Pleistocene continental glaciation in the Czech Republic Martin Hanäcek glaciation regions I I nezaledněné oblasti nonglaciation regions I I oceány a moře oceans and seas Glaciation areas: Frýdlant ness, Šluknov ness, Hradec basin, Podještědí region, Jeseník region, Osoblaha region, Krnov region, Opava region, Ostrava region, Těšín region, Oder part of the Moravian Gate. Continental glaciation of the northen Bohemia line of maximal extent of continental glaciation Continental glaciation of the northen Moravia and Bohemian Silesia section line - glaciation area Till - nonsorted sediment, mixture of sand, dust, clay and gravel Javorník locality (Jeseník region, foto: D. Nývlt) Glacifluvial sediments - layers of sand and gravel Kolnovice locality (Jeseník region) Erratics - fragments of rocks transported by glacier The biggest erratics boulder in the Czech Republic (Ostrava-Kuncice) Granit from central Sweden, 320 x 250 x 155 cm, 16 t. Erratics - fragments of rocks transported by glacier Thank you for your attention