Informační zdroje v zoologii Stano Pekár Borrowing • books, monographs, journals, etc. Studying • journals, encyclopedias, books, other monographs Inter-library service • order monographs from other libraries in CR or abroad • order copies of papers from journals deposited in CR or from abroad „A day in a library equals to a month work in a laboratory!“ Národní knihovna • catalogue of journals • catalogue of monographs Ústřední knihovna PřF Journals - list of journals deposited Knihovna ÚBZ Journals - list of journals deposited Informační zdroje v zoologii Stano Pekár Storing • on a pile • on cards • using software « Excel « Access « special Arrangement • by numbers • by alphabet (authors’ names) • by subject • creates browseable and searchable database • citations are sorted by their type (e.g., abstract, book, web page, journal, video, etc.) • citation plus abstract • imports data exported from scientific databases • exports list of references according to predefined style Recommended procedure • export all needed references from a database • import them into your database • tick the ones you already have • Reference Manager • EndNote – popular and simple • ProCite • Bibliographix – cheapest and simplest • Biblioscape • Citation – includes also database of addresses • PowerRef • Library Master • EndNote Web – web-based software The more you collect, the better selection you obtain. Your database will never be complete. The sooner you start, the more time you save in future. Check correctness of references continuously. 1. Find a software for management of references (download and install it). 2. Write which one did you choose.