NCBR Seminars - update 15.2.2010 National Center for Biomolecular Research NCBR Seminar ­ CA050 and CC060 FACULTY OF SCIENCE, MASARYK UNIVERSITY Spring semestr 2009/2010 Teacher prof. RNDr. Vladimír Sklenář, DrSc. Dates and time: Group meetings - individual for each group, managed by group leaders, every week Chemistry seminars - Aula MU, Vinařská 5, 14.00 NCBR seminars room - A9-316, pavilion A9-Library, Campus Bohunice, 16.00 - 17.40. Mendel`s Lectures ­ Mendel's Museum, Mendel Square, 17.00 The seminar is open to all colleagues and students of Masaryk University. 25. February Group meetings only 4. March Chemistry seminar ­ Aula MU, Vinařská 5, 14.00 Doc. RNDr. Radek Marek, PhD. Interpretace NMR parametru jako nastroj pro studium molekularni a supramolekulárni struktury 11. March PhD. Students Jan Adam Jiří Wiesner 18. March Group meetings only 25. March PhD. Students Zuzana Novotná-Jiroušková Jan Alán 1. April RNDr. Jiří Vondrášek, CSc., Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Science, Prague Title to be announced 8. April Professor L´ubomir Tomáška, PhD., Department of Genetics Comenius University, Bratislava Title to be announced 15. April 17.00 Mendel Lecture Dr Roland Kanaar, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands How DNA recombination maintains genome integrity 22. April PhD. Students Fruzsina Hóbor Dmytro Ustianenko 29.April 17.00 Mendel Lecture Professor Azim Surani, Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK Germ cell specification in mice 6. May PhD. Students Pavel Kadeřávek Jana Přecechtělová 13. May 17.00 Mendel Lecture Dr Kai Simons, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany Cell membrane organisation and lipid rafts NCBR Seminars - update 15.2.2010 20. May PhD. Students Kristyna Brožková Kateřina Maliňáková