fraxinus excelsior-Lysimachia nemorum woodland W8 Fraxinus excelsior-Acer campestre-Mercurialis perennis woodland W9 Fraxinus excelsior-Sorbus aucuparia-Mercurialis perennis woodland 7 WIO Quercus robur-Pteridium aquilinum-Rubus fruticosus woodland Wll Quercus petraea-Betula pubescens-Oxalis acetosella woodland W12 Fagus sylvatica-Mercurialis perennis woodland W14 Fagus sylvatica-Rubus fruticosus woodland W15 Fagus sylvatica-Deschampsia flexuosa woodland W16 Quercus spp.-Betula spp.-Deschampsia flexuosa woodland W17 Quercus petraea-Betula pub es cens-Dicranum majus woodland G3 Coniferous woodland Quadrats where coniferous species cover >5%. Also used Wl 8 Pinus sylvestris-Hylocomium splendens community W13 Taxus baccata woodland II Arable land This classification resulted from ordination of plots and grouping into 8 categories (aggregate classes). It has been applied to all Countryside Survey plots. Also used OV7 Veronicapersica-Veronicapolita community 8 Appendix S4. Most common alien species in individual habitats of Catalonia, Czech Republic and Great Britain and their percentage frequency in each habitats. Only species recorded in more than 1% of plots are listed. For those habitats which contain some alien species but none of them occurs with frequency > 1%, the most frequent species is listed with percentage frequency in brackets. Species nomenclature follows Flora Europaea (Tutin et al. 1968-1993) Catalonia - neophytes A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats: Aster squamatus 11.2, Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 4.5, Cuscuta campestris 1.2 B1&B2 Coastal dunes: Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 18.1, Carpobrotus edulis 3.8, Aster squamatus 2.4, Cuscuta campestris 2.1, Conyza canadensis \A,Amaranthus blitoides 1.0 B3 Coastal rocks: Carpobrotus edulis 7.6 CI Standing waters: Sporobolus indicus 2.9, Azollafiliculoides 2.2 C2 Running waters: - C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds: Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 17'.6, Aster squamatus 16.2, Bidens frondosa 10.9, Cyperus eragrostis 9.3, Chenopodium ambrosioides 5.1, Conyza canadensis 3.9, Amaranthus retroflexus 2.8, Aster pilosus \ A, Panicům capillar e 1.4, Veronica peregrina 1.4, Cuscuta campestris 1.2, Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 1.2, Oenothera biennis 1.2, Amaranthus hybridus 1.2, Datura stramonium 1.2 Dl Bogs, D2 Poor fens, D4 Base-rich fens: - El Dry grasslands: Crepis sancta (0.6), Iris germanica (0.6) E2 Mesic grasslands: Aster squamatus 1.3, Sporobolus indicus 1.0 E3&E5.4 Wet grasslands: Aster squamatus 7.4, Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 3.2, Amaranthus retroflexus 1.9, Chamomilla suaveolens 1.9, Conyza canadensis 1.4 E4 Alpine grasslands: - E5.1 Ruderal vegetation: Amaranthus retroflexus 7.4, Conyza bonariensis 7.4, Aster squamatus 7.1, Xanthium spinosum 4A, Amaranthus blitoides 3.9, Conyza canadensis 3.5, Chenopodium ambrosioides 3.2, Amaranthus muricatus 2.8, Conyza sumatrensis 2.7, Artemisia verlotiorum 2.7, Bassia scoparia 2.6, Bromus willdenowii 2.0, Aster pilosus 2.0, Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 1.6, Amaranthus deflexus 1.6, Solidago canadensis 1.5, Helianthus tuberosus 1.4, Oenothera biennis 1.4, Lycopersicon esculentum 1.2, Sorghum halepense 1.0 E5.2 Woodland fringes, E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs, F2 Subalpine scrub: - F3 Temperate scrub: Conyza bonariensis (0.7), Robiniapseudacacia (0.7) F4 Temperate heaths: - F5 Maquis: Carpobrotus edulis (0.9) F6 Garrigue: Lathyrus tingitanus (0.4) F7 Mediterranean heaths: - F9 Wetland shrubs: Aster squamatus 4.8, Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 4.0, Cyperus eragrostis 3.2, Robiniapseudoacacia 2.4, Boussingaultia cordifolia 2.4, Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 2.4, Oenothera biennis 2.4, Phytolacca americana 2.4, Artemisia verlotiorum 1.6, Platanus acerifolia 1.6, Aster pilosus 1.6, Amaranthus retroflexus 1.6, Amaranthus blitoides 1.6, Helianthus tuberosus 1.6, Buddleja davidii 1.6 G1&G4 Deciduous woodlands: Robinia pseudacacia 1.1 G2 Evergreen woodlands: Robinia pseudoacacia (0.2), Opuntia flcus-barbarica A. Berger (0.2), Einadia nutans (R. Br.) A.J. Scott (0.2) G3 Coniferous woodlands: - G5 Disturbed woodlands: Buddleja davidii 1.4 H2 Screes: Aster squamatus 1.6, Euphorbiaprostrata 1.4 H3 Cliffs: Cheiranthus cheiri (0.4) H5.6 Trampled areas: Aster squamatus 15.8, Sporobolus indicus 7.1, Crepis bursifolia 4.0, Conyza bonariensis 3.4,Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum 3.1, Paspalum dilatatum 3.1, Eleusine tristachya 3.1, Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 2.8, Euphorbia prostrata 2.8, Amaranthus retroflexus 2.8, Crepis sancta 2.8, Euphorbia serpens HBK. 2.3, Bromus willdenowii 1.7, 9 Amaranthus deflexus 1.7, Cyperus eragrostis 1.4, Chenopodium ambrosioides \.\,Pennisetum villosum 1.1, Echinochloa colonum \.\,Juncus tenuis 1.1 II Arable land: Amaranthus retroflexus 24A, Sorghum halepense 15.6, Amaranthus blitoides 10.0, Amaranthus hybridus 8.5, Conyza bonariensis 13, Bromus willdenowii 7.1, Echinochloa colonum 6A, Amaranthus albus 5.7, Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker 4.5, Euphorbiaprostrata 4.1, Conyza canadensis 3.7, Aster squamatus 3.2, Solanum tuberosum 2.8, Crepis sancta 2.2, Euphorbia nutans 2.0, Artemisia verlotiorum 1.8, Panicům capillar-e 1.6, Xanthium spinosum 1.6, Abutilon theophrasti 1.6, Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum \A,Paspalum dilatatum 1.0 Czech Republic - neophytes A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats: Trifolium hybridům 8.7', Agrostis gigantea 1.1, Bidens frondosa 1.6, Chamomilla suaveolens 1.1, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.1, Conyza canadensis 1.1, Acorus calamus 1.1, Aster novi-belgii 1.1 CI Standing waters: Elodea canadensis 13.0 C2 Running waters: Impatiensparviflora 5.5, Elodea canadensis 2.0, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.6 C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds: Bidens frondosa 7.2, Epilobium adenocaulon 6.3, Trifolium hybridům 4.2, Acorus calamus 3.6, Elodea canadensis 1.3 Dl Bogs: - D2 Poor fens: Epilobium adenocaulon 1.3 D4 Base-rich fens: Sisyrinchium angustifolium 4.1, Trifolium hybridům 2.0 El Dry grasslands: Conyza canadensis 2.3, Agrostis gigantea 1.8 E2 Mesic grasslands: Trifolium hybridům 4.8, Rumex thyrsiflorus 2.2, Medicago sativa 1.8, Solidago canadensis 1.2 E3 Wet grasslands: Trifolium hybridům 5.8, Epilobium adenocaulon 4.1, Impatiens glandulifera 2.5, Impatiens parviflora 1.6 E4 Alpine grasslands: Juncus tenuis 1.1 E5.1 Ruderal vegetation: Conyza canadensis 17.1, Amaranthus retroflexus 8.9, Impatiens parviflora 6.4, Sisymbrium loeselii 6.4, Chamomilla suaveolens 5.8, Solidago canadensis 4.4, Galinsoga parviflora 4.2, Sisymbrium altissimum 4.2, Epilobium adenocaulon 3.2, Helianthus tuberosus 2.8, Oenothera sp. 2.7, Trifolium hybridům 2.5, Galinsoga ciliata 2.2, Erigeron annuus 2.2, Echinops sphaerocephalus 2.0, Solidago gigantea 1.9, Medicago sativa 1.9, Robinia pseudacacia 1.9, Agrostis gigantea 1.7, Veronica persica 1.6, Amaranthus powellii 1.5, Bidens frondosa 1.3 E5.2 Woodland fringes: Impatiens parviflora 1.6 E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs: Epilobium adenocaulon (0.9), Impatiens parviflora (0.9) F2 Subalpine scrub: -F3 Temperate scrub: Impatiens parviflora 8.8, Robinia pseudacacia 4.9, Cytisus scoparius 4.9, Lycium barbarům 3.9, Ailanthus altissima 2.0 F4 Temperate heaths: Robinia pseudacacia (0.4), Cytisus scoparius (0.4), Epilobium adenocaulon (0.4), Digitalis purpurea (0.4), Trifolium hybridům (0.4), Pinus strobus (0.4) F9 Wet scrub: Impatiens parviflora 11.8, Impatiens glandulifera 5.9, Solidago canadensis 2.9, Bidens frondosa 2.9, Acorus calamus 2.9, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.5, i?zôes rubrum 1.5, Echinocystis lobata 1.5 G1&G4 Deciduous woodlands: Impatiens parviflora 15.1, Robinia pseudacacia 1.8, i?zôes rubrum 1.0 G3 Coniferous woodlands: Impatiens parviflora 2.9 G5 Disturbed woodlands: Impatiens parviflora 19.1, Epilobium adenocaulon 10.2, Conyza canadensis 5.1, Digitalis purpurea 4.3, Robinia pseudacacia 2.0, Quercus rubra 1.4, Impatiens glandulifera 1.4, Cytisus scoparius 1.2, Solidago canadensis 1.2, Juncus tenuis 1.2, Symphoricarpos albus 1.0, Erigeron annuus 1.0 H2 Screes: Impatiens parviflora 10.0, Robinia pseudacacia 10.0, Conyza canadensis 2.0, Aesculus hippocastanum 2.0, Epilobium dodonaei 2.0, Caragana arborescens 2.0 H3 Cliffs: Impatiens parviflora 12, Pseudofumaria lutea 6.8, Antirrhinum majus 5.1, Conyza canadensis 4.2, Epilobium adenocaulon 3.4, Solidago canadensis 1.3, Erigeron annuus 1.3, Oxalis europaea 1.3, Helianthus annuus 1.3 10 H5.6 Trampled areas: Chamomilla suaveolens 27.9, Conyza canadensis 7.5, Juncus tenuis 5.9, Epilobium adenocaulon 3.1, Trifolium hybridům 2.6, Amaranthus retroflexus 2.1, Agrostis gigantea 1.5, Galinsogaparviflora 1.4, Bidens frondosa 1.3, Galinsoga ciliata 1.2, Medicago sativa 1.2, Impatiens parviflora 1.0, Veronica persica 1.0 II Arable land: Veronica persica 55.0, Chamomilla suaveolens 14.9, Amaranthus retroflexus 10.8, Galinsoga ciliata 10.6, Galinsoga parviflora 10.5, Solanum tuberosum 7.6, Oxalis europaea 6.1, Conyza canadensis 3.7, Amaranthuspowellii 2.8, Medicago sativa 2.4, Lolium multiflorum 2.2, Agrostis gigantea 1.7', Amaranthus hybridus 1.7, Trifolium hybridům 1.5 Czech Republic - archaeophytes A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats: Cirsium arvense 15.8, Polygonum aviculare group 14.2,Matricaria perforata 13.1, Chenopodium glaucum 10.9,Mentha arvensis 6.0, Sonchus asper 6.0, Medicago lupulina 4.4, Sonchus arvensis 4.4, Pastinaca sativa 4.4, Echinochloa crus-galli 2.7, Cichorium intybus 2.7, Arrhenatherum elatius 2.2, Atriplex tatarica 2.2, Lactuca serriola 1.6, Anagallis arvensis 1.6, Thlaspi arvense 1.6, Verbena officinalis 1.6, Chenopodium polyspermum 1.1, Sonchus oleraceus 1.1, Arctium tomentosum 1.1, Veronica arvensis 1.1, Melilotus officinalis 1.1 CI Standing waters: - C2 Running waters: Mentha arvensis 1.6, Lapsana communis 1.2 C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds: Matricaria perforata 7.0, Cirsium arvense 6.3, Echinochloa crus-galli 4.9, Mentha arvensis 3.0, Polygonum aviculare group 1.9, Chenopodium polyspermum 1.8, Chenopodium ficifolium 1.2, Tanacetum vulgare 1.0 Dl Bogs: Mentha arvensis 1.3 D2 Poor fens: Mentha arvensis 11.0 D3 Base-rich fens: Mentha arvensis 21.0, Arrhenatherum elatius 4.1, Medicago lupulina 2.0, Fz'cz'a sativa 2.0, Mentha verticillata 2.0 El Dry grasslands: Arrhenatherum elatius 27.2, Echium vulgare 18.7, Convolvulus arvensis 12.5, Medicago lupulina 6.4, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 5.1,Melampyrum arvense 3.9, Veronica arvensis 3.4, Berteroa incana 2.6, Fallopia convolvulus 2.3, Artemisia absinthium 2.1, Reseda lutea 1.9, Linaria vulgaris 1.8, Silene latifolia 1.8, Fz'cz'a angustifolia 1.8, Cirsium arvense 1.7, Carduus acanthoides 1.7, Geranium columbinum 1.7, Melilotus officinalis 1.6, Bromus tectorum 1.6, Lathyrus tuber osus 1.5, Myosotis arvensis 1.5, Er odium cicutarium 1.5, Cynodon dactylon 1.3, Bromus hordeaceus 1.3, Descurainia sophia 1.3, Crepis biennis 1.2, Galeopsis ladanum 1.2, Cardaria draba 1.2, Capsella bursa-pastoris 1.1, Pastinaca sativa 1.1, Cichorium intybus 1.1, Polygonum aviculare group 1.0 E2 Mesic grasslands: Arrhenatherum elatius 48.6, Crepis biennis 16.2, Cirsium arvense 10.8, Pastinaca sativa 8.2, Convolvulus arvensis 8.1, Medicago lupulina 1.1, Veronica arvensis 7.0, Bromus hordeaceus 4.9, Myosotis arvensis 4.7, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 4.1, Tanacetum vulgare 3.1, Capsella bursa-pastoris 2 A, Mentha arvensis 1.9, Linaria vulgaris 1.9, Cichorium intybus 1.8, Lamium album 1.8, Silene latifolia 1.6, Cirsium vulgare 1.6, Fz'cz'a sativa 1.6, Matricaria perforata 1.5, Polygonum aviculare group 1.3, Lathyrus tuber osus 1.2 E3 Wet grasslands: Cirsium arvense 9'.6, Arrhenatherum elatius 8..9, Mentha arvensis 8.1, Mentha verticillata 6.5, Carduus crispus 2.1, Lamium album 2.0, Veronica arvensis 1.7, Convolvulus arvensis 1.6, Crepis biennis 1.5, Bromus hordeaceus 1.5, Tanacetum vulgare 1.4, Pastinaca sativa 1.1, Chelidonium majus 1.1 E4 Alpine grasslands: - E5.1 Ruderal vegetation: Matricaria perforata 30.2, Cirsium arvense 24.0, Arrhenatherum elatius 19.8, Ballota nigra 19.5, Convolvulus arvensis 18.6, Polygonum aviculare group 17.2, Lactuca serriola 16.5, Atriplexpatula 14.8, Lamium album 14.4, Tanacetum vulgare 13.4, Chelidonium majus 12.5, Capsella bursa-pastoris 12.5, Atriplex nitens 12.4, Sonchus oleraceus 10.8, Arctium tomentosum 10.6, Medicago lupulina 10.5, Silene latifolia 10.4, Carduus acanthoides 10.3, Melilotus alba 9.3, Echium vulgare 8.0, Fallopia convolvulus 1.4, Pastinaca sativa 7.1, Lapsana communis 6.9, Cirsium vulgare 6.9, Descurainia sophia 6.7, Melilotus officinalis 6.5, Bromus tectorum 6.3, Arctium lappa 5.8,Malva neglecta 5.8, Bromus sterilis 5.8, Echinochloa crus-galli 5.8, Sisymbrium officinale 5.8, Arctium minus 5.2, Linaria vulgaris 5.1, Chenopodium glaucum 11 4.7, Cichorium intybus 4.6, Geranium pusillum 4.6, Thlaspi arvense 4.5, Crepis biennis 4.4, Chenopodium bonus-henricus 4.1, Chenopodiumpolyspermum 3.9, Atriplex oblongifolia 3.7, Reseda lutea 3.6, Chenopodiumficifolium 3.6, Sonchus asper 3.2, Apera spica-venti 3.0, Carduus crispus 2.9, Lepidium ruderale 2.7, Senecio vulgaris 2.6, Setaria viridis 2.5, Papaver rhoeas 2.4, Artemisia absinthium 2.4, Sinapis arvensis 2.3, Solanum nigrum 2.3, Crepis foetida ssp. rhoeadifolia 2.3, Urtica urens 2.2, Berteroa incana 2.2, Cardaria draba 2.2, Atriplex tatarica 2.2, Hordeum murinum 22, Lamium purpureum 2.1, Chaenorrhinum minus 2A,Armoracia rusticana 2.0, Leonurus cardiaca 2.0, Fz'o/a odorata 2.0, Onopordum acanthium 2.0, Saponaria officinalis 1.9, Aethusa cynapium 1.9, Digitaria sanguinalis 1.9, Bromus hordeaceus 1.8, Sonchus arvensis \.l,Mercurialis annua 1.7', Anagallis arvensis 1.6, Conium maculatum 1.5, Erodium cicutarium 1.5, Anthemis cotula 1.5, Myosotis arvensis 1.4, Erysimum cheiranthoides 1.4, Setariapumila 1.4, Chenopodium botrys 1.4, Lathyrus tuberosus 1.3, Euphorbia helioscopia 1.3, Euphorbiapeplus 1.3, Veronica arvensis 1.2, Raphanus raphanistrum 1.2, Fumaria officinalis 1.2, Bromus japonicus \ .2, Avena fiatua 1.1, Eragrostis minor 1.1 E5.2 Woodland fringes: Arrhenatherum elatius 41.5, Echium vulgare 8.1, Convolvulus arvensis 6.8, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 5.1,Melampyrum arvense 4.3, Cirsium arvense 3.5, Fallopia convolvulus 3.3, Artemisia absinthium 3.3, Galeopsis ladanum 33,Medicago lupulina 3.0, Linaria vulgaris 3.0, Lapsana communis 3.0, Prunus domestica 1.9, Tanacetum vulgare 1.6,Melilotus officinalis 1.6, Crepis biennis 1.6, Carduus acanthoides 1.1, Pastinaca sativa 1.1, Geranium columbinum 1.1 E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs: Cirsium arvense 1.8 F2 Subalpine scrub: - F3 Temperate scrub: Arrhenatherum elatius 25.5, Fallopia convolvulus 8.8, Silene latifolia 8.8, Chelidonium majus 8.8, Echium vulgare 7.8, Cirsium arvense 6.9, Ballota nigra 6.9, Convolvulus arvensis 5.9, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 4.9, Carduus acanthoides 4.9, Bromus sterilis 4.9, Bryonia alba 4.9, Medicago lupulina 3.9, Fz'o/a odorata 3.9, Berteroa incana 3.9, Lapsana communis 2.9, Lamium album 2.9, Prunus cerasus xfruticosa 2.9, Reseda lutea 2.9, Galium spurium 2.9, Pyrus communis 2.9, Lactuca serriola 2.9, Carduus crispus 2.9, Cirsium vulgare 2.0, Melampyrum arvense 2.0, Artemisia absinthium 2.0, Pastinaca sativa 2.0, Fumaria vaillantii 2.0, Bromus tectorum 2.0, Lathyrus tuberosus 2.0, Lepidium campestre 2.0, Atriplex nitens 2.0, Sonchus oleraceus 2.0, Descurainia sophia 2.0, Asperugoprocumbens 2.0, Prunus cerasus 2.0, Geranium molle 2.0 F4 Temperate heaths: Arrhenatherum elatius 6.1, Echium vulgare 2.6 F9 Wet scrub: Cirsium arvense 5.9, Lamium album 4.4, Arrhenatherum elatius 1.5, Silene latifolia 1.5, Convolvulus arvensis 1.5, Carduus crispus 1.5, Crepis biennis 1.5, Solanum nigrum 1.5, Armoracia rusticana 1.5, Bromus hordeaceus 1.5, Nepeta cataria 1.5 G1&G4 Deciduous woodlands: Chelidonium majus 3.6, Lapsana communis 3.1, Arrhenatherum elatius 2.1, Fallopia convolvulus 1.1, Prunus cerasus 1.0 G3 Coniferous woodlands: Arrhenatherum elatius 2.9, Chelidonium majus 1.5, Linaria vulgaris 1.4, Medicago lupulina 1.0 G5 Disturbed woodlands: Cirsium arvense 15.1, Arrhenatherum elatius 5.7, Cirsium vulgare 5.3, Chelidonium majus 4.5, Fallopia convolvulus 3.9, Ballota nigra 3.7, Lapsana communis 3.5, Linaria vulgaris 3.1, Lactuca serriola 2.2, Sonchus oleraceus 1.8, Convolvulus arvensis 1.6, Tanacetum vulgare 1.6, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 1.4, Senecio vulgaris 1.4, Silene latifolia 1.2, Lamium album 1.2, Bromus sterilis 1.2, Polygonum aviculare group 1.2, Matricaria perforata 1.0, Carduus crispus 1.0 H2 Screes: Echium vulgare 26.0, Arrhenatherum elatius 24.0, Fallopia convolvulus 24.0, Chaenorrhinum minus 22.0, Galeopsis ladanum 14.0, Lapsana communis 12.0, Reseda lutea 8.0, Artemisia absinthium 8.0, Chelidonium majus 6.0, Convolvulus arvensis 6.0, Tragopogon dubius 4.0, Diplotaxis muralis 4.0, Cirsium vulgare 2.0, Linaria vulgaris 2.0, Sonchus oleraceus 2.0, Tanacetum vulgare 2.0, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 2.0, Sonchus asper 2.0, Arctium lappa 2.0, Setaria viridis 2.0, Lepidium campestre 2.0, Fumaria vaillantii 2.0, Geranium columbinum 2.0, Crepis foetida ssp. rhoeadifolia 2.0, Erodium cicutarium 2.0, Lappula squarrosa 2.0, Euphorbia exigua 2.0, Parietaria officinalis 2.0 H3 Cliffs: Chelidonium majus 15.7, Cymbalaria muralis 8.5, Sonchus oleraceus 4.2, Lamium album 3.4, Ballota nigra 2.5, Arrhenatherum elatius 2.1, Tanacetum parthenium 2 A, Lamium purpureum \.l,Mercurialis annua 1.7, Echium vulgare 1.3, Convolvulus arvensis 1.3 12 H5.6 Trampled areas: Polygonum aviculare group 48.4, Capsella bursa-pastoris 18.1,Matricaria perforata \5.\,Lepidium ruderale 11.1, Cirsium arvense 9.3, Sclerochloa dura %A,Medicago lupulina 6.8, Bromus hordeaceus 4.8, Sonchus oleraceus 4.8, Convolvulus arvensis 4.2, Pastinaca sativa 4.2, Coronopus squamatus 4.0, Echinochloa crus-galli 3.3,Mentha arvensis 3.3, Tanacetum vulgare 3.1, Lamium album 2.8, Arrhenatherum elatius 2.8, Cichorium intybus 2.8,.3, Sisymbrium officinale 2.8, Arctium tomentosum 2.4, Malva neglecta 2.4, GeraniumpusiHum 2.4, Veronica arvensis 2.3, Eragrostis minor 2.3, Chenopodium glaucum 2.2, Atriplexpatula 2.1, Anthemis cotula 2.1, Lactuca serriola 1.8, Bromus tectorum 1.8, Ballota nigra 1.7, Descurainia sophia 1.7, Scleranthus annuus 1.4, Crepis biennis \A,Melilotus alba 1.3, Cirsium vulgare 1.2, Linaria vulgaris 1.2, Setaria viridis 1.2, Hordeum murinum 1.0, Chenopodium bonus-henricus 1.0, Cardaria draba 1.0, Digitaria ischaemum 1.0 II Arable land: Capsella bursa-pastoris 65.6, Matricaria perforata 64.8, Fallopia convolvulus 62.2, Cirsium arvense 61.6, Myosotis arvensis 52.5, Polygonum aviculare group 51.1, Thlaspi arvense 50.9, Lamium purpureum 44.6, Convolvulus arvensis 41.1, Lapsana communis 39.2, Anagallis arvensis 38.3, Euphorbia helioscopia 31.0, Veronica arvensis 30.5, Papaver rhoeas 28.5, Lamium amplexicaule 26.1, Fz'cz'a angustifolia 22.3, Sinapis arvensis 22.1, Raphanus raphanistrum 21.9, Sonchus arvensis 21.7, Geranium pusi Hum 2\ .6, Avena fatua 2\.0,Apera spica-venti 20.8, Fz'cz'a hirsuta 20.7, Scleranthus annuus 20.5, Atriplex patula 20.5, Silene noctiflora 20.5, Sonchus asper 20.1, Veronica polita 19'.2, Anthemis arvensis 19.0, Centaurea cyanus 19.0, Consolida regalis 18.5, Sonchus oleraceus 17'.3, Mentha arvensis 17'.3,Aethusa cynapium 16.9, Geranium dissectum 15.9, Spergula arvensis 15.6, Erodium cicutarium 14.6, Echinochloa crus-galli 13.9, Descurainia sophia 13.4, Nesliapaniculata 13.2, Chenopodiumpolyspermum 12..3, Fumaria officinalis 12.3, Medicago lupulina 12.1, Lathyrus tuberosus 11.4, Euphorbia exigua 11.0, Sherardia arvensis 10.3, Galium spurium 9.9, Erysimum cheiranthoides 9.6, Buglossoides arvensis 8.5, Lactuca serriola 8.5, Valerianella dentata 1 A, Anchusa arvensis 6.8, Senecio vulgaris 6.5, Silene latifolia 6.5, Adonis aestivalis 6.1, Setaria viridis 5.8, Ranunculus arvensis 5.8, Veronica triphyllos 5.5, Linaria vulgaris 5.3, Papaver argemone 5.1, Setariapumila 4.8, Fz'cz'a sativa 4.7, Stachys annua 4.6, Anthemis austriaca 4.3, Chaenorrhinum minus 3.9, Kickxia spuria 3.5,Malva neglecta 3.4, Solanum nigrum 3.4, Fumaria vaillantii 3 A, Arctium tomentosum 3.1, Anagallis foemina 3.1, Carduus acanthoides 2.9, Papaver dubium 2.8, Pastinaca sativa 2.8, Crepis biennis 2.7, Cardaria draba 2.7, Veronica triloba 2.6, Caucalisplatycarpos 2.4, Euphorbia falcata 2.3, Fz'cz'a villosa 2.3, Tanacetum vulgare 2.2, Mercurialis annua 2.2, Veronica agrestis 2.1, Bromus sterilis 1.9, Euphorbia peplus 1.9, Chenopodium ficifolium 1.9, Fumaria rostellata 1.9, Arrhenatherum elatius 1.8, Prunus domestica 1.8, Echium vulgare 1.7, Conringia orientalis 1.7, Cirsium vulgare 1.5, Cichorium intybus 1.5, Reseda lutea 1.5, Veronica opaca 1.5, Kickxia elatine 1.5, Galeopsis ladanum 1.4, Atriplex mtens 1.2, Anethum graveolens 1.0, Came Una microcarpa 1.0 Great Britain - neophytes A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats: Acer pseudoplatanus 1.0, Brassica napus subsp. napus 1.0, Geranium pyrenaicum \.0,Juncus tenuis 1.0, Chamomilla suaveolens 1.0 B1&B2 Coastal dunes: Brassica napus subsp. napus 8.0, Veronica persica 1.6, Viciafaba 1.6, Acer pseudoplatanus 1.2 B3 Coastal rocks: Brassica napus subsp. napus 0.8, Acer pseudoplatanus 0.8, Cardaria draba 0.8, Picea sitchensis 0.8, Claytoniaperfoliata 0.8, Epilobium adenocaulon 0.8 C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds: Impatiens glandulifera 4.7, Cardaria draba 3.1, Brassica napus subsp. napus 1.6, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.6, Chamomilla suaveolens 1.6, Aesculus hippocastanum 1.6, Cirsium oleraceum 1.6, Claytonia sibirica 1.6, Hesperis matronalis 1.6, Impatiens capensis 1.6, Ligustrum ovalifolium 1.6 Dl Bogs: Picea sitchensis 1.4 D2 Poor fens: Pinus contorta 2.8 D4 Base-rich fens: Epilobium brunnescens 3.6, Picea sitchensis 1.8, Claytonia perfoliata 1.8, Impatiens glandulifera 1.8 El Dry grasslands: Picea sitchensis 1.7 13 E2 Mesic grasslands: Chamomilla suaveolens 6.0, Lolium multiflorum 2.6, Acer pseudoplatanus 1.6, Veronica persica 1.6, Brassica napus subsp. napus 1.1 E3&E5.4 Wet grasslands: Chamomilla suaveolens 3.5, Acer pseudoplatanus 1.2, Lolium multiflorum 1.1, Mimulus guttatus 1.1 E5.1 Ruderal vegetation: Chamomilla suaveolens 14.7, Veronica persica 3.7, Brassica napus subsp. napus 3.6, Lolium multiflorum 3.1, Acer pseudoplatanus 2.0 E5.3 Bracken: Acer pseudoplatanus 5.1, Picea sitchensis 1.8 E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs: Picea sitchensis 14 F3 Temperate scrub: Acer pseudoplatanus 8.9, Chamomilla suaveolens 1.6, Impatiens glandulifera 1.1, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.1 F4 Temperate heaths: Picea sitchensis 1.4 FA Hedgerows: Acer pseudoplatanus 9.7 G1&G4 Deciduous woodland: Acer pseudoplatanus 17.8, Picea sitchensis 3.4, Impatiens glandulifera 1.4, Castanea sativa 1.2, Epilobium adenocaulon 1.1, Rhododendron ponticum 1.1, Picea abies 1.0 G3 Coniferous woodland: Picea sitchensis 68.8, ft'ras contorta 9.7, Acer pseudoplatanus 6.3, Picea abies 6.3, ft'ras «z'gra 4.5, Pseudotsuga menziesii 2.8, Tsuga heterophylla 2.3, Rhododendron ponticum 1.1, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 1.1 II Arable land: Chamomilla suaveolens 21 A, Veronica persica 25.5, Brassica napus subsp. napus 10.5, Lolium multiflorum 6.0, Brassica rapa 2.1, Viciafaba 1.1 Great Britain - archaeophytes A2.5&D6&E6 Saline habitats: Artemisia vulgaris 3.0, Chenopodium bonus-henricus 3.0, Lamium album 2.0, Picris echioides 2.0 B1&B2 Coastal dunes: Bromus sterilis 5.6, Avenafatua 2.8, Artemisia vulgaris 2.0, Picris echioides 1.6, Alopecurus myosuroides 1.6, Fallopia convolvulus 1.6, Conium maculatum 1.2, Myosotis arvensis 1.2, Silene latifolia 1.2, Urtica urens 1.2 B3 Coastal rocks: Geranium dissectum 1.5 C3&D5 Sedge-reed beds: Lamium album 6.3, Ballota nigra 3.1, Bromus sterilis 1.6, Conium maculatum 1.6, Picris echioides 1.6, Silene latifolia 1.6, Agrostis gigantea 1.6 Dl Bogs: Agrostis gigantea 0.1, Fallopia convolvulus 0.1, Picris echioides 0.1 D2 Poor fens, D4 Base-rich fens: - El Dry grasslands: Agrostis gigantea 0.2, Picris echioides 0.2, Lamium purpureum 0.2 E2 Mesic grasslands: Bromus sterilis 10.5, Lamium album 4.7, Geranium dissectum 4.2, Myosotis arvensis \ .9, Avena fatua 1.8, Artemisia vulgaris 1.6, Aegopodium podagraria 1.5, Conium maculatum 1.3, Capsella bursa-pastoris 1.2 E3&E5.4 Wet grasslands: Geranium dissectum 1.9', Lamium album 1.2, Aegopodium podagraria 1.2 E5.1 Ruderal vegetation: Bromus sterilis 20.5, Lamium album 7.9, Geranium dissectum 4.7, Capsella bursa-pastoris 4.6, Sisymbrium officinale 4.3, Artemisia vulgaris 3.7, Avena fatua 3.5, Lamium purpureum 3.0, Malva sylvestris 2.8, Hordeum murinum 2.4, Myosotis arvensis 2.3, Conium maculatum 2.3, Papaver rhoeas 2.3, Fz'o/a arvensis 2.1, Picris echioides 1.8, Aegopodium podagraria 1.7, Alopecurus myosuroides 1.7, Silene latifolia 1.6, Ballota nigra 1.5, Sinapis arvensis 1.5, Agrostis gigantea 1.2, Matricaria recutita 1.1 E5.3 Bracken: Bromus sterilis (0.9), Aegopodium podagraria (0.9) E5.5 Subalpine tall forbs: -F3 Temperate scrub: Bromus sterilis 12.1, Lamium album 6.8, Avena fatua 2.0, Myosotis arvensis 1.6, Aegopodium podagraria 1.5, Geranium dissectum 1.3, Lamium purpureum 1.1 F4 Temperate heaths: Aegopodium podagraria 0.1, Geranium dissectum 0.1, Fumaria officinalis 0.1 FA Hedgerows: Bromus sterilis 4.9, Lamium album 2.0, Prunus domestica 1.1 G1&G4 Deciduous woodland: Bromus sterilis 1.9, Aegopodium podagraria 1.2, Myosotis arvensis 1.0 G3 Coniferous woodland: Bromus sterilis 0.6, Aegopodium podagraria 0.6, Galium tricornutum 0.6, Onopordum acanthium 0.6 II Arable land: Capsella bursa-pastoris 21.9, Lamium purpureum 15.9, Fallopia convolvulus 14.9, Fz'o/a arvensis 14.7, Bromus sterilis 13.4, Avena fatua 13.1, Sisymbrium officinale 7.9, Myosotis 14 arvensis 7.6, Papaver rhoeas 7.6, Geranium dissectum 7.0, Alopecurus myosuroides 7.0, Sinapis arvensis 6.9, Artemisia vulgaris 6.2, Lamium album 5.0, Urtica urens 4.8, Fumaria officinalis 4.8, Euphorbia helioscopia 4.3,Malva sylvestris 3.2, Silene latifolia 3.0, Coronopus squamatus 2.7, Picris echioides 2.3, Matricaria recutita 2.2, Anchusa arvensis 1.7, Agrostis gigantea 1.6, Hordeum murinum 1.6, Thlaspi arvense 1.3, Conium maculatum 1.2, Lamium amplexicaule 1.0 15