Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test significant value 0.05; Apical zones: Z = -5,62, papex < 0.0001; Heterocyte zones: Z = -3,16, pheterocyte = 0.0016; Terminal zones: Z = -2,09, pterminal = 0.0370 Bohuslav Uher1 & Lukáš Chrást1,2 1 Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2 Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 00 Brno, Czech Republic uherius@sci.muni.cz; chr@mail.muni.cz Cyanoprokaryotes of genus Petalonema – taxonomically and molecularly interesting taxa Introduction The genus Petalonema contains six subaerial habitats associated endo/epilithic cyanobacteria requiring special substrate conditions for growth in the nature. The cyanoprokaryotes can be described as filamentous, heterocytous, falsely branching with yellowish-brown lamellated mucilage sheaths. Their cells are widely rounded, heterocytes are intercalar or basal. On the rocks and stones, they form soft gelatinous colonies. The areal of this genus is azonal, they can be find in Antarctica, Australia, India, North America and several places in Europe. At least one species, P. crustaceum, can be found also in the Czech Republic (Komárek & Hauer 2007). Apart from the type species Petalonema alatum, other known Petalonema species are P. crustaceum, P. densum, P. involvens, P. pulchrum and P. velutinum. This study focuses mainly on Petalonema alatum, which was first described from Scotland by Berkeley in 1833. Since that time, the taxonomical position of the species (and genus) changed several times. Borzi in 1879 considered Petalonema to be synonymous to Scytonema. Other opinion was published by Itzigsohn in 1855, who didn’t accept the genus Petalonema at all and considered P. alatum to be just morphotypes inside Scytonema myochrous. During the 133 years since Petalonema alatum description, authors chose one of the three taxonomical possibilities. Although Petalonema exhibits high morphological similarity with Scytonema, Komárek & Anagnostidis (1989) didn’t place it to the family Scytonemataceae, but to the family Microchaetaceae. The only molecular study done on the genus Petalonema (species P. cf. involvens in particular) was published by Taton et al. (2006) who sequenced 16S and 23S rRNA gene and placed Petalonema to the Nostoc clade. The aim of the study was and is to confirm the validity and clarify the taxonomical position of genus Petalonema, based both in morphological variations and molecular taxonomical data. Materials and methods Samples used for the study were taken from wet calcareous wall located in Piecky Gorge in the National Park Slovenský raj (Slovakia) by random scraping of the rock surface into sterile tubes, irregularly during summer seasons 1998 - 2007. At the same time, relative humidity and temperature were measured using a thermo-hygrometer and irradiance values using a radiometer with quantum sensor. Prokaryotes taken from the nature were cultured in Petri dishes and tubes with BBM medium under controlled conditions (21 °C, humidity 60%, irradiance 10.3 μm.s-1.m-2, light 660 lx, PhAR 2.14 W.m-2 and in a photoperiod 12:12 light:dark). Both natural isolates and isolates from the culture were observed and documented using a stereomicroscope Olympus SZH and Olympus BX 50 light microscope equipped wit Lucia Image Analysis. After the initial cultivation, the clones were isolated. At both isolates from nature and culture (60 each) the morphometric data were measured: width of filament apex, width of the first heterocyte in the heterocyte zone and width of the terminal zone. These data were then statistically visualised using STATISTICA (Statsoft®) program. The dimensions of cells of both types of isolates were compared using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Conclusion The morphological part of the study confirmed the validity of genus Petalonema and the differentiated it from other genera it used to belong to, such as Scytonema or Tolypothrix. Now the molecular approvement of these results is needed. New samples will be collected in Slovakia and other places in Europe, rRNA and rbcL genes will be sequenced, so that we will be able to place P. alatum more accurately in the phylogeny tree of cyanobacteria. Acknowledgement Financial support for this study was provided by Funding of Ministry of Education of Czech Republic; project No. MSM0021622416. Results Petalonema alatum was the most prevalent organism in the natural samples, accompanied by bacteria, fungi, coccal algae or diatoms. Colonies formed on limestone were mucilaginous, yellowish green or greyish green, sometimes blackish brown, the major parts of filaments were observed inside the rock, just the apical parts were out of the rock. Petalonema grown in the wild formed flexuous filaments, loosely entangled, with obvious heteropolarity. False branching was present at heterocytes. Sheaths were thick, diverged into many layers, inner yellowish, outer mostly colourless (Fig. 4).When maintained in the culture on agar plate, Petalonema formed mucilaginous, compact, dark-green colonies; filaments were horizontal or erect, mostly unbranched, rarely with single false branching. Heteropolarity was reduced . The sheaths were lamellated, but most of the mucilage layers were lost. Only old filaments were yellowish, other were colourless (Fig. 4: g, h). Cells were the same shape as in the wild, but smaller. Heterocytes were rare, basal or intercalary. The comparison of filaments formed in the wild and in the culture is in Fig. 2. A significant difference between morphological characteristics of organisms from the wild and culture has been found. Petalonema grown on agar plate was narrower then in the wild in all of three monitored characteristics -width of apical, heterocyte and terminal zone (Fig. 3). Other features, such as heteropolarity, false branching and presence of meristematic zones were found relatively stable. Discussion The previous and recent taxonomical position of Petalonema is based only in morphological features. The oldest descriptions focused basically only on the structure types of trichome sheaths and filaments. Other features, such as presence of heterocytes or meristematic zones, were found crucial later. Phycologist of 20th century represented different approaches to the taxonomy and also considered different features to be diagnostic for Petalonema; three main streams can be recognized. The most important is the first group, based on Berkeley’s description of Petalonema alatum as separate taxon, but also among these people there were differences. For example Berkeley stressed the branching, filament lined by lamella, and envelope structure, on the other side, Komárek & Anagnostidis (1989) stressed the type of heterocytes and branching, apex of filament and structured sheath. This moved Petalonema to the family Microchaetaceae. This taxonomical position seems to be correct and better than other approaches. Also presented results of this study confirms that the morphological variability inside the species is very high and there is no reason why to put Petalonema inside other species. In the only molecular study, Taton et al. (2006) didn´t include many Microchaetaceae species in the tree, and so Petalonema appeared in the Nostoc clade, which it probably doesn’t belong to. Fig. 1: Position of Petalonema cf. Involvens in the phylogeny tree. Taken from Taton et al. (2006) Fig. 2: Iconographs of Petalonema alatum: (a-i) natural samples; (j-s) culture; (a-c, e-g, j-m, o-q) heteropolarity of filaments and sheath stratification; (d, n) hormogonia formation;, (r-s) trichome spiral-curved in culture. Orig. B. Uher. Fig. 4: Petalonema alatum: (a-e) natural sample; (f-h) culture; (a) filament arising from the substrate, (b, c, f) apices with apical rounded cell, (d) tolypotrichoid fragment of filament; (e) false branching; (g, h) well established sheath stratification. Scale bars 30 μm. Orig. B. Uher SLOV-RAJ-022-20x Fig. 5: Petalonema alatum – the queen of cyanobacteria. Orig. B. Uher. References Komárek, J. & Anagnostidis, K (1989): Modern approach to the classification system of cyanophytes 4. Nostocales. Arch. Hydrobiol. 82: 247–345. Komárek, J. & Hauer, T. (2007): Three rare cyanobacterial species in the Podyjí National Park. Thayensia 7: 75–83. Taton, A., Grubisic, S., Ertz, D., Hodgson, D., Piccardi, R., Biondi, N., Tredici, M., Mainini, M., Losi, D., Marinelli, F., Wilmotte, A. (2006): Polyphasis study of Antarctic cyanobacterial strains. J. Phycol. 42: 1257–1270. Fig. 3: Comparison of filament measurements of Petalonema alatum – in the nature vs. culture, * outliers, □ median, ┬ non outlier, box border quantil 25% and 75%