Chapter 1 Overview of Processes 1.1 Evaporation 1.1.1 Kinetická teorie plynů Maxwell-Boltzmannovo rozdělení rychlostí m \3/2 / mV ™=»(^r«>(-w)- (ll) Předpokládáme, že u = 0 nebo se pozorovatel pohybuje střední rychlostí plynu => v = V: *, x a / m \3/2 / mv2\ ,o nv)*' = n(*är) exp{-m)llv- (L2) Protože M.-B. rozdělení je izotropní, můžeme definovat rozdělení velikosti rychlosti v = |v|. Přejdeme do sférických souřadnic d3v = v2 sin 6(16(1(1). (1.3) Rozdělovači funkce rychlostí F (v) F(v)dv= í í f (v)v2 sin 6(16d^dv (1.4) Je J a tedy t-,/ s , / m \3/2 of mv2\ ,_, . f{v) = aH-^ť) ^v 2{-lä) (L5) Střední hodnota velikosti rychlosti 1 ľ 1 f°° < v >= - / fv(rv = - / F(v)vdv (1.6) n J v n Jo a po výpočtu < v >= (8/7r)1/2(fcT/m)1/2. (1.7) Tok částic Tn = n = / /v • ňd3v (1.8) J v je pro náhodný pohyb částic roven nule. Jaký je tok na jednu stranu myšlené plochy? í kT \ l/2 1 T = n------ =-n (1.9) \27rmJ 4 1 1.1. EVAPORATION CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF PROCESSES Stavová rovnice ^ = NkB^^=nkB (1.10) Z této rovnice dosadíme za n v (1.9) a dostáváme T = p(2irkBTm)-l/2 (1.11) 1.1.2 General Considerations Thermal evaporation or vacuum evaporation (purely physical process) is composed of following sequential basic steps: 1. Generation of Vapor by sublimation or evaporation of solid or liquid material, respectively => heating to sufficiently high temperatures. 2. Transportation of vapor from the source to a substrate. 3. Condensation of vapor as a solid film on a cooler substrate surface. Thin films of carbon deposited by evaporation inside an electric bulb were probably first observed by Edison. Historically, however, the deposition of a metal film from a wire exploded by a high current density is attributed to Faraday, and by vacuum evaporation to Nahrwold, Pohl and Pringsheim. Because of collisions with ambient gas atoms, a fraction of the vapor atoms will be scattered and hence randomized in direction in a distance d during their transfer through the gas. The flux of particles at the distance d that did not undergo any collision is given as r(d) =T0exp(-d/A). (1.12) Here A is the mean free path of gas atoms which for air molecules at 25 °C and pressures 10~2 and 10~4 Pa is about 60 and 6000 cm. Thus, pressures lower than 10~3 Pa are necessary to ensure a straight-line path for most of emitted vapor atoms, for substrate-to-source distances of «10 to 60 cm in a vacuum evaporator. The rate of free evaporation of vapor atoms from clean surface of unit area in dimensions m_2.s~l is given by the Langmuir expression: revap = Pev(^kBTevmev)~1/2 (1.13) where pev and Tev are equilibrium vapor pressure and temperature of evaporated material, respectively, mev is mass of vapor molecules and kB is Boltzmann constant. It is the same equation as for the flux of particles (1.11) because of particle conservation law. The rate of evaporation can be alternatively expressed in dimensions kg.m_2.s~l Deposition rate from clean, uniform emitting point source onto a plane receiver varies as cos6/r2 (Knudsen cosine law), where r is the radial distance of the receiver from the source and 9 is the angle between the radial vector and the normal to the receiver direction. If to and t are the thicknesses of deposits at the receiver vertically below the source at a distance h, and a at a horizontal distance x from the vertical line, respectively, then the deposit distribution (assuming the same condensation coefficient) is given by t _ 1 h = [i + (^A)2]3/2' (1'15) 2 CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF PROCESSES 1.2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS For evaporation from a small area onto a parallel plane receiver, the deposition rate is proportional to cos2 6/r2 and the thickness distribution is given by íl , (1.16) ío [l + (x/W In both cases, the thickness decreases by about 10% for x = h/4. A parameter of interest in understanding the influence of ambient gases on the properties of films is the impingement rate of gas atoms or molecules. This is given by the kinetic theory of gases under equilibrium conditions (1.11) rg=pg(27rfcBTgmg)-1/2. (1.17) The Table ?? lists the mean free paths, impingement rate and other related quantities for air molecules at different pressures. Note that at constant gas and evaporation temperatures, the ratio Tg/Tevap ~ Pg/Pevap- From Table ?? implies that under commonly employed experimental conditions of vacuum (~ 10~3) and deposition rate (~ lA/s), the impingement rate of gas atoms is relatively quite large, so that if the sticking coefficient of gas atoms is not negligible small, a considerable amount of gas sorption could occur. 1.2 Chemical Reactions Chemical reactions can involve gas, liquid or solid phases. The reaction is called homogeneous if the reactants are in the same phase, while heterogeneous reactions have reactants in two or more phases. Reactions that take place on the surface of a catalyst of a different phase are also heterogeneous. A reaction between two gases, two liquids or two solids is homogeneous. A reaction between a gas and a liquid, a gas and a solid or a liquid and a solid is heterogeneous. 1.2.1 Reaction Rate We consider an isolated volume in the reactor. This volume contains one single fluid (gas or liquid) phase only. It is uniform in composition and temperature. If the reactor is spatially uniform, the representative volume is the total volume; if not, the representative volume is limited to a differential element. The rate of a homogeneous reaction is determined by the composition of the reaction mixture, the temperature, and the pressure. The pressure can be determined from an equation of state together with the temperature and composition. Thus, we focus on the influence of latter factors. Consider the reaction aA + bB...—>qQ + sS... (1.18) It can be stated that A and B react at rate dNA , dNB rA = -^r rs = -^r (L19) and Q and S are formed at rates dNs , dNQ dt Tq ~ dt >'S = -^ >*« = -^ (L») where Nj represents the molar amount of one of the chemical species in the reaction (from here in kmol), and t is time. The following equalities exist between the different rates _1 dNA = _1 dNe = 1 dNQ = 1 dNs_ a dt b dt q dt s dt 3 1.2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF PROCESSES Each term of these equalities may be considered as the rate of the reaction. This can be generalized to the case of N chemical species participating in M independent chemical reactions, diiAx + ai2A2 + ... + aiNAN = 0 (1.22) nebo N 0 = J2aiJA3 i = 1,2,... M (1.23) i=i with the convention that the stoichiometric coefficients a%j are taken positive for products and negative for react ants. The rate of reaction is generally expressed on an intensive basis, say reaction volume, so that when V represents the volume occupied by the reaction mixture, 1 1 SdNj\ . „ V aij \ dt )i For the simpler case, -ldNA -1 d -1 Í.JCa dV\ r = ^v^f = ^yJt{CAV) = äv [v-ďT + Ca^J (1-25) where C a represents the molar concentration of A (kmol/m3). When the reaction volume does not vary -ldCA n o^ r =-------;—. (1-26) a dt v ' In this case it suffices to measure the change in concentration to obtain the rate of reaction. 1.2.2 Conversion and Extent of Reaction Conversions, rather than concentrations, are often used in the rate expressions, as follows: x'a = Nao-Na x'b = NB0-Nb (1.27) or for constant volume x"a = CAq-Ca x"b = Cbo-Cb. (1.28) Most frequently, fractional conversion are used Nao - NA Nm - NB XA = ^aV~ XB = ^r- (L29) which show immediately how far the reaction has progressed. One must be very careful when using the literature because it is not always clearly defined which kind of conversion is meant. The following relations may be derived easily from Eqs. (1.27)-(1.29): (1.30) (1.31) nr ~~ (1-32) Xj - = NiOXj xA xB _XQ a b T.TD Q b Nao ----------------------T. A 4 CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF PROCESSES 1.2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS An alternate but related concept to the conversion is the extent or degree of advancement (stupeň rozvoje reakce) of the general reaction Eq. (f .23), which is defined as , Ni - Ni0 e = ——- (1-33) ay a quantity that is the same for any species. Also, Nj = NjQ + aj£ (1.34) where Njo is the initial amount of Aj present in the reaction mixture. For multiple reactions, M W; = iVj-o + 5>y&. (1-35) i=\ Eqs. (1.29) and (1.34) can be combined to give Nj = Njo + ctj—XA. (1-36) If species A is the limiting reactant (present in least amount), the maximum extent of reaction is found from 0 = iV^o + a^max (1-37) and the fractional conversion defined by Eq.(1.29) becomes XA = t^-. (1-38) S max Either conversion or extent of reaction can be used to characterize the amount of reaction that has occured. For industrial applications, the conversion of a feed is usually of interest, while for other scientific applications, the extent is often more useful. In terms of the extent of reaction, the reaction rate Eq. (1.24) can be written l~ val3 \dt )r v df [ j With this rate, the change in moles of any species is, for a single reaction, dNj = a3Vr (1.40) and for multiple reactions dt rlN M -± = Y^al3Vrl = VRr (1.41) i=\ 1.2.3 Order of Reaction Based on experimental observation and later explained by the collision theory, it is found that the rate of reaction in Eq. (1.18) can be expressed as r = kcCACbB. (1.42) The proportionality factor kc is called the rate coefficient, or rate constant. By definition, this rate coefficient is independent of the quantities of the reacting species, but is dependent on the 5 1.3. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLID CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF PROCESSES other variables that influence the rate. When r is expressed in kmol m 3 hr 1, then kc has dimensions (kmol/m3)1-(a+6+-)hr-1 (1.43) The dimensions of the rate coefficient used with the conversions are the same as those given for use with the concentrations. Partial pressures may also be used as a measure of the quantities of the reacting species, r = kppaApbB. (1.44) In this case the dimensions of the rate coefficient kp are (kmol/m3)hr-1Pa-(a+6+-) (1.45) According to the ideal gas law so that a = £ (1.46) kc = kp(RT)a+b+-. (1.47) The powers a, b, ... are called "partial orders" of the reaction with respect to A, B... The sum a + b + ... may be called the "global order", or generally just "order" of the reaction. In reality, the orders in the above equations should be replaced by the quantities a', b', ... that do not necessarily coincide (only for elementary processes) with the stoichiometric coefficients a, b, ... but has to be determined experimentally. Only for elementary reactions does the order have to be 1, 2, or 3. When the stoichiometric equation (1.18) is only an "overall" equation for a processes consisting of several mechanistic steps, the order cannot be predicted on the basis of this stoichiometric equation. For an irreversible first-order constant volume reaction, we have r a = ~ = kCA. (1.48) When the rate coefficient k (hr-1) is known, Eq. (1.48) permits the calculation of the rate r a for any concentration of the reacting component. Conversely, when the change in concentration is known as a function of time, Eq. (1.48) permits the calculation of the rate coefficient. This method for obtaining k is known as the "differential" method. Integration of Eq. (1.48) leads to kt = In (^-\ (1.49) and a semilog plot of Cao/Ca versus t gives k. 1.3 Interaction of Ions with Solid 6 Chapter 2 Interaction of ions with solids Interaction of ions or atoms with solids is a part of many material processing techniques because it can result in structural changes of the material, implantation of incident particles or sputtering of the material. Additionally, several physical methods of material and surface characterization are based on detection of reflected or released particles resulting from ion/atom bombardment. The emitted particles include atoms or ions of the material, electrons, photons and products of nuclear reactions. All the processes initiated by an impact of ion or atom projectile are schematically shown in Fig. ??. The processes caused by impact of an ion or an atom on a surface depend on several parameters such as the energy of incident projectile (-£4,0), angle of incidence with respect to the surface normal, incident flux (7;), mass and atomic number of the projectile (M; and Z;, respectively), mass and atomic number of the target atom (Mt and Zt, respectively), and the charges of the projectile and target atom. At the conditions relevant to the material processing, the interaction of the projectile with the solid can be divided in two different mechanisms • nuclear collisions, i.e., elastic collisions with atoms • electronic collisions, in which electrons are excited or ejected from the material. At high energies ...nuclear reaction have to be taken into account. 2.1 Ion stopping As mentioned above the projectile penetrating a solid is slowed down by interactions with the electrons and atoms of the material. The energy lost per unit path length dx * = -f is called stopping power or, less frequently, specific energy loss. The stopping cross section is defined as IdE , . S = —— 2.2 n ax or I dE , . S = —— 2.3 q ax where n is the volume density in atoms/cm3 and q is the mass density in kg/cm3. The quantity S is called sometimes also the stopping power. Generally, the total energy loss experienced by the projectile moving through the material is obtained as a sum of nuclear and electronic contributions: S = Sn + Se. (2.4) 7 2.1. ION STOPPING CHAPTER 2. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLIDS At projectile velocities vi;o significantly lower than the Bohr velocity of the atomic electrons (vq), the projectile carries its electrons and, in case of ion, it tends to become neutralized by electron capture. At these velocities elastic collisions with the target nuclei, i.e., the nuclear energy losses, dominate. As the velocity is increased the interaction with the material electrons leading to inelastic collisions (electronic stopping) becomes more important. The term inelastic is used to signify that the collisions may result both in excitations of bound electrons of the medium, and in excitations of the electron cloud of the ion. 2.1.1 Nuclear Stopping Kinematics of Binary Elastic Collision In nuclear collisions the mass of the incident particle is comparable with the mass of target atom. Therefore, the elastic nuclear collision can involve significant discrete losses of projectile energy, a significant angular deflection of projectile trajectory and a creation of energetic recoil atoms. It implies from the energy and momentum conservation laws that the energies of the projectile and the recoil atom after the collision, En and Et, respectively, are given by Eiyi = KEifi Et = (l-K)Ei>Q (2.5) (2.6) where K is the kinematic factor determined by the relative mass Mi/Mt and the laboratory angle 6\ of scattered projectile. If the mass of incident particle exceeds the mass of the target atom, Mi/Mt > 1, the kinematic factor is given by: K = If Mi/'Mt < 1 the expression is reduced to cos 0\ ± f2 - «m2 Oi 1/2- Mt +1 Mi ^ x (2.7) K = cos#i+(f|2-sin2^1/2 -i 2 Mt +1 Mi ^ x (2.8) The energy transfered to the target atom can be expressed by simplification of Eq. (??) as 4MM 2 9C Et = (mTmF 2" Ei'° (2.9) where 6C is the center-of-mass scattering angle. Dynamics of Binary Elastic Collisions and Scattering Cross Section Irradiation of material by ions or atoms is the interaction of many particles. Therefore, it is conveniently described by a statistical approach that introduces a measure of scattering probability. We consider the particles incident at a distance b off-center from the target particle. The situation of the scattering event is depicted in Fig. ??. The quantity b is the impact parameter and particle flux will be denoted as T. The conservation of particle flux requires that the particles incoming through the differential area bdbdcfti leave, after the scattering, through the differential solid angle proportional to dQ defined by the scattering angle 9i and the orientation of the scattering plane (/>; as dQ. = únOidOidcpi. (2.10) 8 CHAPTER 2. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLIDS 2.1. ION STOPPING The proportionality constant is the differential scattering cross section a(9i, = o(6h-l)Tdi1. (2.11) Since both sides of Eq. (2.11) are equal to the number of particles scattered per unit time, dN/dt, the differential scattering cross section is the number of particles scattered per unit time and unit incident flux into the solid angle dQ: '(*.« = 5^0 (2J2) The differetial scattering cross section is obtained from Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11) as a(9i,fr) = sin#i db dOi (2.13) The quantity db/d9 is determined from the scattering force. The absolute value is used since 9 normally decreases with increasing b whereas a(9i,(f)i) is inherently a positive quantity. We can calculate the total scattering cross section at by integrating a over the solid angle at = a(9i,^i)dÜ = / / 2-22 and the spacing between neighboring atoms in the crystal, tq. The Bohr radius, ao = 0.053 nm, indicates the extent of the atomic electron shells. The spacing between atoms, typically ro = 0.25 nm, is the distance between two bonded atoms related to the minimum potential energy of the crystal. The nuclear charges are well screened by atomic electrons at the distances r ľ> ro. As the atoms come closer to each other the valence shells begin to overlap and there may be attractive interaction of the type forming the bonds. At the extreme case of r =^¥-m (2-23) where % is the screening function. Under ideal circumstances, %(r) should tend to zero or unity for large or very small distances, respectively. Basically, there are two approaches to express the screening function, (i) the simple statistical and (i) the quantum-mechanical Hartree-Fock atomic models. The statistical, Thomas-Fermi (TF), description assumes that the electrons behave as an ideal gas of particles of energy E obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics and fill the potential well around the positively charged core. Clearly, this model does not take into account the different electron shells. Accurate solutions of the TF model of the screening function are typically obtained through numerical approaches as discussed by Torrens [?]. However, for many applications it would be desirable to have available an analytical expression that approximately satisfies the TF equation. The earliest and best known of these analytical expressions is the Sommerfeld asymptotic form: X(P) i + tf (2.24) where the constant a, A and c were chosen as a = 122'3 and c\ = 3. The normalized interatomic distance x = r/axF is scaled by the TF screening radius for collision between the atoms 1 /3-7r\ ' ao , °™ = -Át) I? (2-25) eft 10 CHAPTER 2. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLIDS 2.1. ION STOPPING where Ze^ is the effective charge number in the interaction of two unlike atoms Zeff = (Zi1/2 + Zt1/2)2. (2.26) Sommerfeld found that at large x the appropriate values for A and c are A = 0.772 and c = 3.886. Another often used approximation to the TF screening function was given by Moliere in the form of three exponentials: X(x) = 7pex\>{—qx) + llpexp(—Aqx) + 2pex\>(20qx) (2.27) where p = 0.05 and q = 0.3. Mathematically simple analytical expression of the screening function can be constructed using inverse powers of x = r/axF with exponent differening in different ranges of r/axF: X(D = "j (T)'"' P-») with s = 3/2, 2,3... and a constant ks. A screening function based on quantum mechanically derived charge distribution gives rise to what is commonly referred to as the universal interatomic potential. The extensive work of Ziegler, Biersack and Littmark (ZBL) [?] and Wilson et al. [?] produced the ZBL universal screening function Xu = 0.1818 exp(-3.2a;) + 0.5099 exp(-0.9423a;) +0.2802 exp(-0.4028a;)+ 0.02817exp(-0.2016) (2.29) where the reduced distance x is given by x = — (2.30) av and a\j, the universal screening length, is defined by 0.8854a0 Z;0-23 + Z°- au — ^0.23 , -70.23 • (2-31) The application of the power law screening function, Eq. (2.28), to the scattering process results in a power law differential cross section [?] o-e(E0 = —^ (2.32) where m = 1/s in Eq. (2.28) and the constant Cm is given by 2 ,2m)^'(2.33) where Am is given by [?] Winterbon et al. vr 2 ( Z,Zte2 V Cm"2W 2K0OTF/ Ai/3 = 1.309 Ai/2 = 0.327 A0.5 = 0.5. (2.34) 11 2.1. ION STOPPING CHAPTER 2. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLIDS Nuclear Stopping Cross Section The average energy loss by the moving particle in the distance dx is obtained with the help of differential energy-transfer cross section 30keV. (2.40) 2Er Above 200 keV/amu the nuclear stopping contribution is small, typically below I % of the electronic stopping. 2.1.2 Electronic Stopping Since the number of collisions an ion experiences with electrons is large, and since the charge state of the ion while traversing the medium may change frequently, it is very difficult to describe all possible interactions for all possible ion charge states. Instead, the electronic stopping power is often given as an average taken over all energy loss processes for different charge states. It can be theoretically determined to an accuracy of a few percent in the energy range above several hundred keV per nucleon from theoretical treatments, the best known being the Bethe formula: S = 4-7T nz2 ( e2 V mec2 ß2 \4ireoJ ,2 «2 2mec2ß 2 (2.41) where v is the velocity of particle, c is the speed of light, ß = v /c, ze is particle charge, me is the rest mass of electron, n = N^Zp/A is electron density of the target and / is the excitation potential of the target. For lower energies 12 CHAPTER 2. INTERACTION OF IONS WITH SOLIDS 2.2. SPUTTERING At energies lower than about 100 keV per nucleon, it becomes more difficult to determine the electronic stopping theoretically [?]. 2/3 In the velocity range from w O.lfo to Z-J vq the electronic energy loss is approximately proportional to E1/2 as derived by Lindhard et al. [?,?]. At higher velocities v-lto » vq the charge state of the projectile increases and finally it becomes fully stripped of its electrons. At a given velocity the energy loss is proportional to the square of ion charge. 2.2 Sputtering The yield, Y, describes how many atoms are ejected during the sputtering event. The total yield is defined as the average number of atoms ejected per incident ion. The collective response of the atoms in the target to the strike of energetic atom or ion can be divided into five distinct groups according to E\, Z\ and M;, Z% and Mt. These 3D regions are demonstrated by two plane cross-sections with E\ = 50 keV and Zt = 50 in Figure ??a and ??b, respectively [?]. The response that can be described by a linear cascade theory [?,?,?,?], is depicted by an unshaded area. In this theory the incident particle shares its kinetic energy with target atoms initially at rest in a series of binary collisions and produces fast recoils. These, in turn, set other target atoms in motion and a continuously increasing number of progressively slower atoms participate in created isotropic cascade. About 1-5x 1013 s after impact, the recoil energies at the edges of the cascade have become less than the threshold energy to displace an atom, which is of the order of some 10 eV. The cascade is damped by energy dissipation through, e.g., , phonon-assisted processes. Using this approach, the sputter yield can be described by an analytical formula [?, ?] Y{Eh 00 = ^ S^Eí/Ek) f (60 (2.42) where Uq is the surface binding energy (in eV), Klt and E-lt are scaling constants dependent on the initial target and projectile species, Sn(E\/Eit) is the reduced nuclear stopping cross section (e = Ei/Eit is reduced energy) and f(9\) is the angle-of-incidence function. It primarily occurs at intermediate energies (5 to 100 keV). A cascade of recoil atoms is produced along the path of the incident ion. The number of atoms produced at any point depends linearly on the amount of energy lost by the incident ion at that point. The energy loss is due to electron drag from the free electrons in the solid and screened Coulomb interactions with the nuclei, i.e., analytical expressions for sputter yield 2.3 Plasma processes 2.4 Processes in glow discharge plasmas The electrons couple to the applied electric field which powers the discharge, thus gaining energy. Any ions present are relatively unaffected because of their much heavier mass. The accelerated free electrons lose little energy in elastic collisions with atoms or molecules because of the large difference in mass. Furthermore, they initially lose little energy in inelastic collisions (e.g., excitation and ionization) until their energies reach the corresponding threshold energies (e.g., 11.56 eV excitation and 15.8 eV ionization for argon). Consequently, these free electrons gain relatively high energy quickly from the field. This energy is transfered to the gas by electron-gas collisions that produce excited and ionized species. The latter generating additional electrons which are in turn accelerated by the field. For a plasma to be sustained, the electron must be produced by the ionization and emission from positive ion bombardment on the electrodes and walls at a rate equal to that of electron and ion losses by plasma-phase and surface recombination. 13 2.4. PROCESSES IN GLOW DISOM/B(3EBI2kSMIX!ERACTI0N OF IONS WITH SOLIDS Since plasma-phase recombination is a three-body reaction which is slow at the low pressures used in glow discharges, the majority of recombination occurs at the surfaces. A broad range of chemical and physical reactions occur in a plasma. Listed below are some of the more significant electron-gas and gas-gas reactions: Excitation A2 + er ■ -^A*2 + er Dissociation A2 + er ■ -^2A + e~ Electron Attachment A2 + er ■ -^ Dissociative Attachment A2 + er ■ ->■ A- + A Ionization A2 + er ■ -»■ A\ + 2e Photoemission A*2^A2 + fe/ Abstraction A + B2- -* AB + B where A^ is excited molecule A2. The rate at which free radicals, ions, or other excited states are formed by electron impact in a plasma can be quantified in terms of a chemical reaction rate expression, d[nj]/dt = kij[er][ni] (2.43) where d[rij]/dt is the rate of formation of species rij from precursor m, [e~] is the concentration of electrons, and [rii] is the concentration of the neutral precursor species. The rate coefficient kij can be calculated from the collision cross section (Tíj(E) specific to the reaction. The cross section is proportional to the probability that a given jth process will occur upon collision between m and an electron with an energy E. If the electron has an energy lower than that required for jth process, the cross section equals zero. The collision cross section is a function of the electron energy E, and thus kij is: 00 ľ P2E kij = / \ — Sublimation. If a material has a sufficiently high vapour pressure before melting occurs, it will sublime, and the condensed vapours form a film (low deposition rates). => Multiple-component Evaporation. When multicomponent alloys or compounds are thermally evaporated, the component may evaporate at different rates because of their different vapour pressures, their different tendencies to react with the support material, and possible thermal decomposition of the parent material. Due to vapour pressure difference alone, the ratio of the evaporation rates of components A and B of an alloy may be obtained from Langmuir's expression (1.13) by assuming that the vapour pressure of each component is 21 4.1. THERMAL EVAPORATION CHAPTER 4. EVAPORATIVE TECHNOLOGIES depressed by an amount proportional to the relative concentrations Ca, Cb'- Ja = Capa ßgg ^ ^ j b Cb'Pb V mA A point of technical interest is that the higher the evaporation temperature of an alloy of widely different vapour-pressure components is, the closer is the composition of the film to the bulk alloy. • Flash Evaporation. A rapid evaporation of a multicomponent alloy or compound, which tends to distill fractionally, may be obtained by continuously dropping fine particles of the material onto a hot surface so that numerous discrete evaporations occur. • Arc Evaporation. By striking an arc between two electrodes of a conducting material, sufficiently high temperatures can be generated to evaporate refractory metals such as Nb and Ta. This method is also widely used for evaporation of carbon for electron-microscope specimens. • Exploding-Wire Technique. This technique consists of exploding wire by a sudden resistive heating of the wire with a transient high current density approaching 106 A/cm2. This is achieved by discharging a bank of condensers (w 10 to 100 /xF), charged to a voltage w 1 to 10 kV, through a metallic wire. • Laser Evaporation. The enormous intensity of a laser may be used to heat and vaporize materials by keeping the laser source outside the vacuum system and focusing the beam onto the surface of the evaporant. • RF Heating. The rf induction heating may be supplied to the evaporant directly or indirectly from the crucible material • Electron-Beam Evaporation. The simple resistive heating of an evaporation source suffers from the disadvantages of possible contamination from the support material and the limitations of the input power, which make difficult to evaporate high-melting-point materials. => Overcome with electron bombardment of the material. The simplest arrangement consists of a heated W filament to supply electrons which are accelerated by applying a positive potential to the material for evaporation. The electrons lose their energy in the material => molten drops, evaporation. 22 CHAPTER 4. EVAPORATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 4.2. MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY 4.2 Molecular Beam Epitaxy MBE is a sophisticated, finely controlled method for growing single-crystal epitaxial films in a high vacuum (10~9 Pa). The films are formed on single-crystal substrates by slowly evaporating the elemental or molecular constituents of the film onto substrates held at an appropriate temperature. MBE deposition equipment consists of: • Vacuum system construction closely follows this of surface analysis equipment - standard UHV practises are employed. A typical current MBE system is composed of four separate vacuum chambers: a load-lock for substrate entry and exit, a growth chamber, an auxiliary chamber for analysis or metallization and an intermediate or "buffer" chamber for pregrowth processing. • Sources are key elements of any MBE system. They must be designed to supply the needed uniformity and material purity. - Knudsen Cells are standard thermal evaporation sources. They are deep crucibles in furnaces with cooled shrouds, equipped with a thermocouple. Construction materials are usually refractory metals such as Ta and Mo and insulators like alumina. - Solid Source Cracking Cells. Some materials, As and P, evaporate in more than one molecular form. Often the larger molecule will have a higher vapour pressure and a lower sticking coefficient for a given substrate temperature than the smaller molecules. => the efficiency can be improved by cracking the larger molecule at the source. Source construction follows standard K-cell with the addition of a secondary heat zone at the source exit for cracking. - Continuous Sources. Sources which can be maintained in a liquid state (e.g., mercury) . - Electron Beam Heated Sources are used for materials with very high melting temperatures (W, Co, Ni, Si, Ge). - Implantation Sources. The gas is ionised, optionally mass separated and the ions are accelerated towards the substrate. - Source Shutters. One of the main virtues of MBE originates from the fact that fast acting shutters coupled with a slow growth rate allow for monolayer film growth control. Shutter actuation times below 0.1 s are nominal. • Sample Manipulation. MBE samples are mounted to Mo holders using In solder. At film growth temperatures, In is liquid and provides adequate attractive force and good thermal conductivity. Sample temperature can be set and maintained by either thermocouple or pyrometer feedback. Standard practise with large substrates (> 5 cm) is to rotate the wafer during the deposition. 23 4.2. MOLECULAR BEAM EPITAXY CHAPTER 4. EVAPORATIVE TECHNOLOGIES 24 Chapter 5 Gas-Phase Chemical Processes Methods of film formation by purely chemical processes using the gas or vapour phase reactants on the one hand side and the solid phase reactants on the other hand side. It includes chemical vapour deposition and thermal forming processes. 5.1 Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is a materials synthesis processes whereby constituents of the vapour phase react chemically near or on a substrate surface to form a solid product. Most CVD processes are chosen to be heterogenous reactions. Undesirable homogeneous reactions in the gas phase nucleate particles that may form powdery deposits and lead to particle contamination. Both chemical composition and physical structure can be tailored by control of the reaction chemistry and deposition conditions. Fundamental principles of CVD encompass an interdisciplinary range of gas-phase reaction chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, transport mechanisms, film growth phenomena and reactor engineering. • chemical reactions in CVD: pyrolysis (thermal decomposition), oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, nitride and carbide formation, synthesis reactions, chemical transport. A sequence of several reaction types may be involved. • deposition variables: temperature, pressure (from low pressures, i.e., 10-1000 Pa - LPCVD, up to atmospheric pressures - APCVD), input concentration, gas flow rates, reactor geometry, operating principles. Kinetics of the reactions may depend on such factors like substrate material, structure and orientation. • starting materials: inorganic, organometallic and organic reactants. Gases are preferred because they can be easily handled and distributed to the reactor. Liquid and solid reactants must be vaporized without decomposition at suitable temperatures and transported with a carrier gas through heated tubes to the reaction chamber. • thin film materials: broad range of elements and compounds. Materials deposited at low temperatures (bellow 600 °C for silicon) are generally amorphous. Higher temperatures tend to lead to polycrystalline phases. Very high temperatures (typically 900-1100 °C in the case of silicon) are necessary for growing single-crystal films. • applications: - fabrication of solid-state devices - dielectrics (oxides, silicates, nitrides), elemental and compound semiconductors (Si, GaAs, etc.), conductors (W, Mo, Al, refractory metal silicides), 25 5.1. CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSIVIDAPpmfí}. GAS-PHASE CHEMICAL PROCESSES - tool technology - hard and wear resistant coatings such as boron, polycrystalline diamond, borides, carbides and nitrides, - metallurgical applications - corrosion resistant coatings for protection of metals, especially oxides and nitrides Chemical reactors must provide several basic functions: • transport of the reactant and diluent gases to the reaction site, • provide activation energy to the reactants (heat, radiation, plasma), • maintain a specific system pressure and temperature, • allow the chemical processes for thin film deposition to proceed optimally, • remove the by-product gases and vapours. Reactor geometry affects the gas flow characteristics which, in turn affect the properties of the deposited layer. Two basic flow type reactors: • Displacement or plug flow reactor in which the entering gas displaces the gas already present with no intermixing of successive fluid elements. Plug flow is a simplified and idealized picture of the motion of a fluid, whereby all the fluid elements move with a uniform velocity along parallel streamlines. Mass balance for reactant A involved in a single reaction is very simple: Fa — (Fa + crystal defects. Surface is prepared by chemical/mechanical polishing and native oxide etching. H2 bake at 1150 °C for 10 min remove a native oxide. The heating-up and etching with gaseous HCI/H2 (0.1% HCI/H2 mixture at 1150 °C => 0.1-0.3 /xm/min) can etch the silicon. However, if the etching rate is too high for given temperature the surface will be pitted instead of being polished. • arrival rate relative to the surface diffusion rate: If the rate of arrival reactants greatly exceeds the surface diffusion rate, then diffusing atoms cannot move to the positions of the lowest energy => deflects. • nature of the lattice incorporation: the rate of lattice incorporation is a function of crystal orientation because the density of atomic sites is a function of crystallographic faces. The low growth rate for (111) planes encourages a defect called faceting or orange peel. To prevent faceting, (111) surfaces are cut a few degrees off the (111). The conditions for acceptable commercial silicon epitaxy: variable horizontal cylinder bell jar tilt angle major major, fixed not applicable gas inlet minor major varies wafer/carrier recessed recessed recessed wafer/wall major major minor exhaust pressure minor major minor In the horizontal reactor it is useful to break the thickness profile in the direction of gas flow into the front and back half. Each half can then be described as thick or thin in front, or thick or thin in back. The adjustments for thickness uniformity are divided in the same manner. In the cylinder reactor • Thickness is increased in the front (top of carrier) by increasing temperature and/or concentration of react ant • and in the back by increasing the total flow rate, directing the gas jets in a more downward direction, reducing the process pressure (slower heating of gas) and bringing the back pressure toward a more positive value. • Thickness uniformity is improved within a wafer from left to right by balancing the two jet flows, by lowering the temperature (controlled by surface reactions) and by increasing the distance between the wafer and the walls. • Thickness variation at any distance along the carrier is averaged by rotation. In the bell jar reactor the uniformity at any radius is averaged by rotation of the susceptor. The radial variation is a function of total flow rate: low flow rate —> thin outside, high flow rate —> thick outside => optimum value Adjustment parameters for the tapered cavity reactor follow those for the horizontal reactor. Rotation of the circular cluster of tapered cavities averages the initial velocities and concentrations from multiple gas inlets. 28 CHAPTER 5. GAS-PHASE CHEMICAL P.ROC^mSCAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION (CVD) Control of operator variables • Leak testing includes bubble testing with sensitive detergent solutions, He mass spectrometers, high sensitive combustile gas detectors and pressure decay techniques A» V leak rate {seem} = —--------- (5.1) 1 J AtPatm v ; • Gas flow control is possible by four different methods — fixed or variable orifices — ball-in-tube flowmeters. The calibration is a function of pressure in the gauge tube actual flowrate / actual pressure (5.2) calibrated flowrate y calibrated pressure — mass flow controllers are based on the principle of measuring mass flow using gas heat capacity. There is the possibility of a back-loop control. — source controllers for liquids (bubblers). In this case a gas (e.g. H2) is bubbled through a liquid (e.g. SiCU) «(SICU) = Qm P(SiCU) |eff-' (5.3) Ptotal Bubblers require a constant temperature and pressure. Bubbler efficiency is fixed primarily by the size of the bubbles and the path lenght the bubbles travel through the liquid. • Higher temperature is achieved by the heating systems: — Induction heating, using frequencies 3-400 kHz, with coils located internally or externally to the process chamber. — Radiative heating, using high intensity infrared heating lamps, located externally. — Resistance heating, using heaters located internally. — Combination of the above. and controlled by the measurements. For Si epitaxy it has to be controlled with a precision of a few °C in the range 900-1300 °C and the only convenient method is radiation pyrometry (thermocouples are not stable in H2 environment) — Disappearing filament pyrometers: brightness within a narrow wavelength range (650 nm) of a heated filament of known temperature is matched with the brightness of the target. — Electronic pyrometers: intensity of light within a narrow range of wavelenght is directly measured by a photovoltaic cell (Si photocells - 0.8 /xm, PbS photocell - 2.2 /im) or a thermopile (assemplies of thermocouples on which the radiation is focused - broad band detectors). • Pressure from the range 5-760 Torr implies viscous gas flow and for the constant mass flow rate, there is a little effect on the rate of arrival of reactants => the effect of gas flow on the uniformity is the same. The number of volume changes per unit time is inverse proportional to the pressure => strong effect on the material properties (dopant incorporation, crystal perfection). 29 5.2. THERMAL FORMING PROCEBSBSPTER 5. GAS-PHASE CHEMICAL PROCESSES Defects in epitaxy layers • Haze, as revelaed by reflected light, is a fine pitting or slightly texture surface caused by oxidizer in the process sapce or by subsurface crystal damage in the substrate • Pits are localized etching of substrate defects or local inhibition of epitaxy growth, often caused by contamination left on the surface prior to heat-up. • Orange peel is a roughened surface appearance caused by having the growth rate too high for the deposition temperature. Subsurface crystal damage can also cause orange peel. • Faceted growth is irregular, stepped growth over the surface caused by growing on (111) faces.Si should be cut 3-5° off the (111) plane towards the nearest (110) plane. • Edge growth occurs when the growth rate at the edge of the wafer greatly exceeds that over the rest of the wafer surface. • Etch pit are created by decorative etch technique and reveal crystal dislocations produced by slip, as well as other defects. • Crystallographic slip is dislocation motion in response to thermall stress during epitaxy. • Stacking faults are geometric defects nucleated at crystallographically disturbed sites on or near the growth surface. A uniform size of stacking faults indicates that the disturbance was all at the original surface prior to epitaxy. • Spikes and hillocks are severe defects also caused by crystallographically disturbed sites. The larger defects are usually the result of particle contamination. • Shallow pits or haze are revealed by decorative etching alone or etching followed by an oxidation cycle and indicate the presence of heavy metal precipitates. Stavová rovnice: vV N ľ—=nR = —R = Nk (5.4) T NA v ' kde k = 1.38xl0"23 J.K"1, NA = 6.022xl023 mol"1 5.2 Thermal Forming Processes In the gas phase, thermal oxidation and nitridation is a chemical thin-film forming process in which the substrate itself provides the source for the metal or semiconductor constituent of the oxide and nitride, respectively. This technique is obviously much more limited than CVD. 5.2.1 Thermal Oxidation The thermal oxidation has extremely important applications in silicon device technology where very high purity oxide films with high quality SÍ/SÍO2 interface are required. Thermal oxidation of silicon surfaces produces glassy films of SÍO2 for protecting highly sensitive p-n junctions and for creating dielectric layers for MOS devices. The temperature for this process lie in the range of about 700 °C to 1200 oC with either dry oxygen or water vapour (steam) as the oxidant. Steam oxidation proceeds at a much faster rate than dry oxidation. The oxidation rate is a function of the oxidant partial pressure and is controlled essentially by the rate of oxidant diffusion through the growing SÍO2 layer interface, resulting in a decrease of the growth rate with increased oxide thickness. The process is frequently conducted in the presence of hydrochloric acid vapours or vapours of chlorine-containing organic compounds. The HCl vapour formed acts as an effective impurity getter, improving the SÍ/SÍO2 interface properties and stability. 30 CHAPTER 5. GAS-PHASE CHEMICAL PROCESSESTHERMAL FORMING PROCESSES Silicon oxidation under elevated pressure is of technological interest where the temperature must be minimized, such as for VLSI devices. Since the oxidation rate of silicon is approximately proportional to pressure, higher product throughput and/or decreased temperatures can be attained. The oxidant in commercial systems is H2O, which is generated pyrogenically from H2 and O2. Pressures up to 10 atm are usually used at temperatures ranging from 750 °C to 950 oC. Gas-phase oxidation of other materials is of limited technical importance. Examples include metallic tantalum films converted by thermal oxidation to tantalum pentoxide for use as antireflection coating in photovoltaic devices and as capacitor elements in microcircuits. Other metal oxides grown thermally have been also used as capacitor dielectrics in thin-film devices, to improve the bonding with glass in glass-to metal seals and to improved corrosion resistance. 31